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Sergeant! Ch. 03

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Almost bit the big one; they start a new chapter.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 10/10/2006
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We were no closer to finding Annalisa however her kidnappers had moved up their timetable. We previously had another 8 days to find her but they must have been feeling the pressure and reacted by shortening the amount of time they gave us to meet their demands. So we were down to only two days. This called for us to alter our plans significantly!

When we started out, I was tasked to interview her friends to see if we could find out anything that might produce a lead. The only thing it did was produce her possible abductor's name and a phone number that led us nowhere. The name was probably bogus. And the phone was one of those prepaid cell phones. The phone's record of calls didn't reveal anything. Dead ends. But I met Sheila and Betty in the process and spent a wonderful evening with Sheila (see chapter 1!!!) so all was not lost!

However, one thing that we learned in the process was that the bad guys were out looking for Annalisa's friends. Possibly to kidnap them also and use their lives as leverage against Annalisa to make her tell them about her contribution towards the development of an agricultural vaccine that turned into a deadly nerve agent under certain conditions. I managed to intervene in two instances and it looked as if they may have been spooked by that. Perhaps thinking that we were on to them.

Anyway, the reduction in the amount of time we had to meet their demands forced us to change our tactics. Instead of trying to hide Sheila and Betty from them, our plan was to now use me and Sheila as bait to draw our tails into a trap. Once detained, we could then use some "gentle" persuasion to get more intell. So Sheila and I were in my car, headed to Alexandria, with our tails not too far behind. My control, David Betno, was supposed to merge with our little parade enroute with reinforcements.


"David." I spoke into my cell phone as David Betno answered his.

"Yeah, we're in place."

"We're on the George Washington Parkway. Just passed the turn off for Reagan National."

"Ok. We're less than a minute in front of you."


We continued to cruise down the highway, glancing periodically in my rear view mirror to check on our playmates who trailed us by four or five cars. We were in the middle of a three lane highway and our tails were in the same lane but keeping their distance and trying to look inconspicuous.

"Our friends are in a white 4 door sedan about four or five cars back from us. Two playmates in the front seat."

"You just passed us. We'll join up and check on your friends."

I saw a couple of cars shoot out of an onramp as we passed it. They merged with traffic and slowly caught up to the white sedan. Looked like three cars. One in the middle lane, one in the left lane and one in the right lane. Looked slick. But speed and execution were needed to pull it off.

"Hey Tim."


"We need a lid for our box. You game?"

"Shoot! Say when."

"Ok start easing back on the speed and we'll keep our friends moving along."

So I started to gradually decelerate. As I did that, the cars behind me moved into one of other two lanes to pass me. All of a sudden the white sedan was right behind me.

"Ok Tim, the lid is on."

"What's next?"

"Keep on trucking while we immobilize their vehicle. When you hear a loud bang, accelerate and get out of there. We're going for their tires."

I told Sheila to hunker down a bit and keep watch on the car behind us, and to let me know as soon as she either hears or sees something fishy happening. Just as I was finishing up saying that, a loud explosion was heard and the white sedan started to fishtail back and forth as the driver fought to maintain control over his car! Not wanting to get rear ended, I floored my gas pedal and sprinted forward!

Sheila had spun around in her seat and now had a death grip on my right arm as she kept watch on the action happening behind us!

"Timmy, did you see that?" She practically screamed in my ear!

"Can you see what happened?" I asked her? I had heard the bang also but was too busy trying to keep my eyes on the road in front of us.

"The other cars are forcing him off to the shoulder! Looks like a couple of guys have jumped out of one car and are pointing guns at the white car!"

By that time I had pulled over to the shoulder myself. Just curious to see how things were going myself. Then my phone rang again.

"Got em. You're clear to proceed to the lab. But just to make sure, keep a look out to see if you have any more tails."


So we got back on the road and headed over to the lab.

"What happens next?" Sheila asked?

"Well, we need to go visit a certain facility in Alexandria and drop off some stuff that I found. We probably need to stay there for a little while. Plus we're probably going to exchange this vehicle for another so keep your things together."

"Ok. Think there's going to be time for dinner?"

"Yeah, we should have time to do that. Any particular things to stay away from?"

"Not really. I like pretty much anything so long as it's edible."

"Me too. Let's see what we can dig up in the neighborhood when we get there." So we continued on to the lab.

When we got there, we found the building to be just some sort of warehouse in an industrial area. At first I didn't think we found the right place however I finally remembered that I had to call David to let him know so he could alert whoever was at the lab, and he confirmed that the lab was there. After I hung up, I gathered up the items that I had retrieved from Annalisa's lab and we left to enter the lab.

I knocked on a door set off to the side of the building and was greeted by an armed Army officer, "Sergeant Culver?" he asked?

"Sir!" I snapped to attention and saluted. He smiled and acknowledged the courtesy and waved us in. I could see that there were a couple of other armed uniforms stationed at strategic points throughout the building, some with strategic viewing ports looking at the outside world.

"Betno said to give you these keys. It's for a dark blue number sitting in the back parking lot. Same set up as your SUV as far as equipment is concerned. Let me have the other car keys." Which I did.

"Thank you sir. Here's the stuff that needs to be looked over."

"Take them in with you over to the lab and brief the guys there."

So Sheila and I went into the building and were met by a couple of guys sitting around a bunch of metal folding tables. Looked like they set up a portable lab of some sort. I turned the stuff over to them, explaining where I found them and under what circumstances. I asked if they could do a quick look see and let me know what they thought. In the meantime, that Sheila and I would go out and grab a quick bite and be back in about two hours. I let the security officer know that also.

Before we could leave the building, Betno called back.

"Hey, good work back there. We got your two playmates on ice and they just happened to have been recently retired from 'the company'. Know what I mean?"

"Yeah, any info yet?"

"Nothing yet, but then we expected that. We need a little more time to have a frank discussion with them so I'll let you know. How'd the visit to the lab go?"

"We're here now and the lab guys are just starting to take a look at the stuff. We're going out to grab a bite to eat and plan to be back here in about two hours."

"Bunking arrangements?"

"Haven't thought about that."

"No sweat. I happen to know that there's a nice Radisson nearby."

"Thanks. I'll be in touch."

With that, Sheila and I left the lab to get something to eat. We found the dark blue car in the parking lot to the rear and it was a beauty! It was a later model Audi SUV with tinted windows. As I opened the passenger side door to help Sheila into the car, I noted the heaviness of the door. Ok, armor plated also. Probably bullet resistant glass also. Heavy but nice! Even Sheila thought so!

"Hey, classy wheels! I didn't think that the feds went in for stuff like this?"

"Hey, what can I say? But who said this was a fed deal?"

"Come on Timmy, I heard him call you sergeant, and saw you salute the guy in the uniform. Your military also. This has got to be a military operation. Right?"

"Close but not dead on. You're very observant."

"Close enough, right?"

"Well, close but it really doesn't matter."

"You're not going to tell me anything more, are you?" Sheila asked.

"No. The less you know the better off you are. Really."

"Ok. Well, let's eat then! If you're going to keep me in suspense, you can at least feed me. I'm starving!"

So we left to find a restaurant. After driving around for about 30-minutes, we saw a line at the door of a restaurant called Laporta's. From the looks of things, probably a surf and turf place. The line at the door told us that it must be at least popular with some folks. So we parked and joined the line. Luckily the line moved frequently and we found ourselves seated in about 10-minutes.

The food was good. Sheila had a salmon alfredo and I had a rack of lamb. She really enjoyed the alfredo sauce and my rack was done just right! Very tasty. I told Sheila that she could order something to drink if she wanted to, but there wouldn't be any booze for me. She had a couple of glasses of a chardonnay. I needed to stay alert. I had water!

After dinner was through, we headed back to the lab. I kept looking for the odd set of headlights that seemed to follow us however I couldn't spot anything that looked out of place. Perhaps we were one step ahead of the others. Or maybe they just lacked the manpower. But they surely must know by now that something wrong must have happened to their team that we picked up.

As we were enroute to the lab, David called to give me an update.

"Hey Tim."

"Yo David, anything new?"

"Yeah, we got one of your playmates to open up."

"So tell me the good news?"

"The good news is that we got some info that needs to be checked out. We may have the location that they're keeping her at. We will have a team on site in an hour."

"And the bad news?"

"You had to ask, didn't you?"


"Ok, the bad news is that from the looks of the place, that it will be difficult to get a team in place without them noticing something."


"You had to ask didn't you?"

"Well, I can smell a question coming from a mile away."

"Well, what are you doing tomorrow afternoon?"

"Well........let me check my social calendar and see if I can fit you in...."

"Ha! Ha! Yeah, right!"

"Hey, no sweat. Only for a good friend! I think I can fit you in between 3 and 4pm. What did you have in mind?"

"Ok, bright boy. We're going to throw you to the wolves."

"So what else is new?"

"Ok, chuckles. Get your ass and Sheila's over to the safe house tomorrow before noon and we'll brief you then. Until then, get all the rest you can get cause that'll probably be the last you'll get for a couple of days."

"You are so full of good news today!"

"Love you too!"

"Yeah, right! See you then."

Sure sounded like David got some good intell from the guys that were tailing us. Sheila overhead much of my side of the conversation and took my right hand in hers.

"So, was it good news?"

"Yeah, I think they located where the bad guys are keeping Annalisa."

"So what happens next?"

"I need to meet with David tomorrow and we'll figure it out then. Until then, I need to put my head down and get some rest. How are you doing?"

She took my hand and intertwined her fingers with mine. "I'm ok. I'm just worried." The concern on her face was very plain to see.

"Hey honey, no need to be worried."

"Well I am. I'm worried for Annalisa's safety. I'm worried about mine. My world is not the same any more. I never thought that I'd ever find myself in this kind of situation! This is for real and there are real people who might get hurt. People that I know. And....... you will probably think that I'm some desperate, loony chick....... but I'm also worried for you....." she said that last piece with her head down, eyes closed, and tears slowly trickling down her cheeks.

I tightened my hand around her's, "Hey, I'll be ok. Don't worry about me. And we'll get Annalisa back."

"I know I'm probably being silly."

"Hey, you're not, ok? You're right about one thing. People can get hurt with this sort of stuff. And sometimes people die. But that's not going to happen to me. And I'm going to do my best to make sure that it doesn't happen to Annalisa. Ok?"

"Ok. Just don't play Hero out there. You've kinda grown on me, you know? I can talk with you about anything. I feel safe with you. Last night was different for me. I ....... ah ....... you did something to me that no one else has done to me ever. It wasn't just about sex. You made love to me. And I made love to you. You made me feel very special. It was as if you did everything you could to enable me to enjoy our time together. I think that was the first time in my life that my partner put my feelings first. You made me feel like the most important thing in the world to you last night. And you're making me feel like that again today. I don't want that to end. I want you back in one piece." Sheila said, her voice breaking up, looking me squarely in the eyes; her eyes watering. "....I want you back in one piece...." she whispered before crying again.

"Hey...... I'll be ok. No dumb stuff. I promise. And I felt it too last night. I haven't had a significant other in my life in a long time. But I think we connected last night. You're special. Very special to me. I don't want to say the 'L' word yet cause I think it's too early for that and I'm sure you'd think that I was nuts. But there is definitely something between you and me, and I want to give it a chance to grow into something a lot more. " Sheila grabbed my hand and held it tightly in hers as she tried to smile.

We made it back to the lab. Sheila got a hold of her emotions by the time we arrived and had given her face a quick wipe. But with her puffy eyes, it was plain to see that she had been crying. I parked in the back lot and went around to her side of the car to help her out. As I opened her door, she stepped out slowly and into my arms. "Remember your promise to me. No dumb stuff." she said as she hugged me tightly. "I need you back in one piece." And she kissed me. Her concerns, her feelings towards me, her desires, all poured out into me with her kiss. And I kissed her back with all my desires and feelings for her too. As we parted, I whispered to her, ".....thank you...... I promise that I'll be back for you....... in one piece........ for you." Then she kissed me again.

We returned to the here and now when we made it into the lab and met with the Army officer. "Ok Culver, here's the scoop on the stuff you brought in." With that he rattled off the intell that was on the hard drive, the DVD, and the voice recorder.

The hard drive turned out to be a critical item. All of Annalisa's work was on it. Files of theoretical formulas, results of experiments, data on plant pathology trials, correspondence, everything. Also, there was evidence of a lot of work to develop an antidote to counteract the nerve agent. In fact it looked as if a good amount of the data was focused in that effort. Good thing we ended up with it. If that vaccine ever got loose, we were going to need its antidote.

The dvd had a lot of the same and more historical data going back several years. But the recorder yielded the mother lode. The recordings were of the time that Annalisa was kidnapped. Several voices were captured loud and clear including the mentioning of names of several individuals who the Army officer found out to be still with "the company." Looks like they found their moles.

The piece de resistance was the voice capture on a section of tape where someone had answered their cell phone and had actually revealed the name of the guy behind all of this. From what the Army officer said, it was some high level political type guy back in Canada who was thought to be one of the anti-this and anti-that types through and through. Well, what do you know! They were going to document and bundle all of this stuff up, and forward copies of it north. Looks like one of Canada's pain in the asses was in for a rude awakening and a lengthy stay in a concrete palace with barred windows.

As they wrapped their assessment up, we took our leave and I led Sheila back to our dark blue Audi.

"Tired?" I asked her.

"Yes. Very. I need a hot bath to help me relax."

"Sounds like a plan. Let's go find us a room."

With that, we made it over to the Radisson that Betno told me about earlier. I signed us in as Mr. and Mrs. which raised Sheila's eyebrows just a bit. But at least I got us a room that had a Jacuzzi in it and two queen size beds. As we made ready to leave registration, Sheila latched onto my left arm, "Come on hubby, I need a hot bath and you need to scrub my back" she said with a mischievous smile.

The room we got was an upgrade from their standard back of the house variety. It cost a little more, but then hey, we were worth it! At least I thought so!

While we waited for the elevator, Sheila turned to me and put her arms around my neck, "So hubby dear, you gonna wash my back?" she asked playfully?

"Well honey dear," I drawled, "that depends on whether y'all will wash mine!" She laughed! It was good to hear her laugh after the tenseness of our day.

The elevator's arrival was signaled by its soft chime. As we stepped in and I pressed the button for our floor, Sheila moved into my embrace once more, "Tim, I need a hug really badly right now." I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her body into mine. She felt so good. She looked deeply into my eyes as I did the same to her. And we kissed! Her soft lips on mine. Her tongue searching and finding mine! We arrived at our floor too soon.

As I closed the door to our room, I put the do not disturb sign on the door knob to make sure we weren't disturbed too early. As I turned around I found Sheila in my face.

"Hi hubby," she smiled. "Now where were we?" she asked as she placed her arms around my neck and kissed me. I slid my arms around her waist and drew her into my embrace. She pressed her breasts into me which instantly aroused me. She felt me immediately and pressed her pelvis against my erection. "Hmmm, maybe I need more than my back washed," she whispered before she kissed me again.

I led her into the bathroom and slowly disrobed her. Garment by garment fell away until she was left in only her bra and panties. She looked gorgeous! About 5' 4", on the slim side but no 'Twiggy', perhaps a 32b, brunette with shoulder length hair. But her best feature was her smile. When she smiled, she lit up the room. God she was beautiful!

She took my clothes off next, and kissed my body as she exposed more skin with each item she unbuttoned or unzipped. Having left my briefs for last, she slowly slid them down, exposing my member in the process which was now fully erect. She took me into her hands and slowly kissed the head of my tool, then slowly mouthed the crown of my penis, rolling her tongue over it as she did. She was making me extremely excited as I felt my erection become extremely hard!

I finally had to pull her off otherwise I'd end up cumming in her mouth. As I helped her up, I slid my arms around her and unhooked her bra. As I peeled them off of her body, her soft yet firm breasts were exposed to me! I dropped her bra to the floor and softly kissed her breasts. As my lips made contact with her soft skin, Sheila drew in a quick breath and voiced her need with a heady, ".....oh ....... Yes!........ please......" as I kissed her breasts and then finally latched onto her areolas; sucking and licking them until her knees almost buckled!

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