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Sibling Revival-ry Ch. 04


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To say Mom was relaxed would be an understatement. Jello carries more stress than she was experiencing right now, in the aftermath of enough orgasms to satisfy the entire Swedish Bikini Team. Natalie had made her contribution, as had I, and now Mom was laying prostrate, with one leg dangling off the bed. She was breathing quietly, and the one eye I could see was only partially open. Now seemed as good a time as any.

"So I guess we're no longer grounded, right Mom?" I asked, patting her on the ass. "I mean, I personally would be happy to continue this special time between us. I enjoy having access to this side of you, but now that we all know what's going on, punishing us for doing the same thing you're doing isn't really fair, is it?"

Mom groaned and rolled over wearily. When she flopped on her back, her tits wobbled to a stop a second later.

"No, I don't suppose it is," she said softly. "I apologize for taking advantage of you both. It was fun while it lasted. You brought back some very pleasant memories for me."

Wow, she really is relaxed, I thought. Did she just say what I think she said? I looked at Natalie, whose eyes were as wide as mine. I hoped we could get some clarification.

"Pleasant memories?" I prodded. Mom blushed, but the cat was on the loose now, bag discarded.

Mom pulled herself up the bed, leaning back on a pile of pillows at the headboard. She took a deep breath and ran her fingers through her sex tousled hair.

"Okay, I'll tell you, but no one else knows this, not even your father, and I'd really prefer it stayed that way." She closed her eyes, and began. "It was years ago, when I was about Natalie's age. My younger brother and I... well, you can guess the rest. It was very intense, doing something so forbidden, and we just got caught up in the emotions of the situation. I'm sure you understand, but I liked it... I really did, being such a bad girl."

"Holy shit, Mom!" Natalie exclaimed, "You slept with Uncle Phil?! Holy shit!"

"Yes I did. I'm not proud of it, but I'm not really ashamed either. He had such a nice cock, and a very loving manner." She looked at me. "Not quite as nice as yours, young man," she smiled. "That's also where I first found that I liked submitting to my lovers control. Phillip is three years younger than me, but having him tell me to suck his cock really turned me on."

I couldn't believe we were all sitting here, naked, oozing sexual fluids, and discussing my Mother's sexual past and peccadillos, like talking about the weather.

"Ah, and Dad's older, that's why you don't, um you know... with him, right?" I offered.

"Yes, I suppose so. I get off on telling him what I want him to do, and he's good with that," she answered. "Both ways are fun. I don't really know what made me add you to the mix, Natalie." She patted my sister's hand. "I'd never been with a woman before, not even in college. Maybe it was seeing you two together that first time. Made me ache for it, both of you."

That explained her reaction that day, alright. The faraway look in her eyes while she chastised us. Not telling Dad.

"So we're just one big, happy, incestuous family," Natalie whispered, looking at the wall.

"Well, I'm not sure if Mother - Daughter really qualifies. I suppose I'm splitting hairs, but since the main argument against incest is the conception of children prone to birth defects, and that's not an issue between women, is it?" she said evenly.

"As for you," she looked at me, and sighed, "there's something I should have told you long ago, but I kept putting it off. As long as you didn't need a kidney, or something like that, it didn't seem important." She stared at me, hoping I could figure it out from there.

"You're fucking kidding me!" It was Natalie that put it together first." He's adopted?!"

I didn't say anything, but I had done the math, too. I was understandably surprised, but there were other issues occupying my mind.

Mom nodded. "Yes, Rick is adopted. We wanted another child, but having you," she looked at Natalie, "fucked up my plumbing for any future births." Natalie looked like she was going to cry at that bit of news. "Don't worry, darling... I wouldn't change a thing. Having you was the best thing I ever did." She stroked my sister's cheek.

"Anyway, the opportunity presented itself to adopt a baby boy, just after he was born, and there you go... Instant brother! I must say, having you was much easier than having your sister. I didn't get fat, my back didn't hurt, there was no morning sickness, and if I recall correctly, your Dad fucked me unconscious the day we brought you home. Much better, "she joked.

"I wondered why there were no birth pictures of Rick in the photo album," Natalie said. "Lots of me, even ultrasound photos, but none of him in the hospital. Why don't I remember that? I was almost two, right?" she asked Mom.

"Yep," Mom answered, "and as for why you don't remember, I was just glad you didn't."

"Wait a minute," I interjected. "If I'm adopted... then... technically... what happened... with both of you... was legal?"

"Well, I don't know if I'd go quite that far, but one thing is certain. Under the strictest definition of incest, being heterosexual relations between blood relatives, then you don't qualify as blood," Mom said. "I doubt it would hold up in a court of law, but we're all consenting adults, and I did ask you both if you wanted to participate."

"So," Natalie said, lost in thought, turning to look at me, "You're my brother, but not my blood relative." She smiled, stood, and walked over to my side of the bed. I looked at her beautiful face, and knew exactly what she was thinking. She didn't say a word, just leaned closer and looked into my soul with her deep blue eyes.

Her lips met mine, and an electric charge ran through my body. I knew what she wanted and I wanted it too. Her body melted into my arms, and I eased her down onto her back beside me. I hadn't even noticed that my cock was hard and ready for action, but I felt Natalie's hand guiding me into her wet vestibule. The warmth of her pussy enveloped my shaft as I slid deeper inside her. Her eyes sparkled again, the way they had when we had been alone in this room, on this bed, weeks before.

"Oh fuck, Rick... I can't tell you how much I've missed this!" she hissed, wrapping her legs around my waist. She pulled me all the way in with her heels, wiggling her hips as my balls nestled against her butt. "Ahhhhhh, that's better. So big and hard... It fills me up just right!"

"Ahem!" I heard from the side, and turned my head to face Mom.

"Alright," she said firmly, "given my past, the fact that you are adopted, and that you have me over a barrel... I suppose I can't really tell you to stop. Still, might I suggest that a few rules be set to govern this relationship?"

I looked back at Natalie, who shrugged, then nodded. Mom saw it, and continued.

"First, please be discrete. Keep it quiet. No public displays. Agreed? Second, an addition to the first rule... Please be aware of your father's schedule and whereabouts. He would not be amused by this. No supposedly surreptitious quickies while he's home, or I'll step in again. Got it? not, repeat, DO NOT GET PREGNANT!"

"Agreed," Natalie and I said nearly simultaneously.

"Fourth, not a rule... More of a request... Please don't forget about me?" Mom smiled, batting her eyelashes at us. "I'll miss my playmates. Not today, mind you, as you've worn me out... But I'd like to join you on occasion. Okay?"

"I have no problem with that," I laughed.

"Alright. Well get with it, then! Fuck your sister!" she giggled. "I'll just sit here, watching you, maybe playing with my pussy."

I have to admit, despite the fact that we'd both just fucked Mom's brains out, it felt a little weird doing it under her watchful gaze. Even weirder with her permission. When I looked into my sister's eyes, however, the weird disappeared, replaced by the feelings that had been with us during our time alone. I started to gently stroke into her wetness, and her eyes fluttered in bliss, while her hands caressed my back and shoulders. Small gasps of pleasure escaped through her plump, parted lips.

"Oh, Rick, yes," she moaned, urging me on. Her hands wandered down my back, and landed on my ass, rising and falling with my smooth motion into her most intimate place. "Faster," she breathed.

I responded, and soon a rhythmic slapping sound joined her moans of joy, filling the quiet room with the sounds of sex.

"Oh Rick, I'm cumming," she gasped, burying her face in my shoulder. I slowed for a few seconds, feeling her body spasm under mine, and listening to her quiet whimpers of orgasmic joy. Her face, reappeared, and she pulled me in for a kiss. "Thank you," she whispered, kissing me again.

I held her close as I rolled us over, letting her rest atop my chest while she recovered. Her hand pushed off, and she sat up, undulating her hips to fully engulf my cock in her pussy again. She started to slowly lift herself, doing a kegal squeeze as she did, tugging on my dick. She would relax on the downstroke, welcoming my rod back into her moist crevice, and finishing with a sensuous grind, crushing her clit between us. I brought my hands up to cup her full, heavy breasts, and flicked her erect nipples with my thumbs.

"Oh shit, Rick...suck them please," she moaned, "suck my tits while I ride this big cock." She leaned forward a bit to bring them within easier reach.

I kissed and licked both stiff buds before I latched onto her left breast, suckling deeply.

"Oh yes, that's it, baby. Suck my tits." Her rhythm remained unchanged, still squeezing, releasing, and grinding. "Ooooooo fuuuuck! Rick, you're gonna make me cum again," she grunted, grinding harder, while I gently bit her nipple. That set her off, and she tossed her head back, pumping her hips back and forth. "Ahhhhhnnn! Ahhhhhnnn! Yes!"

She dropped onto my chest, gasping again through her climax, until the last waves passed. Sitting up again, she lifted off, rolling to the side. She started to kneel, presenting herself for some doggy action, but I hooked my hand on her hip, pulling her onto her side, facing away from me. I wrapped her in my arms, holding her tight, and fondling her big tits softly.

She lifted her leg, reached down, and guided my cock back into her juicy snatch. I started to fuck her, the hollow 'splock splock splock' sound echoing throughout the room, as my hips met her firm bum. I kissed her neck, gnawing occasionally on her earlobes, while groping her boobs with one hand. She was limp in my arms.

"Oh god, you fuck me so good, Rick," she growled, moving her hand down to circle her clit while my cock kept spearing her smoothly. "Shit, you're...Ahhhhhnnn... Againnnnnn!" Her body tensed, and she shuddered hard. I stopped thrusting, and held her. I was so happy that I could help her feel this way. She turned her head. "Cum for me baby," she whispered.

I pulled out, letting her roll onto her back, then took my place again. I hooked her knees over my forearms, spreading her wide, and bending her back. That ballet she'd done as a child made her flexible enough to allow this easily, and I buried my cock deep into her cunt. I could feel my Mother's eyes watching my cock as I plunged in and out of my sister, fucking her firmly, but not hurting her. Her tight pussy lips squeegeed my shaft, scraping a donut of frothy juices around the base of my cock. I was close.

"Cum for me, Rick," Natalie whispered, caressing my face. "Cum in me. Fill my pussy with your hot goo!"

That did it. I shot rope after rope, deep into her, grunting like an animal while I did. Through it all, she kept stroking my hair, and cooing in my ear. Once I was spent, she kissed me gently.

"That was wonderful to watch," Mom said quietly, as we both tried to catch our breath. She had two fingers in her pussy, stroking gently. "But it points out a bigger problem."

I looked at Natalie, who looked at Mom.

"What problem is that?" she asked.

"Well, what I just witnessed was not the act of two hormonally charged young siblings, eager to explore their sexuality and get as much as they could," she said, a tinge of envy in her voice. "You weren't fucking..."

"... We were making love," Natalie whispered, finishing the sentence for her. She looked up at me, those perfect blue eyes glistening with emotion, and continued, "I Love You, Rick."

I didn't even hesitate. "I Love you, too, Natalie," I breathed, and leaned down to kiss her. Our lips met in an embrace that left no doubt that both of us were on the same page. The love we felt wasn't that of a brother and sister ; rather it was that of a man and a woman, and I for one hoped it would continue to its logical destination, especially since I now knew it wasn't impossible. Our kiss finally ended, and we realized Mom was still watching.

" love each other. That's the problem."


I hope you enjoyed this installment of fun with the family. Are we done here, or does the love affair continue for them? Please let me know what you think.

Thanks for reading!

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19MADHATTER6419MADHATTER6412 days ago

Well you still have the mom making ultimatums even after finding out their not siblings, if their not siblings than leave them alone. Seriously the mother is worried about people seeing them, who cares. If they genuinely love each other move away and start a life together and be happy, life’s to short.. 3/5

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Wait, so Rick's adopted and so it's not even really incest between him and his "sister"? Fucking really? What a colossal waste all that was. Another story where the author just takes a blowtorch to it for no reason towards the end. Great job *sighs*. The mother stating as a rule (seriously, fuck her at this point, and not in the fun way) and in all caps to emphasize not to get pregnant just makes it worse. They're not fucking related so who the fuck cares?

Honestly after all that shit, I don't even really want to read the last part. But I will just to see if there's anything redeeming in there, doubtful as that may be. Unless they get married and have kids, it's dumpster trash at this point. Shit even then, like it matters. They're unrelated by blood so I guess there's nothing for it now. Such as shame as well.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Love it one of the first stories I read on this site years and years ago


Aaawww, crap-you people and your negative comments...instead of continuing to read the story(ies) when they get to an uncomfortable place for you, you go on, THEN CRITICIZE WHAT YOU JUST READ!! PLEASE...get off your high 🐎 🐎 horses...

Very nasty story, very loving story...the adoption thing was a surprise, to say the least, but opens up more avenues here.

Rick gets both Natalie AMD Larissa!! Lucky him...and lucky THEM!D


TGun3112TGun3112about 3 years ago
Not into Mother Son

1 star. You should state up front in Chapter 1 MOTHER - SON INSEST!

Mystified420Mystified420over 3 years ago

Again I hate the direction you've taken this, from a good brother and sister relationship and development to a cheating scandal and now they aren't even really related which sucks the tabbooness out of it. I really enjoyed the first 2 chapters but you've sabotaged your own story.

ScottishTexanScottishTexanover 3 years ago

I'm going to agree with all of the comments that Wargamer said, both here and last installment's comment area. I'm not into mother/son incest to begin with. But the cheating factor pushes the turn off factor past the red line.

As far Richard being adopted, I think that the simplest fix would be to have his parents terminate his adoption now that he is of legal age removing him from the family legally. Then he should be free to marry Natalie and make babies with her. Just because they take legal action doesn't mean that the emotional bonds have to be severed or changed. Nothing has to be changed but the paperwork. I'll see what happens in the next installment.

OldUncleAlOldUncleAlover 3 years ago

Gads! So well written I Feel like I’m in love too! I mean it is RARE that a story evokes an emotional response. But you are doing it!

Thank you so much for an enjoyable read on many levels!


WargamerWargamerabout 4 years ago

Oh, and how dare Mom tell Rick he was adopted without his Dad being involved, just confirms what a selfish cruel bitch she is. How dare she.

WargamerWargamerabout 4 years ago

Yeah ok, you rose to 3/5. But I want this to be made up to poor old clueless Dad they are all STILL cheating on him, not good at all. I hope u fix this.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Really enjoyed the story. Great sex. Love the 3 of them together ,so sexy

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Awesome amazing

More more more please

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Destroy the ride adopted is not incest!

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