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Showing It Off

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Wife shows it off for big bucks.
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My wife got her first modeling job when a local clothing store put together a catalog and advertised for models. She answered the ad and with her looks she easily got hired. Claire made three hundred bucks for a few hours work and really enjoyed the shoot, meeting some other women who had lots of experience and told her she could do well. One woman told her the clothing shoots were okay, but the money was way better in nude shoots, porn, or petal sessions.

"What are petal sessions?" I asked when she told me what the other woman had said.

"Let me put it this way," she said. "What on a woman looks like petals and all women have them?" I shook my head and shrugged. Ears were my guess and she laughed and said, "Lower." I almost gave her the old line saying ears with a deeper voice. "Think kittens," she said.

I suddenly realized my stupidity and said, "Pussies, right?" She nodded and chuckled at her husband's idiocy. "What would they take pictures...? Oh, oh yeah."

So the best money comes from nudes, porn, and pussy shots?"

"Correct," she said laughing at my brainless gaff.

"Anything in between?" I asked.

"That's what I wanted to know. Shirley said boudoir sessions pay pretty well. They are only semi nude and you wear nightgowns and sleep wear in poses that you try to look sexy and no males are in the shots. I could do that," she said. "I won't do nudes, but posing in clothes is okay. The photographer gave me his card and said there is a bedroom session coming up. The only reason I took his card is that he has a female assistant. It's next Saturday, all day in LA."

We talked it over and she said she could make twice the money she did posing with the clothing store's line of dresses and blouses. "You could make six hundred dollars?" I said with a gasp.

"Right, but it's a two day shoot," she said. "I could make a thousand dollars for two days work. "What do you think?" I said it was, of course, up to her, but for that money it gets easier to show it off.

"The thing about clothing shoots, they don't show off your best assets. I mean everything of yours that's most gorgeous is hidden, except your face," I amended.

She said that was a good save.

"So you think I should?" she asked, going back to her original question, wanting me to help justify her going for it.

"You don't have to take it off, show your pussy, or make love to anybody," I said. "Why not?" She called and got the job, and the next weekend she worked for two days and made over a thousand bucks. Actually, the first boudoir session she was offered she had turned down, but enticed by the money, she went for the second.

"Semi nude probably means topless," I said before she applied for the shoot.

"Well, I have pretty good boobs," she replied. "Don't you think? Might as well show them off, right?" Then she smiled.

"You have great boobs, and sure, show them off. It's more money," I encouraged.

"I wonder what they pay for showing your..., I paused. "Well, I mean, who knows. Money's not everything," I said. The lure was thrown out and we both wondered about the price of showing everything, having her pussy photographed.

"Shirley said she got ten thousand for a nude session for a magazine," Claire said.

"Ten thousand dollars American, not pesos?" I said. For one shoot?" She explained it was a feature spread for a magazine, and it was her and another model.

"They each got ten grand, or ten total, for both?" She went on to say each girl got ten thousand dollars. She reminded me that it was a nude layout. "Damn, ten thousand for just showing your wares. Holy shit. That's good money. That's like three hundred bucks an hour."

Claire was thinking about the money as well. I could see it in her eyes that she was considering getting naked in front of the lens. "Could you pose nude?" I asked my wife.

"No, of course not," she said, slowly, thinking carefully through her answer. "Well, ten thousand dollars for a weekend. I don't know, maybe."

"Why not? You have a killer body. Yeah, why not show it off and get paid?" I said.

Claire took another boudoir shoot the next week and for a days work earned five hundred dollars. I knew it wouldn't take long for a nude shoot to come along and catch her attention, to tempt her into going for it. I was right and she was offered a weeklong shoot in the Virgin Islands on the island of St. Thomas. "Should I take it?" she asked. Before I could answer she said, "It pays ten thousand dollars. They pay expenses, fly me there, and my hotel and meals are included at the Buccaneer Hotel. She looked at me like I needed to help her out and give an answer. "Well? Ten grand? For just taking your clothes off?" I said, "and standing still for a while."

"For standing in front of strangers and getting your picture taken," she said. "I did the topless and that was okay, but showing everything?"

"I don't make that much in a month," I said, lobbying for her to take it.

"You wouldn't mind?" she asked, obviously attracted, clearly tempted. I told her I would, and she kissed me. "You want to come with me. We could afford... "

"You make ten grand and we spend part of it for me to tag along. You want that?" I asked. She agreed that it wouldn't be very smart, but I got the distinct impression that she was relieved I hadn't gone for the idea. It was a weeklong shoot, but she called on her second day and said nude was not so hard, but they had offered double if I will do one or two days of X-rated stuff, you know, porn."

"Double?" I gasp. "Twenty thousand dollars for having sex in front of the camera? Could you?" I asked. She was quiet for a long time on the phone. "Could you?"

"I think so. I think I want to. What do you think? Would you have a problem with that?" she asked. "With me having sex for that much money. We could pay off the house." She clearly wanted me to say I would, to give her the okay, and of course I had a problem with it, but for that much money I began to think differently. I began to weaken. "It's just sex, right?" I said.

"It helps that I don't know what these guys look like. They're ugly, right?" I said, knowing if she said 'yes', then they were gorgeous.

"I know. But yes, it's just sex," she said, trying to convince herself as much as me. "I'll just try it this once," she said. "Okay? Just once." I knew if she just tried it this once, she got twenty thousand dollars, plus expenses, for five days in the Caribbean on beautiful beaches with handsome men, then she would "try" it many, many times in the future.

She left for the Virgin Islands having agreed to do at least two days of porn and the rest just nudes. When she got back she kissed me, then she handed me a check for twenty-five thousand dollars. "I thought it was 20,000?" I said.

"They added some incentives," she said but didn't elaborate. I didn't ask and kissed the check, smiling and dancing around. I asked what they would have paid for a whole week of sex shots.

"They offered. For the whole week, in the same place, they said they would offer fifty thousand."

"Five and four zeros?" I said. "One week for fifty grand? What did you say when they offered. She told them she would have to talk it over with her husband. "Holy crap. That's more than I make in a year. For five days of sex pictures?"

"They also said they'd offer more for petal pix, you know, pussy shots," she said.

"I did some in the Virgin Islands," she said. "That's what the extra money was for, incentives." The first night after she got back from St. Thomas, we were getting ready for bed when I noticed her bald pussy.

"You got shaved," I said. "I like it." She said that was necessary for the petal pictures. She turned to face me and struck a pose, spreading her legs and showing off her shaved mound. "You like showing it off for money, don't you," I said.

"I love it," she confessed. "I even like fucking for dollars. They say you get tired of it, bored with sex, but I never got tired of being fucked and eaten while getting my picture taken." I asked if she was going to stop wanting to be fucked at home. She said she was still horny and crawled into bed with her bald pussy leaking moisture. "Want to fuck a porn queen?" she asked as I ripped off my clothes and climbed into bed next to her.

Claire's next sex shoot assignment was with the original photographer for a major national magazine and they offered her one hundred. I frowned at the low offer and she said, "That's thousand. They will pay me one hundred thousand dollars to let two guys eat my pussy. It's an oral issue, so they say all I have to do is lay back and enjoy it. What do you think?"

"Where is this, Hawaii?" I asked. She said San Diego, but explained they said I could come. This time she sounded like she wanted me there. She asked if I thought I could watch men eat my wife's pussy. "For a hundred grand I could watch you suck off the Pope." I joked, although I don't think it was really a joke. It was frightening how Persuasive money was. "You wouldn't mind my being there to watch?" She said she has gotten to like posing in front of other people so much that she'd like me to watch, even if it was her having sex. "I am getting turned on by the thought of it and yes, I think I'd like to see you being fucked, eaten, or giving head," I said.

When we got to the studio in San Diego, she introduced me to the photographer and his assistants (two of them), the two males for the shoot, and she hugged one of the male sex models, saying, "This is Tony. He was with me in the Virgin Islands." Oh shit, I said to myself. Tony was a hunk of a guy who looked like a combination of a linebacker and a television model. He was maybe six three, two hundred twenty pounds, and he would be eating my wife's pussy a good part of the day. That's the only bad thing about porn shoots, they have to keep doing sexual stuff all day. Oh, I'm sure they take breaks, but it's like posing for sexual shots, not having sex. They have sex, of course, but much of the day they were positioned and posed by the assistants or the photographer himself.

Before she started with the guys, they posed her in the sexiest position I think I've ever seen. She put on librarian thick framed glasses and had her hair down. She looked like the fucking sexiest librarian I've ever seen and they photographed her alone from the front with her facing the camera, leaning back on the pillow with her legs spread wide and her knees up. Her pussy lips were naturally splayed and they took long shots, medium shots, and very closeups, focussing on only her pussy in all its glory. Then they brought in Tony to eat Claire, and the camera was positioned over them so the lens looked straight down, being able to see her pussy and the males mouth and tongue. My God it was a beautiful sight.

He ate her for maybe an hour, the camera being repositioned many times. One tripod was set up with a lens only about three feet from her pussy, another was the one above them, just over her pubic bone, and the last one was from about ten feet with a wide angle so they could view both Claire and Tony in the frame.

I have to admit I got an erection watching another man eat Claire's pussy. The photographer decided he should have some shots of Tony's dick sliding into her pussy from close up. Holy crap it was hot seeing a man do what he was doing to my wife while pictures were being taken. i thought perhaps I'd be a bit jealous, but I was so wrapped up in watching the sex that I only got excited as my wife got her pussy reamed and sucked and made love to.

That afternoon we drove to our hotel and talked about what I had watched her do. "You know, I really liked watching you have your pussy eaten today." I told her I thought I might be bothered, but that I really enjoyed seeing her get her pussy devoured.

"So did I," she said with a large smile, kissing me.

"When Andre the photographer had him fuck you for extreme closeups, I couldn't believe how sexy that was. Seeing his cock slide into you was totally fantastic. The sexiest thing I've ever seen."

"It felt pretty good too," she said.

"Are you all fucked out?" I asked.

"Not in the slightest," she said with a sigh. "I'm horny as hell."

After fucking to exhaustion, we went right to sleep and slept soundly until close to three the next morning, when we woke and began all over again. "You know what's funny," she said as my erection slipped into her, "I don't feel embarrassed any more in front of the camera, no matter what I'm doing or what someone is doing to me. It's like once the lights come on, I am hypnotized by the lens and I'll do anything or show anything. Remember, I used to not want the lights on when we had sex, but now it's in front of the lights. I love posing and being photographed. I love being naked. I love fucking other men." She covered her face with her hands. "Maybe I'll even do a lesbo shoot. I've been offered. I would love to taste a pussy and have it photographed.

"Crazy, huh?" she said, smiling at me as I fucked her slowly, moving deliberately, savoring the texture of my wife's vagina.

"Well, I don't know about crazy, but it is certainly a change in you. However, you must admit that I have changed nearly as much as you. I just watched you being eaten by a handsome guy and loved seeing it, loved watching his tongue probe your pussy. I witnessed his cock from close up gliding into your quim and I got as turned on as you. I guess I was enjoying your pleasure right along with you. Maybe that's crazy, but I was loving it."

In the morning we had breakfast, then drove to the studio for her second day of her oral adventure. "I was offered a shoot in Los Angeles that is just me and a shit load of guys," she announced as she ate her eggs. "It's a blow-job shoot and I'm real excited about it. Can you imagine, me blowing a room full of hard cocks and drinking their cum?" I pictured her sucking on big dicks and staying on each one as the owner blew his nuts in her mouth. I marveled at the change in me, in us both, and I l admired her from across the table. "Imagine me doing that, when just a short time ago I couldn't even dream of myself anything even close to that. I would have said, "No, no, no, never!"

"I love the new you," I said with a piece of toast in my hand. "Can I watch when you do it, whenever it is?"

"Actually, I like having you there," she replied with a grin. "Now lets go to today's shoot. I'm working with Jackson this time. "He sounds interesting," she said enthusiastically.

We met Jackson in the studio. He was already undressed and doing work with dumbbells to pump up his arms and shoulders. His stomach was a mass of muscles and his arms and chest had so much definition they looked like they were not real. Jackson was going to be filmed with my wife sucking his massive penis. This time it was going to be filmed in live-action video. A few stills would be taken, of course, but most of it was going to be filmed and be part of a "wife-next-door-does the-neighbor" scenario. Jackson's specialty, she explained gleefully, was supposed to be his tongue talent, the ability to get women to squirt when they came. His tongue was famous industry-wide. "I hope they let me see if he can get me to squirt with his mouth," she said dreamily.

"I'd like to see that," I said, sincerely eager to watch her with him. "He just sucks pussies until they squirt?" She didn't know how he did it, but was undeniably eager to find out.

I went with her to Hollywood to watch her take on a room full of guys with hard cocks that needed to be sucked. The idea was for her to suck off every guy there in one night, ending when her finished them all or the sun came up. I think there were over twenty, but I'm not sure. They talked about an Asian woman who sucked some huge number, like 300, to set a world record for sucking cocks in one night. "I'd like to go for her record," my wife said before it started. I thought about it and admitted I liked watching her suck other cocks nearly as much as I liked getting a blow job from her myself.

On the way to the mass-blow-job shoot, I mentioned her first professional shoot for the clothing store. "I never thought when you got the job for the clothing catalog that within a year you would be doing porn shoots, sucking off a roomful of guys, and fucking two or three guys at a time. When did you think it may be something you could do?" I asked.

"When I did the underwear shots, I realized it wasn't a big step to nudes," she said. "When I did topless it was easy, so I decided to give total nudity a try. Then I was offered to do sex and the amounts of money made me dizzy. When I got 100 grand for a sex shoot and we bought that car, I realized I could do anything for enough money."

"You know what I like as much as anything?" I asked, incredulous that it was true. "Not sure why, but you kissing them, especially French kissing, sends me over the top. Watching you and Tony in San Diego I had a climax seeing you two make out."

"So you're not sorry I took the first x-rated shoot?" she asked.

"Oh no, I'm so glad you did. No kidding, I love watching you get fucked. Especially by a grand dick," I said, as much as amazed at the fact as she was.

"What if one of them wants to take me out?" she asked, giving me a look of skepticism.

"You mean on a date?" I said. She nodded. "Has someone asked you?" She said Tony had. "Do you fuck on the first date? I joked, trying to keep it light." She reminded me, unnecessarily, that they'd already fucked enough guys to "date" for a year. "Well, I've not objected to you fucking for cash, so socially, I guess it'd be okay."

"Let me ask you something," I said. "Which of them is the best? I mean Who fucks better than the rest?"

"Tony," she said without hesitating. "I have to be honest. He makes it feel so fantastic. He's not uncomfortably big, but big enough, and he knows just how to satisfy a woman. Yes, it's Tony I like fucking best," she added.

"Does he know that?" I asked.

"Not unless he reads minds," she answered. "But yes, I'd like to go out with Tony." I asked if they'd have sex. "Probably," she said. "Most likely. He asked me if I wanted to fuck off the clock. You said you like watching me fucking, but how are you with me doing it socially?" I thought about it and said it would be rather crazy to be okay with fucking for money, but not being okay with doing it for the enjoyment. "Okay then, tomorrow night I'll be out with Tony for fun, for free."

It was harder than I thought. When she hadn't come home by one, I put in the thumb drive and watched her fuck Tony on the job. It helped, actually. I watched her fuck Tony, get eaten by him, and give him a mind-numbing blow job. I thought about the fact that she was probably doing all of those things with him right then.

Can I do this? I thought. Can I sit around while my wife has sex on dates with other men. Well, I was the one who told her to "Go ahead." Of course, it was way too late to change my mind now. I was still watching her thumb drive when she came in at six that morning. "What are you watching?" she asked, kissing me on the cheek.

"You and Tony," I said. "It helped pass the time." Tony fucks her in front of the camera, at his place, probably in his truck, and most likely in many places I don't know about. If your wife fucks for money, if she's in the porn industry, then she probably does it on the side as well. It's been fun, but it's not for weaklings.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

It's hard for some to understand, but the most beautiful sight I get to see is when my wife climbs on top of a friend and I get to watch as his dick slide into her.

She knows I like it, so she makes sure I see everything.

She prefers the younger college kids we have locally because they get very hard.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

His wife goes from storefront modeling to porn within a month or so & he's accepting this? He's even turned on by watching his wife in sexual encounters & letting her go on dates? He's getting nothing in terms of other women but selling his wife for money; exactly why are they married as she's enjoying being a whore. No man worthy of his card would come close to allowing this. But it was somewhat arousing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Pure cuck 101. For those of you that are possibly thinking about writing a story about a cuckold husband or yes, maybe a boyfriend, but the boyfriend cuckold seems like an oxy-moron. So, if you're looking for examples of cuckold stories, then the Nakedcraving is a jackpot! Maybe you can take the multitude of stories on his site and possibly make a good 4 or 5 page story! Maybe?

JustplainjeffJustplainjeffover 1 year ago

I have one question, if this couple is married, then I'd love to know why. They have no concept of fidelity, or what vows means. Oh, yes, does anyone else think every single story this author writes are exactly the same. If you read the first paragraph, you know the entire story. 1* because we can't give it a zero or minus score.

Spectator1Spectator1over 1 year ago

Well done. As a husband whose wife has been fucked by numerous other men right in front of me, this is not far fetched at all. And she has been photographed and videoed hundreds of times. I would love to read more about her (the wife in your story) and what she eventually becomes — because she will become her true self, as my wife did. As for going on dates, Susan (my wife) went on many, many dates. The husband in your story needs to witness this. Or maybe get Tony to tell the story from his perspective.

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