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Sex, Lies and Videotape Ch. 01

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Ch.01 An unexpected delivery.
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Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 05/15/2022
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Ch.01 An unexpected delivery

By OlympusMons90

I pulled into my garage, closing the garage door behind me as I made my way out to the mailbox, collecting the contents before entering my home in Garden Hills, a suburb in the north of the city, in Atlanta, Georgia. I went in and placed the mail in my study before making my way to our bedroom, getting out of my work attire. I could hear the shower running in the bathroom, my wife was home too, and I couldn't wait to join her in there.

My name is Roger Wilkinson, I'm a twenty-eight year old civil engineer working for the city of Atlanta. I was born and raised in Dalton, in the north of Georgia before going to college at Georgia Tech. I've lived and worked in Atlanta ever since. My wife of six months is Taylor, she's a year younger than me at twenty-seven and works as a communications consultant for a media company in the city as well. Taylor is originally from Greensboro in North Carolina, before following her sister in attending Georgia State here in Atlanta, and like me, she has lived and worked here since.

We met just over a year ago, at a function for the city we were both attending for work. Instantly I knew she was a part of the media that was there to cover the event, she looked very much like she was one of those attractive confident reporters you see on the TV news. I was surprised that when she spoke to my boss, he then looked around spotting me, then proceeded to point me out to her. A lovely smile came across her face as she looked over at me, seeing that I was already watching her.

Taylor is 5'6 tall, with a light olive complexion and wavy light brown hair just past her shoulders. She looked fantastic in the dress she was wearing that night, showing off her athletic legs and a decent amount of cleavage. But her smile, and those pale green eyes had won me over before she had even spoken a word to me. It turned out that she wasn't a reporter at all, she was there to organize the media, and who for the city would be speaking with them. I was nominated by my boss as one of those along with the mayor's representative of course.

We spent much of the night chatting to each other, we seemed to share a similar sense of humor. I easily found her to be intellectually my equal too, but more importantly, I felt so comfortable just being around her. She seemed to enjoy my company as well, flashing that wonderful smile at me many times during the evening. She later told me that I was like putty in her hands, that she knew I was interested in her and was expecting that I'd call her after that night. She'd given me her business card earlier in the evening, but I wasn't sure if it was for work only. It took me a week to finally call her, under the guise of thanking her for her efforts that evening. She responded with 'About time you called me, I was starting to get worried.'

We started dating that weekend, then got engaged and then married, all in just under a year.

"Hey, sexy girl." As I stepped into the shower with my wife.

"Welcome home mister." Taylor responded, making a seductive pose and giving me one of her sexy smiles.

I took her in a loving embrace and kissed her lips, we were still very much in that phase of a new marriage where you just want to touch, to hold, to kiss each other at every opportunity.

"Turn around so I can wash you down."

I did as I was asked, standing there while she soaped up my back.

"Now your front."

I again faced her as she used the soapy washcloth all over my body. Taking more time on my cock and balls then she did with the rest of me.

"Are you washing me or playing with me?"

"A bit of both. You can't expect a girl to ignore a lovely cock right in front of her, would you?"

"I'm not complaining, not at all."

She stepped forward as we kissed again, this time was a lot more erotic than the last. I grabbed her ass cheeks as her hands roamed over my chest, our tongues embracing each other. My cock had responded to my wife's touch, I was hard already and wanting more. Taylor then slid down my body to her knees, taking my cock into her mouth. I held my arms out to the sides of the shower to steady myself while she began giving me one of her fantastic blow jobs. She was far better at it than any of the girls I had dated before her, I was sure that I didn't want to know how she'd learned those skills though, no husband wants to think about that.

I then pulled her to her feet, turning her around so I could fuck her from behind. She let out a wonderful groan as I entered her, slowly beginning to move in and out of her.

"Fuck me Roger, don't play with me baby."

I reached over to grab her by the shoulders as I began to fuck her with more force, quickening my pace as we got into a good rhythm.

"God yes, that's it. That feels so good."

I moved one of my hands under her to rub her clit while I continued my onslaught, this started to get loud moaning from Taylor as her orgasm began to build. A few more minutes and she was screaming out, shaking as I fucked her through her orgasm. I had to use both hands to keep her standing, Taylor always struggles to stay upright when she climaxes.

After her own orgasm was done, she spun around to again drop to her knees, taking my cock once more into her mouth. This time she was on a mission, to make me cum down her throat, and it didn't take too long. My god I love fucking her, sex with Taylor is always good and never the same. Maybe a bit of routine would come into our sex lives the longer we're married, but so far, I was enjoying it beyond belief.

We washed ourselves down again before drying off and getting dressed. Tonight was Taylor's turn to cook, so I went into the lounge and turned the TV on. After a few minutes I remembered we had unopened mail, so I made my way into the study to look over them.

There were a few junk mail items, flyers, and two bills that I think I'd already paid online. There was also an envelope with just my name handwritten on the front 'Roger'. It seemed to have something inside, so I opened it to find a USB flash drive and a note.

The handwritten note read:

'Please look at the contents when you're home alone. You will have many questions, I will answer them soon.'

Okay, talk about a strange note, and what the hell is on the drive?

I thought that maybe this has something to do with work, perhaps one of the construction firms are trying to undermine a rival bidder. The tender process for city contracts can get pretty cut-throat, these contracts tend to be good money for extended periods of time. It's not that unusual for them to target each other, but why me? I'm not that senior enough to hold sway over any tender, even if I'm on the review board. Maybe they're sending it to all the tender review board members? What the hell, I've not even looked at it and already I'm making assumptions about the content.

I started my laptop, checking that I'd already paid the two bills, then checked a few news websites before again looking over at the USB drive sitting on my desk. It's probably a scam, it might even have a trojan virus or something. I checked that my virus scanner was up to date before placing the USB drive into my laptop. I again scanned it for viruses before opening the contents. There seemed to be a number of folders, each named with a series of numbers. I realized that the numbers were dates, as in yyyy-mm-dd.

I quickly looked over the year dates and they were all from the same year, four years ago now. I opened the first folder and it contained three video files. I checked the next folder, and again it contained a few video files. I went down to the last folder on the list and checked it, again a few video files were inside. There were twelve folders, and I'm assuming they contained two or three videos each. I went back to the first folder and was about to open the first video when I looked back at the note. It said to view the content when I'm home alone, and that I'd have many questions to be answered. My interest was piqued.

"Roger, dinner's ready." Taylor called out from our dining room.

"Be right there."

The videos will have to wait.

I woke up in the morning, Taylor was hurriedly moving around our bedroom in a half state of being dressed.

"Good morning, what's the rush?"

"Hi sleepy head, I got a call this morning, I need to get into city hall."

"What's the matter?"

"Oh, nothing for you to worry about, there's a news article coming out this morning that's not good for them."

"What, have they got your firm on a retainer now? Don't they have their own comms team?"

"Yeah, but apparently they're in 'transition' right now, a good way to say that the mayor's office is replacing some of them if you ask me. So, we're being brought in to consult. Anyway, I need to get going. I need to be in the pre-press briefing in thirty minutes."

"Okay, well enjoy your morning. Who knows, I might see you in there later if you're still around."

"What time are you getting into work?"

"Not until after ten, I have a video conference call I'm taking here before I leave."

"Okay, well call me when you get there, maybe we can grab a coffee and I can tell you all about the shit storm from this morning."

"For sure."

Taylor finished buttoning up her top, sliding her shoes on, giving herself one more check over in the mirror before saying goodbye as she was rushing out the door.

I got out of bed and made myself a coffee, after throwing on some suitable clothes and brushing my teeth I made my way into the study taking my work laptop with me. I set it up on my desk, moving my personal laptop out of the way. After logging into work, I checked my emails to find that my conference call this morning had been cancelled. Fuck. Well, I guess I can get dressed properly now and head into work then. I packed up my laptop and moved my personal laptop back onto the desk, noticing the USB drive sticking out from the side.

That's right, the videos. What are those videos about? And I'm home alone now with another good hour or so to kill. I turned the laptop on and went to the first folder, even the videos within were numbered with the date again, but with an extra number at the end. Whoever created these must work in accounting or something.

I opened the first video, the footage started with what appeared to be in a hotel room, the lighting was average at best, the video a little bit grainy. I could see a woman walk out of what I'm guessing is the bathroom, then a male voice coming from close to the camera.

"Are you guys ready to start now?"

"Yeah, he'll be out in just a second.' The woman replied.

Their voices weren't that loud, so I plugged in my headphones and turned the volume up a little, also switching the video to full screen.

The camera then moved and was facing the floor for a second before coming back up to focus. I'm assuming the guy close to the camera was now holding it, the camera was most likely his phone.

What is this shit? Is it a meeting that took place in a hotel room? The woman I saw briefly a moment ago didn't look like she was dressed for work. The view I was seeing was that of an empty hotel room, looking from the corner behind the bed across the room. Then a guy come out of the bathroom wearing just his boxers. He looked tall with blondish hair and was pretty buff, like a football player.

What? Is this some kind of sex video maybe? I've seen some amateur porn online, and this kind of reminded me of that. But why would anyone send this to me?

Maybe I know the guy. It's hard trying to make out his face that well from the video, the guy was still standing on the other side of the room in medium to low light.

"You look really sexy tonight. Are you ready for some fun?" I heard the woman ask from off screen. There was something about her voice, it sounded oddly familiar to me. The guy stepped over to the bed and crawled up onto it, before laying down on his back.

"Yeah. I'm ready. Are you sure you are?" The guy responded. I got a better look at his face when he hopped onto the bed, I didn't recognize him at all.

Then the camera moved to the side to look at the woman as she began to undress.

"I guess we're about to find out, aren't we?"

As she slipped the dress up above her head, the camera zoomed in a little to her face. Then my world stopped.

Fuck me, it's my new wife, Taylor.

What the fuck is this? Who the fuck are these other people?

Taylor then moved onto the bed in just her bra and panties, moving up between the legs of the guy. She then looked directly over into the camera.

"Are you getting all of this honey? Are you sure you're ready?"

"Yeah, I'm ready babe. Fuck, you look so hot right now. Are you ready to fuck him?"

My wife giggled as she nodded yes, coyly like a teenager. She was enjoying this. She then leaned in and started kissing the guy passionately on the lips, slowly but very sexily.

I took off my headphones and closed my laptop, quickly standing up and away from the desk.

"Fuck!" I shouted out.

Someone has sent me sex videos of my wife. Seriously, what the fuck? Why would anyone do that?

I walked out to the kitchen, standing at the window looking out to our back yard. What the fuck did I just see? It was clear that my wife and whoever is filming it seem to be in a relationship, and that the buff guy is there for her entertainment. I stood there shaking my head, trying to wrap my head around what I had just learned. My wife has probably fucked another guy on camera for her boyfriend.

To say that my emotions were that of confusion right now would be an understatement. What do I make of what Taylor has done? The video was from four years ago, way before we ever met, but it still raised some questions. Was Taylor really the kind of woman that would have sex on camera with other guys outside of her relationship? And what sort of guy is she with that encourages and films it?

Fuck, it's the boyfriend. I'd bet anything he's the one that sent these videos to me. But why? Does he want to get back with her?

He probably thinks I'll go off the deep end, accuse my wife of being a whore and leave her, even if all of this happened well before we ever met. Then he gets his shot with her again. The fucker said on the note that I'd have questions and that he'll answer them soon. I walked back into the study to look for the note. I checked the back to see if there anything else. Nope.

I stood there at my desk, looking back down at the laptop, do I really want to see what happened next? I know where this is leading, do I want to watch it?

I sat down on my chair with my eyes closed, trying to calm myself down a little. Why was I so pissed? Was it because she did this, or because she filmed it? Or was it because before she met me, she enjoyed sex with other guys? Hold on, all of those folders, all of the videos, are they all of her fucking other people? And is it all the same the guy as this first video or are there others? And how many others?

Fuck, I'm not sure if I want to know all of these answers. I opened the laptop and looked at the first folder's date again, I quickly did the math and surmised that Taylor was still just twenty-two when this video was filmed, just about to turn twenty-three. She did look fucking hot too I have to admit to myself. How often does a guy get a chance to see how hot his girlfriend or wife was years before you met her? It's not like she's cheating on me, all of these videos were from four years ago.

I took a deep breath then played the video again from where I had left it. After kissing him she sat up removing her bra, her breasts looked almost as full and as round and beautiful as I know them to be now. She then turned around so that the guy could pull down her panties for her. She was now naked in front of me, in the four years since this video was taken, Taylor has kept her figure very well. Maybe she could be just a few pounds lighter in the video, but if she was it wasn't by much at all.

She turned back to the guy on the bed and helped him to pull his boxers down exposing his semi-hard cock. It didn't look that big, more of an average size. Taylor then looked over at the camera again before going down to put his cock in her mouth. The camera zoomed in a little as she went to work getting him nice and hard and within a minute or so, she had achieved her goal. Taylor looked great sucking his cock, maybe this is how she gained those terrific blowjob skills of hers. I must admit that right now I was getting nice and hard myself watching her perform.

That's when I paused the video, what am I doing? My wife would probably have a heart-attack if she knew that I was watching these, if she knew that I had a bunch of videos of her fucking. I skipped the video forward to see bits of Taylor getting fucked. The video went for almost thirty minutes in length. No, I really shouldn't be watching them, I closed my laptop and went back out to the lounge room, sitting on the couch.

Should I tell her about this? That I think her ex-boyfriend has sent these to me, I'm assuming to try to split us up. He said on the note that he would answer my questions soon, so I'm guessing he'll try to contact me. Maybe I should find out from Taylor who this guy is, it's most likely her ex-boyfriend after all. Maybe he's still trying to win her back, maybe he's been in contact with my wife already.

Alright, I'll talk to Taylor, not about the videos yet, but about him.

I got dressed for work, texting my wife that I was leaving for the office, and if she has time for that coffee soon. When I met with her for coffee, she talked about this morning's events. I couldn't find a way to bring up the subject of her ex-boyfriend. I'm not sure how to slide into that conversation without explaining why I'm bringing it up. For now, I would wait for a better opportunity to talk with her about him.

Over the next week, I found myself thinking more about what was on the other videos. I still hadn't raised questions with Taylor about her ex-boyfriend yet, I was trying to think of a way I could bring it up without having to tell her about the trove of videos I had of her having sex with another guy. But the videos, my curiosity had me thinking about them more and more.

On Sunday, Taylor left early to spend the day with her older sister Paige, who lives and works thirty minutes to the north of us in Marietta with her husband Eric. Paige was due to have her second child shortly, and Taylor was keen to spend time with her sister during her pregnancy.

This did give me the opportunity to look at more of the videos, my curiosity had well and truly got the best of me at this point. I opened the second video from the first folder, Taylor and the blonde buff guy were naked in the bathroom, stepping into the shower. I'm assuming her ex, then proceeded to film them having sex while under the shower. She looked so hot, her body all wet and with her moans and groans clearly audible as she was getting fucked to an orgasm.

The other video appeared to be a separate sex session with the same guy in the same hotel room. Maybe they shot this over a weekend? I moved onto the second folder, the date meant that this was recorded a month after the first set of videos. There were three videos, I opened the first.

Again, it was the same guy, and what looked like the same hotel although a different room. I didn't really watch these, I skimmed through them to see if there was anything interesting on them. I was keen to see if Taylor would speak into the camera, maybe I could understand her mindset for why she was doing these. Apart from the obvious sexual pleasure of course.

I moved on to the third folder, it was three weeks after the last set, and was the week of what was Taylor's twenty third birthday. There were two videos, I opened the first expecting to see the same blonde buff guy once more. But no, it was a new guy this time. He was a muscular and athletic looking black guy, about 6'3 or 6'4 judging by when he was standing beside Taylor.

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