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She Wants an Open Relationship

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Wife wants open marriage. Mother and sister in law help.
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Nobody under 18 in sexual situations. Pure fantasy, tall tale, please don't drag too much reality into it. It's all in fun. This one is kinda long for me. Its not BTB or RAAC either. Try to have fun with it.

She Wants An Open Relationship

So I Gave Her One!

Susan and I had met while in college. She was a knockout girl, perfect in every way as far as I could see. We had gone out for three months and the sex was ridiculously great. Then on a Friday night, our main night out, she begged off, she had a thing with one of her fellow hot as hell cheerleaders. I was a bit disappointed, but ok... I have broad shoulders.

I decided to go out with some of my friends. We went to this "upscale" bar. I never went there, cause I'm a cheap student on a tiny budget! I could not go to ritzy places like that. My student loans and part time job did not allow me to spend money that I did not have! I guess I am a cheap bastard, even to this day.

My friends convinced me that a drink or two would not bankrupt me, and my bud Andy, who was born with a platinum spoon in his mouth, said he would buy the first two rounds of beer. I said thanks to my rich friend. So we went in and got a table for the six of us. There was a great party atmosphere. Music and dancing and drink flowed freely.

We had two beers and some girl gave me a look and a nod at the dance floor, so off I went. We were dancing normally. She said she was Betty, I told her my name (Paul) and she quipped that I had eyes like Paul Newman. I said thank you. She told me that she found big guys very attractive and I was a pretty big guy. I'm 6 foot 2 and about 225 pounds. I do work out everyday, and try to keep fit. I train in karate and boxing, when I have the time. At that time I was in pretty good shape.

Betty was very attractive. Long brown silky smooth hair and C or D cup tits and hard nipples. Her ass was heart shaped. I was not looking for any type of action, as I wanted to stay true to my gorgeous blonde perfect girlfriend, but just then fate intervened. I just looked over... and there she was, with the cheerleader squad, taking up three big tables. And there in a tight liplock was MY girl. Well now she was NOT mine obviously. I guess she was just trying me out... Or maybe she just wanted some strange cock.

"Betty, won't you excuse me a second? I'll be right back."

I spoke quietly.

I walked over to the table and tapped the guy on the shoulder. "Excuse me for barging in, I just need to say something to Susan."

He politely moved to one side. Her reaction was instantaneous and quite priceless. Her "Oh-my-god" face was a real thing of beauty. I guess she was not quite expecting to see me there. Too bad, but it did open up my eyes!

"Susan, obviously you don't give a rat's asshole about me, so we are officially done. Why didn't you just tell me that you wanted to break up, and then move on? This was very hurtful. May I please have my ring back?"(she wore my class ring on a chain around her neck). She tearfully gave it back to me. I pulled off the gold chain and handed that back to her. She was tearing up. I did not say anything else to her. What else was left to say? We were done, toast, fini.

"Paul!" she said as I spun on my heels. I did not look back. What could she say at this point? Sorry I fucked around on you? Thanks but I don't need the fucking bullshit.

I left and walked back to Betty, who figured out the whole thing in less than a nanosecond. I apologized to her and said that I just didn't feel much like being there. I also said I did not have any chance to tell her my own situation... But that had all changed very quickly! I felt the need to get out of there quickly.

She said, "Well let me drive you to the dorm anyway. It's the least I can do for you."

"I don't live on campus. I'm dirt poor, and live in an apartment with a couple of guys. Thank you for your concern... I guess I just missed all of the signs. My own fault. Nice meeting you." I walked out of the bar with Betty hot on my heels.

"Please Paul! Let me drive you home. I... I am extremely attracted to you." Betty admitted to me. I wondered if it was for all the wrong reasons though. I don't need her feeling sorry for me. No thank you!

"I don't want to be pitied. Thanks but no thanks. I am just disgusted by her actions. I certainly don't want to take any of my anger for her out on a beautiful woman like you Betty. I'm just not very good company right now," I quietly explained to the gorgeous woman. Talk about having a bad day! But I might as well be honest about it.

"Oh come on. I want YOU. I am sorry you broke up with your girlfriend. Well, no not really. I want a shot at you. PLEASE! Hey, you can drive my sports car! It's a brand new Porsche. Mom got it for me." Betty dangled the keys in my face and smiled at me. I couldn't stay mad at such a cute girl and I told her so.

"Ok, ok, fine! You are so beautiful and very nice. Ok. But I am still in quite a shitty mood and I have warned you." I took the offered keys and away we went.

We got in the car and she was all over me. Kissing me and fondling my getting-rock-hard johnson. I could not stay in a bad mood. Betty was sucking on my cock while I sat in the drivers seat. I couldn't help myself. I was playing with her big fat gorgeous tits, and kissing her. This girl was all that, and a bag of chips.

"How far is your apartment?" Betty asked as I fired up her fancy sports car.

"Maybe three quarter mile."

"Let's go. I have lots of cheering up to do. You do like to eat pussy don't you?" she asked me bluntly. I suppose a nice quid pro quo for her lovely lip service is only fair and right. This, plus I do enjoy giving women wonderful oral orgasms.

"Yes. I guess you enjoy felatio?" I asked. Betty just smiled. I guess that's not something good girls brag about! But I found out that she could suck a golf ball through a garden hose! Oh yeah. Yummy.

"Yes. I plan to practice on you until you smile." She beamed at me. "Just so you know, this is not a relationship. I know all about so-called rebound relationships. So no strings attached, ok?" She smiled as she said it. I wondered where the pre-fuck disclaimer came from? Was this woman pre-law or a psych major?

"Ok. I'm not up for another relationship anyway." I quietly admitted. Once bit, twice shy and all that. Twas the God's truth on that score.

"We can work on that. Tonight is all about making you happy again." Betty smiled a very dirty smile. Her face was a picture of lust. She looked like she had a plan. A very dirty, naughty plan indeed! It happily coincided with the plan I had formulated! It may even be the same plan!

Back in my tiny hovel, she was aghast at the dirty apartment. That place was

bad, really filthy dirty. I'm sure the health department would be visiting the apartment soon.

"Yeah the cleaning lady quit. I'm lying. We never had a cleaning lady. We're all broke, and working our asses off just to get through school. So the clean-up gets put on the back burner," I explained.

"It would be nice if you can clean it up once a century, whether it needs it or not. Yeech!" She picked up a mummified piece of um... something. She made a face. Betty dropped the gross little thing. Yeah, the place was disgusting.

"Is your room clean? A little clean-er?" Betty asked me hopefully.

"Not by much," but I had picked up and bagged my laundry for the trip to my mom's house and the free laundry. My mom was the best! So my room had a visible floor, mostly picked up. I guess it was good enough for her. It was not gonna win any cleanliness awards. She kindly semi- overlooked it. At least I have clean sheets.

Betty was naked in my bed in a flash. She was such a goddess! We were sucking and fucking all night long. At three a.m. my phone rang. I guess she thought it was her phone, cause she picked it up right away.

"I need to answer this," she said. I was balls deep, doggy style, inside her tight little cunt... and had more pressing issues than my phone. To tell you the truth, I could care less about any damn phone right about then. Her sweet pussy was pulsing and rhythmically squeezing my rock hard cock in a vaginal death grip that was wonderful. She was just magnificent. It was like we were locked together! So, so nice. She was shuddering as a prelude to another sexual peak I thought.

"Yes, he's here, but no you can't talk to him. He's eating me out right now." She was lying; I was balling her, balls deep in her delightful coochie, I was not sucking on her delicious cunt. But it was not a bad idea for later on! I did like the way she thought! Oh yeah.

"Well I'm so sorry you fucked up and dated two men at the same time... He is my man now... I am glad you gave him up so easily... no you can't speak with him because he is busy orally pleasuring me. I'm gonna come all over his very handsome face in a few minutes. He is so good at lickin' and suckin'. He is just amazing. Thank you so very much."

"Yeah, I'll give him that message right after he fucks me again! Ohmygod his dick is so big. He stretches me out! I love it. Thank you again. Bye!" She hung up happily. Sometimes women are a bit evil. Catty beyond belief.

"She wants you to call her when you get the chance. She wants you to forgive her. If you do call her, I will cut your balls off. Now fuck me like you mean it. Pound me into submission. Give it to me good. I've been very naughty, and I must be severely punished.

"Ugh, ugh oooohh yes Paul I love you. Oh shit, I'm so sorry! That just slipped out!" Betty said. She looked very embarrassed to admit that she had true feelings for yours truly.

"Betty!... I'm gonna... Uggh. Uggh. COOOMME! Oh yeah fuck me Betty." I gasped. "I love you too! Ugh," I grunted and groaned. Yes, college was definitely a place to learn! So I admitted it back to her. She looked into my eyes with love burning bright, same as my eyes.

I never called my former girlfriend Susan back. Betty basically moved in with me. We slept together every single night. She went to the her dorm to shower and change clothes now and then, I suppose just to put in an occasional social appearance, but she

spent every single spare moment with me until we graduated. She then disappeared for several hours and returned to tell me she had traded in the beautiful Porsche for a minivan that we could haul all of our stuff with. She got on one knee and asked me:

"Paul McFadden will you please marry me? I want to keep making you happy every day of our lives." Betty smiled at me and waited on my response. I was completely shocked.

I got on my knee and pulled out the engagement ring.

This woman never did anything normally! Never!

"I love you so much Betty. I'm supposed to ask you to marry me. But no, you gotta do things different don't you? Is this the way things are going to be for us always? Bass acwards?" I was not mad at my slightly crazy woman. She was my kind of crazy.

"Yup. You did not answer my question. Well?" Betty was smiling however. A million dollar smile that she directed at me.

"Well yes. I'll marry you, if you marry me? Fair enough for you? I do love you, my super sexy woman. You are the best Betty. I want you. I need you. And I love you," I told her the truth.

"Ok. Yes I will marry you. I don't want to wait for my crazy parents to plan the wedding of the century. We um... well, we can't wait. I want you, me and the judge. I took the liberty of getting the paperwork done, and then I scheduled an appointment at city hall. We do have to get blood tests done. So chop- chop, let's get going here!" She was in an awful lot of hurry to get married. I wonder... oh gees. I get it now. We gotta go.

She took off her cap and gown and she was in a fancy white dress, ready to go. Fastest I have ever seen a woman get ready EVER. Must be some kind of a new world record. "Paul. Come on! Get your ass in gear! Let's do this thing. Hurry it up there my husband-to-be!" She was on a timetable! Well, we both were.

For once I was on the ball. I took off my mortar board and gown, and there I was in a (rented) tuxedo. I had seen the marriage certificate, and put two and two together! I was ready. A limo pulled up, and we were off to get married. She must have got the limo. She made a decision on something and that was that. It was a done deal.

Her folks were not amused by her text. They were too late to stop it. And they were waiting outside the judges chambers as we exited as man and wife. If looks could kill. My mom and my sister were the requisite witnesses we needed, and both happy for me, I think. Maybe.

My mother in law looked at me, and I guess she decided that she sorta liked me. She gave me a huge kiss and ground those monster size tits of hers into my chest. Gees, that woman had a hell of a rack! Then she touched my face with her left hand and groped my package with her right hand on the sly! That dirty girl! I think she liked me because of my height. My height laying down, that is! Just think, my wife would closely resemble this very sexy mature woman in about twenty years. Oh yeah!

My father in law was very unhappy. His scowl was evident. I suspect he wanted me dead. I was not quite good enough for his precious daughter- and I agreed with him! But I was determined to become that man that she wanted me to be. To become the guy she could be proud of. I found her by luck, but I would keep her by grit and my determination!

"Why did you have to get married in a damn judges chambers? We had such great plans," he asked me. My new wife went to him and whispered in his ear. His face changed instantly. Anger, then smiles.

"REALLY?" His whole temperament changed. "And you're naming him after me? But what about if she is a girl?" He asked. We were still working on that question.

"A baby!" He was delighted. Sorta. I think that changed his mind about me from the death penalty... to a life sentence- 'you better take damn good care of my daughter!', a penalty that I was happy to have! We did agree. Sorta.

We had a second huge lawn wedding ceremony a month later at her folks house. We'll really it was a mansion. That plus the reception cost more money than I like to think about. My darling wife did not drink a drop of alcohol; even her toast was just sparkling cider. Everyone else got shit-faced smashed. But everything went off without a hitch, and we all had a great time!

Less than six months later we brought home our beautiful little daughter. I was smitten with her, as was her grandpa. She had us both wrapped around her tiny fingers! Two years later a son came home and we were a happy little family! Until that day...

My father in law, being extremely wealthy, wanted a post nup almost immediately, written by his lawyers, that in the event of provable adultery, the injured spouse would receive 90% of the marital assets. Any previous monies or anything willed to either party was not considered marital assets. Pretty much if you brought it into the union, you kept it. Except for the cheating part that is.

I didn't give a shit about the money, or the assets, or the will. I planned on 'till death do us part for real! I was so incredibly happy. I'm pretty sure Betty was as well. We both signed it to make him less grumpy, and I told him I would never, ever cheat on my goddess! He loved that I said that! Those were the days of wine and roses for us.

Ah, the lovely days of the honeymoon period! They lasted for years and years. Until the honeymoon phase finally...ended. I just wished I would have known about it sooner. I would have made better plans.


My dual degree in both architecture and structural engineering did not help me with my job working for you-know-who, my new father in law. He was not an easy man to work for. I suspect I became his new target for taking out his anger and aggressions. It sure felt that way.

John was a fair man, but he had extremely high expectations. He wanted me to understand all aspects of the business. It was no walk in the park working for him. I got no special favors. If anything, I got every damned shit job that came down the pike. But somehow I learned quickly what was really asked of me, and just what to do to solve problems quickly and efficiently. I learned this from him. He did not allow silly mistakes, insofar as his business was concerned. I learned to ask pertinent questions right away to prevent confusion. My confusion that is!

But funny thing was, about my situation: he knew about it and it seemed like, so did everyone else. Everyone knew that I was not handed anything on a silver platter except hard work... If anything, he threw me into the deep end of the pool to see if I would sink or swim. My learning curve was (by necessity) very steep... working for my father in law. He did not suffer fools or stupid behavior. He really demanded excellence from all his employees, and I was no exception. He said jump, and I asked how high.

But the fact that I never once complained about the whole situation, and just rolled with the punches, that impressed him greatly. We got along better as I learned what my roll was in his huge company.

During this time, Betty used her degree to update her teaching certificate and got a teaching position at the local middle school. She taught English and Latin, and helped out in the art department as well. I was surprised that she wanted to work so very badly. I was making very good money and she did not need to work, she wanted to work!

I didn't know all the in's and out's of my father-in-law's business, and he said that I should take a few college courses, and learn some basic business stuff...just what I needed to know. He was very correct. Every business has it's processes and procedures and much of it is standard stuff taught in business school. I needed that basic information to do my job. Live and learn, right?

This did not sit well with my honey and she was not thrilled at all, but my father in law was paying me a very nice, ridiculously high salary, and I was learning how to do things on the fly. Sometimes I made a few stupid mistakes because I did not know a certain business protocol, and I really should have. So, off to school, three evenings a week. It was not that much. It really helped me with my job as well. I was home by seven-thirty to maybe eight-thirty at the latest, three times a week. I made damn sure to cherish my darling wife, and keep her in the loop about what I was doing, and why. I tried to always keep the lines of communication open between us. I was trying to be the best husband I could be.

I wound up pursuing an MBA, which took quite a few years to get, but it helped me very much with my father-in-law's business. He was actually a bit impressed by my night education.

I was eventually promoted to second in command (vice president) and all the day to day stuff fell to me. I worked very hard, and did my ever livin' best. I'd like to think I did a good job. The other vice presidents didn't want my job, as they knew I got every single ugly shit show that came up. If it sucked, it was automatically my problem.

Yikes. I became the man with the plan, of necessity. Hey, my father in law was paying me a very nice wage, but I worked hard for it. It was no give away. I had to earn every damn penny.

But when life gives you lemons, I made lemon-garlic chicken! Before long, I had become the defacto fixer... when all hell broke loose, I took care of it; to get us all back on track. I like to think he taught me in the real school of hard knocks, and I did get hard lessons everyday of the week! It became second nature to me, how to handle a crisis, and fix things right the first time. I did not enjoy crisis management, but that is almost all I ever got!

My father-in-law knew all about what I did, and hell, I asked him for suggestions enough for him to see that I was of great value to the company and the family. He told me that he was grooming me to take over the company when he retired, and problem solving was a huge part of the job. It WAS the job, in essence. There would always be problems to solve, great and small for the chief executive. That's just life.

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