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Serving Time and Black Men in Jail Pt. 08

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A new experience and my future life.
1.1k words

Part 8 of the 16 part series

Updated 12/02/2024
Created 09/29/2024
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After my shower/douching session the doctor came to see me and inspected my hole for any damage. He seemed quite pleased and rubbed some ointment inside me.

"The two guards are looking forward to get to know you intimately, this will probably be a different experience for you as they may not be quite as gentle as my self and the inmates, but will be a good learning curve for what is planned for you, I have asked them to fuck you in as many positions as they know to test out your stamina, as you have had it quite easy really. You will need this experience were you will be sent eventually."

I was worried about what he had said, I didn't think I had had it easy, but was of course willing to try anything really.

The two guards came to fetch me and took me naked into the fucking room. They fitted some kind of cuffs to my ankles and wrists, the cuffs had some kind of D clip on them, I supposed for quick release, and then fitted me with some sort of harness around my waist. I started to tremble.

"Don't be afraid boy, we are going to fuck you, not hurt you." one said.

I noticed that on the floor there was some shackles attached solidly to the ground.

They told me to bend over and touch my toes which I did. The cuffs where then attached to the ground shackles, I was powerless to move now. What I was expecting happened, I felt fingers opening me up and lubing me. The Guards started to undress. The next thing I felt was a cock slipping inside me. My fucker then grabbed the reins of the harness so he could pull me into him hard with each thrust, it was not very pleasant at all.

The thrusting went of for about 20 minutes and I felt him grow and suddenly fill me up with his spunk. I was glad it was over.

I was expecting the other guard to fuck me next, but I was in for a surprize.

25 black inmates where brought in all naked and hard and lined up behind me.

"You thought that it would be just us two didn't you?, well now the holiday is over pal." Said the guard that had just fucked me.

"The doctor has ordered us to over see you being fucked by 50 men, we where also allowed to do you too, As many times as we wanted."

I thought it was unreasonable to expect me to take 50 plus cocks up me and hoped that it would soon be over.

One after the other they used me relentlessly, only after the first 25 had fucked me, was I placed face down and strapped to the fuck bench, the cum was pouring out of me by then. I didn't like this as I really felt used, not that I hadn't been used before but this was like "factory fucking" with very little kindness or consideration. Perhaps I had been spoilt? They used the handle on the harness a lot and rode me very hard

The fucking started over again, but it was more comfortable than the last position. I lost count of the cocks that went in me and I'm sure that some came round for seconds. I had so much cum in me no lube was needed but nothing was sensual anymore, I was just being used as a fuck machine.

As soon as poppers where given to me, I knew the bigger cocks where getting inside me and this felt better as I received larger cocks my insides received better stimulation

The whole session lasted over 5 hours when the last one had cum inside me, I was litirally worn out.

I was left strapped to the bench and the doctor came in to talk to me.

"So, you have had the smooth and now experienced the rough." He said.

"I'm sure I don't have to ask which you prefer, but in fact it doesn't really matter. Let me explain what plans I have for you. The BOSS which is bureau of state security, needs to introduce an infiltrator into one of the Indian ocean islands to monitor what is going on there, as they suspect that a military coup is going to take place by foreign legion mercenaries. The soldiers have a penchant for white male prostitutes, but also the president likes white boys too, so I have put your name forward to go over there. You will report directly to the honorary consul there, who by the way likes your type as well. You will be well paid for this and get to keep whatever gifts you are given and should earn well with your new talents.

"I really need to think about this Sir." I said.

"OK fine, well think about it all night as I am letting the inmates loose on you tonight, you will not go back to your one bunk Hilton tonight, but will be with all the men in block C there are a hundred of them in there. we will see if you prefer to take them night in and night out for a few days."

Oh what had I done? I was beside myself now, I knew I should have agreed to his proposal, there was no way a hundred men could fuck me!.

"Each man will have the right to fuck you as many times as he wants, so it could turn out to be a long ordeal for you, it might even be 2 days before they are all finished with you." He said.

I was left there on the fuck bench until the evening. I was hoping someone would come and let me go and at least clean me out but none came. I had really fucked up this time.

I was then dragged off the bench and was just wiped with a filthy rag and taken to this huge room where a hundred pair of eyes where watching me.

There where just lots of mattress on the floor and only a hole in the ground as a toilet. a hose and a tap where close by, so at leas I was able to wash myself out under the eyes of my new captors. I recognised a few of them who smiled at me.

I realised that I still had the harness on and gestured them to take it off. They seemed to like the idea of me keeping it on, so I just shrugged. One of them gestured to me to get on my hands a knees, so I obliged. I was going to be fucked doggie style and ridden with the harness. Then it started...

To be continued...

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