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Sex or Suicide Ch. 02

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The game spins out of control.
7.7k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 11/30/2012
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I watched Cory as he stared in disbelief at the dice in front of me. For a few seconds, the only sounds came from Nicole's stereo. I glanced over at Nicole, who now looked absolutely amused. She swept her pink curls back over her bare shoulders and smiled. I could see a glaze to her eyes, and I could tell that all the beers and the horrible suicide shots were starting to take effect on her.

Something inside of me ached as I looked at the sex dice again. Nicole had been one number away from rolling my number, in which case her full lips would be wrapped around my dick. The dice were clear, though. She had to perform the action on Cory instead, who didn't look thrilled about it at all.

"Whoa, uh... I... dunno, Nikki," Cory slurred. "I don't think I can handle that."

"Uh-uh," Nicole said shaking her head and grinning. "It says to suck your dick. Sorry, babe. Luck of the roll."

"Actually, the verb is lick, Nicole," I pointed out.

She glared at me playfully. "Six here, half a dozen there. It's pretty much the same thing."

Cory glanced at me almost frantically. I could see the fear in his eyes. I cursed silently to myself. While I understood why a homosexual guy would be skittish about having a girl give him a blow job, it made me frustrated because in Cory's position I would have been ecstatic.

"Well, uh," Cory stammered, "I'll... I'll just take the shot."

"Oh no you won't," Nicole scolded. "That's against the rules."

"W-what?" Cory complained. "What are you talking about? I'm opting out!"

Nicole stood and made her way slowly around the table. My eyes wandered down her slender pale body as she smiled wickedly at Cory.

"You can only take a suicide shot if it's your roll," she told him. "You can't take a shot on my roll, babe."

"You're kidding," Cory groaned. "C'mon, Nikki!"

"My roll, my shot... and I don't want to take the shot," Nicole teased, licking her lips and eying him seductively. She then burst into a small fit of giggles.

"Oh c'mon, dude," she said. "Let's have a little fun, Cory."

I looked at Cory, though it was a bit weird doing so. He was still fully nude, and no matter how much I tried not to look at his bare crotch, I could still see his half limp dick between his legs in my peripheral vision. He appeared to be nervously contemplating his situation. I watched with anticipation before he leaned forward suddenly and snatched the bottle of alcohol from the table.

"Whatever, fuck it," Cory said. "But I'm still taking a shot. I need to be numb for this."

Nicole's green eyes lit up with excitement before she glanced briefly at me. Something in those eyes was teasing me, feeding off of my discomfort and my arousal. She drew close to Cory's naked body as he turned the bottle up to the ceiling and took a few swallows of the vile suicide. I shuddered as I looked on, watching a few drops run from the corners of his mouth and down his bare chest as Nicole knelt between his open legs.

I couldn't believe what was about to happen. My best friend, whom I had lusted over ever since I'd known her was about to give my other friend a blow job. Everything seemed like a dream now, or like I was watching events unfold on video. Cory was naked. Nicole was in her bra and panties. I was slightly aroused but simultaneously repulsed. It was such an odd feeling. It only intensified when Nicole took Cory's flaccid dick between her fingers and began stroking him. Cory flinched at her touch. He looked extremely uncomfortable. His body was stiff like he had grabbed a sparking wire. His lips were a firm thin line on his pained face.

Nicole jerked him slowly, though Cory's dick got no harder from her touch. I tried to focus my gaze on Nicole and her gorgeous petite body. She looked so damn hot in her underwear with her pale skin and vividly colored tattoos. I used to think of her as a tomboy when we were younger, but watching her stroke Cory's dick, she was a sultry punk rock temptress.

Nicole's head turned to the side as she moved her lips close to Cory's dick. She was staring straight into my eyes as she worked his cock up and down. I was petrified. I could only watch as her tongue slipped out of her open mouth and slowly licked at the tip of the limp cock in her hand. My breathing stopped and my mouth hung open. She licked the dick again, this time curling her tongue and moistening it completely. I felt my own cock straightening in my boxers. Nicole's eyes were still locked with mine as she dropped down to cup Cory's balls in her hand and roll her tongue along them as well.

I glanced at Cory to gauge his reaction. He was in the process of taking another drink from the suicide bottle. As he lowered the bottle, his gaze fell on me... all of me. His big brown eyes scanned my half naked body, first down my chest, then further still to linger at my stirring boxer shorts. I couldn't believe it. Cory was watching me while Nicole was licking his dick.

I shifted uncomfortably in my chair. Looking back at Nicole as she continued her task with more than a little enthusiasm, I was shocked to find that Cory's dick was growing. I glanced back at him to find that he was still watching me through foggy eyes. I couldn't help but watch his smooth shaven cock grow harder and longer in Nicole's hand. Her lips were suddenly around his enlarging head and sliding down his almost erect cock, which caused Cory to jump.

"Whoa holy shit, Nikki!" Cory blurted. "It... it said... t-to lick my dick, not... not suck me off!"

Nicole pulled her head from his dick and swept her pink curls around her neck, smiling seductively up at him.

"It's all the same thing, babe."

Her mouth opened again and she slid Cory's glistening dick inside. Cory instantly took another chug of the suicide, his face contorting with discomfort and disgust. His breathing was becoming labored and I could see sweat beginning to form on his forehead. His eyes found mine again and I glanced away quickly. I could feel my bare flesh grow warm with embarrassment.

I watched Nicole as her head bobbed slowly between his thighs. Her pale hand still pumped his cock, and those piercing green eyes were fixed on me. I could see that she was enjoying this. With her free hand she groped her breasts through the black bra, moaning into Cory's still hardening cock. I couldn't stem the tide of blood that was gushing into my own dick, filling it full until it strained upward against the thin fabric of my boxer shorts.

A feverish moan escaped from Cory's lips, and when I looked at him I saw that his round eyes were staring down at my boxers. He squirmed in his seat, obviously aroused and beginning to feel powerful sensations in his now fully stiff dick. What made me feel odd was that I knew he was gay. I knew he was not simply getting off on Nicole's blow job, but instead was getting more worked up watching me. I wasn't sure how to feel or what to think. My head was swimming, my dick was hard, and I felt like the world had tilted on its axis.

Cory was moaning through closed lips, trying to suppress his growing arousal as best he could. His glossy eyes still danced up and down my body, making me feel really uncomfortable. Part of me wanted to leave out of jealousy and discomfort. Part of me wanted to pull my dick free from my shorts and stroke it, for I couldn't deny that the whole strange ordeal was getting me worked up.

With a final lick to the tip of Cory's dick, Nicole finished her work and stood, wiping her lips with her thumb. She cut her green eyes over at me and gave me a little grin. Then, she looked down at Cory.

"All done," she stated. "It's your roll, Cory."

Cory stared back at her breathing heavily, the alcohol bottle still in his trembling hand and his glistening erect cock nodding between his thighs. He looked as though he had just sprinted a mile. Again my eyes were drawn to his stiff dick, though my mind told me not to look. It was about the same size as mine, an average five or six inches. There wasn't anything particularly special about it other than that it was attached to him. As I looked up, I realized that he was staring at me. My face grew warm. I saw the corner of his mouth twitch up into a smile for just a second.

I looked away quickly and rubbed my face roughly. I was really starting to feel the alcohol now. My insides were burning and freezing at the same time. My eyes now found Nicole, who studied me curiously. She bit her lip and her gaze fell to my crotch, where my erection had just started to subside. It pumped again before her lusty eyes, and my heart began to beat furiously. Nicole took her seat and turned her gaze to Cory. He set the giant bottle on the table and blew out a loud heavy gust of air. He appeared to be wrestling with the aftermath of the blowjob, as well as the alcohol he had consumed.

"You gonna roll, lover?" Nicole giggled.

Cory reluctantly grabbed the dice from the table and gave them a shake. I watched in silence as they fell to the table. One die landed near me, with the word "crotch" face up. Great, I thought. The another came to stop between Nicole and Cory. The last die skipped off the table and to the kitchen floor.

"Crap," Cory hissed as he stood to chase the rogue die.

"Don't touch it!" Nicole told him. "It still counts down there."

I studied the two dice on the table through drunken eyes. Both displayed words, together reading, "suck crotch."

"It's a six," Nicole said. "That's your number, you gotta roll that one again."

As Cory fetched the lone numbered die, I grew nervous. He was already shaking the die in his hand before I could fully contemplate would could happen. I prayed he didnt roll my number. Nicole and I watched with drunken anticipation as the die bounced across the table and stopped right in front of her. My heart grew ice cold as I saw her facial expression form into a broad smile.

"Fucking awesome!" Nicole laughed.

"What?" I prodded. "What does it say?"

I already knew the answer before she told me, and a wave of dread swept over me.

"It's a four," Nicole said with a wink. "That's you, baby."

My breath caught in my chest as I stared at the dice on the table in shock. I glanced over at Cory, and a chill crawled up my spine. He was already eying me anxiously.

"I'll pass," I stated. "Gimme the bottle."

"Haven't you been paying attention?" Nicole asked, rising from her seat. "You can't take a suicide shot on someone else's roll, dude. That's Cory's choice."

She walked around the table and came up beside of me. I stared at the table in bewilderment, unsure of what to do. I couldn't let this happen. I felt myself growing defensive and angry inside. It crossed my mind to quit the game, get up, and leave. I couldn't imagine doing what they wanted me to do. Cory obviously didn't want to take the shot, which meant that he really wanted to suck my cock.

"No way," I said flatly, before looking over at Cory. "I... I can't do it, man, I'm sorry. That's way too much for me."

He threw his hands up in protest. "I just let a girl suck my dick, man. My best friend, not to mention."

"That doesn't really sound like a bad thing from where I'm sitting," I grumbled, looking away.

Nicole was beside me suddenly, and I quivered when I saw her pale slender body in bra and panties that close to me.

"What's the difference between me doing it to you and Cory?" Nicole asked me.

"He's a guy!" I said looking up into her beautiful face.

"So what?" She argued. "He's better at it than I am."

I shuddered and shook my head. I glanced over at Cory, who was tapping his fingers on the table and watching me through glossy eyes. I was about to look away when a sweet aroma filled my nose and I felt a soft hand on my shoulder. Nicole was leaning over close to me, her pink curls brushing my neck and her lips pressed to my ear. I could feel her warm breath as she spoke to me.

"If you let him do this, you can have me tonight," she whispered. "You can have all of me, but you gotta let Cory have you."

My eyes widened as Nicole's tongue slid across my ear. I shivered and my flaccid dick jumped in my shorts. My head spun as I thought about my dilemma. I wanted Nicole so badly, but I wondered if it was really worth the cost. She wanted me to give myself to Cory the way she would for me. I was simultaneously overwhelmed with excitement and dread. I looked at Cory. I wasn't exactly disgusted by the thought of him, but I wasn't sure I could handle doing anything sexual with him. Nicole wanted to see that. I'd always known she was a bit kinky. After all, she was bisexual, but I realized now that this had probably been her plan all along.

I allowed my eyes to wander down Cory's nude body. He wasn't an ugly guy by any means. He was in pretty decent shape, he kept his body was practically hairless, and his skin looked smooth and blemish free. The image of Nicole sucking his cock while he grew harder and harder as he looked at me was still in my head. I had to admit that it was hot. It had been like watching porn. It didn't matter if it was another guy I had been watching. I just couldn't deny to myself that I enjoyed it. I actually felt somewhat flattered at the fact that I had made Cory's dick hard.

I couldn't believe that I was considering it, but my inhibitions were now diminishing. I thought of Nicole's petite body on top of me. I thought of drilling my cock into her while she ground her hips into me. I pictured her beautiful face twisted in orgasmic pleasure as her pink curls bounced beside her face. Just thinking about it had my cock pumping. I sighed heavily. I could either leave angry and disappointed, or just let myself go and allow whatever happened to happen tonight.

"Alright," I said finally. "Fuck it. Cory bring me that bottle."

The look on Cory's face was one of shock and elation. He didn't move at all for several seconds.

"Sweet!" Nicole cheered.

She gave me a quick kiss on my cheek. Even such a small gesture made me blush.

"Cory!" Nicole laughed, breaking his trance. "Get your fine ass over here and cash in!"

Cory blinked and tried to hide his excitement. He stood up, his smooth cock standing erect. He nervously walked over to me and I slid my chair away from the table and to the side, trying not to look at his stiff dick. Cory slowly took a knee before me.

"Dude," I interjected, "The suicide?"

"Oh... right," Cory blushed. "Sorry."

He reached over and grabbed the large bottle of alcohol and offered it to me. My hand trembled as I took it.

"I have to watch this," Nicole said excitedly.

She sat on the table facing us and leaned back, propping herself up on her hands. Her black bra barely hid the nipples of her petite round breasts. My eyes wandered up and down her slender body, tracing the curves at her narrow waist above her wide hips. My body almost quivered as I studied her smooth flat stomach and the flashy belly button piercing that adorned it. My gaze fell to her pink panties, where I could practically see the outline of her pussy through the thin cotton fabric. They looked as though they had been painted on. Those panties were in arm's reach of me, and were on full display because of the way she leaned back on her hands.

"You uh... ready?" I heard Cory ask.

I glanced down at my naked friend between my spread legs. He looked up at me with calm anticipation, though I could tell by his breathing that he was as nervous as I was. He licked his lips, which made me even more skittish. His eyes were glazed and slightly bloodshot, and I knew that he was good and tipsy. Something inside of me thought that he looked better without his glasses, which had sat on the table ever since he'd taken them off. His big brown eyes were actually a really bright and lovely shade.

I shook my head. Taking a deep breath, I brought the suicide bottle to my lips and drank. I took about three swallows and thought that I might hurl. Again I felt the blast of dizziness in my head and the molten hot burn in my stomach. I didn't care. I needed to be numb, as Cory had said earlier. I took another drink, and before I could say or do anything, Cory was pulling down the waistband of my boxers and exposing my flaccid dick. His eyes flashed when he saw my cock, and his lip trembled when he reached for it. I twitched when I felt him touch me, his fingers closing gently around the base of my limp shaft. With his other hand, he cupped my balls and pulled them gingerly up and over the waistband so that my entire sex was exposed.

Cory was holding my dick. It was completely unbelievable to me, and again I felt as though I was doing something wrong or dirty. He brought his head in close to the base of my cock and stuck out his tongue. I squeezed my eyes shut as I felt it touch the sensitive underside of my half limp dick. He ran the flat of his tongue up to my tip. An uncontrollable whimper escaped my lips at the feel of his hot breath on my head.

Cory squeezed his fingers tight around the base of my rod. A surge of blood entered my dick, though it still hung half limp in his hand. His other hand cradled my balls and groped at them gently. It came as a powerful shock when I felt heat surrounding my cock, and then felt his lips close around it at about half its length. As his lips sealed, they began to pull back firmly. My near flaccid dick was being pulled and stretched as he drew his mouth back.

My resolve broke, and I opened my eyes to look down at Cory as his mouth opened again and his head plunged slowly down my limp cock. Now I could feel his warm tongue brush my tip. He firmly but slowly licked at the limp half of my cock inside his mouth. My ass cheeks clenched at the stimulating sensation as Cory pulled his head back to my tip again, his tongue working the whole way.

"Oh god, this is fucking hot."

I glanced over at Nicole when she spoke with feverish arousal. I had forgotten she was beside us for a moment. Her wide sparkling green eyes were fixed on my cock in Cory's mouth. Her bottom lip hung open as her breasts heaved up and down. What caught my attention the most, however, was her hand. While leaning one one hand, her other was between her legs. She rubbed at her pussy through her pink panties slowly, her legs spreading apart instinctively.

At that moment, Cory took my entire half limp cock into his mouth. His nose pressed into my crotch as he rolled my dick around in his mouth with his tongue roughly. Seeing Nicole rubbing herself and feeling Cory working my limp rod in his mouth sent blood pumping into my dick. A cold shiver breath filled my lungs and I gripped the bottle in my hand so tightly that I though it might shatter. I couldn't deny the pleasure I felt, and as to confirm it, my cock pumped harder against Cory's rolling tongue and began to fill his mouth.

When he pulled his head off of my dick again and breathed deeply, I was almost shocked to see that my cock was nearly half erect and nodding stronger. Holding my cock so that it pointed to his mouth, Cory pursed his wet lips and let a string of saliva fall to my enlarging tip. He started to jerk my dick, lubricating it with his spit. I should have been disgusted by what was happening, that a guy was doing this to me, but I was in a daze watching him work.

He worked his hand up and down my dick with the skill of someone who has jerked a dick many times before, someone who knew exactly what would feel absolutely stimulating. I distantly wondered if he was so good at this because he was a guy himself, and therefore knew the right buttons to push. After all, Nicole had mentioned that Cory was better than she was at sucking dick.

My cock was suddenly sliding into his mouth again, and I suppressed a moan of ecstasy as my tip touched the back of his throat. My now semi erect dick felt simply amazing in Cory's warm moist mouth. I never felt his teeth, only his tightly sealed wet lips and his slick tongue gliding across my skin firmly. No one could have been more shocked than myself as my free hand suddenly found the back of Cory's head almost instinctively, gently resting in his soft black hair. I flinched, nearly drawing my hand away in surprise, but everything felt so fucking good that I left it there. I didn't see what it could hurt at this point to show that I was actually enjoying Cory's blowjob anyway.

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