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Serpent's Kiss

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A weak-willed man is lured into Hell by teasing imps.
4.4k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/14/2023
Created 02/07/2023
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Lorelei's Note: This series will contain cisboy POV, heavy themes of brainwashing and demonic seduction, nonconsent, femdom, a Bad End, and a lot of kisses. Real-life con-noncon requires a lot of trust, safewords, and other things a fantasy can fudge a little. Enjoy the kink responsibly, and enjoy the story!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Senya's mind drifted through a world of honey as he took another step, tugged along helplessly by the urging of the soft, slender fingers wrapped daintily around his cock.

"C'mon!" insisted the lust sprite, giggling at his stumbling, dazed gait. Her skin, a deep crimson, blushed a darker scarlet with her excitement. Her eyes fluttered with pink hearts, and the sharp horns poking above her ebon hair seemed to glow, the way a lust sprite's often did when they were especially turned on. So, always. "C'mon, silly, yummy boy, we gotta gooo!~"

"Right," Senya mumbled, taking another step. He wasn't in much of a position to argue, though he felt he should try. This new lust sprite--Mirea, he dimly remembered, or something like that--was new to the Verdant Ward. He wasn't actually sure how she'd even gotten here. Lust sprites were hard to keep track of, he supposed. "But, um... shouldn't we..."

"Silly sweetie boy!" Mirea giggled and gave an insistent tug on his cock. He gasped and hurried to follow, unable to help his eyes drifting down to her jiggling breasts, barely contained in the simple lingerie she wore.

Mirea was an especially gorgeous lust sprite. Her lips were very full and plump, suggesting perhaps she was a kissing-themed lust sprite, and her eyes sparkled with hellish temptation. She pouted those lips up at him seductively. "It's gonna be soooo cool when you see it!"

Alone, a lust sprite was scarcely a threat. Alone, a lust sprite could do little, for she lacked the intelligence of a whole packmind, the strength of the lust aura that a whole pack could bring to bear. Lust sprites didn't even have any real hypnosis. They were just... really, really hard to say no to.

"Come along!" Mirea cooed, blowing him a kiss with her free hand. Senya felt his head swim as if the kiss had connected. Her other hand, so silky-smooth, so warm, gave his cock a little squeeze.

"Okay," he said meekly. He followed after. "But, um..." He struggled for words as her ass bounced from side to side with every skipping step she took. "Shouldn't we, um..."

He glanced back towards the farmhouse.

"Silly yummy boy," Mirea cooed, suddenly in his ear, and he jumped and turned to face the sprite. She grinned wickedly and gave him a couple more meaningful pumps. How easily even a mere sprite could melt him at her lightest touch. "You're soooo cute! Follow me, dummy!"

"Okay," he mumbled, following docilely along, letting her squeeze him, pump him, tease him, stoke his lust to her heart's content. No point in arguing with a silly lust sprite.

And where was the harm? He gave a dreamy smile, watching her tits jiggling. She was just one sprite. Lust sprites could be troublesome in a pack, granted, but this was only one. No real threat. And submitting felt too good to turn down, anyways.

He'd just lose an hour or two. No harm, he told himself, biting his lip to hold in a whimper as she gave his cock another indulgent tug.

She led him through his daze into a curious clearing in the center of the orchard. Senya wanted to look around, to try to get his bearings, but not nearly so much as he wanted to keep watching her breasts bounce as she turned to face him.

The clearing gave him a curious sense of deja vu, he thought, shifting as something tickled his foot. It felt oddly... he kicked idly as something else rose to tickle his ankle. Oddly familiar, like he'd been here before.

"S-So, um..." He fought for spare thoughts. "So what, um..."

The sprite giggled, pressing her arms to either side so her breasts were squished between them, quite eliminating a number of thoughts from his card hand. "Yeah?"

"What, um..." Senya blinked rapidly as she took a step towards him. "What were you wanting to show mmMMf!"

Without warning, she had darted up and seized him in a passionate kiss. He moaned, unable to help but return it, taken aback by how sweet she was, how soft, how nimble her tongue was in his mouth. He couldn't quite find it in him to worry about the tickling at his feet and ankles, the tightening around his legs even as his trousers were pulled away from him. He let her tug him down towards her, since she was almost a foot shorter than him, and lost himself in her embrace.

The kiss lasted an eternity, and he was left breathless when she at least pulled back, grinning at his gasping, red-faced state. It was only then, light-headed and dizzy with her delights, that he realized the source of the tickling.

Emerald-green vines twined up his legs, topped with blossoms virtually identical--in sight and touch alike--to the plumpest, reddest lips he'd ever seen.


He gulped, looking around and suddenly realizing that he had wandered into a clearing full of the demonic flower. "O-Oh," he managed, his voice still weak. "Um... is this the, um... what you wanted to show me?"

Mirea giggled as he squirmed, as he realized that the vines were rapidly binding around his upper legs, the flowers planting sweet kisses all over his now-bare skin as they climbed. "Isn't it nice?" she cooed, eyelashes fluttering. "Isn't this nice, yummy boy?"

"I-I, um..." Senya looked around, eyes widening. This was the place where he'd met the incubus before! He could sense it now, vaguely, the tingling faintly buzzing in his fey-spelled collar warning him that demonic energies suffused the clearing. "W-We should go," he squeaked.

"Aww." The sprite pouted. "What about one more kiss, at least?"

Senya stared into her wide, innocent eyes, trying to stay conscious of the whorelip as the soft kisses rose to his waist, began to creep up under his shirt. "But, I.." His protests sounded feeble even to him, he realized, as the lust sprite smiled knowingly and wrapped an arm around him again. The whorelip didn't trouble her, as if they sensed another hell-tainted comrade. "I-I have to..."

"One more kiss," she purred. Leaning in, eyes glowing and swirling with hearts. Her aura of burning lust suffused him as she leaned in closer, closer... "Just one more, sweetie~"

"B-But... mm.. O-okay." Senya's mind swirled with hearts as her lips met his. "Mm...kay..."

Her lips were so soft. So sweet. And her eyes were so innocent. She was... just one lust sprite, he told himself. He had faced countless fey and mortals stronger than her. He could afford to be a little careless.

Even if the kisses from the flowers were beginning to rise up to his neck, and his head was starting to sparkle with a strange sensation, almost like mental pins and needles...

Her tongue thrust into his mouth, and he positively swooned into the shorter woman's arms. Her tail twined around his leg as she grinded against him.

Just one more kiss, he told himself, moaning faintly and humping needily. Gods, she felt so good. The kiss felt so good. Her grip tightened as he felt his strength failing, the tingling, sparkling sensation filling his body. Her dextrous tongue toyed with his own. Had he ever felt such a delectable, expert, irresistible kiss? Lust sprites on their own didn't have any real mind control, but she didn't need mind control to make him feel this good.

And it didn't help that, as she kissed him, as the flowers immersed him, Senya could feel that lust aura seeming to burn hotter, and hotter, and hotter...

Mirea pulled away with a giggle, clasping her hands behind her back. "There we go! Aaaall done!"

"All... whuh?" Senya whimpered blearily, still out of sorts. The heat hadn't gone away. If anything, it was even more intense, even more intoxicating.

"All done," cooed a sweet voice in his right ear.

"Aaaall ready," cooed a sweet voice in his left.

And a chorus of giggles rose around him. Senya spun around dizzily and realized somehow he'd been surrounded. His head spun, counting at least--at least twelve of the gorgeous sin-tainted fey walking and crawling towards him, all with the same beautiful plump lips and shimmering red eyes.

"What--" He squeaked as one of them took his hand, and he realized he was too wrapped up in the whorelip to pull away in time. He swallowed as another took his other hand and smiled up at him with a smoldering gleam in her eye. "Wh-What--where--"

He was so overtaken, so disoriented, so flustered by the intense lust that rose inside him with every deep breath, he didn't even struggle as the gorgeous women moved in on their 'prey'. He was so dizzy, so confused, so horny, he didn't even object as they began to tear at his shirt, eager to render him naked before their greedy eyes. He just whimpered and squirmed hopelessly as he was undressed and brought to his knees.

Something was wrong about this. His vision was turning into a reddish pink haze, and yet... through the fog, he squinted, trying to make sense of things. How had these sprites moved in so close without him noticing? How was there this much whorelip? How was... how was...

"Silly boy," cooed the sweet voice of Mirea, and his heart stopped| as he looked down to see the pretty lust sprite beaming up at him, licking those plump, sensuous lips of hers as his cock bobbed right before her eyes. "Asking so many questions about where~"

"And what~" sang another, kissing his cheek.

"And why~ moaned a third, her lips smacking daintily against his neck.

Senya squirtmed and whimpered. "B-But--"

Mirea smirked up at him. "When he should," she said sweetly, licking her lips hungrily, "be saying who first?"

Senya gasped as the lust sprites kissed hungrily, pressing in from all slides, their hands greedy and wicked as they crept under his shirt, undoing buttons and tearing the garment away completely leaving him totally naked. They mashed their curvy, supple, soft, smooth, hot bodies against his as their lips and tongues ran over his exposed form. "I--I don't--"

"Me first," Mirea sang, and wrapped her lips around his cock and began to suck.

Senya let out a cry of unwanted--or unexpected--joy, bucking in pure instinct. Her lips were so, so soft and sweet, and her mouth was so warm and wet. Her tongue licked all over his cock head as it slid past her lips, and his whole world briefly went pure pink with pleasure. Her tongue was so nimble, so agile and so, so merciless in its expert attentions.

His cries were joined by Mirea's as she moaned and sucked, and then by the rest of the sprites, as their lust aura intensified, pounding and pouring into him in breathtaking intensity. He couldn't help himself. He buckedc and whimpered and moaned, overwhelmed, just eager to let her suck as much as she wanted, as greedily as she wanted.

A pretty blonde sprite caressed his cheek and turned him forcefully to face her. This exposed more of his sensitive neck to their kisses, so all he could do was moan from sensitized pleasure as she leaned in and took him in a captivating, irresistible kiss.

Senya melted into their arms, almost swooning. The whorelip was gone now, as if it sensed that sweeter lips by far would tend to him now, and he was instead gripped every bit as inescapably in the arms of these smoldering temptresses. He whined and nodded and mewled obediently as they cooed praise and encouragement, as they swapped out, and a different lust sprite started sucking him off, her tongue licking all over his shaft and lavishing him with love as above, Mirea took him in an overpowering kiss.

The heat of their desire was mind-melting in its intensity, and because of their auras, Senya felt every ounce of it, pouring into his brain like a tsunami finally breaching the walls of a helpless city, a tsunami of pink waves drowning the silly, horny inhabitants in their own lust and need and obedience and eagerness to please pretty girls and be kissed by pretty girls and be sucked by pretty girls--

The haze of horny need was blinding, deafening. It was like a rosy mist had settled around him, a thick, sweet fog that clouded his vision so all he could see were the shimmering crimson eyes of his captresses, their panting, drooling, pleading lips as they wrapped them around his cock and showered him in intoxicating kisses, a heavy fog that filled his ears like cotton nad his mind like honey and made him totally oblivious to any sight or sound or thought or sensation or desire but what his new Mistresses wanted him to feel. Nothing could possibly feel as good as this.

And yet...

Senya moaned as a third lust sprite took him in a heart-stopping kiss, her lips somehow even softer than the last--or maybe they were just making him more and more sensitive with every kiss.

And yet he could swear... could swear he heard someone giggling.

A girlish voice. As smoky and sweet as burning honey. It was a laugh dripping with sly amusement, with mischievous secrets, with intoxicating promise.

It almost distracted him from noticing, as the third lust sprite dropped to her knees and started licking and kissing all over his twitching, throbbing cock, as a fourth leaned in with a gleeful smile for a taste of him, that the trees looked... strikingly different.

Dusky orange-pink fire tinted the light around him. Where once the trees of the orchard had been gentle and curvaceous, lush with a deep, rich green mottled across their fluttering leaves, now they were sibilant and twisted, their branches a vivid, electric green, their branches long and wiry and wafting like tentacles in the water and their leaves thin and small like minnows. Smells indescribable--the thickest honeys, the headiest syrups, the spiciest curries, the sweetest liqueurs--hung in the air as thick as salt in seawater, interlaced within one another's scent like entwined lovers.

Where once there had been pale-pink prisoner fruits hanging low, not quite ripe but already visibly bursting with flavor and juices, now the fruits were a more vivid sunset pink than the prisoner fruits ever got, shaped like perfect hearts, as smooth, flawless and shimmering as if blown in glass.

Before, the trunks had been a deep ebony brown, gnarled and twisted as only very old trees could become, their massive roots descending into the soil like the backs of earth wyrms resting beneath the earth. Now the trunks were as twisted and twining as steel cables, shaded in dark tones of red, blue and green, their roots splitting into fine twisting hair and piercing the ground around them like tubes into a dame-jeanne.

Where once the grass had been fairly thin outside the clearing, unable to grow as thick in the darkness of the orchard, now it grew with universal vigor and emerald-green lushness throughout, for the light level was exactly the same no matter where he looked--lit with the same hazy pink glow like the light above a roaring inferno.

He blinked, reality sparking in his horny, dizzy mind. And why could he hear water rushing by with such pounding incessant force? The Ward was miles from the nearest river, let alone one as ferocious as the one he swore he could hear.

The sprites' voices rang in his head in an instant. Never mind where, silly boy~

The sprite before him leaned in for a kiss, her pouty lips so tempting, so inviting, as he felt hot breath on his cock once again...

It hit him like a bucket of cold water. In an instant, Senya tore away from the sprites, stumbled out of their midst, and nearly fell to his knees doing so.

But he didn't. Senya swayed, staring dazedly at the pack of gorgeous lust sprites before him--most on their hands and knees regarding him with bedroom eyes, others beginning to rise toward him.

The air crackled and sparked. Fiery red letters appeared in the air in a spidery script before him, as if in his mind.

Layer Two of Hell: The Rewarding Wood

Senya blinked at it, then at the sprites.

Mirea raised her fingertips to her lips as if to blow him a kiss.

Senya ran.

Senya sprang over some extending whorelip mischievously snaking towards his ankles and raced between tree branches covered in cherry blossoms that seemed to extend down towards him to offer their sweet scents.

He closed his mind to them and forced himself onwards. His head was spinning. This was bad. This was very bad.

This was Hell.

And he still had the collar. The collar was designed to encourage obedience. It was meant for fey--what would it do here? What could the creatures here do to him?

He whimpered at the thought involuntarily. He didn't want to think about it. The lust sprites were just the beginning.

At least they seemed to be falling behind. Lust sprites weren't very fast, clearly, or else...

He swallowed and slowed his pace. Or else there were hazards around here that merited careful footsteps.

He continued forward, slower, carefully picking his way between bushes of suspiciously phallic bright rose gold flowers.

The Rewarding Wood. What could that mean? What was this place--what was Layer Two? Gluttony? Greed? He tried to wrack his brain for memories of what he'd read so long ago about Hell, but he couldn't shake the feeling he'd skimmed that section. He'd been... distracted, he remembered.

By a pretty girl. As usual. His cheeks burned. Fenna Brewster, with the bright brown eyes and the... clever fingers.

He was so distracted by the memories, which felt so vivid, so powerful here, he didn't even notice until too late where his foot was headed.

And with a cry of surprise, Senya's foot went through some loose wires-like vines, and he went tumbling down a concealed slope.

He barely managed a squeak before he landed. He'd braced himself for pain, but it was almost like he'd been... caught.

His eyes widened. He turned to see a massive pair of lush, plump red lips smiling at him.

Oh, no.

The whorelip descended upon their prize.

Senya squealed in unwanted pleasure--it had to be unwanted, there was no way he'd want this--as the whorelip showered him with kisses. The mother whorelip, the queen, kissed him right on the lips, her blossom even plumper, softer and wetter than the rest. They bore him down and muffled his protests.

He mewled helplessly. The lips smacked wetly against his, tongue-like tendrils toying with his tongue, floding him with the whorelips' sweetness.

He could swear he heard feminine laughter around him once again, that burnt-honey voice. But his mind couldn't focus on that when those lips were kissing so close to his cock. He bucked and whimpered senselessly.

He had no idea what dwelt in the Rewarding Wood. Succubi. Incibu. Imps. Peach fiends.

All he knew was that he'd fallen to the very weakest possible option.

And yet the whorelip bore him down, cooing against him in the deep kiss that seemed to pull his very soul from his body and draw it between those plump, luscious lips. His eyes were rolling upwards into his head. Drool was coming from the corners of his mouth, drool mixed with whatever nectar the whorelip was pumping him full of, but he couldn't think, couldn't care--

The Queen Whorelip pulled back, and for a moment he drifted there, his thoughts like leaden weights, too heavy to budge. But reality set in, and his eyes widened.

The whorelip blossoms were on the base of his cock now. He squealed and whined, bucking uselessly. They were kissing his arms, his sides, everywhere but where he needed it, and their ruby-red kiss marks covered him in that drugging 'lipstick' their blossoms secreted. The lipstick that tasted so, so sweet.

Then he heard something that panicked him enough to make him bite back his cries.


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