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Sexy PayBack

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Jessica Biel gets back on her husband with a poolboy.
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Disclaimer: This is pure fiction. None of these events are real, nor am I saying these celebs act this way. This is purely a fantasy and should be treated as such; furthermore, minors should not read further.


"I... I can't believe it!"

Jessica Biel was furious as she read the article. She had been married to Justin Timberlake, her long-date boyfriend, for little more than a year and there was already speculation about their relationship's end. Something about him going around her back while on a show in Brazil.

"Ugh, those than media vultures!"

Problem was, they were right.

She had heard it, as well as allegations he had been going around without the wedding ring. She had confronted Justin about it, and he had denied vehemently, saying he would sue the newspapers for defamation and all that. He promised he would go all Tom Cruise-y on them. But the rumors continued, now from other sources and places...

She knew Justin very well. She knew he had a habit of chasing after anything that wears skirts, and that it would be difficult for him to keep from straying once together. Hell, she had been the other woman when he had been dating another starlet before her, so it was not like she was a saint herself.

But now she was the one getting cheated. And she would not stand idly and let him do that.

She wouldn't give up and just split; no, it was a bump on the road but she was sure their relationship could endure. She firmly believed it was essential for a long-term relationship more than just sex, and she and Justin were friends before being lovers: they still played around, acted more like close friends than a married couple. She had forgiven his affairs in the past, but this didn't mean she wouldn't get back at him for letting it leak.

She thought of the possibilities. She didn't want to do anything that would go public, her aim was not to humiliate him; it was more of a need to heal her pride again then hurt his. Of course, she could torture him in private as part of her 'revenge', but as satisfying as that was she still needed something else.

Standing up and moving to the window, she looked at her pool. She kinda got an idea...


"Oh, good day Mrs. Timberlake. I thought you were travelling?"

Jessica gave a smile to the young pool boy as she let him in. "I still prefer to be called by my maid name, if you don't mind. And no, my husband went to an award ceremony but I chose to stay here. I've been feeling a bit down lately."

"Sorry to hear that, Mrs. Timb... Mrs. Biel." He quickly corrected himself. She 'rewarded' him with another smile before leading him to the backyard where the pool was.

"Well, as you can see it is nothing too troublesome. Neither Justin nor me have had the time to use it much lately so it has been a while since it was last cleaned, but the weather hasn't really been too bad. It is probably more like a routine cleanup." Jessica said, showing him the pool. He agreed. "Well, I will let you to work then."

She walked back to the house, her face in a smile, as she was sure he was still looking at her go. Not surprising, as she had noticed his surprise and excitement when she called him.

She went upstairs to her and Justin's bedroom, going to the window to look her employee over as he worked. She nodded her head in approval at first glance and then sat down as she continued to judge him.

He was good looking, young but looking like a manlier Chris Evans—which further upped her interest. After a while, because of the heat, he removed his shirt and she could see even more things she liked: while not overly sculpted or anything, he was still quite strong and well toned.

She smiled as she decided it was enough ogling from her part, and moved to her closet. She changed herself into a pair of brown bikinis and panties; they were not only rather tight-fitting, but actually brought attention to her full figure. It was pretty much the same she had used for a cover of GQ in 2007, and the color was a favorite of Justin's.

Putting a bathrobe over to 'cover' herself up, she gave a final glance through the window before going down again. Stepping out to the backyard, she pretended not to notice his surprised staring.

"How is it going?" Jessica asked, getting close to the pool.

"As you said, Mrs. Biel, it isn't too troublesome. Won't take much longer."

"That is good to hear." Jessica moved to one of the pool chairs, undoing her robe's knot. "Do you mind if I lay down here, sunbathe a little?"

The pool boy turned, and his words got caught in his throat as he saw her take her robe off. Her breasts, even hidden by a tight bikini, were still mouth-watering; it helped that her bikini top still left quite a bit in the open. Even when his attention managed to pass by her breasts, he still marveled at her athletic, slim body and her perfect, PERFECT ass.

Jessica smiled as she had her back to him, knowing he was ogling her. "So, can I stay or would you prefer I leave you alone to your work?"

"NO!... I-I mean... It is your house, M-Mrs. Biel, you don't need to ask me..." He rapidly recovered.

"Why, thank you." She turned to him, giving him a smile—and a nice view of her chest—before putting on a pair of sunglasses and lying down on the pool chair.

After a while, as if expecting her to shout a 'got you!' or 'just kidding!' and leave, he eventually came to terms that the goddess was going to stay there and decided to go back to work. It was... distracting, to say the least. Meanwhile, under the guise of her sunglasses, Jessica Biel kept checking him out. He was definitely handsome and quite lean; clearly he didn't overdo his working out, which she was glad. She really liked what she saw.

This kept on for almost an hour, as he kept working while trying to avoid ogling her—or at least doing so as discreetly as possible—while she enjoyed his attention and rewarded with her own—hidden—eyes. Eventually she decided enough was enough.

She herself was tired of this kind of teasing, and the poor boy was probably even worse.

"You think it will take much longer?"

He raised his head to look at her, having been catching leaves off the water. "Not much. I just got to finish removing those leaves, then it is ready to go."

"Oh good, I was thinking of taking a swim." Jessica sat up and stretched, her arching back making her chest stick out even more. She then moved her hands along her arms and shoulders. "I don't really use the pool very much. Even lying down here on the chair feels quite foreign. My back is kinda sore because of that."

Jessica stretched a bit more, letting a moan escape; she could see it was having its intended effect, as the pool boy shifted uncomfortably. She couldn't quite see it, but she was sure he was trying to hide an erection.

"Say, could you give me a little help?" She looked at him as he seemed ready to fall over. "I don't want to be overbearing or anything, but I could really use a massage right now. Could you... Could you help me over here? I pay you an extra if you wish."

"Th-That won't be necessary, Mrs. Biel."

Hesitatingly he walked towards her, as Jessica sat crosslegged on the chair with her back towards him. She moved her hair so it would fall to the front, to her chest, giving him a view of her back. Considering the amount of action films she did in the past few years, she was proud to say she had managed to keep a lean and athletic body, yet never forfeiting its femininity.

She felt his weight on the chair as he sat down behind her, hesitation palpable. After another encouragement from hers, she guided his hands to her back, having him start to move around her back towards her shoulders. In a while he started getting more confortable, starting to stroke and pressure her shoulders, back and neck.

"That's it... Keep like that." "He is good..." Jessica said and thought, her eyes closing as she let herself relax under his caress.

She was almost surprised he did not try anything more so far, but then this was pretty much why she had called him. She had asked around the area for a pool boy that could be trusted, giving the excuse that her husband was away so she would have to be alone with him; she eventually found out about this college boy, who had been doing a few part-time jobs around the area.

From what she got, he was very nice—and handsome—and discreet; after asking around about him, she eventually was convinced he was trustworthy—wouldn't overstep his limits on her nor go running for the newspaper or gossip magazine to tell of what happened here.

Just what she needed.

"You really got good hands, you know?" Jessica said, letting a moan for emphasis.

"Thanks, Mrs. Biel." She almost laughed. They had said he was somewhat timid with the housewives, and they were not kidding.

"With this, I think we are intimate enough for you to call me Jessica." She chuckled. "And, now that I think about it, I didn't even get your name."

"It is Tiago."

"Tiago?" She asked, a bit of surprise in her voice. "That is quite an uncommon name. Ain't it Spanish, or something along those lines?"

"More Portuguese, actually. I think the English version would be James."

"Portuguese, eh? So, I've got an European pool boy then?" Jessica joked, turning her head to the side so he could have better access to the junction of her head and shoulder.

"Brazilian, actually." The pool boy, Tiago, said. She inadvertently tensed at that, and he noticed. "Is everything alright, Mrs. Biel?"

"I told you to call me Jessica."

Of all the pool boys in the entire county, she managed to choose a Brazilian one. She managed to choose one from the same country where Justin was discovered cheating on her, the same country where his affair was from, thus bringing this moment to fruition.

And there were people who didn't believe in fate or things like that...

"It is just... an enormous coincidence."


"I... I don't suppose you follow celebrity gossips, do you?" Jessica turned her head to the side, managing to look at his face.

"Uhm... I..." He looked sheepish, and even a bit embarrassed.

"You do?!" She almost squealed, and as he started to blush she couldn't help laughing. "That's... Sorry, I'm sorry... No need to be embarrassed..."

She felt his hands start to falter in his ministrations, and not wanting to dishearten him she raised her hands and put them over his.

"It is okay, I didn't mean to offend you or anything." She gave him a serious look, and was satisfied when he gave a tiny smile. "Anyway... I guess you know about me and Justin then?"

"Is that true? I mean, what they say about the cheating, the whole baby ordeal and the divorce?"

She raised her eyebrow. "You really are informed, eh? But... No, we aren't divorcing nor are we fighting because of children. Not yet, anyway; I think we aren't ready yet." She looked forward again, her head low. "But the cheating... Yeah, that part is true. I mean, I always knew he did that... But to let himself get caught by the media like that, while in a show in Brazil?"

"I guess you are resenting anything to do with Brazil then?" He asked. She was about to look back at him to correct his line of thought before he completed. "If it serves for anything, I think anyone would agree you are much better than that girl."

"I don't really resent you guys." Jessica said, looking back at him with a smile. "But do you even know the girl to say something like that? What if she was, like, a Miss Universe or something?"

"Well, Brazilian gossips say that it was an actress. I've seen her before, and I can guarantee you are way more talented and beautiful than her." Tiago said, making her smile. "Don't be offended, but I think you husband is an idiot if he for going after those kinds of girl while having you at home."

"Far from being offended. That is actually kind of sweet." That said, Jessica moved her face closer to his so their mouths were inches apart. Just as it seemed clear as to what she was gonna do, she changed direction and instead pressed her lips to his cheek. Pulling back with a smile and looking at his blushing and dumbfounded face, she was quite proud of herself.

Suddenly she turned back to the front, straightening her body and letting her hands fall to her sides. "So, how about you continue that massage, Tiago?"

"Okay then... Jessica." She smiled and shivered at this, before relaxing again as he worked his hands on her shoulders and neck, now slightly more confortable around her.

"Have I told you yet how great your hands are?" Jessica moaned out, moving body backwards against him. He didn't try to stop, instead moving himself to accommodate her; soon she had her back pressing against his chest, sitting pretty much on his lap.

"Jessica, don't you think this is getting a bit too much...?"

"Are you getting uncomfortable? I actually thought you were quite happy with this situation..." She moved her body a bit and, true to her words, she felt something hard poke her down there. "Yep, it seems happy alright."

"Mrs. Biel..." He tried talking, but stopped when her hands once again reached his, this time guiding it forward. She placed them on her collarbone, just a bit above her breasts... "I... I really think I should..."

"You better think carefully what you are about to say, Tiago, or you might regret it later." Her tone helped carry an underlying threat, as she once again moved his hands; a bit downwards, making them hover just above her covered mounds. "So, as you were saying: You think...?"

Tiago, the pool boy, gulped as he thought about what to say. He had this sexy actress pretty much throwing herself at him, and he sure as hell didn't want to throw such a chance away; but, on the other hand, wasn't this kinda wrong?

"What... What about your husband?"

Jessica turned her face to the side, facing him with a frown. "He cheated on me; I'm just paying him back on the same coin. Besides... you aren't too bad yourself." Her frown turned into a sultry smile. "You really want to back down? It will be disappointing, but I won't force you."

She waited for a moment, looking at him in the eyes, as he seemed to debate with himself. Turning her face forward again, she decided to help make up his mind.

She pushed his hands a bit closer, letting the palms touch for a brief moment the tip of her nipples, hard as pebbles within her bra, and then let them go. It was her teasing him but also giving permission for him to act on it; that is, if he decided to go on...

"Oh, fuck it."

True enough, any hesitation still present within Tiago's mind went away at that action. With a groan he moved his hands, pressing against and grabbing her breasts and forcing her body back against his; at the same time he also leaned over and started kissing along her neck and jaw, eliciting a moan from the actress.

Jessica gave a squeal of surprise and pleasure, glad he decided to go on. Her hands returned to his as he started to grope and knead her chest, squeezing her breasts as his lips moved upwards to suck and nibble on her ear.

"Glad you made the right choice." Jessica said, moaning a bit as she moved her head back. One of his hands left her chest and went up, resting at her chin as he made her turn her head to the side. His mouth left her ear and rained kisses along her cheek as she turned, eventually capturing her lips on a searing kiss as she turned to him.

Jessica moaned in his mouth, kissing back passionately as the previously timid pool boy intensified his actions. Her mouth opened as his tongue speared inside, wrestling against hers while one of his hands kept her head in place, the other continuing to molest her tits.

After a while Tiago drew back from her face, looking at her half-lidded eyes and slightly puckered lips, so enticing he dived again for another brief but hard kiss before making her look forward, leaning her head back and then diving down to feast on her exposed neck.

"Oh God, don't stop..." Jessica moaned, placing a hand on his head to incentive him further.

Not that further incentive was needed.

Tiago continued to kiss along her neck lovingly, sucking and biting once in a while, while his other hand crept under her bikini top to squeeze her breast directly. He was amazed at the firmness of her big tits; they felt even better than they looked...

"Please... I feel like I'm gonna explode..." Jessica moaned out, moving her bottom against his covered erection.

Tiago groaned at the feeling, before stopping everything and standing up. Jessica was about to complain when he grabbed her by the arm, making her stand with him. Once standing he pulled her close, making their bodies mold together; her breasts smashing against his chest, while his erection poked her. She circled her arms around his head, looking him deeply in the eye.

"Having doubts, Tiago?" She leaned her head slightly to the side, giving him a cute, quasi-innocent she learned during her '7th Heaven' era.

"Yep. Don't know if I should kiss you, suck your tits, eat your pussy or just..." He trailed off, his hands squeezing her hips.

Jessica gave him a smile, one of her wide smiles that showcased just how wide her lips went. "Well, I trust you to find the best option. But just to give some help..."

Pressing even further into him, Jessica leaned forward to give him a kiss. It started slow and gentle, but just like before both started really getting into it and soon they had pretty much lost control. Their lips opened and moved all over each other, their tongues battling as Tiago's hands moved from her hips to her ass, grabbing her cheeks strongly and making her jump up a bit.

"Damn, this is so unbelievable! I think just kissing you could make me come!" Tiago exclaimed, trailing his kisses down her chin and once again attacking her neck. He was careful to try and not leave marks, but he couldn't help sucking strongly her succulent body.

"Hmmm... We don't want that, do we?" Jessica pulled his head up again to look at her. "That would just spoil the fun."

Pulling away from him, she turned them around and pushed him back, making him lose his balance and fall in the chair. Motioning for him to lie down and get confortable, she moved to the feet of the chair, looking him over.

"You like what you see here?" She asked, moving her hands up her body and squeezing her own breasts. Tiago looked on, entranced at her display, and she smiled. "How about you let me see a bit more too, hm? Take off your shorts."

Not wanting to argue, the pool boy immediately pulled down his short and boxers, Jessica crawling on the chair in all fours to help him. As she helped free his cock, it sprung up to life, fully erect and pointing upwards; she looked in amazement at his well-endowed package.

"Brazilian women are often considered sex goddesses, but I guess Brazilian men don't get the recognition they truly deserve." She said, crawling up his body like a cat, her eyes ever fixated on his cock.

Upon reaching his attention-seeking member, she grabbed it with her hand and lowered her face closer; looking up into his face, she pumped him and slowly licked along the shaft, her thumb following her up the erection.

"Oh, damn!" Tiago yelled, groaning, as she smiled devilishly at him, kissing his cock before moving back; her face leaving his member, but her hand continuing to pump while her thumb trailed his head and slit.

"Something bothering you?" She asked, still smiling as she crawled up his body, kissing along the way and stopping at his chest. Her teeth clamped on one of his nipples, eliciting a yelp of pain from him as she bit down and started to try some sucking.


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