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Sex on the Trail

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Chance encounter hiking the Appalachian trail.
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Everyone in this story is a consenting adult over the age of 18. The story is written for fun and may take some liberties with the abilities of most men when it comes to their sexual abilities. Just go with it and wish that you could do it, too. I had fun writing it, and I hope you have fun reading it. Special thanks to Kenji for help in editing this. This is set back in the late '70s to early '80s, before the Trail was as popular as it is now, and before the observation tower was built.

It was a sunny day in the low to mid 90s, when we started out on our trek; just what we expected hiking in early June. Each year, Amy and I spent the week of her birthday, hiking on the Appalachian Trail, or the A-Trail as it's also known. This year, we were in east Tennessee, starting up north of Clingmans Dome and finishing at Fontana Dam. We both love the outdoors. Probably twenty-five percent of our dates were camping trips with a close group of friends in college.

The first two days were pretty uneventful. Beautiful scenery and relatively few people. On day three, we set up camp at the bottom of Clingmans Dome. At over six thousand feet, it's the tallest point on the Trail, and we wanted to hit it fresh in the morning. Normally at this time of the year, there are usually people around us every night when we camp. We enjoy talking to them and getting to know people from around the world. We had met some people the first two nights, and talked 'til almost midnight. Tonight, no one was in our area. We set up our gear, and our hammock between a couple of sturdy trees, at the edge of the clearing.

After hiking for three days without a real bath, our clothes were fairly ripe. So, wherever we stopped for the night, we changed into our 'camp' clothes. Basically, we stripped, put on some gym shorts, a t-shirt, camp shoes and tons of mosquito repellant, to let our clothes air out a bit. We sat in the hammock talking and snuggling, watching the night fall. We loved being out in the wilderness, where there wasn't any light at night, except for the moon and the stars. There was a full moon out tonight, that lit the area in an eerie glow, but it wasn't so bright that we couldn't see billions of more stars than we did at home.

The only reason either of us got up was for some dinner, and we both had to go pee once. I always love sitting with Amy, her short, five-foot-two-inch frame, lets her lay her head on my shoulder comfortably. Laying there, neither of us had a care in the world. Around 9:30pm, I thought Amy had decided she was going to bed when she hopped out of the hammock. As I started to get up, she pushed me back down, leaned over and jerked my gym shorts and underwear off. Amy was always one to enjoy outdoor sex. It was one of the reasons we enjoyed these trips so much. We usually even managed to find a pond or stream, where we could go skinny-dipping at least once.

Once she got my shorts off, she started kissing and lightly sucking the head of my dick, while she slipped out of her shorts letting them fall to the ground. She stood up from sucking my dick, and took her t-shirt off. There she stood, bathed in moonlight, her auburn hair tied into a ponytail, her blue eyes twinkling and her beautiful white breasts swimming in the moonlight. Like I said earlier, Amy was about five foot two, and maybe one hundred pounds, soaking wet. Her breasts were solid C cups, still as pert and round, as the day I met her. She smiled, gave my dick a quick kiss and jumped back into the hammock with me and helped me get my t-shirt off.

We were laying diagonally across the hammock. Amy was laying on her side against me and playing with my dick while we kissed. My dick was erect, but not completely hard. She loved playing with it in that state. She would grab the base and flip it from side to side, or spin it around in circles, almost absentmindedly. That, with the feeling of her breasts against me, was intoxicating or maybe, it was the overwhelming smell of bug spray. The feeling of her heart beating, her breath on my neck, her soft breasts against me, is one of the feelings I will always remember. And that is the last thing I remember from that night.

We woke up to the sunrise in the morning the same way, having slept all night in the hammock. We got up, pulled our clothes on, had some breakfast, struck camp, and got ready for the hike up the dome. It was strange that no one was around, as we started up the mountain. About halfway up, I got the feeling someone was behind us, but I couldn't see them.

We stepped off the path behind some trees just below the top for a lunch of peanut butter 'n' jelly on tortillas with some jerky and trail mix. This let whoever was following us, move ahead of us. There isn't much I hate more, than knowing someone is following me and not knowing who it is. About fifteen minutes after we stopped, a couple passed by on the trail. They looked like they were in their 30s, like us, and were packed very light, only one pack for the two of them. We lost sight of them as they continued to the top of the dome. A few minutes later, we packed up lunch and headed the rest of the way up.

As we reached the summit, we saw the couple sitting next to the summit book eating. We sat down quietly where we were, and unnoticed, we watched them for a short time. After they ate, they picked up the book and took pictures of several of the pages. Then the man came up behind the woman and started acting like he was fucking her from behind. The lady turned around wrapped her arms around his head and hopped up wrapping her legs around him and started kissing him. The man lowered her to the ground with her legs still around his waist and they continued kissing and grinding on each other.

All of a sudden, I felt it come over me, but I couldn't stop it. I sneezed. This wasn't a soft, controlled sneeze. It was one of those wake-the-dead sneezes heard three counties away. The man and woman jumped up and started looking around.

They finally saw us and waved us over to them.

We grabbed our stuff and headed over to meet them.

"Hello," I said, "you're the first people we've seen since about noon yesterday. We're Kyle and Amy Smith."

"We're Steve and Missy Carlson," the man said, as he reached out his hand to shake.

"Sorry about disturbing you," Amy said, looking at Missy.

"Seems to be a slow week," said Steve.

"We've been hiking different sections of the Trail each year for about ten years now," I said.

"What were y'all doing?" asked Amy

Missy immediately started to turn red, embarrassed.

"We saw you taking pictures of the summit book," I said quickly.

"Oh, we're rangers over this part of the Trail and we like to keep a record of how many people come through each year. So, we come up here a couple of times each year, to get a count of everyone who came through during the year and add pages to the book if necessary," Missy said.

"That's cool," said Amy, "how many people came through this year?"

"Four pages front and back signed in, so that's about 160 people so far this year," said Steve.

"Do you two want to sign in?" asked Missy, handing the book to Amy.

We signed in and started looking at the messages in the book. There were the typical "Insert name, was here," comments. Others were just stupid, and some were rather deep. There was one note from a guy who had terminal cancer and six months to live. He had always wanted to hike the Trail, so he was doing it while he still could. We sat with Steve and Missy for almost an hour looking through the book and just talking.

"Where are you leaving the trail?" Amy asked.

"Fontana, that's where we live," said Missy, "you?"

"Same," I said, "we're leaving the trail in Fontana, we live in west Tennessee."

"Do y'all want to hike with us the rest of the way?" asked Missy

Amy and I looked at each other, "Sure," said Amy.

"We were just going to head down and camp at the bottom of the mountain this evening, if that's good for you," I said.

"I know a great little area that has a great view and is just about a half mile farther," said Steve.

"It's a great place to watch the sunset and there's a little stream nearby, if you want to wash anything," Missy added.

It was settled, at around two o'clock we headed down the mountain. People tell you that downhill is easier than uphill. It depends on how steep the incline is. When we got to the bottom, my calves were killing me from walking so long with my toes pointed. The top of the mountain had been about sixty degrees Fahrenheit. But back down in the valley, it was up in the high eighties. Perfect weather.

I set up the tent and stored our gear, while Amy started to set up our hammock between a couple of strong trees.

"No, not there," said Missy, "set it up over here. It's a better view of the sunset."

Amy headed over by Missy, as Steve brought a similar hammock over. After dinner, we all headed over to the hammocks to watch the sunset. We were lucky, it was a clear night, and the temperature was holding in the low eighties, as the sun started to set. It was beautiful, the deep reds, golds and violet colors, laid in bands across the sky as the sun set on the horizon. We watched the bright greens of the trees across the valley, turn into darker and darker greens. Suddenly, I felt Amy's hand on my cock through my jeans. I looked at her with a shocked, 'what the hell' look. She just quietly pointed at Steve and Missy. They had stopped looking at the sunset and laid down in their hammock. Missy was leaning up against Steve playing with his cock as they kissed.

"So, what do you want to do?" I whispered.

"What are my options?" Amy whispered back.

"We could lay here and watch, lay here and play ourselves, or see if they want company," I whispered.

"You know I'm not going to do number three. But I'm fine with doing both one and maybe two," Amy whispered back.

We readjusted ourselves so we were lying in the hammock diagonally, but in the opposite direction we normally would, so that we were facing them and could watch. Amy laid on my shoulder with her hand inside my jeans playing with my dick again. I had my arm around Amy holding and occasionally tweaking her breast as the sun disappeared and the starry night took over.

Missy now had Steve out of his pants, and was eagerly giving him a blowjob, while Amy was getting a bit rough playing with my dick. That was a sign she was getting excited along with her heavy breathing and occasional moan.

"Oh my god, I want you to fuck me," Amy whispered in my ear.

"Okay," I said, as I started to roll over toward her.

"Not here, not now," she giggled back to me.

I'm not sure how they were doing it, but based on the sounds coming from the other hammock, Missy and Steve were doing the wild thing. Missy was alternating between screaming, cussing, and sometimes both at the same time. I could make out Steve getting faster as he humped her. I could tell it wouldn't be long before he came and flooded his wife's pussy with hot cum. We didn't have to worry about animals around the camp anymore. When Missy came, she let out a scream that scared everything within twenty miles of us. Steve, then dropped his load into her pussy, and she screamed again. Then there was silence followed by quiet giggling. We could tell they were still alive from the movements in their hammock, but they were slower and more fluid. We assumed they were kissing and heading off to sleep.

Amy's not a screamer, she's a moaner. Even when she cums, she doesn't moan loudly or yell loudly. I hadn't even noticed that she had been fingering herself until she dug her fingernails into my arm, as she tensed up and came with a petite but intense, "Oooooh, yesssssss," and she was done. That left me with a raging hard-on and a bloody forearm. I hadn't had blue balls in a long time, but I sure had them that night.

We woke up in the morning before Steve and Missy, so we started some coffee and boiled some water for whatever freeze-dried food we had. A few minutes after we put the coffee on, Steve and Missy started stirring in their hammock. After a few minutes, they both rolled out completely naked. Seeing us already up, they gave a quick smile and a giggle and pulled some clothes on. This was the first time I had gotten a good look at Missy. She was about my height, five foot eleven, with long, slender well-defined, muscular legs from hiking the trails all the time. Her ass was not huge but not too small either, it was a nice pear-shaped ass like Amy. Her breasts were a solid 'C' but not quite as big as Amy's. Her hair was jet black and barely shoulder length. I guess that made it cooler and easier to take care of out here. Her eyes were dark brown which matched her dark-tanned skin with no discernible tan lines. I had expected her to have a farmer's tan of brown arms and neck, but white everywhere else. She evidently found time to sunbathe or had a tanning spa membership. I liked to think of her sunbathing sans clothes. I had caught Amy doing that several times in the back yard when she thought no one was home.

We were two days out of Fontana, but Steve wanted to turn it into a three-day hike. There was a clearing about a half-day's hike down the trail and about a half mile off the trail, that was right next to a spring-fed pond, with a small waterfall and some rapids leaving it. The rapids just below the waterfall were a great place to wash clothes on the rocks. The pond was fun to swim in. The waterfall was only about two feet high, but it was a great place to sit and let the water just run over you. It sounded beautiful, we weren't on a tight schedule, we always packed extra food for just this reason, so we agreed and started hiking.

As we started out, Missy and Amy took the lead setting a moderate pace, Steve and I followed.

"Did you two enjoy the show last night?" Steve asked.

"Yeah, the stars are awesome out here. So much better than in the city," I said, trying to avoid what I was sure was his real question.

"True." Steve chuckled, "But are you trying to tell me that you weren't watching Missy and me, especially after she started yelling? God knows she can wake the dead sometimes."

I tried to stifle a laugh. "We may have noticed a little something,"

"If you want to join in tonight, I could use the help. She wanted me to go again last night, but I just can't keep up with her sometimes," said Steve, with a serious look on his face.

I must have looked silly when I looked over at Steve, not really believing what I thought I heard because he started laughing.

"Yeah, I just asked you to fuck my wife for me," he said.

"I don't know," I said. "Amy and I aren't really into that kind of thing. We've talked about it a few times, but she's always changed the subject, or shut the conversation down. I think you're on your own. Maybe you should get some 'little blue pills'," I joked.

"Can't take them, they give me a bitch of a headache, so the doctor said not to take them, and he had the nerve to say that they aren't for recreational use, can you believe that?" We both started laughing.

"Sorry," I said, "I'm not going there without Amy "

"Okay, that's fine, I won't pressure you, but if you hear someone over there crying, it's probably me." He laughed.

We kept hiking, occasionally talking, occasionally he or Missy would stop us and show us something interesting on the trail. They have azaleas that were over eight feet tall in some areas; they were gorgeous. We got to the turnoff leading to the waterfall. If there was a trail there, I couldn't see it. Missy and Steve seemed to know where they were going. After about an hour's walk through the underbrush, we came out into a clearing covered with clover. Three sides were walls of trees, while the side opposite us, was a stream about twelve to fifteen feet wide. The opposite bank was a sheer cliff up about fifty feet. It was a beautiful, private, little piece of heaven.

Amy dropped her pack next to me and headed for the stream following Missy.

I looked at Steve, "That's her way of telling me to set up camp by myself," I said.

"We won't get Missy out of that water 'til dinner is ready," Steve said. "Let's set up over there by the stream."

"Lunch?" I asked.

"Grab some trail mix and jerky, and take Missy some, too," Steve said.

I grabbed Amy's gear and took it over to where Steve indicated, put on my camp clothes, took Amy her clothes and some lunch for her and Missy. She had already stripped down to her underwear and her sports bra.

"Beautiful, isn't it," I said, more as a statement than a question.

"I could live here," she said.

Amy pointed up to the waterfall, where Missy and Steve had already stripped out of their clothes and were sitting next to the waterfall letting the water flow over their shoulders.

"I wish I were that free," Amy said

"How so?" I asked, "I mean we have had sex almost everywhere around the house I can think of, and on every campout we've ever been on, I think."

"Yeah, but always in private," she said.

"Oh, so you're a closet exhibitionist now?" I asked, looking kind of confused.

"Well, no, you know I'm too modest for that. I just wish I felt like I could, if I wanted to. Does that make sense?" she asked.

"No, but I'll take your word for it," I replied, chuckling a little, but I completely understood. She wanted to feel like she had a choice. Strangely enough, it was her dead mother, Evelyn, and her attitudes around sex, who was probably stopping her. "Tell Evelyn I said hi," I threw in for good measure.

Suddenly, I got a well-deserved face full of water, courtesy of Amy and her hiking pants.

We laughed a little, finished washing our stuff and hung them out on some limbs at the edge of the clearing, but still in the sun. We looked upriver at Steve and Missy. I'm not sure how they were doing it in this cold water, but Missy was sitting in Steve's lap facing him, bouncing up and down in a way that made me sure they were fucking.

"I don't think I could ever get my dick hard enough to fuck in this water." I chuckled, "The slightest hint of cold water and it runs for cover".

"Yeah, remember the ice cube last year on your birthday," Amy laughed. "It took thirty minutes to coax the little guy back out, after just one touch from that ice cube."

"One touch maybe, but then you kept using your cold hands to try to coax him out," I laughed.

"Do you think we'll get another show tonight?" asked Amy.

"You did seem to enjoy it," I said, "but if we do, will you let me have some fun, too?"

Amy smiled and patted my growing dick through my gym pants. We waited 'til the action at the waterfall died down, before heading up that way.

"Want to go swimming?" asked Missy.

"I'm just gonna sit under the waterfall and relax," I said.

"Me too," said Steve.

"I'll go," said Amy.

So, Amy and Missy headed up to the spring pond and waded out into the water.

The waterfall felt so good running over my shoulders. It was almost like an ice bath. It hurt like hell initially, but then all your pains went away.

Steve and I talked for a while about nothing, like guys do. He's a Cowboys fan, I'm a Steelers fan so we trash-talked a while. We talked about our wives, how we met, what we did for fun, times we got into trouble and got away with it. That kind of stuff. After about an hour, something came up against the back of my neck. I reached back; it was Amy's training bra. Steve pointed a few feet to our left and there was a pair of gym shorts stuck on a rock sticking out of the water. We both slowly turned around and knelt so we wouldn't be seen and looked for the ladies. They were over in some shallows near the shore splashing each other and giggling. I quickly turned around and sat back down, Steve followed suit.

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