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Silvertree Chronicles Bk. 01 Ch. 23

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Dragon Wars Enhanced Edition 2021.
31.5k words

Part 23 of the 50 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 07/19/2017
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Silvertree Chronicles Book One, Chapter 23, The World Awaits (Dragon Wars Enhanced Edition)

Synopsis: The life of Eldar Silvertree from graduation at the prestigious Elven Academy and desire to leave it behind; only to return full circle to shake Elven Society to the core.

***Inspired by multiple fantasy environments. Not endorsed by any of them. © EmotionalStorm April 2021. This story cannot be transferred to any other site besides Literotica.com without the prior authorizations in writing from the author and EmotionalStorm must be credited for this work.

Authors warning: This section contains scenes of incest between sisters.

Authors Note: For those who have not read my bio, please note I write as a form of therapy for a Traumatic Brain Injury. I know the English majors will probably encounter issues that annoy them. If these are your focus, instead of the story itself, then this is not the story for you. I am not and will never be a professional writer.

I do it to tell the story, for those who wish to read them. I originally submitted this story back in mid-2017 to mid-2018. I have worked to try and improve my writing style while struggling with this issue. I have added some editing software and written a few other stories. Now I am revising and editing this earlier work to try and bring it up to a higher standard from what I have managed to learn over the last few years.

Chapter 23 Wagon Trains into the Moonlight

Eldar looked outside and saw wagons of Elves pulling up already. He looked back at the barkeep. "How full are our common rooms?"

He shrugged, "Probably got room for another 20-30 in there."

Eldar nodded, "I need some water and fruit, I am going to talk to the wagons pulling in."

Eldar looked outside, "Where are you headed?"

The driver looked at Eldar, "We are to do labor in a new town. Suppose to meet them here. There are not many wagons."

Eldar nodded, "Because I sent a bunch ahead yesterday to keep the market from becoming overcrowded. I am Eldar Silvertree and you will be working for my wives and me. Can I get a show of hands for all the wagon drivers, please?"

He got 20 hands, "Bring your bedrolls and come inside. The rest of you give me 5 minutes to get these guys settled. Then you can come in as well."

Eldar walked inside the inn, "Put these drivers in the extra spaces in the common rooms I have left. First, give them each an ale on me."

Eldar returned outside and looked at the other 80. "I do not have enough room space for all of you. However, I have instructed the barkeep to give you food and two ales each. No more after that. It does not make up for sleep but it does fill the stomach and you will be on trail rations you have brought for several months until we get a few things built."

He walked back into the bar. "These 80 are part of the first wave coming in this morning. I suspect quite a few more will show. No more than 2 ale, meads, or glasses of wine each. They can have one meal now.

Another in the morning all on me. I want the spirits cut off after that. Then you might want to get your baker up now. They will be looking for the last bit of fresh bread they will see for the next several months. I figure around 400 loaves of bread."

He chuckled, "I will let him know, he won't be happy but he can get them all done by early morning."

Eldar nodded, "As long as the lead soldiers and wagons are taken care of first it will take some time to get them all out of the market. I am expecting a lot more. How many extra hands does he have?"

He smiles, "8 why?"

Eldar nodded, He pulled out 70 platinum pieces and set them on the counter, "Ten for the baker and five for each of his helpers. The rest for your servers. I will take care of you in the morning."

He smiled, "This will help with his mood."

Eldar looked at the men filing in, "The innkeeper had been given instructions no more than 2 spirited drinks meals now and in the morning. I am paying for it all but I need you clear-headed out there. No cap on fruit other than if he runs out."

Eldar headed upstairs with water and fruit for the ladies. He walked in just as they started to stir, "Wagons have already started pouring in. I put the first 20 drivers into our common rooms. You need to get a few hours of sleep. I am going to head downstairs to keep things in check and get these wagons rolling in a few hours.

You 2 will need to make a quick trip to the bank. Annette, you forgot you need to get the inn furniture on order. With the enchanted ovens so no wood is required. Charlemagne you will need to go with her to pick out what you want them to do with our bedroom. Just do not forget about the bottom rounded rail we have so much fun with."

They both snickered and Annette asked, "When are you going to get some rest?"

Eldar nodded, "When we make camp after leaving the city. I will have BOTH of your horses saddled and ready to go."

Charlemagne groaned but nodded, "Sleep when you are done tomorrow it seems."

He worked on getting his armor on and the ladies came over to give him a hand and a couple of passionate kisses. He left Charlemagne's armor for her and pulled out a clean set of clothes for each of them and took their packs with him.

Charlie felt a bit guilty because she had been sick and she could have and should have been dividing this time up. Yet, Eldar still took care of them. Eldar headed downstairs and more wagons were pulling in.

Eldar looked at them, "More laborers?" They did not respond. He whistled, "Gentleman line your wagons 2 across 20-feet from the gate we have more wagons that will be coming in."

One of the guys in the lead wagon looked over at me, "We work for Greentree."

Eldar nodded, "He works for me. I am the Commander of the Gray Blades. I will be doing your security so please follow my directions, then go see the innkeeper for some food and drink on me."

He got to the one original wagon they had left behind and placed the packs. Before he turned back to the guys in the wagon who were still sitting there. "I am Eldar Silvertree, one of the founders of the town you will be building. You will hear a lot about me in the coming days. The town of Quatarsia is my idea which has been embraced by not only the Wood Elf communities but the King and Queen as well.

I am also the head of House Silvertree. I do not care for courtly politics. I work in the field to protect all of our people. Please do as I ask and if you have doubts ask the city and Royal Guards taking up positions through the market at this hour."

He walked toward the stables as the wagons finally started moving. He got his ladies' horses saddled first. He took T'suras out and gave him one of the few remaining apples from his bag. He was happy it preserved anything put into it. He walked up to the stable Master's door and he saw the kid on duty. He nodded at him. "I need 6 bridles no bits; mixed colors are fine."

He went and pulled some from the stockroom. He set a few platinum pieces on the counter. The kid looks at Eldar, "This is not enough."

Eldar nodded, "Have the Stable Master apply it to my account that is for all the trouble you are about to have to deal with this morning, pull all those saddles and tack on hold for me, and set them up outside in 4 rows of 5."

The kid nodded. He went back to the stable and grabbed the extra saddle he had picked up for the colt. He went back to the holding yard and put the reins on the six and saddle up the colt. "I know I am not your chosen owner but I have to take you to them. Which includes all this gear." He opened the door to the pen, "T'suras lead them all out. They followed with the colt walking alongside.

He saw the six mares in a column of two. He walked them all past the stable boy as he took them down and tied them off to the back of the wagon. With a rope connecting the reins into two lines. He looked at T'suras, "Keep the colt in line and with you." He pulled them up about 10 feet from the gate, He looked at the guard, "Nobody goes through until I return to claim these 2. They will stay right there."

The guard just nodded at him, Eldar walked back to the inn. He knocked on the door for Apprentice Strong Oak, he answered the door. Eldar looked at him, "Get dressed and downstairs. We have horses to hook up and saddle. Then we can stop for an early breakfast before sword practice. I will start quizzing you as soon as we get moving, meet me out front."

He turned and went back downstairs and Tranosa was behind him. Eldar looked at Tranosa, "I have the 20 saddle blankets and bridles; how many lieutenants and sergeants do you have here?"

Tranosa looked at his roster, "16."

He nodded, "Wake them up and get them out front. Have them report to me at the stables. Skinner and Cook as well."

He got downstairs and headed out front with his apprentice. They passed Tranosa on the way out. He started quizzing him on what he read last night. Just to see how far along in his reading he had gotten. Also, to assess how well he retained the information. Narius did well. He reached into his bag and pulled out the cloak. He looked at it. "This will let any of my men know you are my apprentice, Narius.

If they see you doing something wrong, they will let me know. If dangerous try to dissuade you. It also adds a little more protection. There are only two of these cloaks and the other is for my other apprentice."

Narius looked at Eldar, "You have another?"

Eldar nodded, "They just do not know it yet. They will in a few days."

Narius nodded, "Thank you, Grand Master."

Eldar nodded, "Thank you for the attitude adjustment. It works better for you."

Narius smirked at that last comment. Tranosa smiled, "One more to boss around?"

Eldar shook his head, "Your job to boss the others, mine is just to bust your balls."

That got Tranosa laughing. Eldar looked to Apprentice Strong Oak, "Go get your horse saddled and get back here quickly."

He took off for the stable. His wives smiled as they went and grabbed their horses.

They took off to the bank. He waited for Skinner and Cook to show. They must have been doing a morning performance as they had yet to arrive. He looked at Tranosa, "Where are Cook and Skinner?"

He shrugged. Ten minutes went by and they arrived at the door to the inn and Cook looked freshly fucked. He sighed, "Morning performance I take it? Do not answer that. Tranosa has 2 additional people for you. To stay with you for that rear-guard assignment. Have you picked two mounts yet?"

Skinner shook his head, "Not yet why?"

He pointed behind him, "The last of the regular saddles in stock. You two want to pick those mounts, grab your saddles, and take them to the now empty stall? My horses have been pulled and it gives you a place to put them."

They took off. "Tranosa, did those 2 have horses, the new people?"

He shrugged, "Let me ask them that question quickly. If not, they can use the two you and I had."

Eldar nodded. "They have tack, but need new bridles."

Tranosa nodded, "I will take care of those."

Eldar looked at the group, "Can all the lieutenants step forward. Those with horses already get behind Tranosa. Those who do not grab a saddle setup and get behind me." He had one Lieutenant who needed a horse.

"Sergeants, same question. If you have a horse then move behind Tranosa, if you do not grab a saddle and then follow me to the holding pen."

He looked at Tranosa, "Assign the remaining saddles to horses to forward scouts; we could encounter the other wagons as we go. They have the bulk of the workhorses. We asked them to grab those downed trees. We got a troop transport wagon correct?"

Tranosa nodded, "We have 2 with horses."

He looked at the group, "If you have spurs, bitted bridles, whips, or riding crops you best throw them away now. I will stab with spurs, smack you with crops/whips, or if a bridle I will make you wear it. The riding horses you are dealing with will have to be tied off will need a nudge with your heels to get going. When you move to War Horses over the next few years, that will all go away. They will all respond to voice commands in elven." He screamed, "T'suras Unta!"

His apprentice held up as T'sarus and the other colt came running up. "This is T'sarus, he currently has 10 mares expecting. He has selected warhorses for both my wives. 3 lieutenants have War Horses at the moment. Lieutenant Keyno is also known as Trick-Shot.

She is the human archer that has attracted quite a bit of attention from our Arcane Archers. She needed to start working with one to understand the intelligence of these beautiful creatures. She learned the elven commands they respond to. The other two are Lieutenant New Moon and Blaze. Like you, they are new additions.

Unlike you, they are the leading candidates for the next 2 captain spots. They left in the first wave to start the first round of patrols. The colt beside him is following his lead, it will go to my other apprentice. Apprentice Strong Oak started yesterday. Both apprentices will be on patrol with me. They are both minors and my responsibility.

If you see them doing something out of line inform me. I will deal with it unless it is life-threatening and requires immediate action. Apprentices can be identified with the cloaks they are wearing. Speaking of which Captain would you distribute these, please.

Keep in mind this is the first batch more are on order. The herald sashes are for the archers learning trick riding. Sergeants and above only at this time until I have the others in hand. The only exception is the arcane archer sashes I should have enough for them now. So please find yourself a horse.

Captain, they are yours. Let me know when you are ready to start taking the first set of wagons through the gates. We had 40 out there before I started talking. I want Keyno and Tiger assigned with me and the wagon I have 6 mares attached to. We will have some very important people coming. We will not pull out until they have arrived and my wives have returned.

Have the wagons start to line up in groups of 2 but get troop wagons between the groups; every 30 wagons. Put a lieutenant and his squads to every 24-foot wagon. I am not expecting any trouble in this first stretch of road but it is better to show strength to those we will be protecting and who will be building this town.

Please check with Greentree on the headcount of the wagons that have gone. Also, the wagons we have left. He can figure out who we are missing. The surveyors need to be out with this first group this morning. I want them with Greentree hitting the ground running."

He smiled at Tranosa who smiled back and shook his head. Eldar got up onto his horse when someone asked, "What is your nickname Commander?"

Eldar smiled, "Captain Dusk Moon, also known as Strong-arm, will go over that with you."

Tranosa laughed as Eldar rode off on that note. He heard some laughter from behind them as they made it into the marketplace proper. He saw Skinner and Cook headed into the inn, "I still need your time this morning."

They stopped and looked at him. Eldar smiled, "The last task. I need you to take my apprentice here. Show him how to hitch up the workhorses to the wagons we are taking today. I have to check on some VIPs who are supposed to be arriving soon if not already."

They nodded and waved him along as he followed. Eldar looked at his apprentice, "When you are done with the horses sit in the wagon upfront with the six mares and continue your reading."

He nodded and continued to catch up with his horse following. The other colt continued to follow T'Sarus. He looked into the inn quickly to see if Moon Blade had checked in yet; he had not. He headed out to the entrance toward the main square.

He wanted to see how far back the wagons were and realized they needed to get them moving. He headed back over to Tranosa, "We have all wagon traffic into the market stalled, we need to start getting these wagons moving."

He looked for Greentree and he was in front of the general store. Eldar rode over to him, "Find the surveyors and get them upfront. They will need to get started right away when we arrive."

He rode down the line with Greentree until they found the surveyors about a dozen wagons in the single-file line. He directed them to the front behind the first twenty up on the left. He finally heard wagons moving. Tranosa sent the first twenty-one wagons through this morning.

Eldar called out, "Next 10 wagons then we are sticking a Gray blade wagon in the middle. Then we will pull the next 10 in behind that. After that, we will start setting up in groups of 10, 5 wagons 2 across."

Tranosa had Eagle-eye come up. Eldar explained what they were doing, "I am going to see how long this line runs."

He headed toward the end of the market roadway. We had quite a crowd of onlookers who watched this large group of wagons leave the city. As the wagons moved forward, He saw Moon Blade with a wagon and his horse behind it and he was not alone. He waved, "Two of the carriers are with me I do not have Silverbar."

Eldar smiled, "At the inn and Moon Bow?"

Gatrius pointed, "He is behind us somewhere on horseback. Think he went to look for the Royal Guards."

Eldar nodded, "I want you to stay to the right and pull off with our wagon to the side; you will see the six mares behind it. I want to get this group together. I will let Eagle-eye know. When you get the other sword carriers collected, the escorts will be ready."

He headed back to the inn and saw Keyno, Tiger, and Callium Silverbar. He signaled them over to the back of the wagon with the mares. He smiled, "Glad to see you all up and ready. Put your packs in the back of the wagon. The other Sword carriers are here."

Eldar looked over and saw Moon Bow as he rode up and addressed them, "Quite the show you have going here."

Eldar nodded, "We sent the bulk of the excess workhorses and 35 wagons out last night and 21 a few minutes ago. Else it would be worse. Did you see the Royal Guards?"

He nodded, "Your wives are riding in with them."

Eldar smiled, "That would be everyone we need to get these wagons in line."

Eldar rode over to Tranosa, "Where is the second troop set going?"

He looks at Eldar, "Behind this next set of ten why?"

Eldar pointed, "I have two wagons and a slew of horses we will insert there. Will leave you and Eagle-eye to pull up the rear of this group. Let the guards know after you go through nobody goes down that road unless they are royalty, military, or escorted by the Gray Blades at the inn. They are waiting for one rider with a Moon Blade."

He nodded, "I got this. I do not like it much but I guess I am good at this."

Eldar smiled at him, "Had a hunch about that." Tranosa laughed at that comment. "Hold all traffic until we get those wagons in place behind the troop carrier. How many in that one?"

Tranosa smiles, "About 30 if you count the driver and the other 2 upfront."

Eldar smiled. "Good!"

Charlemagne arrived and he smiled, "Your wagon awaits. Tell my apprentice to get back onto his horse you can order your horse to come and it will walk alongside your wagon. I want Annette on horseback as I am sending her ahead to find Greentree with the surveyors so they can go over the priorities. How did your trip to the bank go?"

Annette nodded, "Very fulfilling. We have most of the furniture on order as well. No enchanted ovens, that is something that would have to be commissioned with an enchanter."

Moon Blade looked at him, "We sure the path is cleared?"

Eldar shrugged, "We cleared the 3 big trees blocking when we came up. The front troops were ordered to collect that wood and drag it back to the town; they left yesterday. Charlemagne is going to put that wagon on the left.


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