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Show Moms Ch. 04-05


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I lifted her up, and dropped her directly down on my cock. She'd reached her hand down to guide me home, but had turned out not to need it, and returned both hands to my shoulders. I felt the tip of my cock enter her, and sat back on her showing pedestal.

"I asked you what you wanted, bitch?" I growled, holding her in place.

"Fuck me, you bastard," she screamed, hitting me on the shoulders with both fists, and then groaning loudly as I slammed her down into my lap.

I shifted my grip to her hips and let her fall back. Having my cock bent that far backward was far from comfortable. But it was well worth it. When we finished our routine, with me keeping her moving and in place, the audience exploded into prolonged applause. After all we'd been through, it surprised me that it went that well. It shouldn't have. By that point, I knew that Kennedy women were full of surprises.

* * * * * *

"Mom? Are you here?"

Shit! Terry wasn't supposed to be home until tomorrow. I froze. Maybe Robin should handle this. You know, the mother-daughter bond. I should probably stay right here.

Since there wasn't any insulation between the Kennedys' first floor and the basement, I figured I'd be able to hear pretty much the whole thing, and figure out when to make my escape. I really doubted that Robin wanted to introduce us, particularly while she was wearing her body-hugging workout outfit. Of course, even that would have been better than if Terry had showed up just a little later. Seeing her mother doing a bump and grind for her brother's best friend might have been a little freaky. Seeing some of the other things might have been even worse.

The first thing I heard was Robin walking out of the kitchen to the front hall.

"Mom?" Terry was stunned.

"Hi, honey," Robin said. "I'm sorry it took me so long. I didn't expect you until — "

"Mom, you look amazing! What have you been doing?"

"A little running. A little weight lifting. A haircut. You know, just some little things. So, er, I thought you weren't coming home until tomorrow."

"A couple kids got chicken pox. They were afraid of it spreading all over the camp, so they sent us home a day early. But seriously, how did you do this, you get a book or something? One of those exercise shows?"

"Um, no. I actually enlisted one of Wally's friends. Do you remember Kenny Winston?"

Robin was probably afraid that I was going to burst out of the basement, demanding breakfast, and wanted to prepare her daughter for the possibility.

"Kenny?" Terry answered. "Well, yeah, but I thought Dad wouldn't let him in the house after that, you know, thing of his."

"Actually, your father just said that Wally couldn't invite him over."

It was a fine distinction. I was very proud of her.

"Although I haven't told your father about my workout routine," Robin said. "I've just been kind of surprising him with the results."

Robin had told me that he hadn't noticed at all, which made her furious.

"I'll say," Robin agreed. "I was shocked. You're, like, gorgeous. Nobody's gonna believe you're my mom now."

"Thank you, honey. That's very nice of you to say. Anyway, I'd appreciate it if you'd help keep my little secret for the moment."

"Sure, Mom," Terry agreed. "So Kenny helped you do all that, huh? Wow!"

"Do you need any help with your stuff?" Robin changed the subject.

"Naw, I got it," she said.

I heard the front door open again and the basement door right behind it.

"Kenny!" Robin hissed. "Kenny! Get up here!"

I hustled upstairs, and Robin practically threw me out the back door.

"Tomorrow?" I whispered as I stumbled down the steps.

"Wednesday," Robin whispered back before she closed the door on me.

Robin's SUV arrived at the park on Wednesday and disgorged not one but two blondes. Robin had decided to go back to her T-shirt and shorts, probably so she wouldn't scandalize poor, innocent Terry. Poor, innocent Terry was wearing the same outfit as her mother, the white shorts highlighting her tanned legs.

"Hi, Kenny," she came bouncing up ahead of her mom, her long hair pulled back in a ponytail. "Mom was telling me about your workouts for her, and I hope you don't mind my horning in on them like this."

"Um, sure," I said as her mom reached us. "Fine. Let's just start with a little bit of stretching. Then we have a three-mile course here that goes around the park twice, and if you need to, you can drop out after the first loop."

"Sorry again about Monday," Robin said after Terry did drop out.

"You mean sorry about my missing the steak and eggs or sorry about my missing the show?" I grinned.

"Which are you more sorry about?" she countered.

"Well, I went down to the IHOP and had steak and eggs," I said, "so I'd have to say the floor show."

"Can't get that at the IHOP?" Robin laughed.

"Not unless you tip an awful lot," I agreed. "Fortunately, you don't really need another practice session. You're as ready as you'll ever be."

"I know," Robin smiled. "I wasn't going to be doing it for me."

I had a big grin on my face as I told her she probably didn't need to run every day any more either. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays would be fine to keep her in shape.

"Terry's changed," she said after we had run in silence for a little longer.

"Yeah, she apparently learned my name."

"That, too," Robin laughed. "No, I don't know what it is yet. She just seems a little less — "

"Snobby?" I offered.

"Kenny," she whacked my arm. "I wonder if something happened at camp."

"Alien abduction?" I suggested, ducking out of the way of the next whack.

I was still sticking with alien abduction when Terry sat down with us at the kitchen table for the usual OJ and bagels, and actually started a conversation.

"So, how has your summer been, Kenny?" Terry asked.

"Fine, thanks," I said. "Caddying, mostly. Playing a little. And how was —" I swallowed the word 'God' — "camp?"

"Very nice, thank you. So when do you head off to college?"

"Day before Labor Day," I said. "You?"

"Daddy's taking me the day before that, on Saturday," she said.

I exchanged a quick glance with Robin. She hadn't told me that, but it would certainly make our lives easier. Earlier in the summer, she'd been worried about what excuse she was going to come up with to let her get out of the house for the local MILF Show that Saturday morning.

"So, um, are you rooming with, um, Amanda again this year?" I asked.

"No, she's transferring this year to be close to her new boyfriend," Terry said. "Walter, I think his name is. He's going to school somewhere in Chicago."

"Well, isn't that a coincidence?" Robin interjected gaily.

"What's that?" Terry asked.

"Well, your roommate is leaving to go to Chicago to be with her boyfriend Walter. And my son, whose name is Walter, is also leaving to go to Chicago."

"Yeah, that's really weird, Mom," Terry looked at me and rolled her eyes with an indulgent smile.

"I just think it's odd," Robin said defensively. "Don't you think it's odd, Kenny?"

"Odd?" I asked. "Are you two serious?"

"What do you mean?" Robin asked.

"What I mean is, here's another coincidence," I said. "What did you do on New Year's Eve, Mrs. K?"

"Mr. K — Mr. Kennedy and I went to a dance at the country club," she said. "Why?"

"And where was Walter when you left?"

"Right here. What are you suggesting, Kenny?"

"So where'd you go, Terry?" I turned to her.

"To a dance," she said. "At the church."

"And where was Amanda when you left?"

"Here," she said.

"And what do you think they did here, alone, together?"

Both of them were gaping at me.

"You think they played Parcheesi?" I continued. "I met Amanda, remember. I saw the look in her eyes. She didn't look like a Parcheesi girl."

"But — but," Terry sputtered. "He's a virgin."

"Not so much anymore, no," I said, taking another bite of bagel.

Terry threw down her napkin and ran upstairs. Robin gave me a look of consternation, and quickly followed.

"Yeah, yeah, I know," I said to her departing back. "See you Friday."

This time it was just Robin who showed up on Friday.

"Terry okay?" I asked.

"She'll be fine," Robin said. "She apparently thought her brother was saving his virginity until he got married like she is. She agreed that he'd never really said that, and I assured her that I'm sure that her brother admired her stance.

"And then she asked when I lost my virginity, and I hemmed and hawed, and then she did the math, and realized that her father and I had to get married."

She put those little air quotes around 'had' as we ran.

"Wow," I said. "Tough day for Terry. Sorry about that."

"Oh, she would have learned it eventually," Robin sighed. "It was kind of a shock for me too, though, about Wally. I never got around to the birds and bees talk with either one of them. But anyway, Terry just spent yesterday sitting in her room, staring into space, or taking walks."

"Maybe I'll pass on breakfast then," I said. "So what's the plan for next Saturday? When are Mr. K and Terry leaving for school? We should probably get there by eight-thirty or so to register, although it's probably going to be eleven 'til your division goes on."

"They're leaving at six," she grinned at me. "And he won't be back until late that night. So I'll be able to give you your post-contest blowjob in the comfort of my own home."

"Sounds like a great plan," I smiled back.

"Remember your promise," she teased me. "You're not seeing any girls behind my back, are you?"

"No, ma'am," I said.

And I wasn't. Not until, oh, three o'clock that afternoon. I was standing at the fence between the Roberts' driveway and ours, my mom on my right and Becca on the other side of the fence. We were talking about college when I saw Becca's eyes grow wide.

"Oooh," she said. "Hottie at six o'clock."

"I'm not falling for that," I said. "I look over there and you two start pouting. No, no, I'm perfectly happy with the hotties at twelve o'clock and three o'clock."

I looked over at my mom and got a grin, but I caught a movement out of the corner of my eye. There was somebody back there, waving at us. I turned. It was Terry. She was dressed in her running outfit, and was a little out of breath.

"Hi, Kenny," she waved again as she got closer.

"Hi, Terry, out for a run?"

"I still can't believe what you did for Mom," she said. "So I figure I'll keep at it. Hi!"

She'd directed that last to my mom and Becca and I realized I'd been seriously ungentlemanly.

"Excuse me," I said. "Terry, this is my mom, and this is Rebecca Roberts. Mom, Rebecca, this is Terry Kennedy."

They all said how nice it was to meet each other, and then Terry turned back to me.

"So, um, Kenny," she said, turning suddenly shy, "I was wondering if you'd like to go to the carnival tonight? With me?"

The fire department was hosting its annual cheesy carnival, an event I normally avoided like the plague. But I could feel the pressure from the two women standing next to me, looking on, I was sure, with proprietary, self-satisfied, smug little smiles.

"Um, sure, um, that'd be great," I stammered. "I'll, uh, pick you up at six?"

"Maybe I should just meet you there, huh?" she smiled with a raise of her eyebrows.

"Oh, yeah," I remembered about Mr. K. "Maybe so."

Terry gave me an even bigger smile and then turned to Mom.

"Mrs. Winston, could I use your powder room?"

"Certainly," Mom said. "It's right along the front hall there. Shall I show you?"

"No, I'm sure I can find it," Terry said. "Thank you."

We all watched her walk inside.

"Wow!" Becca teased when she was out of earshot. "Aren't you Mr. Popular."

"What a lovely girl," Mom said. "Where do you know her from? Was she in your class?"

"No," I said, a little distracted. "She's Wally's sister."

"Wally Kennedy's sister?" Mom stared at me. "But you always said she's a bitch."

"She is a bitch," I said half-heartedly as her cute little butt disappeared inside our front door.

"She was a bitch," I went on, mumbling. "Now she's just a witch."

"I guess that makes you b'witched, huh?" Becca crowed.

"Uh-huh," I agreed, not even giving her the groan she expected.

I was still b'witched as Terry came back out, said her goodbyes and took up a slow jog back toward her house.

"Oh, my," Mom said, looking at her watch. "I've gotta get going. I've got a meeting at school in fifteen minutes. See you guys."

"So what exactly have you been doing to her mom this summer?" Becca asked.

"Oh, shit. Robin. Becca, I gotta go."

I sprinted toward the house, but nobody was answering at the Kennedys'. The phone rang half an hour later.

"Kenneth," she hissed. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

"Look," I said. "Your daughter asked me out in front of my mother and Becca Roberts. What the hell was I supposed to do, say no, I have to save myself for when your mom blows me at the MILF Show?"

I heard a giant exhalation of air, followed by a long pause.

"Look, Kenny," she finally said. "You understand that nothing means more to me than my kids. And you understand that Terry's very vulnerable right now. And you're very experienced. And you're supposed to be . . ."

She started to chuckle.

". . . saving yourself for when her mother blows you at the MILF Show."

"Don't worry," I said. "In another week, she'll be back at school. I'll be away at school. Nothing's going to happen. I know what she's going through."

I knew that because I'd been the rebound guy before. You couldn't just put the moves on a girl in a situation like that. It wasn't right. It wasn't ethical. I was rather proud of my self-control with my first girlfriend, Marcy Rooney; we had just been friends for, hell, almost two weeks.

Of course, I hadn't figured on having a magical evening with Terry. We wandered through the carnival, looking in all the booths, laughing at all of the same things. I won her a goldfish in a little baggie in the ring toss, and she promptly gave it to an 11-year-old boy who hadn't been quite as successful for his 10-year-old girlfriend. I won her a little fuzzy bear by knocking down some bottles with a baseball, and that she clung to like Linus's blanket. Finally, we ended up on the Ferris Wheel. At one point we were stopped about halfway up the "up" side, and I turned to her and asked, "So why?"

"Why what?" she blushed.

"Why this?" I said. "Why me?"

She blushed again.

"I saw your tape this summer, at camp," she said.

"At God camp?" I couldn't hold it back this time.

"At God camp," she smiled, "where it turned out none of the other counselors were virgins, actually. Anyway, I mentioned that I knew you, and they all started asking about you. And I had to tell them that you were a little dorky, but that you were nice, and smart, and yeah, kinda cute. And I realized that maybe I should have treated you a little better. You know, before."

She took a deep breath.

"And then when you said that thing about Wally, I thought, after a while, anyway, that well, maybe I should, you know, at least try dating regular guys a little. So I I.M.ed Wally, and of course it was him with Amanda. I can't believe I was that clueless. Anyway, he said you weren't seeing anybody, so I took a chance and came over."

"Yeah, big chance asking me out in front of Mom and Becca. If I'd said no they'd have had me committed."

"That was Becca?" she put her hand on my arm.

"Yeah," I laughed. "She thought you were a hottie."

"Oh, God, if I'd known that was her I never would have been able to talk."

The Ferris Wheel jerked into motion, and this time we ended up at the very top. It was a hazy, muggy August night, with a half-moon hanging low in the sky. The haze blocked out most of the stars. There certainly weren't any shooting stars.

Terry turned to me.

"Kiss me," she said quietly.

I put an arm around her and kissed her.

I felt her warm lips pressed against mine, and suddenly the air around us didn't seem warm at all.

I felt her tongue at my lips, pushing its way gently inside, not wrestling, but exploring, touching, tasting.

I felt my soul slip into the softness of her kiss.

I felt someone poking my calf with a stick.

"Let's go, buddy. Gotta keep the wheel movin.'"

What I hadn't felt was the Ferris Wheel starting again, nor stopping when our seat reached the bottom. I got off, tripped on the step leading down from the wooden platform where they loaded the Ferris Wheel, and fell flat on my face.

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jtwheelsjtwheelsover 4 years ago
Milf story without a lot of sex doing it we8

Terry I figured for later

What will you have for us then?

HamsterHamsteralmost 5 years ago
Oh, Come on!

This is obviously NOT your normal fuck story. Instead, it is a story about build up within a framework of MILFS. The sex, such as it has been, is obligatory to the theme of the contest. I think that the writer has done a good job in maintaining the consistency of the theme throughout. Looking forward to the next installment. The daughter has turned into a very horny girl and we will certainly have an entertaining time as Kenny tries to keep his attention focused on the MILF contests.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Your Disclosure Is Provided Four Chapters Too Late

You are a decent writer and I love the stories story’s premise, but you consistently gloss over or ignore the sex scenes. Seriously!?!? Did you forget which website you were posting to, and who your readers are? Build up, build up… Fizzle. Build up, build up,… Fizzle. I was naïvely hoping that you were waiting, letting things build up over the first few chapters, and then you’d hit us with a few great, passionate, sexy sex scenes, but then I came to your chapter 4 disclaimer and I realized it was all in vain! Next time, save us the frustration and either add the disclaimer (no sex) at the beginning, or categorize your story appropriately, so that only those people who aren’t here for a good sexual romp, will knowingly invest their valuable time.

KingCuddleKingCuddleover 7 years ago
You're doing fine!

Keep it up! :+))

rightbankrightbankalmost 8 years ago
It takes skill to write this subject with this much humour

And this is one of the funniest I've read.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Fine story!

DoctimeDoctimealmost 11 years ago

Yeah!!!!!! I was finally able to give your story the 5 stars it deserved.....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Humm, The Kennedy Gang Is Hot On His Butt......:)

Lions and Mommies and Daughters, oh my! OK, I still think the "Kenny's Mom Has Something Up Her Sleeve" theory is barely floating. But I'm sticking with it until proven otherwise. Regards, "Notes-R-Us"

Wet_WorksWet_Worksover 17 years ago
I like the story but

pretending that a blowjob isn't cheating is just stupid.

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