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"Let go!" she screamed as I held her arms behind her and continued working her hole. I held on as tight as I could, but it was proving too difficult to keep her in place and fuck her whilst she was on top and despite my efforts she lifted herself off my girl dick. Thrashing around she eventually escaped my grip and we both quickly scrambled to our feet. "Ha! Nice try Smash, you nearly had me there." she gloated.

"Wow, I can't believe Iara got out of that grapple, that was nearly curtains for her folks! Can Miss Awesome retort?!" came the announcer.

I decided to stay silent but gave her a sinister smile. Her smug look gave way to frustration quickly. This clearly hadn't happened to her before. She ran towards me, I put my arms up in defence but she did an incredible gymnastic leap forwards onto her hands and then used the floor to rebound into the air, she surprised once again, performing a twist mid-air. She was now upside down and propelling her girl dick towards my face, I managed to catch her thighs, but it didn't stop her body weight from knocking me to the ground with her on top of me. Her dick went down my throat as I hit the floor which made me cough, she began fucking my mouth hard as I spluttered from the invasion. Sliding my elbows against the arena floor I levered her out of my mouth, throwing her over onto her side where I jumped over and onto her.

We wrestled on the floor for a few seconds until I got on top and got her in the same position she had me in, except I could look down into her eyes as I fucked her face. Iara looked up in fear as she realised that she had just lost, I smiled, and my cum filled her mouth.

The crowd went silent for a brief second as I got up and off of her, raising my hand into the air. The crowd went wild again in response.

"Cassie Smash wins! Cassie Smash wins!" Yelled the announcer.

Iara got off the floor and licked her lips, she swallowed? Wasn't expecting that. She turned to me and bowed seriously this time. "Beat me at my own game, your reputation precedes you." she said.

"You're not bad either." I replied, turning to the crowd again who were now chanting my name, the lights went up and I saw the thousands of people jumping about.

"Cassie! Cassie! Cassie! Cassie!" came their voices, I turned to look at the big TV under the announcer box and it was zoomed in on my face, I cracked a smile and then turned away to walk down the exit, my work here was done.

"You nailed it!" cheered Polly excitedly, handing me some water and giving me a hug.

"She wasn't as tough as I expected. But one day she might be." I replied to her.

"Well, you did great out there, the next match is coming up, let's go see it!" she said.

When it came to the sport there was no one more eager to watch than Polly, it stunned me that she ever bothered competing when she could barely ever be pulled away from watching sports. I nodded to her and helped myself to some of the ice cream in the dressing room fridge before joining her in the announcer box.

"Cassie Smash!" came a familiar, enthusiastic voice. I turned around and it was the announcer himself, his voice was iconic, I knew I'd heard him from somewhere before but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Rex Dangerous, I'm a big fan of your work!" he said, shaking my hand.

"Rex Danger... holy shit." I replied.

This was the guy who spearheaded the men's league, whilst it was never as popular, it walked so the trans league could run. I tightened my grip on his hand and shook it with pride.

"I'm a big fan of your work! I didn't know you were doing announcer stuff, you sound great!" I replied.

"Hey thanks kiddo, I've been practising! Haha!" he was full of high spirits, "though I've got to get the next fight ready, great work out there, take a seat!" I nodded with the biggest grin on my face, it wasn't every day you met a celebrity who didn't look down on you.

There were some comfy chairs in the announcer box and I took the one closest to the window. I realised that whilst my fight with Iara was big for the both of us, what we were about to see was what everyone in the crowd really wanted to see, it was a battle of the giants. With Queen Milky quite literally being a giant towering over Poko.

I watched the arena like a hawk, waiting to see who walked out first. Then a small woman walked out into the area, it was Poko. There was cheering but I could tell there was a mixed response from the crowd, she did use underhanded tactics to win fights, we'd all heard the rumours. I was glad she was going up against Milky first so I could see the kind of tricks she pulled.

Then Milky entered the area, like a amazonian Queen, the crowd went wild for her, most people had bet on her, why wouldn't you? It's like not betting on the only stallion in a donkey race. She confidently strode over to the line when she caught glimpse of a fan leaning over the guard rail, he was making lewd gestures at her.

I could see the security guy's rushing over towards him, but before they could stop the hooligan Milky reached up and pulled him off the railing and into the arena, lifting him into the air and holding him to the side of the wall. "Do you feel like a big man, little boy?" she said to his terrified face. I was in total admiration but also I couldn't help but feel afraid, she was incredibly intimidating. She let him go and he slid down the arena wall and landed on his behind, looking up at her massive girl dick, she gave him a glare as the security guy's walked out on to the arena and escorted him off. The crowd again cheered as she walked up to the ring and gave an understated wave to the crowd. Poko smiled and waved too, though to much less response.

"Poko is probably the most dangerous girl out there...she's not afraid in the slightest, she's going to pull something." murmured Polly, staring out the window intensely to the two combatants. I turned my attention to the crowd as the lights went down, watching them slowly fade into the darkness as the fight began.

"Commence!" Yelled Rex, his booming echo reverberating across the arena as the crowd wailed in response.

Immediately, Milky charged at full speed towards Poko, but even with Milky sprinting towards her, Poko turned around and slapped her behind tauntingly before crouching and jumping into the air. Milky leapt into the air heroically to catch the petite girl as she curled into a ball, but as her hands grabbed Poko's hips, they seemed to slide right off of her. I stopped and looked closer, did I really just see that? Poko landed behind Milky and stood up with a broad smile. Milky was looking at her hands and then clenched them into a fist. She reached down and pounded the ground as Poko laughed.

"Oh for fucks sake Rex, she's lubricated up her arms and legs too, Milky can't grab them!" Polly yelled in frustration as it clicked for me too.

"God damn it," he replied, turning to his assistant who, holding a copy of the rulebook, just shrugged, "It's not in there, there's no rule against this." he explained bitterly.

The audience were catching on as well and booing was starting to break out among the crowd. Poko bowed insultingly to them, eating up the negative response. Milky began running towards Poko again, who turned and lunged at her opponent, diving through the gap in Milky's legs, Milky reached down to grab her, but she was moving much too fast. Poko used the opportunity to spring upwards, wrapping her arms under Milky's in a classic lock and sliding her girl dick into Milky's bent over ass.

"Oh no, she's got her." I said, this was terrible.

Milky flailed behind her to grab Poko who was fucking her hard and fast but every time she grabbed one of Poko's arms it slid right out of her hands, and on top of her already being half Milky's size made her nearly impossible to grab. Poko began laughing in between the grunts of ecstasy and this was clearly pushing Milky too far.

"It would seem that Poko has Queen Milky right where she wants her..." said Rex in one of his least enthusiastic voices to the increasingly disappointed crowd.

The crowd were now booing in unison, which was pierced by a frustrated scream as Milky roared and threw her arm back to grab Poko's hair with such force that Poko was dislodged and thrown clear of her. Milky pointed at her and yelled "You think cheating will make you the best?!", she began walking slowly towards Poko who was still in shock. "Now you will learn the hard way!!" bellowed Milky as she suddenly dived down, grabbing Poko by her sides as she tried to wriggle away which proved futile. Milky pulled Poko into her lap like she was just a toy. Poko wriggled and kicked but Milky lifted her small frame into the air, slamming her down onto Milky's giant girl dick with such force that I felt myself clenching involuntarily. A "OOH" came from the crowd as everyone else felt that too. Poko let out an almighty yelp as she was forcibly lifted up and down on Milky's dick.

She tried to prise Milky's hands off of her midriff, but the effort was futile, the irony being that her hands were too lubricated to get a firm grip on them. I could see she was trying to figure her way out of this situation but it was too little too late, she was getting weaker, she'd been outplayed.

That very moment a string of cum shot out of Poko's small girl dick as she orgasmed hard on the end of Milky's massive cock. The crowd went wild. She thought cheating could beat raw power and it turned out she was wrong.

Smiling, Rex yelled "And the winner is... Queen Milky! Victory from forced anal orgasm, you love to see it folks!" Milky lifted Poko off her cock and dumped her on the floor, climbing to her feet and towering over Poko like a skyscraper, she looked down on the little cheater in her almighty shadow and said in a voice that reached into her like the coldest wind; "Never play this sport again, you bring shame to us all." Milky turned her back on Poko and triumphantly raised her arms to the crowd who cheered.

I sat back in my chair. Holy crap that was amazing, but damn, I'm against her next.

That night I had dinner in with Polly. I leaned over the plate and chased the food around with a fork, no matter how hungry I was all I could think of was how I saw Milky lift that guy down into the stadium and pull Poko off her with her terrifying strength.


If I got caught in her grip that was it, how could I ever get out of it? Poko was cheating and she lost. What chance do I have? I'm probably stronger than Poko but I'm...

"Cass!" came Polly's voice over the mental images of the area, replaying that fight back over and over.

"Eat your food Cass, come on girl, I've been talking to you for the last few minutes and you've been pushing that carrot around your plate for twice as long as that." she stated.

I rubbed my eyes, "Sorry Polly I can't get the fight out of my head." I admitted.

"Yeah, it was something alright, Milky is something else." she admitted, looking down at the floor. She never used to admit when an opponent of mine was good. She'd always joke and trash talk them in private conversations to me, only to boost my morale; never sincerely meaning what she said. To hear her say how good Milky was, it frankly scared me.

"It's just a sport Cass, you shouldn't worry as much about this, just do your best. I'll support you no matter what." She said, picking her empty plate up and left me sitting in the dim circle of light at the table. It sounded like she had accepted my defeat for me.

I pushed my plate back and folded my arms over the table, resting my head on them. Was it hopeless? There's no way I was just completely outclassed, Milky was fast, strong and... if she got inside me that would be it. I sighed.

The next few hours were excruciating, I lay in bed replaying the same events over in my head trying to work out how to get out of things, Practising against Sammie wasn't anything like this, Sammie was a human, not some kind of monster like Queen Milky. Eventually I fell asleep through exhaustion but my mind didn't stop going.

I stood in a massive endless arena, the edges obscured by darkness. I was in my athletic outfit, waiting for my opponent to arrive, the crowd were silent but had glowing red eyes that pierced the darkness like stars on the night sky. There was an eerie silence that ended with a loud footstep that echoed the arena, coming from the darkness in front of me. Then another, and another. Into the light came a giant woman, 8 or 9 feet tall, it was an even bigger version of Queen Milky, a smug expression on her face as she reached down to her enormous girl dick, grabbing it with her hand and pointing it at me.

"Pathetic." she said as she walked towards me slowly. I braced myself as she suddenly let go of her dick and charged at me full speed.

"Cass!" came a voice. I looked up at Polly, I'd phased out doing my shoes up. "Come on babe, you've got a fight to do." she said with an uncertain smile. I finished tying my shoes and walked down the corridor with Polly towards the prep room. I got lubed up and passed inspection, taking the viagra in total silence as last nights dream continued to replay itself in my mind.

"Polly, I had this dream..." I started, when turning the corner came the woman of my nightmares, with her diminutive coach who held her towel, an expression of fear on his face.

"Ah, the Cassie girl. Let us hope you do not resort to cheating to try and beat me." She said with a twinge of disgust.

"I don't cheat, but I don't lose either." I said, ignoring her as I kept walking down the corridor.

Milky laughed, "A girl with determination! I hope it helps you." she said striding up to the arena door.

As I applied the lube Polly kept talking to me. "They shouldn't have let that happen, the organisers aren't meant to let opponents see each other before the fight, that was so..." she continued.

"Let's go Polly, no point stalling." I said, finishing up and walking towards the arena door. Polly paused and then nodded, patting me on the back. "Good luck kiddo", she said with a smile as I walked into the light.

"Cassie Smash!" came Rex's voice over the loudspeakers, the crowd roared once again. In the opposite corner of the arena was Milky, standing there waiting for me, gently rubbing her dick with a menacing smile. "This is the final round! Who wins here will be declared world champion. This is it folks, the two best athlete's in the world." said Rex. A music track started playing behind him as he continued.

"I've seen these two start up from girls with dreams to the finest athlete's the sports ever seen, Queen Milky's indomitable reputation and fighting spirit is almost as legendary as her dick size!" the crowd cheered and laughed. "And Cassie Smash's speed and technique is flawless, truly one of the most impressive competitor's I've ever seen. And now they're in the same court, fighting it out for the championship. What a time to be alive folks!" he yelled. The music track stopped. "Now lets see what they've got in store for us." I smiled a little and waved to the crowd as did Milky. As I walked up to the line and the lights went down and once again the crowd disappeared, I was left alone with her... just like last nights dream. A chill went down my spine.

"Commence!" yelled Rex.

Milky began walking towards me with the same menacing smile, raising her hands outwards ready to grab me. "You look fragile Cassie, let's see who get's smashed here today." she said lunging towards me, but I quickly dodged out of the way. Milky laughed and turned around to face me, raising her arms again for another lunge, all she needed to do was get me in that iron grip and that would be it.

She made another lunge towards me, again I dodged out of the way, side stepping behind her. But before I could do anything she swung her arms backwards to protect her back and I stepped back again to avoid her fists. I felt like a bee fighting a bear; If I got too close she'd swat me away. She turned around again to face me. Her smile was fading, not being able to grab me was annoying her. She ducked and dodged around to confuse me to her movements before doing an upwards lunge in another attempt to grab me, but I jumped, put my foot on her back and flipped over her, landing on my feet behind her. Her frustration was obvious.

She grunted heavily, turning around and diving for my legs again, I tried to jump but this time she caught my foot and knocked me off balance, I landed on my side on the floor. She turned to pounce on me and as I tried to get up, she grabbed one of my hips, twisting me around and knocking me back onto the floor again as she crawled closer to me. I panicked, trying to get back up and away from her but suddenly felt her hands grab my legs and flip me onto my back. I tried to kick her off me but her grip really seemed impossible to break free from, she held me in place effortlessly. I saw her evil smile as she lined her dick up to my hole and slid it in to me.

It was enormous, it kept going deeper and deeper and I felt myself getting weaker as she dug her fingers into my ankles, I wasn't ready to give up yet though. I got onto my elbows and moved myself back, dragging my torso across the floor away from her, her dick slid back out of me as I kept moving backwards. She couldn't keep her balance as she tried to keep up with my backwards momentum and had to let go of my legs to stop herself falling over. As soon as she did I got back onto my feet.

She got up too, heavy breathing. "So close Miss Smash, let's see if you'll be so lucky next time." She immediately went for another lunge and grabbed my waist, tackling me, I pushed down on her shoulders trying to break free as she threw both of us to the floor, landing on top of me. She let out a menacing laugh as she tried to part my legs, but I tucked them in and pressed them against her stomach, pushing her off of me backwards which bought me enough time to get to my feet once again.

"I...I don't think you're trying very hard Miss Milky." I said, panting. Her face was sheer anger as she ran straight for me, her terrifying dick swaying as I shoulder bumped her and flipped around her to grab her back, my dick sliding into her.

"Oh!" she shouted as I grabbed her waist hard and started to fuck her ass. She reached backwards to grab me, but I pushed my knee into her left leg and wrapped my foot around her right foot, toppling her over onto her face. Continuing to fuck her she crawled around trying to get me off of her back. I just had to keep going, I was so close!

Her arm reached back and finally grabbed mine, pulling me off of her with tremendous force, pulling me out of her and throwing me onto the floor next to her, she jumped to her feet and grabbed my head shoving her giant dick into my mouth.

"Oh... how the tables turn so easily." she said as she fucked my mouth. I gagged hard on her dick, and curled up, using her grip to keep me in place as I put my feet against her thighs and using my immense leg strength to push me off of her. Her grip on my head was agonising as I tried to pry myself off of her grasp. She let out a roar of her own as she lost grip of my head and I fell backwards onto the floor. As I hit the ground I realised she was already charging at me, I put my feet into the air to meet her stomach, using her own force to throw her onto her front, her exposed ass waited as I rolled over and tried to get on top of her.

But she rolled over first, I grabbed her leg and pushed a finger into her ass, which didn't last long. Her other foot reached my shoulder and kicked me hard, forcing me off and out of her, I fell onto my back again. I sighed, we both got to our feet again, panting.

The fight was taking it's toll on me, there was no way I could keep this up, but I realised that I was in better shape than she was. Milky was used to overpowering her opponents early, I was nimbler than most of the people she had fought and we both realised I had the upper hand, whether she wanted to admit or not, she was on the ropes.

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