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ShouldI? Could I? Would I?

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75yr old mother-in-law goes for it with son-in-law.
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All characters in this tale are well past 18 years old.

Should I? Could I? Would I? I was at my daughter's for one of my regular visits. For the last few years every time I visited for any length of time my desires had grown each and every time.

The state I now found myself in was the most intense yet and had been building steadily for days.

The last three days had been the hardest. I had to find a way out, or through, to some kind of resolution, to release, relief, to peace. Whatever I did it would have to be decided during this visit.

It was obvious to me there was nothing for it but to go ahead and get it all out in the open if I was ever to move on.

I must have tried a dozen times already this morning, actually touched the doorknob half a dozen of those times and even opened the door a crack twice before shutting it again and taking another look out the window.

He was still out there. The pile of split wood beside him had grown ever larger. It was a pretty warm spring day and he'd started about half an hour earlier.

Just watching had really affected my state of mind. I had looked out when I'd heard the first two or three dull thuds to see well placed blow after blow split one hardwood chunk after another.

He didn't even appear to be straining, just rhythmically placing the ax completely through the wood on the block right between his spread legs.

In the few cases when the wood failed to split on the first blow he'd just picked up the whole huge piece, more than I could have comfortably lifted, still on the ax and really leaned into the next few blows till it did split.

I had lost track of time watching before finally going back to try and wash dishes. It was hopeless. I was starting to feel weak and fluttery inside in a way I had almost forgotten years ago.

Even at my age my panties had started to get wet some time ago just thinking about what I was trying to convince myself to finally do. Now however, having seen him at work out there I could feel things sliding around inside them whenever I took a step.

I could just picture myself out there as the object of his attention instead of those blocks of wood. I'd be bent over the chopping block holding to it for all I was worth.

His strong hands held not an ax handle but my hips, and he swung not an ax but his very own tool deep into the cleft I had ready for it again and again till I shattered in my climax with an echoing cry!

Harder and harder he'd swing himself as the blows smacked against my backside shaking my entire body with each thrust. I not only no choice but no other desire than to surge backward into each onrushing entry to help him penetrate me as deeply as possible.

I snapped out of it to find myself wringing a poor innocent dishcloth half to death with my hands resting on the edge of the sink while actually thrusting my hips to the thuds still coming from outside.

I could feel the moisture between my legs starting to cool as it crept down the inside of each thigh.

This was ridiculous! I wasn't a school girl, not at 75. This was no romance novel. "What is wrong with me?" my mind asked. "Nothing at all," another part shouted, "He's got it and you know you want it!"

He was in his early forties but he was also my eldest daughters husband of some twenty plus years. That thought had put me off for several years now but it just wasn't enough anymore.

Right or wrong I just had to let him know and get an answer.

Plucking up courage again I carefully straightened the poor dish towel, laid it on the sink, walked to the door for what I told myself was the last time and was promptly undone again. He was just tossing his shirt aside.

My knees actually buckled and I had to hold the door handle to steady myself! Before I could collect myself he began splitting again at an even more rapid pace.

Finally he began to shine in the warm air which only highlighted the play of those coordinated muscles from shoulder all the way down to his waist. That waist with his leather belt riding low on his hips did it.

It had been many years since my husband had passed but I knew what lay beneath that belt buckle. And oh how I wanted it.

The close proximity to those imaginings becoming reality was so much more intense that I could swear were it not for my panties I'd be dripping on the floor.

This was getting silly. I marched to the refrigerator, got two glasses of iced tea, raised my eyes upward in an earnest plea, and went to meet my fate.

We exchanged pleasantries and he took the drink, tilted his head back and inhaled half of it in one swallow. I had found a chair nearby in the shade and sat with my drink while I tried to find the words I now knew I'd have to say soon.

It was a good thing I had sat, for after putting the rest of his drink aside he raised both hands over his head and gave a tremendous stretch preparatory to picking up the ax.

The play of muscles and light across his chest, and as I dropped my eyes, his narrowed waist, actually gave me a tremendous flash of heat. For the first time in ages I realized my breasts were starting to strain a bit against my bra. My nipples were especially sensitive too.

I was probably blushing madly and was thankful for the shade. He must have thought I was fanning myself because of the weather for he made some comment about it which I barely heard.

I tried to settle down as I settled back to watch him work. I was trying hard to find the words and the rest of the courage I'd be needing to go with that which had already carried me out there.

Almost before I knew it, he was done. He picked up the rest of his drink and came over to sit facing me in the shade as he sipped it.

"I know I've said this before, but my daughter is very lucky to have you for her husband," I said hoping to start the conversation I wanted to have.

"Thanks but of course I've always thought I was the lucky one," he replied and took another drink of tea.

I was going to have to be a bit more direct. "Well here goes," I said to myself.

"I mean she is fortunate to have such a good husband and lover."

That made him pause but he said nothing as he looked closely at me.

"Nothing ventured, nothing gained," that little voice said. I tried again with, "For some years now Hope and I have talked about the kind of lover you've been to her."

He cocked his head and looked at me curiously.

Then with a gulp I really took the plunge and said, "Explicitly, in detail, at length. And I am so glad we have."

I took a deep breath and waited but he just continued to look at me. Finally I said, "It has been such a long time since I have experienced anything like Hope has described that I guess I'm a bit envious of her. I've been hoping for some time that I might enjoy some of that again before I become too old to do anything about it."

Oh! I could almost kick myself. Why couldn't I just come right out and ask instead of whining?

Before I could figure out what to say next he demonstrated some of the insight he was noted for and asked, "Is this just wishful thinking or are you actually asking me to do those things with you?"

Well... There it was. Plainspoken, out in the open, and he'd been the one to say it! Suddenly my mouth was dry and I couldn't seem to speak.

He just sat quietly while I had a few long sips of tea before I answered.

"I guess I'm really asking. No darn it I'm sure of it. This is something I really wish I could do with you. In fact I have wanted too for some years now," I said as firmly as I could, though I thought I still sounded a bit shaky.

I don't remember if my heart beat faster or stopped altogether in the pause before he replied.

He stood, looked down at me and said, "You're a beautiful woman May, inside and out. I'd be honored to do with you whatever you want."

He said he'd be honored! He held out his hand to help me to my feet. I nearly dropped my glass of tea in the process of placing my hand in his.

He pulled me to my feet, looked at me with his big, brown eyes and said, "Let's go into the woods."

Oh the stuff of so many of my imaginings, the things Hope had said went on in those woods and I might now be part of too! I could barely walk without leaning on him.

It has taken me quite a while to decide how to describe what happened next. Some is crystal clear and some wonderful but indistinct, and indescribable.

There in the center of a lovely green patch of forest with honeysuckle vines and their fragrance hanging in the air was a stump about knee high and wide enough for a comfortable seat.

Given some of what Hope had said to me it was hard not to simply stare at it as my imagination tried very hard to just run away.

Instead of wandering the forest on this visit seeking out places she had described as I had done in the past I was about to get the guided tour!

Stopping by the stump he turned me to face him and becoming a bit serious said, "I need you to trust me and agree to do whatever I ask when and wherever I ask it. I will do the same for you, whenever, wherever, whatever you ask."

After a brief pause to let this sink in he continued, "This will be no one time thing. If I take you as a partner we will make love as often from now on as either of us wishes. Do you agree?"

Oh dear, this was it. It was so hard to concentrate. Had I heard all he'd said? Did it matter? Could I really agree to what I thought he'd asked?

I didn't care about any conditions. I just wanted him in me. Silly me, I thought of Hope, all she'd shared, what I knew of this man and answered, "From what Hope has said I'd be silly not to. Do with me all you want and just as you wish."

Wait a minute! Where had that last part come from? My sense of adventure must be getting the better of me but I'd said it and I'd stick to it!

"Turn around then," he said and I did.

"Take off your blouse, bra and pants," he directed.

While I did as he asked I heard the faint rustle as he dropped his pants and tossed them to the side.

As I reached for my panties he took my hands and said, "No, these are mine now." Just ripped them off in an instant and tossed them aside!

I said, "Oh!" and nearly turned around before his hands back on my hips stilled me.

"You and your daughter are both lovely, you need to know that and I hope to show you that it's true. The view from back here is just awesome. You sure can still fully excite a man."

As he said this he moved his hands to my sides just below my breasts. I felt the warmth of his bare flesh meeting mine from my shoulders to my butt.

The next thing I knew I was looking down between my breasts. Farther down, just protruding from the hair between my legs was the glistening, dripping tip of a huge erection!

Without even thinking I squeezed my thighs together as hard as I could and sighed as I leaned back against him with my eyes shut. The image of that shining member in its present location clear in my mind's eye.

Come think of it I can still see it all these years later just as if I had a photograph.

He began to stroke my breasts and hips and sides and I just melted back into him. Suddenly his hands were holding my hips very firmly and he chuckled as he said, "You need to quit squeezing like that for a bit. You really do have me quite excited you know."

As I came back to reality a bit and understood what my body had been doing I said, "I can feel that."

He replied, "Then turn around so you can see it too." I gave him one more hard squeeze with my thighs because it felt so good and turned around.

"Now see what you've done," he said with a huge smile.

I could say nothing. I could barely stand. It was huge, positively enormous, shining and dripping. I wondered if I could still wrap myself around something like that again but I knew I'd do it or die happily trying.

I was overwhelmed and tears started to blur my vision. I saw him dimly as he stepped toward me.

In what seemed one motion I was lifted bodily from the ground by my hips and slid fully around and all the way down what I had just seen.

I could feel him instantly everywhere inside me and he wasn't even moving! My feet didn't touch the ground so I just wrapped my legs around him as I laid my head on his chest and held him to me.

My body took over as we began to pump against one another. Only a wonderful instant later just as I reached some sort of climax I felt deep within me two or three pulsing jets as he emptied himself.

I just shivered from head to toe at the sensation. It was fantastic. It had been so long since I'd felt a man empty his seed deep within me. Recognizing it for what it was was almost overwhelming.

I relaxed as he sat down with me in his lap still holding him inside. We sat there for some time till I came out of a pleasant daze and I felt him swelling again inside me.

I squeezed as well as I could and looked up at him. "Thank you," I said with all the feeling I could. "It's been so long. I didn't think I'd ever feel any of that again."

"And Thank you," he replied, "Hope is the only other woman I've ever made love to. She is definitely your daughter in more ways than one, but I do believe you're the bolder and more adventurous one."

His mentioning my daughter brought me back to a bit more reality even though feeling his swelling inside me was blurring clear thought some.

It was certainly too late now but still I had to ask what we were going to do about Hope.

He reminded me I had promised my body to him but said though he was willing, his words, " service me as fully and often as he could..." he could not promise his body as freely as we might like till Hope gave her permission to share.

He made it clear he did not want just borrowed moments with me unless that was all we could have. He was right, I was just going to have to find a way to ask Hope if I could share some of what she'd been telling me about all this time.

"I'm sure you'll find a way to ask her soon. Meanwhile I'm going to hold you to that promise you just made. When I ask, you'll do whatever I say, when and where, then and there are we clear on that?"

I felt myself gulp and then nodded before I thought too much. Little did I know just how much the next few days would hold!

I squeezed back hard on his continued swelling only to have him ask if I knew what was usually done with the stump we were sitting on.

I blushed so deeply I could feel it all over my body but managed to say, "Why yes I do."

He stood up, pulled me off and stood me between himself and the stump.

"Well then if it's not too much too soon you know how to ask for what we both want then."

There was no thinking involved! One of my wildest fantasies was about to come true! I grabbed his erection with both hands and gave it a good squeeze.

At his startled expression I turned around, bent over the stump and folded my arms on top of it. I spread my legs wide, rested my head on my arms so that I could look past my dangling breasts back between my legs to see him waiting and braced myself.

All I had to do was say the words, so I shouted them. "Hurry my lover! And be unto me as a stag on the mountain of spices!"

The first few instants are still burned into my memory. I remember every detail and feeling. I couldn't see that magnificent erection but I could see a glistening crystal drop swinging from a long clear strand that must be coming from its tip.

I had inhaled one deep breath full of the aroma of honeysuckles before calling out. As soon as I did I saw his legs take one step forward and stop. The crystal drop was swept aside by his motion. I felt its coolness as it stuck to my right thigh.

I felt his hands low and firm on my hips as they lifted them and pushed my cheeks aside.

A draft of cooler air passed gently over my opening as he exposed it. I saw his testicles, which were hanging low in the warm afternoon, suddenly swing backwards and just as suddenly forward. I felt my opening instantly tighten in anticipation but it had no effect on his progress at all.

One instant I my cleft was tensed up and empty and the next, with a whack as his flesh met my fanny, I was full and squeezing for all I was worth.

I recall moaning and leaning into him again and again. Thwack, thwack, thwack, faster and harder as his testicles and my breasts moved together in time to the beat.

I closed my eyes and just reveled in my response to his performance. I don't recall how long this went on till I felt the pace slacken and realized when I opened my eyes that I was on tiptoe with my head erect, facing forward.

The world of green trees and flowering vines was gently swaying back and forth as he ran his hands over my back, breasts and thighs while he continued to more slowly stroke himself in and out of my body.

What possessed me next who knows but I've learned since to always go with it. As he was starting his next entrance I looked over my shoulder and smacked my butt firmly against him as I met his stroke halfway.

At his look of surprise I smiled, squeezed down hard and switched my hips. I then tossed my hair back, looked straight ahead, stood stiffly and said, "Come on stag, go to It!"

With those simple words, at the risk of sounding crude, which it most certainly was not, I precipitated what was by far the single most thorough fucking I had ever experienced or dreamed of. Others have regularly come since.

My stag redoubled his efforts instantly. I might as well have pushed the pedal of a race car to the floor and had it stick. I remember seeing the greenery moving wildly as I hung my head back down to see his now furiously swinging balls between my gyrating breasts.

His strong hands were jerking me back to meet his every stroke. After that I remember only calling again and again whenever I could get my breath between gasps and moans for him to go faster, harder, and deeper as I urged him on.

The last thing I felt after a final shattering climax that left my whole body on fire was what had to be his release deep within me. Again what a glorious feeling. Almost like the very first kick of a newly started child I thought as I drifted nearly unconscious to the ground.

As we sat together he cradled me and expressed some concern we might have overdone it. I sank contentedly into his arms and told him I was just fine.

He mentioned that Hope and I could probably have of fun comparing stories in the future. What an exciting thought. I certainly hoped so.

We went down to the pool in the stream to wash up a bit before lunch. It is a beautiful little spot with a spring spilling into it and a clean gravel bottom beneath the sparkling clear water.

As we were rinsing one another I suddenly realized I was not only skinny dipping for the very first time in my life, but with a man! That was a fantasy from so far back in days as a young girl in college I had forgotten it until the current reality dragged it back into the present.

I stepped behind him and after a few strokes began some serious fondling. It didn't take much to bring him back to life. I wanted to know if we could make love out where the pool was deep but it turned out he had more control than I'd counted on. He said it was still a bit cool to stay in the water that long.

Instead he went out on the bank, lay down face up on one of the beach towels we'd laid for the picnic.

"Let's have an appetizer before lunch May. Have a seat," he said.

I straddled him and slowly sat straight down on his most upstanding part.

It was cool from the pond and as it entered my warmth we both gasped and squeezed.

Taking his hands I began to rock back and forth. Before I knew it I had my eyes closed and was back to another of my very earliest girlhood visions.

Having read of Lady Godiva my second semester of college I had spent many blissful minutes from time to time long ago imaging what it would be like to ride naked.


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