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Setting Wife Up With Our Lawn Boy

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Husband secretly pushes his wife to be with teen boy.
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Author's note: I've just finished a longer, more developed story called 'Seducing My Married Coworker', and I will be continuing "Young Mom and Adopted Son: Tricked Part 2" in the near-ish future. But between those more complicated works, I needed something simpler to refresh my creativity. Here it is.

This story won't be for everyone. It combines aspects of voyeurism and hot-wives, but the main focus is on how a husband encourages his wife and a neighborhood teen to have an encounter--without revealing his influence. That process itself is the bulk of the story, although it does lead to a strong climax at the end. In other words, this is a story that builds gradually.

Lastly, the husband doesn't have a humiliation kink per se, even if his actions are arguably self-destructive. For that reason, I wouldn't consider this a true cuckhold story.

And the usual disclaimers: all characters are fictional, similarities to real-world people/events are purely coincidental, everyone involved is of legal consenting age, etc.

"Look at that kid's abs!"

That was a sentence I never expected to hear from my wife, especially coming out of the blue as we drove through our neighborhood. Amanda and I were on our way home from a trip to the grocery store, when we passed a young man shooting basketball in his driveway. Despite Amanda's use of the word 'kid', he was clearly in his late teens or early twenties. Due to the late spring heat, he was shirtless, and like my wife's outburst suggested, his abs were indeed very defined.

"Creeper," I said, teasing Amanda. I have enough self-confidence that my wife noticing another man's body isn't enough to spark my jealousy. After all, I notice other women all the time; it doesn't make me appreciate Amanda any less.

"I'm not being creepy!" Amanda said defensively, as we passed the kid and continued down the road.

"I dunno. Commenting on a neighborhood kid's abs seems pretty textbook to me," I shrugged.

"I didn't mean it to be creepy, Brian! I meant like someone should report his parents for steroid abuse!"

"Sure, you did," I said, laughing at my wife's growing embarrassment. Amanda had always been more of the demure type, so her commentary was far out of character for her. "And it doesn't have to be steroids; maybe he just has great genetics," I added.

"No, those abs definitely come from steroids," Amanda doubled down, refusing to admit she was busted. I didn't care if she admitted it or not; I knew the truth of the situation. Frankly, I was entertained by her stubbornness.

Amanda and I have been married for about ten years now. We're both in our mid thirties, no kids. Amanda's in great shape, although she does have a bit more padding now compared to when we first met. She has shoulder-length brown hair, brown eyes, and nicely tanned skin, all of which contrast fantastically with her perfect white smile. I would never tell her this, but I've always thought that she had the body for porn but the personality for a library. She was actually a teacher, but I felt my metaphor still stood.

We made it home and unloaded our groceries, the ab-situation already passing from our minds. I may have forgotten it entirely, if not for a perfectly-timed coincidence later that afternoon.

Our neighborhood has an online social group, where different families can post concerns, updates, etc. for everyone to see. Most posts aren't that exciting, but occasionally someone will air a grievance publicly, so I check it fairly regularly. This is how I happened to see that Ab-kid was going to be cutting lawns this summer for some spending money. His mom had posted an advertisement for him. It read:

"Help Tanner earn some money for college! He's 18 and ready for his first adult job! He'll be mowing lawns all summer and needs some clients! Please message me if you're interested!"

Below the post was a picture of Tanner, which is how I realized it was the same ab-kid from earlier.

To this day, I'm not quite sure what came over me next. At first, it started off as a passing thought--how funny would it be if Amanda looked out the window one day and saw Ab-kid mowing our lawn? She'd be mortified knowing that I'd reached out to him, considering her embarrassment from our first encounter.

I could picture it then. Ab-kid making his passes outside our living room window, Amanda stubbornly refusing to even glance outside while she was in my presence, which of course would just make her embarrassment all the more obvious.

But then the thought morphed. What would Amanda do if I wasn't there? What if she didn't feel like she had to hide her attraction? Would she stare freely? Would she overcome her shyness to talk to Ab-kid? Would she flirt with him? I'd never known my wife to express an interest in younger men, but then again, I'd never known her to comment on another man's body in front of me either. Who knew what she might do?

Suddenly, I realized the thought wasn't just a joke anymore. I was becoming turned on by the idea of my wife being teased by a younger man. I'd never experienced such a reaction before, and I didn't know why I did then, but I couldn't deny that it was happening. I became gripped by an irresistible urge, and before I knew what was happening, I sent a message to Ab-kid's mom requesting us to be added to his client list.

That very next Saturday, Ab-kid was at our door.

"Hey, Mr. Long! Before I got started, I just wanted to say thanks again for hiring me. It means a lot."

"No problem! Tanner, right? I'm happy to help a young man like you earn some extra money. Especially if it saves me time."

Tanner gave me a grin, showing off his perfect teeth. He was definitely still a teenager, but I imagined he'd be quite the lady killer once he finished filling out. "Mom has an app you can pay me through when I'm done, but I'll take cash too. Just whatever works better for you."

"I'll try the app first. Just stop by when you're done, and I'll send it over."

"Yes, sir!" Tanner said, as he went to start his work.

I returned inside and sat on the couch, deciding to watch some TV. Amanda was still upstairs asleep. She tended to sleep in late during summer break, probably to make up for all her early mornings when school was still in session.

Our yard isn't huge, and it normally takes me about an hour to mow it myself, including all the finishing touches like trimming, pulling minor weeds, etc. By that estimate, Tanner might have been three-fourths of the way through when Amanda finally made her way downstairs, dressed in pajamas and a loose T-shirt. Her look of confusion was clear when she saw me sitting on the couch.

"Brian... I thought you were outside? But if you're here... who's mowing our lawn?"

"So, funny coincidence there," I said, unable to stop the smile spreading on my face. "You know the kid whose abs you commented on the other day? Turns out he's mowing lawns this summer before he goes to college. He's 18 now; he needs his first adult job; blah, blah, blah. I decided to hire him."

Amanda stared at me, no doubt trying to decide if I was playing a joke on her.

"Go look outside if you don't believe me," I shrugged.

Amanda shot me a look that suggested I was on thin ice, but she went to our living room window and looked. At the moment, Tanner was trimming around our mailbox; he was wearing a shirt, but there was no denying he was indeed ab-kid.

"Brian. Please tell me you didn't hire him just to mess with me," Amanda said, both mortified and annoyed.

"Not at all! Or at least, not just to mess with you. I will admit, that's a pretty funny side-benefit though." I could see the eye-daggers Amanda was giving me, so I quickly turned serious. "His Mom advertised in our neighborhood group, and I decided I didn't want to deal with the lawn this year. I needed a break."

"But you love mowing the lawn."

"Yes, I do--for the most part. But it's kind of like listening to your favorite music album. It may be your favorite, but if you were forced to listen to it all the time, it would become stale eventually. Same thing with our yard; I just needed a break to let the magic build up again."

Amanda shook her head and sighed. "I mean, it's your call. I certainly won't be the one mowing it for us. If you want to hire someone else to do it, that's fine. I just can't believe you picked him."

"His name is Tanner, by the way. He's a nice kid."

"I'm sure he is," Amanda said flatly, taking one last look outside before she went to find some breakfast.

While my wife was still in the kitchen eating, Tanner returned to our door.

"All finished, Mr. Long. If everything looks good, you can go ahead and send me the money, and I'll head out. Got some other lawns to get to today."

I scanned our yard. Sure enough, it looked like he'd done a great job.

"Looks great, Tanner. Thanks so much. I'll send that over right now." I said, pulling out my phone.

Tanner saw the payment process on his end. "Thanks again, Mr. Long! I'll be back next week!"

"See you then," I said, closing the door behind me. I made my way to the kitchen where Amanda was still enjoying her breakfast.

"Ab-kid did a great job, I have to admit." I said approvingly.

Amanda cringed openly. "Please don't call him Ab-kid."

"Hey, you're the one who started this." I pointed out. "But fine. I'll call him Tanner as long as you promise me something."

"What?" Amanda said cautiously, sensing a trap.

"Don't report his parents to CPA for child abuse. The kid just started with us, after all," I said with a straight face.

Amanda was not amused. "Okay, this joke wasn't funny to begin with, but now you're starting to make me actually mad."

I'd gone too far, I realized. "I'm sorry. It's just so out of character for you, I couldn't help but poke some fun. I'll stop now. I promise."

"You better, or you'll be sleeping on the couch tonight." Amanda said, returning to her food. But then I could see a thought struck her. "Brian, please tell me you didn't let Tanner know what I said about him."

"Of course not," I said truthfully. I never ever considered such a thing. But now that Amanda mentioned it...

"Okay, good. That would earn you a couch-visit for sure."

"Well, I'll do anything to avoid the couch, so you're safe there," I said playfully. "Speaking of which, I'll get back to it and let you enjoy the rest of your breakfast in peace."

"You better," Amanda said, but I could tell she'd already let it go.

As I made my way back to the couch, my mind returned to the fantasy that I'd been developing. Obviously, hiring Tanner was the first step. But that was all it was; just one step of many. I needed to see Tanner and Amanda meet; watch them interact with each other; see if Amanda let any more inappropriate thoughts slip out. Would Amanda's ab-glance be the full extent of their connection? Or might there be more? What if I helped push them along?

I knew my fantasy was reckless and irrational. I knew it was even stupider to try to act it out. Why on earth would I want to help my wife connect with another man? What could I possibly gain? I didn't know, but like an alcoholic locked in a bar, I couldn't help myself.

The second part of my fantasy-plan would be the real test. I'd already worked out how to give Tanner a push... I just had to wait a week for him to show up.


I expected the week to drag by slowly, my anticipation too much to withstand. But unlike Amanda--who was off for the summer--I was still working. Work proved a fantastic distraction, but even in the evenings, I still had some preparation to keep me occupied. Step two in my fantasy-enactment was simple enough, but I did have to lay some groundwork first. Careful not to let Amanda know what I was up to, I began my setup.

Before I knew it, Saturday had arrived again. Like the previous week, Tanner showed up ready to work, but I had a surprise for him this time. The only unknown factor was if Amanda would stay upstairs long enough for what I had planned. I needn't have worried though; she did.

When Tanner finished with the lawn, he came to the door again for payment. I told him I had some spare cash this time that I'd like to use, if possible. Tanner said that was fine. And so, I invited him inside while I went to retrieve the money.

"Here, let me get you some water while I go grab the cash. I left it upstairs, so you cool off, and I'll be right back."

Leaving Tanner alone in the kitchen, I made my way upstairs. I didn't want to disturb Amanda, so I walked to the opposite side of the house. I stepped firmly, making sure my footfalls were clear. I wanted Tanner to know exactly where I was, so he could feel confident I wouldn't sneak up on him. I smiled, wondering if Tanner had found my surprise yet.

After waiting as long as I felt I reasonably could, I grabbed the cash I'd left earlier and returned downstairs. Tanner was standing by the kitchen counter, sipping from his water, right where I'd left him. If he found my surprise, he hid it well.

"Sorry for taking so long," I apologized. "My wife moved the money, and it took me a bit to find it again."

I handed him the cash as I continued, "Sorry, I haven't had a chance to introduce you two yet. Her name's Amanda. She tends to sleep in during the summer. She's a teacher, so she's off just like you."

"Oh, no worries, Mr. Long. I'm not bothering her with my mowing, am I?" Tanner asked, concerned.

"No, it's not loud enough to wake her. But honestly, even if it did, I'm still not sure she'd come downstairs while you were here."

"Oh, she's shy, huh?" Tanner said with a knowing nod. A little too knowing--was that a sign he'd seen my surprise after all?

"She is, but it's more than that. Honestly, I think you embarrass her." I mentally thanked Amanda for putting this idea in my head. My surprise probably would have worked on its own, but paired in combination with what I was about to say...

"What? How could I embarrass her if I've never met her?" Tanner said, obviously confused.

"Well... you can't tell her I told you this, but she has seen you before," I went on to explain her outburst in the car--how she was so impressed by his six-pack that she couldn't help herself from saying something. I finished by saying, "So, just know that if she avoids you, it's nothing personal. In fact, unless you come on a weekday when I'm at work, you may never see her at all."

I watched Tanner process this information. I wondered if he realized what I was pushing him to do, or if he thought I was just a clueless husband. Either way, I was happy with the seed I'd planted.

"Oh, well, thanks for sharing, Mr. Long. I appreciate your honesty. I won't be offended; I promise," Tanner said, appropriately deferential.

"No problem, Tanner. Thanks again for this week. We'll see you next time," I said, walking him to the door.

After I'd let Tanner out, I immediately went to where I'd hidden my phone in the kitchen. I hit the stop button on the recording, then pulled up the video I'd taken. I skipped ahead to when I went upstairs, leaving Tanner alone in the room.

At first, Tanner had stood there, drinking his water, looking around aimlessly. But then something caught his eye. He stared for a second, as if he couldn't decide what he was seeing, before walking closer. Sure enough, he'd found my laptop, I noted with satisfaction.

I'd conveniently left it open on the counter next to my coffee, as if I'd absentmindedly forgotten it there. On the screen was a picture of Amanda wearing lingerie in a very suggestive pose, with a caption that read, "To Brian, the best husband I could have asked for -Love, Amanda".

It was one of several photos Amanda had given to me as a Valentine's gift a few years back. She'd taken them herself, but they were very polished. I watched as Tanner leaned down to the screen for a closer look.

"Holy shit," I heard him whisper, his mouth falling open in shock and admiration. He stared at the picture a bit longer before he added, "oh, no way." I saw him reach for the laptop's touchpad as he began to click multiple times. No doubt he'd just discovered that it wasn't a single picture I'd left up, but rather a whole gallery. In fact, as the pictures went on, they became increasingly risqué. The early ones were certainly alluring, but as they progressed, Amanda showed more and more skin, losing first her bra, then her underwear, then the conveniently-placed hands hiding herself. In the final picture, Amanda was completely exposed to the viewer. She was lying on her back but propped up on her elbows so that she was looking at the camera. She was biting her lip in a seductive expression, her nipples pointed in obvious arousal, but the real pièce de résistance was her legs spread wide open to reveal her pussy.

Such sensual pictures were certainly not something I ever expected from my modest wife, which made them all the more deeply appreciated when she gave them to me. Later, when I'd asked Amanda about them, she'd blushed self-consciously... saying she did it knowing how much it would surprise me and how much I'd love them. She was right.

But now Tanner was having a chance to appreciate them. I certainly hoped he got a good eyeful. When he made it to the end of the gallery, I expected him to return to the first picture and leave it like he found it. But he didn't. Instead, he pulled out his own phone and aimed it at the laptop. I watched with growing concern as he clicked through the images in reverse order, capturing each of them on his phone, until he'd made it to the beginning again. Only now did he return to the middle of the kitchen and pick his water back up.

I cursed myself silently. How could I not have expected this? Of course, Tanner would have wanted to save those pictures for later. What red-blooded male wouldn't have? Well, nothing I could do about it now. I just hoped Tanner was smart enough to keep them to himself.

I knew I should feel ashamed for sharing Amanda's private pictures without her permission, but I was so horny, I didn't have room for guilt. After deleting the video I'd taken of Tanner, I went to the bathroom and finished myself off.

Well, one thing was for sure. Tanner was into my wife. Now, it was up to him to decide what to do next. I hoped he was creative enough to use what I'd given him to work with. I just needed to be prepared to catch whatever might happen next.

Our home has a doorbell camera, which can be accessed remotely, but we don't have any cameras inside the house. Or at least, we didn't. That weekend, I ordered several micro cameras to be delivered to my work. The cameras were very discreet, but they did have the disadvantage of only being able to be accessed locally. In other words, I couldn't see what was on them until I retrieved it manually. Not ideal, but unfortunately, the smallest cameras (that I could afford, at least) didn't have wi-fi capability. Still, I could see enough from the doorbell camera to tell me if there was anything worth seeing on the interior ones. After all, someone would have to get through the front door to get to the rest of the house.

The cameras arrived at my work that Tuesday, and I spent the next couple mornings (while Amanda slept in) finding perfect spots for all of them. It took longer than I expected, but by that Thursday, I'd constructed my network. There shouldn't be anywhere in the house that I couldn't see.

My timing was solid, because that Friday morning when I was at work, I received a phone alert that someone was at the home door. I pulled up the feed, and sure enough, it was Tanner. He'd come a day early--guess he'd picked up my hint about how to meet Amanda after all. I noticed he was shirtless--those infamous abs were on full display.

Tanner waited for several moments before Amanda finally opened the door.


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