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Silvertree Chronicles Bk. 01 Ch. 22

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Dragon Wars Enhanced Edition 2021.
19.5k words

Part 22 of the 50 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 07/19/2017
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Silvertree Chronicles Book One, Chapter 22, The World Awaits (Dragon Wars Enhanced Edition)

Synopsis: The life of Eldar Silvertree from graduation at the prestigious Elven Academy and desire to leave it behind; only to return full circle to shake Elven Society to the core.

***Inspired by multiple fantasy environments. Not endorsed by any of them. © EmotionalStorm April 2021. This story cannot be transferred to any other site besides Literotica.com without the prior authorizations in writing from the author and EmotionalStorm must be credited for this work.

Authors warning: This section contains scenes of incest between sisters.

Authors Note: For those who have not read my bio, please note I write as a form of therapy for a Traumatic Brain Injury. I know the English majors will probably encounter issues that annoy them. If these are your focus, instead of the story itself, then this is not the story for you. I am not and will never be a professional writer.

I do it to tell the story, for those who wish to read them. I originally submitted this story back in mid-2017 to mid-2018. I have worked to try and improve my writing style while struggling with this issue. I have added some editing software and written a few other stories. Now I am revising and editing this earlier work to try and bring it up to a higher standard from what I have managed to learn over the last few years.

Chapter 22 The Viper's Nest

Eldar rode over in front of the general store and his escort who had taken to watching him from there got to his feet as Eldar looked at him, "You can stare or you can come along. I am heading to House Silvertree Estates."

The guard mumbled and scurried to get on his horse and pulled up beside me, "You are supposed to stay with your escort."

Eldar looked at him, "No, your orders were to stay with me not hang out in front of the store. You stay with me and we will get along fine. To House Silvertree Estates and then the enchanters' market on the way back."

The rest of the trip to House Silvertree was pleasantly quiet. They pulled up in front of House Silvertree. A boy walked up to take the reins of his horse. Eldar looked at him, "Hold the reins of the guard's horse, this one will stay put and nobody should try. Do not touch the horse or reins else they could end up maimed or dead. I am looking for my father Heliar'vasius Silvertree. T'suras Vita."

The groom looked ashen, "He is in the house. It is a family meeting."

Eldar nodded and headed for the door which had two guards in front who tried to stop him. Eldar looked at them, "You want the Silvertree Moon Blade to have you for lunch impede my progress, I am Eldar Silvertree. The two guards quickly moved out of the way and a manservant approached, "Can I help you?"

Eldar turned around to the Royal Guard, "You wait here I will see my father without you."

He turned back to the servant, "Take me to him."

He held up his hand, "He is in a meeting."

Eldar nodded, "I know I appear to be late for it, take me to him!"

The servant did not know what to do. He asked Eldar to wait. Eldar followed him instead. "I do not have time for house politics, take me to him now!"

He continued down the hall and he could hear the yelling from there. They approached the door. Two other guards moved to draw weapons.

Eldar, "Kari Ros left hand Moon Fire."

He held it under the neck of the one on his left before his sword left the sheath.

Eldar, "Kari Ros right hand."

The other stops in his tracks long enough for the sword to appear below his chin.

"I am Eldar Silvertree, now open the FICKA door."

They backed away and the servant moved to open the door. There must have been 30 unfamiliar faces in this group.

He sheathed the sword.

Several tried to scream over the others with his father at the end of a long table on the other side of the room. Eldar got the attention of the group when he did an acrobatic flip over 2 of them and onto the table and walked through the middle of the commotion.

The room went quiet as his father Heliar smiled and shook his head, "Your ears must have been burning."

Eldar nodded, "I came to see you and answer questions to those who are too afraid to come and ask me themselves. Like who is in charge of the house now? That seems to be the biggest question being asked as it is apparently tied to the sword. Correct?"

His father sat back in his chair, "Your power of observation serves you well."

Eldar looked around the room, "Who is going to ask the first question, my invitation to this event was lost."

His step-mother Vattia'Desua hisses at him, "You are not invited or welcome here!"

Eldar glared back at her, "No it is you who is not welcome here. As to being invited, I get the feeling from the fear in the rest of those in this room that I am in my house. As the head of the Silvertree line as decreed by family law and tradition.

I never read Silvertree House laws, but the Gods have seen that I know them now for some reason. You tell me how far off the mark I am before I take any action that might cause you embarrassment."


The Lady of Dreams groaned out, "I did not send them, he pulled them from memories of his father studying them!"

Corellon shook his head and chuckled, "Well he would need it now. It is apropos."

She sighed, "I don't know how but he is pulling in information from Vattia'Desua that even I didn't have access to. She does not worship me. He is getting this from another method or source!"


Vattia'Desua snapped back, "Your father never married your mother. You have no claim."

Eldar walked over to her, "Show me the documents that support that position. The sword requires a blood relation with the Silvertree name. My Grandfather signed an agreement with my Mother in regards to ending her relationship with my father.

Allowing me to be claimed and to keep my family name. I have her copy of that agreement. My grandmother showed me the paperwork that was with her will, it also ensured I went to the Academy to be trained. Now it makes sense why all of this occurred."

She flopped back into the chair. "Father please explain the current rules for the rest of the leadership of this family, what they are trying to change before I find out about them. I apparently found out now because the gods wanted me to take action now. They do not believe in the sword, I will take care of that. He walked to the middle of the table.

Eldar, "Kari Ros left-hand Moon Fire."

He took the sword and sunk it into the middle of the table to the hilt.

Eldar, "Kari Ros Moon Fire off"

"For those who think the magic was simply disrupted and the sword no longer functions as a Moon Blade or is a fake you can come up and try to claim it. That should thin out this room rather quickly given the power-hungry lot we have.

Those who want to take a closer observation of the sword will find that the hilt and pommel have been altered. It now includes either-hand grip as well as the Silvertree symbol. If the visuals of the sword do not get you to stop this activity then I have other means."

Vattia'Desua once again opened her fat mouth, "Like what killing us all?"

Eldar looked back at her, "After today you might wish I had."

Eldar walked back to the center of the table, "The head of a household is the only one who can petition the Grand Council to dissolve a marriage for cause correct, Vattia'Desua or father?"

His father looked at him perplexed, "Correct."

Eldar looked across the group, "As the rules of this house were defined at the time I took ownership of the Moon Blade, that makes me the head of this household."

Heliar looked at Eldar and nodded. "Well then as my first act as head of this household. I will petition the dissolution of your marriage to the bitch Vattia'Desua."

Vattia'Desua jumped up and screamed, "You have to have and show CAUSE!"

Eldar looked back at her, "This is where I show you the power of divinity at my back. Your youngest child is not my father's. It is your father's child. Divination will show this to be true. As such you have committed fraud against this family for the last 15 years.

Not counting the fact that you have been fucking your father for over 40 years. Right after my true half-brother was conceived. Now as the head of this family I order all of your Silvertree assets seized, anything calling out your younger son seized.

Your eldest child will keep his name and position and holdings as they existed before your efforts to strip them from him. Yes, I know he still has them but you put a stranglehold onto his accounts to keep him from accessing them. He chose an Elf-Blooded to make him a Blade Singer, Master Trainer Yetto is his cousin. Elios has his honor.

Like myself, Elios is his father's son. Before any of the other vipers leave this room, they can sign 1 of 2 documents. I want the house scribe. The first is a letter acknowledging me as the head of this household. Every member must sign this document or another disavowing me as the head of the household.

Then I will challenge them through divination over their attempt to claim power. Whatever you choose, know that you will be stripped of 10% of their financial assets. If they walked into this room attempting to overthrow or circumvent the existing house laws."

One family member he did not know grabbed the sword. Everyone stared in horror as his life was sucked out of this person.

His body dragged by the hilt of the sword into the center of the table before flying into the air The Moon Fire activated and pierced through the body and back through the hole in the table. The Moon Fire turned off.

Eldar turned around, "This elf's assets stand forfeited to the household for distribution. Any of his heirs wishing to maintain what little they have left must acknowledge my right as head of household without penalty.

He was brave but foolishly stupid enough to pay the price with his life instead. Else all their assets are forfeited to the household. Now back to my bitch and slut of a step-mother Vattia'Desua, you can accept this as fact right now and surrender all claims.

Else the facts of your transgressions will be viewed and published by the Council of Grand Clerics. Seven of which are being replaced in the next 100-125 years. Preordained clerics under my protection and that of the Queen. Getting this done might take time but the freezing of all the assets will begin immediately. Do you challenge the allegations leveled against you?"

Vattia'Desua glares at Heliar then back at Eldar, "I will not confirm these preposterous allegations by your bastard son. I would not wish to be a part of a house if he is leading it. I will bow to the will of the household. I do not want these unfounded allegations brought up before the Council of Grand Clerics or the Court. I will sign what I must."

Eldar turned to his father, "You should get sole custody of your eldest minor son; the bitch is to have no contact with him unless the son chooses to have that contact. I also direct you to find a woman and marry for love. Find two if you can!

I also appoint you as the overseer of the estate. All seized assets in gold pieces shall be split into four accounts I will give you the numbers for, one is my own, two belong to my wives and their children.

The fourth is the discretionary fund established for building efforts of Quatarsia as a symbol of House Silvertree embracing tolerance and this town. I want a full review of all financial matters that are household assets for potential reallocation to other family members if it is required. Please have your list of suggestions on this matter and bring them to my home in 60 days.

For those that think I am doing this for personal gain think again. The funds in my account I use to buy and enchant equipment for the Gray Blades. To set them up for success in the upcoming war. Not land or a business. To the saving of the lives of our people. The Elven and Elf-blooded people as required by my Blade Singer Oath. Father in the hall, please.

Have the servants and Royal Guard brought in. Also, the other house guards here now. Everyone else remains seated. Unless you are my father or the scribe. For those who want to know who in the Nine Hells do I think I am. I am Knight Champion of Corellon Larethian, Grand Master Blade Singer Eldar Silvertree, and Commander of the Gray Blades. The Patron of House Silvertree!"

At this point, He recalled his sword and put it into the sheath. He flipped off the end of the table. "Make yourselves comfortable as we have a few documents to prepare."

He looked at the guards who had arrived, "Father please tell these men who I am."

Heliar smirked, "My son and the rightful head of this household, as the holder of our Family Blade."

Eldar looked at them, "If you see me or my two Elf-blooded wives; they will have cloaks like mine but one will have a quill and ink instead of a sword. You will give them all the respect this house can muster. The term Half-Elf is being replaced by Elf-Blooded. Father, I missed you at the Academy. Then I met my Aunt Triana the priest."

Heliar nodded. "I want half these men guarding inside this room, weapons drawn. They are being detained until they sign certain documents. The other half I want covering the outer doors. Any Silvertree family member who arrives shall be taken to this room. The body in the middle of the room remains until we are finished."

Eldar looked at his father, "Did you have any supporters or those who stayed neutral to the argument?"

Heliar nodded, "A few."

Eldar glared at him, "I want you to prepare a list of those who have been disowned and why. Living or dead for the last 500 years. Some of those ties are being restored. Those who supported you or stayed neutral shall sign one document supporting my claim. No penalty for taking part in the insurrection.

Those who choose to remain and not have their lives pried into by me or others will sign the other document with the penalty. Remind them I could have disowned them all. The third is those who wish to face public ridicule.

A fourth document states that if any family member or members conspire to kill me will find themselves without a house as I will disown all of the conspirators from today's activities. I will draft a will declaring which house members have the first rights to claim the sword.

Starting with all of my unborn children and their children. I will order House Silvertree members over the age of 86 as of today to be disowned. The house would be in receivership of the Gray Blades until an heir can claim the Silvertree Moon Blade.

If they wish to not live in poverty until a new wielder is of age and all avenues have been exhausted. Any successful attempt on my family results is disowning all Silvertree branches and the assets surrender to the town of Quatarsia to construct a place of learning that competes with the city Academy.

With a focus on the residence of the town, the Wood Elves, and Elf-Blooded people of our communities. Also, our humans only if they reside in Quatarsia and work for the Elven Empire. I want all of these documents finished and signed tonight and filed with the Palace by a messenger before morning.

I want all funds deposited before midday tomorrow. Oversee this paperwork father and inform the vipers of the circumstances as I do not have time for them. Bring them to our inn in the market yourself and we will get them signed and filed."

Heliar smirked, "You know how to hurt them and control them. You sure you are not after my job."

Eldar shook his head, "I hate being this close to politics. This house will take a new direction or kill itself and the Elven people with it! Let me know when the wedding will take place. I know you have someone in mind already."

Heliar smiled, "How much of this prophecy stuff have I missed?"

Eldar looked at him, "You do not want to know, it was the short exchange with my Aunt that prompted my visit and drastic action today. Your older sister by a few years, no she did not tell me her age. I saw what was unfolding. I was brought in to intervene."

Eldar turned to the Royal Guard, "As the leader of House Silvertree, are you still required to watch over me?"

He shrugged, "I do not know, but if you want to get to the enchanters today then you better get going."

Eldar looked back at his father, "I will see you soon and I want 15 proper Silvertree pins; and one sent to Master Yetto with my thanks."

Heliar nodded, "I will bring them."

He left his father and the scribe in the hall with work to do. He headed to the Enchanters shop. They arrived at the enchanter's shop and he walked over to the one for weapons and walked into that one.

"Hello, I am going to need a longsword. Looking for low enchantment that can do cold or electrical damage and have a command word to activate it. Do you have anything like that?"

He looked around, "Let me check. I got one the enchantment is a little higher and it has electricity."

Eldar asked, "How much?"

He looked at Eldar, "20,000 gold pieces."

He sighed, "What do you have that has 2 command words?"

He smirked, "You are the second person who has asked that today. I sold a flaming blade to that High Elf and the impure boy he had with him."

Eldar looked at him, "The term impure is being replaced with Elf or mixed-blood if you need to differentiate those of us in that state. How much did he pay for that one?"

He looked at his records, "That one sold for 18,000 gold pieces. There was a hairline crack in the blade that could not be repaired for some odd reason."

Eldar nodded, "What do you have in the 30,000 range?

He looked, "I have two. A cold and lightning. He showed Eldar the specs for the swords and he nodded, "I will buy them both."

He smiled, "Now apply the Queen's discount. He grumbled a bit as he looked at the Royal Guard who nodded, "47,000 gold pieces."

Eldar gave him his account number. "Expect to see that flawed sword back, charge him a 50% return fee. If he asks why tell him Eldar required it from him for being an ass. He is lucky I did not spank him with it!"

The royal guard chuckled as did the clerk. He smiled and said, "I will give him the message."

Eldar looked at his guard and stored the two swords, "Need to get back for an evening meal and officers meeting. You need to get clarification on if you need to stand guard over a House Patron."

The guard nodded.


Vattia'Desua signed the papers and left the Silvertree gear and was escorted off the property with the clothes on her back. Vattia'Desua was furious, She teleported into her father's study. "The Bastard showed up at House Silvertree! He forced me to dissolve my marriage or risk exposing my youngest son and our house to open ridicule in front of the Grand Clerics and the court.

Said he was getting divine help! He was there for 30 minutes and Bartimon killed himself when he tried to claim the sword and the sword executed him after sucking the life out of him in front of everyone.

None of the other bastards had the backbone to face him directly or face that sword! We had guards on each of us with weapons drawn and Battle Mages ready to cast if anyone flinched. He is putting contingencies in place to have all the house assets go to this mercenary company if his family is killed. Disowning the entire Family! The papers are not signed yet.

Heliar locked out teleportation in the room using his fucking diplomat stones. Heliar wanted me out of there so fast he did my paperwork first! We had a 10-minute fight in front of them all over my house name and I insisted on House Silverbar for both our son and me.

He was not going to make us a fucking 'Silver' with no house. He finally relented after making me squirm and having to beg him to back off for the sake of our sons. He said 'son' as he does not believe my youngest is his now. None of them do! I lost every ally in that house in an instant as soon as he called me out on fraud regarding our son!"

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