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Silvertree Chronicles Bk. 01 Ch. 14

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Dragon Wars Enhanced Edition 2021.
14.5k words

Part 14 of the 50 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 07/19/2017
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Silvertree Chronicles Book One, Chapter 14, The World Awaits (Dragon Wars Enhanced Edition)

Synopsis: The life of Eldar Silvertree, from his graduation at the prestigious Elven Academy, and his desire to leave it behind. Only to return full circle, to shake Elven Society to the core.

***Inspired by multiple fantasy environments. Not endorsed by any of them. © EmotionalStorm April 2021. This story cannot be transferred to any other site besides without the prior authorizations in writing from the author and EmotionalStorm must be credited for this work.

Authors warning: This section contains scenes of incest between sisters.

Authors Note: For those who have not read my bio, please note I write as a form of therapy for a Traumatic Brain Injury. I know the English majors will probably encounter issues that annoy them. If these are your focus, instead of the story itself, then this is not the story for you. I am not and will never be a professional writer.

I do it to tell the story, for those who wish to read them. I originally submitted this story back in mid-2017 to mid-2018. I have worked to try and improve my writing style while struggling with this issue. I have added some editing software and written a few other stories. Now I am revising and editing this earlier work to try and bring it up to a higher standard from what I have managed to learn over the last few years.

Chapter 14 Wedding Day Surprises

Heliar showed up early the next morning with the Grand Clerics of both churches, and 2 Blade Singer Grand Masters, Both 2-time champions, and one was the current head of the council. They had 6 royal guards who looked strangely familiar. The same detail who escorted the team out on the first trip.

Eldar should have guessed who would be bringing them along. Eldar went to greet his father with Grand Master Yetto and his brother not far behind. Everyone looked shocked at this except for Eldar.

Eldar looked at his father, "I hope your trip went well. Which road did you come in on?"

He smiled at Eldar as he got off his horse. Surprised to see his son Elios here, "We came in on the old trade route. 3 huge downed trees are blocking the way. We had to skirt them; thankfully we had no wagons with us."

Eldar nodded, "We will clear them out on our way to the Capital. Move them off the road to clear the route."

Heliar chuckled, "That's a lot of work as some of those trees are truly huge!"

Eldar looked back at him, "We're 12 strong at the moment with 20 horses and several axes; we will find a way to clear it. We're going that way with wagons."

He looked over as Tiger made an appearance, "Father I would like you to meet Tiger, a guest of ours from our travels his sister is over with the ladies at John Silver's home. Tiger, these men have been riding all morning they might be damp from the chill; can you chop a few more logs for the fireplace and take them in?"

Tiger moves off to the woodpile, "No problem."

Eldar leaned into his father, "His sister has some amazing talent with a bow. Shocked the Wood Elves with what she can do. She destroyed the Range in Misora. Her brother Tiger's talents are something different. Watch this?"

Tiger flew through splitting a half dozen logs with his hands for the group of onlookers and took the wood inside.

Heliar looked at Eldar, "Finding more talent I see."

Eldar nodded, "It will be needed soon. Do you want to introduce your guests? The guards I know and the Grand Masters I have the honor of knowing as they are the only 2-time champions still alive."

Heliar looked around, "This is Grand Cleric Goldenrod and Grand Cleric Silver Moon. I figured if you're getting married Grand Clerics would be a better choice."

Eldar shook his head at his father, "The ceremony is being performed by my Cleric Sharlo Stormcloud as you already know. We welcome the Grand Cleric's presence and blessing."

Heliar was being insistent, "Surely Cleric Stormcloud would step aside for the Grand Clerics."

Eldar nodded, "He would probably relent but the bride and groom would not. We have had these arrangements in place since last we spoke and we are not changing them today. They can oversee your next wedding, or eventually Apprentice Silvertree when he finds a mate. Our path is set for today. Remember my comment about interfering?"

Heliar sighed, "Very well."

Eldar looked at his brother Elios, "Can you find your way to John Silver's house?" He nodded. "Good, will you let Cook know we have another 11 guests this morning?"

Eldar looked at his father, "Nice young Elf. He asked me about ways to help with his mother, do you want to hear the advice I gave him?"

Heliar looked at Eldar, "I probably do not, but I should know in case it becomes a pain in my ass."

Eldar smiled at him, "Well actually I told him to let me talk with you. You might want to bend her over and fuck her in the nether-hole until she knows who's in charge of your household, so it would be a pain in her ass, not yours."

He heard gasps from the Grand Clerics and Grand Masters who had yet to get off their horses. Though the guard detail had and they chuckled at Eldar's comment. His father was at a loss for word then finally said, "A matter for another time."

Eldar nodded, "Of course, you did not bring the bitch with you to do it now."

The guards were rolling. The Grand Masters at least started to see the humor. The Grand Clerics did not know what to say about that as Jarron walked out from the house to see the whole detail.

Eldar looked at Grand Master Yetto, "As we have the head of our order here and I have yet to witness this, did you want to give them that belt now?"

He nodded and pulled out a bag. He looked at the Head Grand Master, "Master Silvertree and his group recovered more rings to return to the order; they were taken off of an Ogre Magi they faced a few days ago. He pulls out the belt and hands it to them."

Eldar had their attention at this point. The Head of the Order screamed, "How and where!?"

Eldar looked at them calmly then at his father, "If the Grand Clerics and Grand Masters would like to join you for a threat assessment from the last few days of our journey here, I can give the details that I have already given both sets of village Elders along this border. Then we can speak in private, over this way."

Eldar walked over to the edge of the village away from the houses and guards who were making their way inside; Jarron had joined them as well.

Eldar started, "Four days ago we encountered 2 riders being chased by a giant. Our people lent a hand and one of the riders informed us a town down the road was being attacked. Fireball our Sorcerer was riding with me and we engaged an Ogre Magi, 2 Ogre lieutenants, and roughly 24 orcs.

We began laying waste to the group with our associates arriving after having finished off the giant. The two humans you met are quite skilled but they lost 4 others in the battle unaware that the giant was not alone. The belt you have in your hands was removed from the Ogre Magi's body. For those that did not see that's 25 Blade Singers who are now Spirit Masters."

He paused to let that sink in, "Jarron came through a day or two after. We left the bodies for him to see and we had oiled them up for burning before we left so the villagers could take care of the bodies. Sharlo Stormcloud provided aid to the injured of the town; they lost both major businesses.

They had no protection and the size of that group was not a normal scouting party. They did not attempt to hide their approach, it was a directed attack, and no attempt to obscure their trail. That would have been futile, we looked into that.

They appeared to be testing how far they could get before receiving a significant challenge to withdraw but knew right where that town was located. A straight line in formation. This will likely never show up on the human Kings reports. If he is even aware of them. The southern border is a real problem. My assessment. Jarron your thoughts?"

He shook his head, "You're probably right thankfully they went away from the Elven population, for now anyway."

Eldar looked at them, "They don't want the Elven military to build up in this area yet. It is the logical conclusion. Any questions?" The silence was deafening.

He looked around, "Shall we go back to Grand Master Yetto's ancestral home and get some food and wine into you given the news you just received."

Hunter and Eagle-eye rolled into camp with 2 big deer in tow. Eldar walked over to them, "My father arrived with 10 others besides himself."

They rolled their eyes. Hunter smirked, "We can get a few Wood Elves to help on the hunt."

Eldar nodded, "I can get Skinner started on these 2, Cook is already in action."

They nodded as Eagle-eye spoke, "We know who to talk to. We will tell them we have 11 more from the city that arrived for the wedding; damn I wish I knew how you guessed it."

Eldar looked at them, "I told you I do not guess or gamble..."

Eagle-eye cut him off, "Yeah, yeah, we know you make calculated risks and decisions! We just wish we knew how you did it."

Eldar looked down, "Ask me when we're on the road again. I will give you the details if you have not already gotten the answers by then."

Eagle-eye nodded, "I will hold you to that this time!"


The hunt for additional food was successful and the feast was packed up with blankets to be enjoyed after the wedding at Silent Falls. The Wood Elf hosts of this village guided them out into 2 groups. Men in the first group and women in the second. Eldar walked with his father and Doc that evening.


Eldar looked at his father, "The main wedding party will flank us on either side. I wish for you, Grand Master Yetto, and your guests to take a position of honor off to my right.

Doc, remember our male wedding participants will be off to my left and the ladies will be off to the right. I would like village Elders to take positions of honor off to the left side of the wedding party. Any guards or other villagers who join us can take up positions behind the wedding party.

Hunter, as you will be in the second position on the left, the first being Charlemagne's father who's walking with her, could you show the village elders where they should be and we will have 2 villages showing up. So speak out 'village elders over on this side please.'"

Hunter laughed, "You make it sound like both villages are going to be there."

Eldar looked at him, "Yes, I do."

Then he paused, "That's the correct line for tonight, 'Yes, I do.'"

Hunter rolled his eyes at Eldar. As they approached the falls, they saw the other village approaching from the other direction and headed to the falls.

Hunter looked at Eldar, "I wish you were not right quite this often."

Eldar nodded, "Just be glad we have plenty of food and go with it; it will be a long night."

Elios asked, "Who are all these people?"

Eldar looked back, "My brother, the other village that's approaching is my mother's home village where I spent the first 37 years of my life until her death."

Once everyone was situated John escorted his daughter up the aisle with her sister on his other arm. He waited for her to get into position and Annette to get into position. Her father was situated and ready for the show with a big smile on his face.

Eldar looked at Doc as he was about to begin, "Remember my request?"

He removed his sword belt and wrapped it up around the blade and handed it to Doc. "Please throw the sword into the middle of the small lake."

As Doc grabbed the sword Eldar's Father and Jarron started to protest but at that point, the sword was sailing.

Eldar yelled out, "Wedding party eyes closed and heads bowed please."

Just as they did as he asked the sword hit the surface of the water. The whole area was covered in a blinding light. As they raised their heads, they saw the sword sitting on the surface of the water glowing brightly, even within the sheath.

Off to the left, a light appeared behind the falls. Then the water parted like a curtain and a Lady all in white stepped through the opening. Eldar recognized her immediately. He whispered to Doc, "You want to tell everyone to take a knee for the Lady of Dreams."

Doc looked at Eldar in shock then shouted, "Would everyone please take a knee for the Goddess Sehanine Moonbow, The Lady of Dreams."

The wedding party was first to comply including Doc. Then everyone followed. The lady walked silently across the surface of the lake, not even leaving a ripple as she walked until she got to the sword. She reached down and picked it up.

Then looked across at them, "Everyone stand. Annette, Charlemagne, and Eldar please join me for a moment."

Eldar looked at the 2 ladies, grabbed their hands and they started to walk into the water. Only their feet left ripples going across the water instead. Eldar knew the water was several feet deep from his youth. They walked until they were only inches from the Lady of Dreams. A small smoggy sphere of white appears around them. She looked at them, "You all did well in getting this far. Your journey is far from over and has many challenges. Annette, do you still wish to marry Eldar as well?"

She nodded, "Eldar please hold her firmly for support."

He grabbed hold of her with both arms one around her waist and the other holding her left arm as the Lady reached over and touched Annette on the stomach and she started to crumple and winced until the pain stopped.

She looked at Annette, "I cannot remove the emotional scars of what happened to you on that day. I repaired the physical scars and you're once again fertile, and a virgin again. Eldar, Annette has memories of her attack but her body is not the same. Be gentle with her and get to know her physically again.

Tonight, you will lay with her and she will conceive twin sons for you. It's part of her destiny now as well. Take this sword, and give it to your brother; it has been cleansed. The first command word still works. The second power was wiped away and the appearance of the sword has changed."

Eldar nodded, "Thank you, my Lady."

The Lady of Dreams smiled, "I agree with my husband you're a fine choice to be his Champion."

Eldar was shocked by her statement, "I'm an idealist who works in tactical strategies. I'm no Champion. I break something about every time I go into battle. Usually my ribs."

The Lady of Dreams cut him off, "You looked out for the good of your party and the Elven people. That's what will make you a great leader, teacher, and Champion. War will come and you can see it even decades away like many of your ancestors. Make your plans, build your town, your forces, and you will be ready.

Now let us join the others for them, it has only been a few seconds. Feeling better Annette?" Annette nodded. "Then turn around, take your brides back to the shore and I will be right behind you in a second."

They followed the lady's instruction, Eldar called out, "Apprentice Silvertree, please come forward." Elios came to Eldar. "I present this sword, the sword of our father and our father's father that has now been cleansed. May it protect you well."

He saw Keyno looking on and she smiled at Eldar. She knew he listened to what she had told him just days ago and took action. Eldar turned around and stood between his 2 ladies as the Goddess walked to the shore.

She looked at Doc, "Sharlo Stormcloud, please continue to watch over your friends and the challenges they face. If you could please step behind the groom for me. Your work for tonight is done and you have played your part in this historic occasion. You will have many more roles to play in the months and years to come."

She walks around toward the Elders first. "I have come to you tonight to discuss many things. No one person knew how tonight would unfold. They still do not. Some people I had given fragments of visions in their dreams.

Eldar's toss of the sword. Though he did not know why until a human girl, Keyno, he met just days ago told him about the sword's true nature. This was not an action done by us to have her inform him. Then he knew it would be destroyed in the process and he still made the sacrifice.

Cryptic messages were given to each of the village Elders to be here tonight. Messages they could only understand, even the messengers did not know what the messages contained. Let us start with them, the threat that Eldar is discussing is very real.

His solution not only has merit but is the best possible plan going forward to save the Wood Elves and Wild Elves from extinction in the next war. Once they fall it will only be a matter of time before the rest fall; all of our people would become extinct. To the Elders, voice your concerns but support his plan. He already has answers to most of those issues."

The elders bowed to her. She walked over toward Jarron, "You have done well in your support of this team's efforts. Your work with the ambassadors has just begun. Eldar has a plan to reforest lost Elven lands. You need to work in an agreement that in 100 years it becomes Elven-controlled land yet again.

The citizens of the new village are allowed to hunt and gather other resources. As long as they follow the rules. As part of that effort let them know that no additional land will be requested to replace it but the cross-border efforts will continue."

Jarron nodded to her. She turned her gaze to the Grand Masters, "To the Grand Master's you have been short-sighted. Each of the 2 here is in the ruling body of the order, both are the only living 2-time champions. Both were awarded their Grand Master status after 10 years WITHOUT an evaluation because of their previous performance.

20 years ago, you suspended that practice. Because some young impure elf was talented enough that he could pull off a 4-consecutive streak. Many conspired to disrupt his training. He would be the first student to graduate out as a Grand Master. This was not done in the open. This was done in the shadows to deny the talent that Grand Master Yetto brought to light."

She turned to Grand Master Yetto, "Grand Master Yetto please present your ring to your 4-time champion until the ring he deserves is presented to him formally along with an apology."

Grand Master Yetto walked over and took Eldar's ring and slid his on with a smile. "Now, Grand Master Yetto, when you get your ring back you will wear it with this ring..."

She held up a platinum ring that's a similar design to a Grand Master's ring. "It will attach itself to your ring. You may bequeath this ring to the most talented former student of yours who's worthy of wearing it. This ring is one of a kind, it denotes a Master Trainer. As such your job is not to engage the enemy unless confronted but to train future Masters; 3 at a time."

She looked back at the Grand Masters, "Next the 20-year time frame on Grand Master selection is bullshit! The student should be able to step before the body and demonstrate their skill every 5 years if they choose.

The code of conduct that every Blade Singer must abide by should be amended. I should say, will be amended by divine direction! They are on their honor to pursue Grand Master status as soon as they are capable and allowed.

Pauses in consideration to training their children are warranted and encouraged. Else they will be stripped of their abilities until they atone. Every Grand Master must seek out and train 2 worthy candidates not 1 at a time. It may take a few years to get to this point but it must be done.

It should be a point of honor for Grand Masters to train as many as they can to bring our numbers back up. This should be especially true for any who sit upon the Blade Singer Council as a primary concern for the Council is ensuring excellence in training.

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