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Seducing the Neighbor Girl Ch. 06


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I rolled her back over so that I could kiss her mouth. I noticed that her face and chest were red and blotchy. She looked like she was caught up in a fevered delirium. She smiled at me with glassy eyes. When I kissed her, she went into frenzy. Her tongue was touching every part of my mouth. Her hands desperately groped my hair and shoulders.

I moved away from her mouth. She dropped her arms limply above her head. She looked as though she was surrendering to the sensations I was providing.

I suckled at one of her nipples. "Aye!" Her whole body convulsed. I suckled at the other and got a similar response. I trailed kisses down her stomach to her streaming vagina. I licked every part of her pussy neglecting to touch her clit. She was cumming long before I ever touched that hard little nub.

I slid a finger inside her to put sudden pressure on her g-spot at the same I quickly licked her clit. She screamed at the top of her lungs came all over me. This was the closest thing a girl could do to a 'money shot'.

She laid there panting and convulsing long after I stopped touching her. I wanted to kiss her but she held me away. "Give me a minute. That was too intense."

I laid next to her and she curled up in my arms. "I never thought I could cum from someone licking my neck or kissing my thigh, but you did it. I never stopped cumming." She felt the bed with her hand. "I think you ruined the sheets."

"I ruined the sheets?"

"Yeah you. I was only along for the ride. The wonderful ride."

"So, do I still get to teach you how to love?"

"I thought you just did. For real. It was a perfect lesson. The best graduation present ever. I'm sorry, I don't think I can handle any more stimulation." she looked at me thoughtfully. "I can try to give you the best blowjob of your life."

She kneeled on the bed and made me stand on the floor. "Are you ready to have your mind 'blown' away?"

I nodded.

"Just use my mouth. Do whatever you want. Make me feel irresistible, like you can't help yourself."

"How is that different than usual?"

"After what you did for me just now, I want to give you everything I have to give. I want to bend to your every desire. No matter how base." she paused before whispering. "For tonight you can degrade me. Call me your slut."

She got on her hands and knees facing me while I stood next to the bed. She started to suck. Then pulled back, "Use me hard." she yelled. She went back down on me. I push my hips forward fucking her mouth. She pulled back again. "Tell me you own me. Call me names!" This time I filled her mouth without waiting for her.

"You belong to me. Your mouth, your whole body belongs to me. You will always be mine." I couldn't bring myself to degrade her though. It didn't feel right. I did want her to be my woman though. We could never be apart. I pounded my dick into her face. "You aren't going away to college. I will never let you go." I shouted at her. I was getting close to cumming. "I love you too much." as I came I shouted at her. "You- are- mine."

I collapsed on the bed next to her. When I looked over, she was crying quietly. I quickly went to her side, "Did I hurt you?"


"Are you okay."

"Yes, I'm just a little emotional." She explained, "I thought when I told you to be raw with me, with your facade stripped away, you would be more animal, pure lust. Instead, your true unfiltered side was pure love."

"There was a lot of lust too." I assured her.

"I was allowing you to be forceful, mean, and abusive. You were forceful, but you chose to force your love on me."

"I could never hurt you."

"No, but you finally reinforced where you think I belong."

"We need to talk about college."

"I can't leave you. But I screwed up the whole college deal." She looked at me. "I don't know what I'm going to do. I just know I can't leave now. I need to think. I need to figure it out."


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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

But I'm a little disappointed that Paige did not fix him up with her classmate who wants a caring, gentle, knowledgeable, experienced, older man to take her virginity.

But I suppose Paige is too jealous for that sort of generosity.

Paul in Oklahoma

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Absolutely great story, sex and love does it for me. I'm hooked. It's the right balance.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

this is some of the best stuff i have read in my life. i am an avid reader and when i say you are the best you are the best. the character of paige is amazing.

Privates1stClassPrivates1stClassover 11 years ago
Loved the dialogue

I don't think I've read a story on Lit that has better dialogue than this chapter. I laughed so hard that I had tears. You've done a great job so far, and I want to know how Paul and Paige resolve the problem of her going to college. They couldn't bear to be apart.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Bring nut bag Reba back!! lol

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