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Sibbo Sexting


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We did, at least, get a moment together when we returned to our cars. We'd parked along the street, as had most everyone else. There were streetlights, but not directly over my car, which gave a sense of false intimacy for the two of us. Asher had tagged along, walking me to the driver side door where I stopped and fiddled with my keys rather than just getting in and driving away.

"You know," Asher said in the low dark we stood in, "every time we're bad, it makes it that much harder to pull back."

"Pull back from what?" I asked unnecessarily.

"From you. From us."

I bit my lip, heart beating faster. "We were very bad tonight."

"We were."

"And I don't want to stop."

"Me either."

"So... what do we do?"

Asher put a hand on my shoulder, slowly sliding it up to my cheek. I accepted his kiss, even reaching around his neck to pull him down a little more. I once again hated that he'd grown taller than me, even as I enjoyed the thrill of kissing him outside our parents' house while other cars were still starting up and driving away.

"Don't," I said. "This isn't a good place."

"It's dark. It's-"

I was already kissing him again, cutting off his excuses. I didn't need much of an excuse for more.



"You should follow me home."

"To your place?"


"Isn't Krista there?"

"Fuck Krista."

"Well ok, but-"

"Not like that. You know what I mean."

I sensed his smile more than I could see it, the way his face was all shadowed. "I should make sure you get back ok. What with all that drinking."

I'd had half a drink over the course of several hours. I was pretty sure he knew it too.

"I might need help getting to bed too."

"Might you, indeed?"

"I might."

Slowly, deliberately, I turned away from him, got in my car, and turned the key in the ignition. I waited, watching in my mirror until Asher's headlights came on, then pulled smoothly out into the otherwise deserted road.

Asher followed me all the way back to my place, as I'd known he would. I kept an overly close eye on him in my rearview mirror just to be sure. I again waited for him once I'd parked, only heading inside when I had my brother firmly in tow.

It was a hell of a way to bring a boy home. Not only picking someone up at a family event, but actually a close member of said family. I smiled to myself at the thought of it. At just how fucked up it all was. That of all the boys I could be dragging off to my room, my baby bro was my first choice. My all grown up, pain in the ass little brother.

I was very glad not to run into Krista as I snuck Asher to my room. I didn't want to try explaining that. Not when I was so confident he wouldn't be leaving for a while, and maybe not until the next morning.

My heart gave an extra little flutter at the thought of Asher spending the night. I mean, the plan was already to get him into bed and do... things. But somehow the idea of having a sleepover made it all the more real to me, and all the more naughty.

I ignored my trembling fingers and efficiently herded Asher into my room, breathing a sigh of relief as I closed and locked the door behind us. Nothing was stopping us now.

"Well, now you got me in your room," Asher said. "Which is probably better than trying to hook up in my old room."

"Probably," I agreed.

"I guess if we really wanted to do the whole set we'd have to hit my place after."

"Yeah, that's not happening."

"Just saying-"

I cut Asher off by pushing him unceremoniously onto my bed. I followed swiftly after him. There would be another comment coming if I didn't maintain the offensive. I shut him up decisively with a firm kiss even as I planted myself atop him.

Everything felt easier once we'd gotten back to making out. The lead up to it left too many questions and uncertainties bouncing around in my head. Excitement, yes, but lots of anxiety too. Locking lips with my brother, feeling his enthusiastic response, made things so much clearer and more manageable.

Our makeout progressed uninterrupted, becoming more intense at its own leisurely rate. Asher or I started to talk every now and then, but were silenced by the other pulling back in for more kissy times.

I eventually collapsed to the point of lying fully along Asher, our bodies pressed deliciously together. His increasing hardness was fully apparent to me, getting me all horny in turn. I loved feeling his cock straining in his pants, rubbing back and forth on it, grinding against his erection.

My panties were getting soaked in response. My nipples hard and sensitive. Asher's hands roaming my back, grabbing my butt, tangling in my hair, all driving me crazy. I was turning into a mess of instinct and arousal, totally at peace with our incestuous makeout so long as it kept me worked up the way it had been.

"Goddamn, Vic," Asher whispered huskily in my ear. His breath was so warm on my skin. "You don't know how good you feel."

"I absolutely do," I countered.

I kissed him again, nipping playfully at Asher's bottom lip. He moaned low and animalistic in response. His hands slipped under my shirt, up my sides, latching onto my boobs. I wished I didn't have a bra on. I wanted to feel him pure, skin to skin, let him have that access.

If it hadn't happened serendipitously, the next best thing was to make it happen. I pulled at Asher's shirt, yanking it up his body about as awkwardly as possible, getting it stuck on his head and interrupting our makeout. I had to give up and let him remove it the rest of the way.

I was an impatient, horny big sister, and tossed my own shirt aside while Asher was busy with his. My bra followed just as quickly, leaving me topless under his appreciative gaze. I could have teased him, I supposed. Could have drawn it out. But as I lay back on him and felt my soft breasts pillow against his much firmer chest, I had no regrets.

We were even closer together than before, with our shirts out of the way, toplessly pressed together. Closer than we'd ever been. And it felt amazing. All that naughty, highly inappropriate sibling contact was feeding a fire that was already out of control. I was perfectly happy to ignore any artificial lines between us, cross whatever needed crossing. Every new step we took only increased my desire for sweet, beautiful brother.

"I want you so bad," I said, hissing in pleasure as Asher's fingers caressed the side of my breast that wasn't trapped between us.

"How bad?"

"So. Fucking. Bad."

A small hesitation from him, only noticeable because I caught his eyes in that moment. "Vic?"

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Just... are we doing this? For real?"

I bit my lip, repressing an urge to scream in frustration. Not now. Not fucking now with the doubts.

"You don't want to?"

"I absolutely want to. But, like, can we?"

"Why not?"

"Because... reasons. You know."

I stroked Asher's hair, gazing deeply into his big, confused eyes. "Trust your big sis, Ash. We can do whatever we want tonight. No one's gonna stop us. No one's gonna know. Just trust me."

He smiled widely and fully, melting my heart just a little with the innocence of it. "I do, Vic. I'd trust you with anything."


I kissed him again, much differently than before. This time was tender and delicate, more platonically familial than it had any right to be. The sort of kiss a sister might get away with giving her brother. And yet, the meaning behind the kiss was anything but socially acceptable.

I sat up and eased myself back, still atop Asher but taking most of my weight on my legs rather than sitting on his. I made deliberate eye contact while slowly undoing his belt and unzipping his pants. Asher's adoring, trusting look got me right in the tummy and made my fingers clumsy. I would have had to go slow even if that wasn't already my intent. I couldn't hold back for long, but for those short few moments I savoured the awe and anticipation in my brother's eyes, and the nervous excitement zipping through my body.

Asher groaned happily when I tugged his pants and underwear out of the way and let his cock spring free. He was so fucking hard I had no idea how he'd been able to stand it as long as he had. Precum smeared the tip of his erection, and even as I watched a little more oozed out.

The slutty big sister in me took over again. I dove on Asher's cock voraciously, licking and nuzzling at his hard shaft. He made such cute, sexy whimpers as I attended to him in lavish and thorough fashion.

Asher managed to kick his pants and boxers the rest of the way off even while I teased the hell out of his cock. He seemed much happier being able to spread his legs out of the way, and admittedly I rather enjoyed being able to snuggle down between them to continue my fun.

Once comfortable, I took hold of Asher's cock and angled it toward me slightly, then deftly swallowed about half of it in one smooth motion. He made a truly primal groan in response, and that combined with the sudden taste of him on my tongue made my eyes roll back and my free hand stray downward and between my thighs.

Pressing against my pussy through my clothes helped temporarily sate my overwhelming need to get Asher inside me. It was amazing having him in my mouth, more mentally than physically, but enough to keep me horny and wanton all the same.

He'd propped himself up on his elbows while I worked his cock, and the open-mouthed, overawed way he watched me kept me going at him hard and determined. I imagined I'd be soaking through my pants soon, and I wanted nothing so badly as to tear them off and jump on top of him, but I couldn't stop long enough to get there. I was in love with the cute twitches of his face, the way he bit his lip, and the soft moans that kept escaping. The longer I bobbed my head around, licked frantically, and gave him my most devilish bedroom eyes, the better reactions I got.

"Oh god, Vic," Asher moaned. "You gotta stop. You're gonna make me cum."

He pushed weakly at my head, as though that would stop me. I appreciated the sentiment, since I so badly wanted to ride him. But hearing that he was about to cum just poured gas on an already uncontrolled blaze. I kept sucking him hard and fast, uncaring of his desire not to cum yet, nor indeed the rather undignified amount of spit drooling down his cock and my chin.

"Vic," he tried again, his voice a soft whine, "seriously. I'm gonna cum."

And he did. It was a magnificent explosion, salty and thick, filling my mouth with the sexy results of my enthusiastic efforts. I swallowed quickly, but not fast enough to keep the entire interior of my mouth from getting a coating of my brother's cum. I milked it all from him, taking it in, not letting any escape.

I released Asher afterward, panting softly and letting my mouth hang open, only the smallest amount left on my tongue, enough to keep the taste fresh. He had collapsed onto his back, flat out, chest rising and falling deeply, a wide, satisfied smile on his face. I swallowed the very last of his cum, emptying my mouth before crawling back up to where I could kiss him again.

I was still pretty damn wound up, but he had relaxed quite noticeably after cumming in my mouth. Couldn't blame him too much for that. I needed him horny though. Needed to get him hard again. It might have been my own fault that he wasn't ready for me, but that didn't mean I was happy about it.

"You came too quick," I admonished in between kisses.

Asher's pitiful, helpless expression was funny, but not enough to turn my aggressive tongue-dueling into giggles.

"You wouldn't stop," he said.

"You're right. I wouldn't. But now we need to get you ready to go again."

His eyes lit up, a hopeful smile playing on his lips. Surely he hadn't assumed we were done, had he?

I kissed him again even as I felt his hands slide up to my tits. It was such a different experience being fondled by him now that so much of the urgency had left him. He was calmer and more deliberate about feeling me up, taking the time to explore more methodically and react to my cues. It was nice. It helped keep me all revved up and tingly while I waited for him to catch back up.

The first pulse of Asher's cock returning to life brought a primal smile to my lips. I shifted, moving one of my legs between his and pressing my thigh to his burgeoning erection. He groaned and ran his hands down my bare sides to my butt. His interest devolved into its more impulsive and chaotic form along with the hardening of his cock. He was getting properly horny again.

I made out with Asher some more, alternating with some kisses down his face and neck, across his chest at times. I nipped at him occasionally, when it felt right, and moaned into his ear when he touched me somewhere interesting.

He went for my pants, undoing them and pushing them partway down my legs. My panties were just as soaked as I'd imagined, made obvious when he started rubbing them and sneaking beneath. I took over stripping away my bottoms since he didn't want to let go of my pussy once he had it. His unsubtle fascination with my body made my pulse race, compounding nicely with the physical sensations of him fumbling around my clit.

Asher gradually narrowed his attentions, figuring out what I liked as I reacted to his touch. A pair of his fingers slid easily inside my drenched pussy, while he carried on rubbing my clit with his thumb. I wiggled around on top of him, grinding on him and feeding him my tits to be nuzzled and sucked on.

I inched nearer and nearer to his cock, eventually displacing his hand in order to grind directly on his hard shaft. I was so wet and slick, and that natural lube transferred nicely to my brother as I rubbed my pussy over him. He'd be so easy to take. He'd slip right in and fill me up. I bit my lip so hard it hurt at the thought of it.

I grabbed Asher's cock firmly, lifting my pussy just enough to adjust him the way I needed, then swiftly and precisely sat myself back down. A dangerous, animalistic hiss escaped my mouth. My brother's cock inside me, deep inside, and with a small extra movement of my hips, totally buried. Fully, completely within me.

His mouth was a small, perfect circle of awe and delight. His eyes were wide and full, broadcasting love and adoration toward me. His cock pulsed against the snug walls of my pussy, and I squeezed back to elicit little whimpers and groans from him.

"Fuuuccck," Asher moaned.

His hands found my thighs and rested there, as though he wanted them touching me but was too overwhelmed to give them any thought. I planted my palms on his chest in turn and used the extra support to help gently rock around on him, changing the depth and angle of his cock inside me, finding where he felt best.

The only thing holding me back from riding my little brother like a wild thing was how damn good it was just being filled up by him. I kept returning to a firm seat astride him, playfully exercising my lower muscles for the sensations I could cause. That wouldn't get me where I needed to be, though, and that deeper, less incestuous desire just to cum by any means necessary slowly won out.

I leaned even more heavily on Asher as I kicked my hips properly into gear. I bounced, rolled, and wiggled around before settling on a rhythm that was just the perfect decadence for the situation. He grabbed my ass, using his arms to give my movements a little extra oomph as I rode him. He remained awestruck and enraptured by me and what I was doing to him, visually and physically.

"I'm gonna cum all over your cock," I whispered throatily to him, just to see his eyes widen even further.

"Oh god."

"I am," I said, dipping in for a kiss, then running my cheek along his before sitting back up. "All over you, my beautiful baby brother."

Asher nodded, accepting the declaration. "Do it," he said, eyes shining brightly up at me.

I closed my eyes then, letting go of the distraction of watching Asher, focusing entirely on myself. I'd found exactly the rhythm I needed already, I just needed to coax my body into letting go and giving me that sweet release. With my added concentration and a more concerted effort to hit the right spot on every single stroke, my pleasure bubbled and exploded volcanically, wracking my insides with an electric, shivering bliss.

My movements became slightly spasmatic as I came, though steady enough to milk every little bit of pleasure from my orgasm. My eyes cracked open to take in my brother's face, fixing the knowledge of who I was with, melding it to the thrills coursing through me. Asher. Sweet, forbidden Asher.

He ran gentle fingertips over my skin as I slowed and panted in the aftermath. His touch was feather-light and whimsical, just amusing himself while allowing me to come down from my high in my own time.

"Feel better?" Asher asked.


"Good. Ready for more?"

I smiled like a tiger stalking easy prey. "Oh my darling brother, don't you dare think we're anywhere near done yet."


I was beyond bleary upon waking up the next morning. I had no idea how late we'd stayed up. I couldn't remember us even stopping to fall asleep.

Asher's body pressed warm and snug against mine, his breathing deep and regular enough that I assumed he was still asleep. The fog and headache faded somewhat as I lay still next to him and let the memories flood back in. The things we'd done, the things I'd felt, the new and magnificent experiences...

I'd gotten off so many times on my brother's cock. Riding him or presenting my ass so he could pound me. Sucking him off, letting him lick me out. Grabbing, kissing, nipping, biting, squeezing, and nuzzling. A total blur of incestuous lust.

I turned my head, examining Asher's adorable sleeping face. Love, I decided. Not just lust. A multifaceted, confusing kind of love, but there was no doubt in my mind that it was the right word.

It was beyond tempting to lie there all morning, to let Asher sleep, and perhaps to doze off again with him. In theory I was perfectly content to waste the day away in bed with him. In practice, however, that just wasn't going to happen.

I eventually grumbled out of bed in response to my insistent bladder. I was careful not to disturb my brother, but otherwise wasn't much in the mood for finesse yet. My various scattered clothes stayed right where they were as I stomped out of my room, down the hall, into the bathroom.

My image in the mirror reflected what I'd already been feeling since I'd dragged myself out of bed. Not just that I was naked, which I didn't much care about, but more than I was a sexy mess from last night's sexy times. Dried cum, most notably, was splattered across me in myriad and bizarre place. My tits had taken a load, of course, but there was also some in my hair, a bit down by my knee, and, somehow, a streak across my nose. I had no idea how that last one had clung so tenaciously without being discovered or accidentally wiped off.

A shower was certainly in order. I didn't much want to bother, but decided I probably should clean up. Once I was under the hot spray, my reluctance dissolved and I luxuriated in the cozy, cleansing waterfall.

I began to wake up properly, to feel more like a human being again rather than a shuffling automaton with memories of a glorious night. Despite being well and truly satisfied by my nocturnal adventures, I began to get horny and excited again thinking about them. All the thoughts that had brought a smile to my lips as I lay next to Asher now warmed my pussy instead.

The naughty sister in me regretted that I'd washed away all that brother-cum and pondered the scenario of waking Asher up while still disheveled and messy. It hadn't been fresh, though, and lost some of the appeal for that. Washing had been the correct choice. Getting all glazed and creamy anew, however...

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