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Sharing Tina Ch. 02

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Tina's birthday.
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Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/27/2022
Created 07/19/2005
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It was Tina's birthday and she had decided we were going to spend it in a club in Paris. I looked on the web and decided that Chris et Manu looked just right. They serve food and have a great reputation for being a good club with a nice atmosphere. We spent the day wandering around Paris and getting ourselves well and truly worked up over the thought of what might happen tonight. We had visited a club before but only got as far as some illicit groping, but tonight we expected to go much further.

Tina had brought her favourite dress and looked great as we left the apartment and found a taxi. I gave the driver the address in the most subtle way I could but he turned round and looked at me.

"Is that Chris et Manu?" He asked.

We both blushed and then Tina giggled. After that there didn't seem to be any point in being subtle about it so we had a snog all the way there, with Tina very subtly trying to give the driver an eyeful of anything she could expose.

The club itself was tasteful and friendly, and we were ushered upstairs to the restaurant. The meal was excellent, not cheap but of the kind of quality one would expect from a good Parisian restaurant, and totally different from what we simple English would expect from a sex club. We enjoyed the food and looked around at our fellow diners trying to imagine them naked and sweaty as they would be later on.

After dinner, wine, and coffee, we felt very mellow as the adrenaline slowly faded to leave a slightly odd feeling of, "would it be as good as we hoped?"

We need not have worried, although to begin with it all seemed very quiet with couples sitting in the darkened club all seemingly waiting for the same thing as us. Tina was getting a little bit impatient so we decided to explore the club. The bar and dance floor looked just like any small night club, with the DJ in his little box and a large screen showing random music video clips. The seating areas all looked like one would expect of a normal venue.

"So where does all the interesting stuff happen?" Tina turned to me and asked me.

I looked non to pleased myself until I saw a passageway leading off the main bar area. I took her hand and we started to explore. The first area we found was another seating area, if a little more private than the main bar with a large swing seat hanging from the ceiling. Looking like something from a 1970's porn film it was just too much to resist. Tina pushed me into it and without hesitation knelt down and unzipped my trousers. I was already hard as a rock just from the expectations which had been building all day, and when she pulled my cock out of my trousers I was in heaven.

She made no pretense at foreplay and simply started to suck my cock with long wet strokes. I lay back and closed my eyes enjoying every moment as much as she obviously was. After a while I opened my eyes to realize we were not the only couple in the room and my British reserve kicked in. I gently took her head in my hands and pulled her up to kiss her wet full lips.

"Maybe we should explore a little more before I get too carried away" - which actually meant "I feel very exposed here, surely there must be somewhere more private."

She understood my coded message and we explored some more. Finally we spotted the doorway we needed, with a few couples casually wandering in and out, waiting for someone else to start the serious action of the evening. The doorway led to a passage with three or four rooms leading off. The dim lighting was done in a nice way and the whole tone was one of comfortably good taste. As we entered the first room off the passageway we knew we had found the right place. The room was decked out like a small grotto with a vaulted ceiling and two small nooks with mattresses. They had nice clean sheets on and looked very inviting.

As we were still alone in the room I was a little shy to start anything serious, but Tina noticed a swing, just like a child's swing hanging from the ceiling in the corner. This time when she sat me on it I pulled her onto my knee. I put my hands around her and hugged her, she turned back and kissed me over her shoulder. It was lovely to just kiss and allowed us to rebuild the adrenalin rush that we had been feeling all day. I eased my hand underneath her top and released one gorgeous breast from its confines. She loves me to tease her nipples so I rubbed them between my fingers and pulled them gently but firmly until she moaned in my mouth.

After a while I realized that we were no longer alone in the room. There were now about half a dozen people wandering in and out. This was a couples-only night but there were still two lone guys who had materialized right next to us and were intently watching my finger exciting Tina's breasts. They looked so turned on by what we were doing that I moved my hand away and lowered the shoulder straps of her top so that Tina's breasts were completely exposed. She had her eyes closed but noticed immediately when a different hand grasped her left breast. Her moan into my mouth almost made me come.

The bolder of the two men was an older guy who squeezed and tweaked on her gorgeous tits whilst I listened to her moans to make sure she was happy. His companion was a little less bold but started with the usual stroke of the back of his hand along her shoulder and arm. This genteel advance gives the recipient the chance to gently but politely decline any unwelcome advance which was not the case with Tina who obviously loved having four hands caressing her at once.

As her chest was now fairly crowded I eased my hand down to her legs and up under her dress. She had on a small G-string which was already sopping wet. I slid my finger into her slit which was so hot and wet I thought she would burn up. She wriggled like a demon as I found her clit and moaned and groaned her way to an almost instant orgasm. Realizing that they were just bit-players in the affair our two friends moved off in search of other excitement and left us to hug and kiss.

Although we had been to a club before, this was still the first time that Tina had let herself go and cum whilst with other people, other than Roberto and Lucy, so we felt very excited and just a little bit naughty. Now that we had broken this boundary we felt brave enough for more and having redressed we moved along the corridor to the bigger rooms.

The main room in Chris et Manu has three large alcoves, one with a double bed filling it to the walls, one with two double beds and one with four double beds. We stood and watched the largest of these with several couples in various states of play from gentle kissing to a rampant six-way fucking being watched by about a dozen onlookers.

The middle section with the two double beds had just one couple in residence, naked and making love on the right hand side. Tina looked on hungrily and I asked her if she wanted to join them.

"Yes, but I don't want to have sex with him."

She said, eying the girl with an obvious interest.

She had been keen on trying another woman again and mainly liked the look of the girl who was groaning happily as her boyfriend thrust deeply into her. She was dark haired and dark skinned with large soft breasts and a comfy looking body. He was fit-looking and obviously enjoying the fuck and the audience standing around the end of the bed. Every so often he would stop and take his cock out of her to wank himself. I guess he was trying to make it all last until someone else joined them, so we did.

We stripped off our clothes and lay on the bed next to them. Neither of us stopped to talk, and I began to kiss Tina as we lay along side each other. We stopped to watch them as her moans got more vocal, but still no physical contact. I was very excited by now and entered Tina before thrusting into her with all the pent-up passion I had built up over the day and particularly the last hour. As we made love I looked across to see the girl watching us as he pounded away at her. I smiled at her and came almost instantly, all thoughts of saving myself lost in an uncontrollable sexual high.

I kept stroking my very sensitive cock in and out of Tina's pussy very gently and Tina moved her head closer to the girl. Soon they were touching as both of us men were sliding in and out of them. Tina started to stroke her arm and she stroked back, happy to touch and be touched. I watched as they turned to each other and gently began to kiss. I decided to lay along side her and see what happened, so I moved over and began to stroke Tina's back and side. She pulled me across and told me to kiss the girl. I didn't need any encouragement and lent over Tina to reach her. Instantly our tongues were locked together, my hand on her hard little nipples as Tina pushed and encouraged us together.

I moved down and kissed her large ripe tits, more groans coming as a result. Suddenly Tina whispered in my ear.

"He's putting on a fresh condom, I think he's going to make a move on me."

Her tone made me concerned.

"What do you want?"

"I'm not sure.."

She obviously made her mind up as just a second later she got onto her knees and crawled all the way around me to the other girl and guy to end up on her back on the other side of her. He took no time deciding this was an invitation and rather unceremoniously jammed his cock straight into Tina's gaping cunt. She gasped slightly and took him all the way in. Tina has always liked a good hard fuck, usually harder than I tend to be by habit as I would come in moments that way, so I thought she may be happy with this. One look at the smile on her face told me I was right, a quick nod in response to my mouthed "OK?" being all she was prepared to give me.

I stopped kissing the girl for a few moments as I watched Tina, my wife being roughly fucked by another man. Once again I was amazed at my lack of jealousy and at just how turned on I was. I reached across to my screwed-up trousers and took out a condom. Rolling it on my rigid member I slid into the girl. She lay back and moaned, this seeming to be her reaction to most things sexual. I tried to vary the action and started to kiss her wet snatch. The same reaction came my way so I decided whatever I wanted was good as long as I didn't stop.

As I continued I watched Tina and the guy. She was quite happy lying back and letting him continue to fuck her. He seemed to have only one tune in his repertoire whilst she kissed the girl, ever more tenderly as they both gained confidence. Her only moments of uncertainty I put down to him being a little rough, but found out later were due to him ramming his cock without warning into her ass and then trying to go back into her pussy. Back to front is a definite no-no for Tina and she was trying to educate our continental friend into her own distinct form of English sexual etiquette.

When he finally slowed down Tina decided to explore, the girl being of more interest to her than the boy and was soon happily sucking and nibbling her pussy. I was only too happy to watch and stroke Tina's shoulder and back to let her know I was enjoying it as much as she. When she came back up for air they began to hug each other, breast to breast and clit to clit whilst kissing passionately. The girl got up onto her knees and reached across Tina, rubbing her breasts on her chest and stomach to take me into her mouth. The sight of her upturned ass was the signal the guy needed and he ploughed back in again. My best memory of that night will always be lying with Tina, the girl across the top of us, her body swaying backwards and forwards, her breasts rubbing against Tina's, with the rhythm of her mouth and her cunt both full of willing cocks.

After it was over we lay together for a long time, kissing and hugging. It felt wonderful, probably the best bit for me, to be able to take some real emotion after the animal passion of the whole encounter. Once dressed and back in the bar we played our first ever round of 'will we recognize them with their clothes on?' A great game which really sums up the spirit of the clubs where a strange form of unspoken friendship and intimacy pervades the sexual moments, great care always being taken to never offend or step over a line which is totally different to any other environment you will ever meet.

We did recognize them, and they us, so we found ourselves talking to a couple of strangers, whose names we immediately forgot but whose bodies we felt for hours afterwards. As we talked we realized that, nice as they were, we had little in common, least of all a language in which we could exchange small talk. I was hot and tired but noticed that Tina was looking over our friends shoulders at a truly gorgeous Chinese girl wearing a sexy black dress which was open at the back right down to the cleft of her bottom. Her partner, a tall handsome Frenchman, was kissing her passionately and moving the dress away from her pert little breasts, the nipples being hard from his gentle massages. They broke to talk and laugh, she leaving her breasts exposed to the whole bar. Everyone was giving them sidelong glances, the rest of the bar being clothed and to all intents and purposes any normal nightclub. It goes to prove that a little can be sexier than the everything which we could see by simply walking a few paces around the corner.

Suddenly they moved into the corridor and in an instant Tina was up and dragging me after them. I made a feeble excuse to the couple we had fucked with and were now dumping and followed. Tina told me later that the girl was exactly what she wanted, she hardly gave the guy a second look. We followed them back into the room with the swing, where the Chinese girl was already sitting. The guy was behind her still massaging her wonderful little tits and a crowd was rapidly gathering. It is a true testament to how far Tina had come in just a few hours that she elbowed us both to the front and pushed me hard towards the girl. I was not allowed to be shy, so began to stroke her arm, shoulder and then breasts. The guy moved away a little and stood beside the swing to allow me full access, the girl held the ropes of the swing and gave me a beautiful smile.

I knelt down and kissed her nipples, tiny and hard as little nutmegs, whilst sliding my hand along her thighs. She wore no underwear and my finger slid straight into a moist pussy. She moaned a little and smiled more so I continued. As I grew bolder I moved my head downwards and began to kiss, suck and lick that beautiful slit. Other than the seat of the swing digging into my throat I was in heaven. I noticed that Tina had stopped holding my shoulder and as I looked across to my right I could see her next to me on her knees with the largest cock I have ever seen up close in her mouth. I was so surprised I stopped and watched her, eliciting yet another gorgeous smile from the Chinese girl.

After a short while Tina got up and excused herself, saying she needed the toilet. I carried on kissing the beautiful Chinese pussy I was fast falling in love with, whilst a hard and now solitary French member pointed at me like an accusatory finger. After a few minutes the social etiquette of the situation began to get difficult, and I tried in my best French to say "I'm sure she won't be a moment", followed by "Do you come here often" and "Nice weather for the time of year.."

My embarrassment was growing and his sympathetic but firm attitude told me I needed to make my excuses. Tina's voice in obvious conversation in the next room made my mind up for me as I rose, not sure whether to shake hands or put my cock away first.

Apparently he suffered from a distinct lack of personal hygiene and when he started to dribble a little pre-cum Tina felt she would gag. I can't understand why anyone would visit a place like this without washing first and Tina promptly decided that she would pay more attention to her first instincts next time. She has since reached a personal compromise which includes giving blow jobs based on purely personal preference and a good range of flavoured condoms. As she never has enough clothes on in a club to keep a stash I now know that a little hand reaching into my back pocket is the sign that she has locked her sights onto something long and hard that she is about to milk it or ride it.

And so ended our first real night in a swingers club, many firsts and much learned things about ourselves and the world. Enjoyed it - yes, want more - definitely, regrets - smelly Frenchmen. Oh well, I guess when you go to France you will find lots of Frenchmen.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Cucks and sluts.

Just waiting for the divorce or STD test results

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Sharing Tina

Good Story!

EroicaEroicaabout 19 years ago
Very realistic

Very well written and believable....a rarity in this genre.

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