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She Wants a Puppy

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Peggy goes to meet the new neighbors.
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Hello you naughty girls and boys!

This story is a prequel to Morning Puppy. I think chronologically there will be another story which takes place after this and before Morning Puppy; maybe more than one. I don't feel you have to read the two current stories in order and when I finally finish the series I'm not sure what order I will place them in. So if you have already read Morning Puppy you now know these events occurred first. If you haven't, you may decide for yourself the order you wish to read them.

As always, I hope you enjoy.


"Look Jim, new neighbors."

Peggy Had spotted the moving van as they came down Oak St. on their way home. She was happy to see someone was moving in; the house had been empty for too long. As they passed she noticed two men carrying a couch up to the front door. There was also a man standing on the front porch, possibly one of the new owners but she didn't get a good look at him.

"Hmm. Yeah well someone was bound to buy it. I told you it was just a matter of time."

Jim seemed to have far less interest in the new neighbors. But then Jim didn't seem to have much interest in anything these days, except maybe his sports. He didn't bother to slow down either, just kept on going down the road. Well they were almost home, just a couple of turns, so maybe it didn't really matter.

"I'm rather anxious to meet them. Should we walk over tonight and introduce ourselves?"

"Give them some time Peggy. Jeez, they don't even have their furniture off the truck. I'm sure we'll meet them soon enough."

Well he wasn't all wrong. They probably did have their hands full moving in and Peggy didn't want to be a bother. Perhaps best to wait a couple days and then head over with some sort of housewarming gift; maybe a casserole and a new dish.

A few days had passed. It wasn't easy. Peggy was excited and fidgety, like a child waiting for Christmas morning. In the end she decided on a simple plate of cookies and the plate would make a nice serving piece. So on Wednesday morning after the kids were off to school and everything was settled, Peggy took her plate of cookies and headed to meet the new neighbors.

It was a short walk from one street over and she was soon at the door. She hoped the new owners were a couple the same age as Jim and herself but as she waited for someone to come to the door she realized it could be almost anyone.

"Hello. Can I help you?"

"Hi, I'm Peggy. Welcome to the neighborhood. We live just one street over on Hickory. I thought you might enjoy some homemade cookies."

"Oh, um, well how thoughtful of you. Please come inside."

Well she did look to be close in age but she was also stunning. Peggy was a bit starstruck when she answered the door and it took her a moment to explain why she was there. She hadn't known what to expect but she was surprised by what she saw.

Her hair was cut short, perhaps pulled back, and was blonde; well actually it was much more than that, it looked more like honey. She wore a red tube top which was a little immodest but then she had been home alone and not expecting company. Thus her midriff was bare showing she was more athletic than Peggy was, having a nice flat stomach, and below that she wore a pair of tight blue jeans. As she followed her inside she also noticed she was barefoot, with her toenails covered in a maroon polish.

Also upon following her inside she could see that her hair wasn't pulled back, but rather cut very close to the neck. It was almost a boyish haircut. But it was just as clear to Peggy that this was no boy; this was definitely a woman.

"Sorry about the house; we're still getting moved in. Why don't you set the cookies down on the kitchen counter. Here, let's have a seat in here. Can I get you anything to drink?"

"Oh coffee or tea would be fine. Thank you."

"Coffee it is. I'll be right there. Make yourself comfortable."

Peggy sat down on one end of the couch. She recognized it as the one the movers were carrying when they drove past the other day. Then she found herself staring at her shoes, thinking about how long it had been since she had her own nails polished.

"I'll go ahead and apologize for the coffee now. I haven't had a chance to go shopping for some good coffee, but believe me it's on my list. Here you go."

"Oh I'm sure it's fine. Thank you."

Peggy took the cup of coffee as her host sat down on the other end of the couch, one bare foot resting on the edge of the coffee table. They both sipped silently for a moment.

"Pardon my manners, I'm Julia and my husband is Dan. So I guess that makes us Dan and Julia, your new neighbors."

"Well I'm Peggy and my husband's name is Jim. We have two children, Brian and Samantha, eight and five. I'm just so happy to meet you. I'd be happy to help you with anything you need."

"Well I must say I wasn't expecting the welcome wagon so your stopping by is a pleasant surprise. I suppose for starters you can tell me something about the rest of the neighborhood."

"Well I'd say you're actually in a pretty good spot. Mr. Loman on the other side is single and always away on business trips. He's nice enough but you'll hardly ever see him. On this side of you is Mrs. Murphy. She's in her late sixties, maybe early seventies. Her husband died a few years back from heart disease. She's very active in the community and tends a small garden in her backyard."

"That sounds fine. I just didn't want to be next to some busybody."

"Oh no, that would be Gertrude, and she's one street over from me, two streets over from you."

They both exchanged a little laugh over that. They spent the next few minutes discussing some of the other neighbors. Peggy noticed there was something else besides Julia's good looks; it was her voice. It was just so warm and soft. She could probably melt butter just by talking to it.

"I think I'll grab us some of those cookies. I'll be right back."

As she walked toward the kitchen Peggy also noticed how well she fit into her tight jeans. She didn't normally pay such close attention to her neighbors but Julia was so much more than she expected.

She soon returned with a small handful of cookies and handed two of them to Peggy, keeping two for herself. Peggy noted that while they were not hot, they were still a little bit warm and though she brought them for Julia she was happy she was able to enjoy one before they went cold. Hopefully Julia would enjoy them as well.

"Mmm. That is a good cookie. Homemade you say?"

"Oh yes, I made them just before heading over here. I hope you like them. It's just a small assortment. My way of saying hello."

"Well hello Peggy. You may have to stop by to say hi more often. Just not too often or I'll ruin my figure."

'Well we can't have that' Peggy thought. Then she found herself surprised at what she was thinking. She decided to focus on her cookies for a moment before she said something foolish.

She was glad that Julia was enjoying her efforts. She watched as she had another bite, some of the melted chocolate getting on her lip. But it wasn't there long as Julia used her tongue to wipe the chocolate from her lip and pull it into her mouth. Peggy was mesmerized.

Peggy took a sip of her coffee trying to pull herself together. Sure Julia was an attractive woman, but it was like Julia had her under some kind of spell. Peggy wasn't the type to stare, and she was wondering why this woman had her so entranced.

Julia looked at her and smiled but said nothing as she ate her second cookie. Peggy was watching her mouth but then made a conscious effort to avert her eyes.

However that just moved her gaze to Julia's top. The red crop hugged her breasts and revealed some cleavage, but now Peggy was faced with something more. Now it was quite clear where Julia's nipples were as they poked against the fabric.

Peggy thought the top a little daring when she first saw Julia, but now it was impossible not to notice her nipples in her top. Not that such a top could really ever be worn with a bra, but now it was so obvious she had nothing on underneath.

Again Peggy was feeling uncomfortable and afraid she would be caught staring so she once again averted her gaze. But now going lower she was faced with Julia's bare skin; her lovely, tanned, smooth skin. And her belly button which seemed to pout at Peggy.

Peggy cleared her throat, looking around the room and went back to her cookies and coffee. What had come over her?

"You okay over there?"

"Oh yes, I'm fine. Thank you."

"Well if it's the coffee I promise to have something better for your next visit. Speaking of which, where does a girl go around here to get some good coffee?"

Peggy was thankful for the question. Unfortunately Peggy wasn't much help. It was soon quite clear that Julia put a lot of effort into her coffee and had developed a taste for premium. Peggy knew where the local grocery stores were but she had never put her energy or money into finding the perfect coffee. Her big achievement there was knowing to buy extra and hide it because Jim would drink it all and not bother to mention they were out.

"Well I'll find some, somewhere. Then I will treat you to a real cup of coffee. Maybe we can go shopping together some time."

"Oh that would be lovely."

"Okay so forget the coffee. How about giving me the lowdown on other stores in town? You know a gal's gotta shop."

So Peggy began to give Julia a rundown of the places in town. She was happy to help and it was more of what she had been expecting when she made her way over here. Also while she related information about the various department stores, she wouldn't be staring silently at Julia's body.

They talked for quite awhile and Peggy was becoming more relaxed. However when Julia got up to get them more coffee, Peggy couldn't help but let her eyes follow those tight jeans as she walked toward the kitchen. My word she had a nice ass. Then Peggy clapped her hand over her mouth. She hadn't even said it but she had thought it rather loudly and that wasn't something she normally did.

Peggy tried to look down as Julia returned the second she realized her nipples were still very well displayed. She wanted to save them both from embarrassment. However that left her focusing on Julia's bare feet and her maroon polish. Was there anything about this woman that wasn't sexy?

They continued to talk about the neighbors and the town. Peggy tried to keep her eyes from wandering too much, or worse, staring at some part of Julia. They had covered a lot and Peggy was feeling it was probably time to get back home. Maybe she needed a nap. Maybe she was just tired and that's why she was having trouble concentrating.

"Well Julia it has been so nice to meet you, but I shouldn't take up anymore of your time. Let me just write down my number and you can call me anytime you need anything."

"Oh do you really have to go? Surely you can stay a little longer. I have no one else to talk to."

Peggy felt like she was being tugged in two directions. Part of her felt a need for escape, a need to be safe at home. And yet another part of her didn't want to leave.

"Well I think I really should be going. I think I've answered all your questions the best that I can. Sorry I wasn't more help about the coffee."

Julia just held her still with her gaze. She appeared to be considering something. Then finally she came to a decision.

"Well just between us, there is something I else I really want."

"Oh, and what's that?"

"I want a puppy. Someone to love and play with when I'm in this house alone."

Finally something Peggy could handle. She had felt she was failing at being a good neighbor but now she had a chance at redemption. She knew various pet stores and dog owners and was sure that locating a puppy was something she would be able to accomplish.

"Now that's something I can definitely help you with."

"I was so hoping you would say that. Do you have your own collar, or would you like me to provide one?"

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Well I understand that it can be quite personal and a matter of pride, so if you already have one you like to wear that's okay with me, but I'm more than happy to provide one for you, along with other basic necessities."

Suddenly the room was spinning. Peggy wasn't sure what Julia had said; she wasn't even sure what she had just said. Julia had mentioned a puppy but now she was...she said something just didn't make any sense.

"What...what are you talking about?"

"You know. So you can...oh I'm so sorry. I thought you were offering to be my pet. I suppose I wasn't really very clear."

Surely this was all a joke. It had gone from a simple question to absurd reality in a matter of seconds. Peggy needed a moment to think and sort this out.

"Your pet? You mean you thought I was going to be your puppy?"

"Yes. I was really excited too. Shame really; I think it would have been good for both of us."

It had to be a joke. But as ridiculous as it was Julia wasn't cracking up or showing any signs that this was all for a laugh. In fact she looked hopeful that Peggy would change her mind.

"You can't be serious? You're just teasing me, right?"

"I'm completely serious. You were the one asking me what you could do to help. I thought we were really connecting. And I've noticed they way you've been looking at me."

Peggy wanted to deny that she had been watching her; looking at her body. She wanted to explain that it was nothing serious. But right now her mind was tackling another issue. It was something even more foreign and Peggy needed answers of her own.

"But people don't actually do that sort of thing; do they?"

"There's worse things to do than have a little fun with someone you care about. But yes, some people do 'that sort of thing'."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean's just...well, I don't think I could get into all that S&M stuff. I don't understand how people can enjoy pain."

"Well there's your first mistake. It isn't all about pain. Well I'm sure for some folks that's a lot of it, but I'm not really into 'all that S&M stuff' myself. I'm more about D/s."

"DS? I don't understand."

"Dominance and submission. It's really just one part of the family."

"The family?"

"Yeah, BDSM. That's the family I'm talking about and I think that's really what you mean when you mention 'S&M' stuff. Sure it's related, but it isn't all the same thing."

"So what's BDSM?"

"Well BDSM is a way to throw a lot of what some folks would call kinks, into one big bucket. It's actually a kind of clever combination. You see the BD at the beginning stands for Bondage and Discipline."

Peggy's curiosity had taken over. She was shocked when Julia first mentioned her being a puppy and was sure it was a joke. But now she felt Julia had some secret knowledge, and while Peggy hadn't expected this in the least she wanted to know more.

"So what's bondage and discipline?"

"Glad you asked. Bondage and discipline is basically being tied up and being spanked. The ropes, handcuffs, or whatever else is the bondage side. The discipline side is about punishments such as spankings or maybe having your mouth washed out with soap. It could also be as simple as having to stand in a corner."

"Standing in a corner? I thought this was all sex stuff."

"It can be. For one thing let's consider the person standing in the corner is also naked."

Peggy suddenly found herself imagining standing in a corner with nothing on. At least she was facing the corner, but still her backside was exposed. She clenched her cheeks together and found the idea gave her a feeling she couldn't quite pin down.

"And DS? Wait I though the 'D' was for discipline?"

"That's the clever bit. BDSM is actually a combination of B&D, D&S, and S&M. The BD is the Bondage and Discipline. The D/s is the Dominance and Submission."

"So what's the dominance and submission about?"

"It's basically what it sounds like. It's about one person being in charge and the other person doing what they're told."

Peggy wasn't ready to dig into that too deep; not just yet.

"And the S&M?"

"Yeah that's the Sadism and Masochism. That is about the people who like inflicting pain and those who like receiving pain. But these are just the broad strokes; a sort of starting point. There are so many nuances and everyone is a little different. You could for example be very heavy into bondage but not really interested in discipline. It happens."

"Well I never knew."

"Yeah it's all out there. But of course not everyone is accepting of other people's activities. There is a lot of judgment passed around by ignorant people. That's why I was glad to hear we hadn't moved in next to a busybody."

Peggy was still trying to process all of what Julia had just told her. Could there really be so many people with such interests out there? Could there be such people already here in town? And while she didn't fully understand any of it, she didn't think any less of Julia and didn't want to offend her.

"I'm sorry, I'm not judging. It's just all so new to me. I really had no idea."

"And I'm sorry if I shocked you. It's never really easy broaching the subject. You're always taking a chance; and people can be so mean. But I saw how you were looking at me and I got my hopes up. No hard feelings?"

Peggy was still stunned. Julia had apparently wanted Peggy to be her puppy. She said she liked dominance and submission and it was about telling people what to do. Plus she had just given Peggy a crash course in a whole new world of secret sex; a world of kinks. And yet here she was apologizing to Peggy and concerned for how she felt. It didn't make sense.

"No. No hard feelings. I just wasn't prepared."

"Well good. Any more questions?"

"Well you've given me a lot to think about. I just don't know what to say."

Peggy gave a nervous laugh and Julia smiled at her reassuringly. She really would have to spend some time thinking it all over, but right now she did have one more burning question.

" said something earlier about how it would be good for both of us. What did you mean by that? I mean how would it be good for me?"

"Aww Peggy. Do you think we're all just mean, nasty monsters?"

"No, no, I don't think anything like that. I just..."

"Shh, shh. I'm sorry. You're new to all this. Let me explain. You see this is all between consenting adults. I was hoping you wanted to be my puppy but for us to have any puppy time together you'd have to agree to it. It's really all more mutual than outsiders realize."

"I see. But if you're the one calling the shots I see how you get what you want, but how do I get anything out of it? What if you just want to order me to do things I don't want?"

"Well let's cover that in reverse order, because it will be simpler. You won't have to do anything you really, really don't want to do. You'd have a safeword. All of this is meant to be safe for everyone."

"What's a safeword?"

"A safeword is something we agree upon ahead of time. It's a word you can say that let's me know you aren't truly willing to do something or that you want us to stop completely. It's often good to pick a food you don't like as your safeword."

"A food I don't like? So 'lima beans' could be my safeword?"

"Of course. For a moment let's imagine two people are playing together and one is spanking the other. Now let's say the spankings are getting to be more than the spankee can handle. After one particularly harsh slap the person cries out 'lima beans!' while kicking their legs. Well the person spanking has just been told that it was more than their partner could take and so they stop the spanking."

"That's interesting. So they just stop and it's all over?"

"Could be. If it's their first time, then they probably stop all together and after they both settle down they can talk about what happened and when it became too much. If they've done this sort of thing before it could just mean the spanker needs to bring it back down a bit or take a break. You see another version of the safeword is to use a traffic light."


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