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Siren of Love

Story Info
Lyra finds two dangerously sexy men at the club.
4.7k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 01/26/2012
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1 week ago. Lyra sighed. She might as well give up now rather than find some other guy who might be the one and might not be the one and then end up going through the whole process over again. It was the same with every guy she met. She really liked them, and she wanted to try and go further with them, but that one dammed secret just kept getting in the way! She could never become so close to a guy with a secret that big hanging on her shoulders, and the guys being totally unaware of it. If she wanted a serious relationship, and we're talking marriage here, she would have to tell them the secret and out of all the guys she'd met, none of them were the one that would be able to bear the weight of the secret with her. She wanted to cry. She was doomed to live a lonely life with nobody to comfort her and love her, cherish her and hold her. She would die alone, still bearing the horrible weight of her secret. She just wanted to curl up and die. She was all alone in the world.

1 week later. She couldn't help but think about it. About what she had thought one week ago, and yet here she was, about to step in a club and restart the process all over again. Obviously she was addicted to thinking she found the one and then realizing it wasn't, crushing her hopes and causing her to have to build them up again she that she could be ready for when the one really came. She laughed a little, bitterly.

"Lyra! Would you quit hanging in the past and focus on the present?"

"What?" said Lyra, Jena's voice snapping her out of her morbid thoughts. "Oh yea. Sorry. Um, hey. I don't really feel up to this tonight so I'm, um, just gonna go home and relax."

"Oh no." said Jenna, grabbing Lyra's arms as she turned to walk away. She loved her best friend but sometimes she could really be a stubborn hard ass at times. And this was one of those times. But Jenna wasn't just going to let her best friend go home and sulk and be depressed and lonely. She was going to help her find the one no matter what it took.

"You are going to hang out here tonight with me and have fun and even if you don't find the one that's okay, because, news flash, just cause you meet a guy who's not the one doesn't mean it's time to be sad and depressed. If you meet a guy and you two just screw and never see each other again, as long as it was good and you enjoyed it, that's okay."

Lyra laughed. Her friend could be so simple at times. Nothing with her was ever complicated, it was just go with the flow. And that's what Lyra loved about Jenna. Her friend never over complicated things, unlike Lyra whose life was anything but uncomplicated. She wished just for once that her life could be simple like Jenna's.

"Oooh. I spy with my little eye, a sexy god, oh my oh my." Said Jenna, slyly checking out a sandy blonde headed man with a muscled chest and a mouth that was twisted up at the ends in a smirk, as if he knew that a girl was checking him out right now.

Lyra burst out laughing. In fact, she laughed so much that she fell off the bar stool. Suddenly, strong hands grabbed her waist and caught her before she could plummet to the ground. She leaned against a chest that, even through the back of her dress and his shirt, she could feel was muscled. His chest was warm and his hands were still wrapped around her waist. Whoever he was helped her up and when she looked backwards she felt her legs grown wobbly and she almost fell again. He had long dark brown wavy hair like mahogany that fell down to just above his shoulders. His eyes were dark emerald green and his mouth made her want to just press her lips to it. He was wearing a dark blue long sleeved shirt with rolled up sleeves and hot Abercrombie pants that made his ass look so fine, ending with sandals. And behind him was what had to be his twin, or if not then his clone, because the man standing behind the one that had caught her looked almost exactly the same with the exception that his hair went to just below his chin and his eyes were the color of the Caribbean sea, and they never seemed to end. He was wearing the same jeans and sandals but had on a plain white t-shirt with a dark bluish gray green tinted vest like the color of a stormy sea. She looked at him, then his brother who caught her,( and it had to be his brother because if he wasn't then they had to be cousins or relatives in some way to explain their similar appearances), and then she looked back at him and then his brother again. (She was just going to go with brother.) She blushed and then mumbled thank you and turned away, completely embarrassed at her klutziness, but the man who caught her wouldn't let go. He and his brother stared at her like she enthralled. She blushed again, feeling her underwear starting to get wet from the small contact of his hands on her hips. She imagined those strong hands holding her down by her hips while his brother kneeled over her head and slowly slid her top over her head and slipped her bra off, rubbing her breasts, his thumbs rolling her nipples and his eyes staring at her with intensity as he captured her mouth. His brother would slowly move her legs apart with his hand, slid her pants and panties of and began teasing her by grinding his hips against hers. She snapped out of it and noticed him looking at her intensely and grinning, as if he knew what she was thinking. She blushed. He looked over her, staring at her breasts and pussy a little longer than with the other parts of her body. His eyes darkened to a deep forest green and she could swear she heard him growl faintly. The look he and his brother were giving her was so openly sexual that she felt that she would either melt or throw herself at them.

He leaned down to her ear and liked the tip of it before whispering in a deep and a little husky voice that flowed like silk and made her shiver with heat rushing down to her pussy.

"My name is Pallo."

"Lyra." She let out breathlessly.

Her knees gave out and she stumbled into his arms again. He just smiled devilishly and she knew he knew he had caused that. His hands wrapped just a little tighter around her waist as she slowly stood again. She had not had this type of contact in almost three months, staying in her house or in her fenced backyard alone, and now, suddenly, contact of the sneakily sensual kind. It was too much and too fast after having been alone for three months. She felt uncomfortable and a little faint. She took a deep breath to calm her nerves and inhaled the sweet scent you find outside right after it rains, and the smell of forest, moss, grass, and she almost fell over AGAIN! Damn! What was wrong with her today! She was bold, never shy, and could easily be around other. She was a social bird, and she had never felt so suddenly attracted to two guys before, never felt like this before. The spark that the little bit of contact set off in her. She was never like this in front of handsome guys. And here she was, losing it because of two god like creatures standing before her. She mentally shook herself.

She smiled sexily. "Thanks. I prefer sneakers over heels and these heels are like they were made specially for me so I could trip and tumble face first whenever I wear them. I am usually quite graceful."

He arched his eyebrows at her slightly and the corners of his mouth turned up in smile.

"Well then I guess asking you to dance would be a very bad idea." He said in his deep voice. He glanced over his shoulder at his brother who nodded slightly, got up and walked towards the bar to get a drink. Lyra felt bad about his brother but forgot about it when she noticed Pallo looking at her .He looked down at her beautiful face. She felt his eyes caress her face as he gazed at her long flowing hair that framed her face that was the color of chestnut brown mixed with sandy blonde and she had a cute button nose and light brown freckles speckling her cheeks. Her lips were full and looked soft and so kissable. His gaze lowered to her chest which wasn't too big and wasn't too small. She imagined his hand running over them and gently grasping them. They would fill his hands perfectly. She snapped her eyes open to see him smirking at her and knew he had guessed what she was thinking. She blushed and lowered her head but he tilted it back up and slowly kissed her lightly before stopping to smile at her. He was teasing her and she knew it. Luckily for her, she knew just how to play too. Her waist was thin and she had a toned stomach with a matching pair of toned legs and a toned ass to go with it. She was beautiful and oh so sexy. He growled, his eyes darkening in color. He pulled her closer and slowly led her to the dance floor where they began to dance with him leading. But not for long. She pulled back a little, arching her back just a bit to brush her breasts against his chest, swaying her hips to the beats of the music. Her small feet moving gracefully and never stumbling. Two could play at this game. He growled again and pulled her close to him, smushing her breasts against his chest. He ground his hips into hers in perfect time with the music, leaning over and whispering in her ear, "Are you enjoying yourself, little kitten." He nipped the tip of her ear, grinding into her harder. "You are so delectable. I could just take you home and devourer you. I'm sure you'd love it wouldn't you. You would not mind a bit about letting me do what I want with you, isn't that right, little kitten. You'd let me have my way and you'd love every minute of it." His voice was deep and husky. He licked the inside of the tip of her ear.

She moaned and tilted her head back just a little and Pallo immediately dove in and covered her lips with his. The moan allowed him slide his tongue into her mouth and lick her tongue. She moaned again, now grinding against him. He moved her hips with his. His hands wrapped around her waist tightly pulling her even more closely to him. He broke the kiss, his eyes dark green.

"I'd love to continue but my turn is over."

She looked at him confused until he spun her around and she stumbled, falling onto a warm, hard chest, as warm strong arms wrapped around her and the scent of the ocean and suntan lotion washed over her. She looked into Caribbean sea green eyes as his hands lowered until they grabbed her waist, just barely above the top of her ass. He pulled her close to him and held her tightly, holding her pussy to his hard on, leaning down to her ear and whispering in a deep husky voice, "I am Siden." The way he said it was like side-in. It was tipped with a slight accent and it sounded hot.

She almost moaned as one of his hand traveled up her back, causing her to shiver, and griping her silky soft hair, he tilted her head back to kiss her slowly on the neck, making his way up to her mouth as he slowly, sensually grounding into her. She moaned into his mouth. He slipped his tongue into her mouth and rubbed it against hers, sending chills down her back. She arched, pushing her breasts into his chest and he growled, sucking on her tongue and grinding into her slowly but harder. His grip tightening and pushing her into him harder. She was lost. Pallo was all about fast and hard, and Siden, though about going hard too, was also slow, and gentle sometimes. She was lost as to whom she should choose when she felt a body press against her back. She moaned as a second pair of hands grabbed her by her ass in a tight grip and ground himself into her ass. She was lost as his hands moved up to the sides of her breasts where they gripped her tightly. He leaned down and whispered into her ear.

"Oh, my little sexy kitten. You are so delicious. I want to take you home and pleasure you. With help from my brother of course." He added when Siden broke the kiss to look at him suspiciously.

"Now brother. You're not planning on stealing her all for yourself now are you? Because then I'd have to steal her back and that would put me in the position of prince charming and she my beautiful damsel in distress." As he said this he gazed back down at her with soft eyes.

"I hate to break it to you but I am no damsel in distress." She said with a spark of defiance in her eyes.

"You object?" said Siden, raising his eyebrows. "My damsel in distress objects to me saving her from the evil twin brother?" he said this with a smile and Pallo laughed and said "If I am the evil twin than you are the sly one that sweetens the girls up so you can make love to them."

Lyra blushed but Siden laughed heartily, before turning back to look at her.

"You can come to rescue me but I will be gone because I will have rescued myself." She told him.

"My little damsel should not speak like that. She is mine and I will rescue her whether she likes it or not." He smiled devilishly. "She will wait for me to rescue her or I won't be so gentle when I find her."

Her blush widened and she felt a new wave of heat dive down to her pussy, but Pallo only laughed. "Brother, you are not making this any easier for her to choose to come home with us. Am I right kitten?" He turned her around to face him and Siden's hands gripped under her breasts, rubbing the underside of them, while Pallo's gripped her waist moving them along with his and grinding against her as he whispered in her ear "Or maybe you'd like that." He said huskily. "To be spanked like a naughty little girl by my brother. My brother would love to punish you little kitten. He may seem the gentle lover but when he punishes he does it so well it's hard to tell whether its punishment or pleasure."

Behind her Siden grinned, leaned down and whispered in her ear "It's true, so be good little one."

Lyra groaned loudly, her panties were almost completely soaked by now. She couldn't believe how much these brothers were turning her on.

"Hey, Lyra! You don't socialize for three months, locked away in your house and now your smushed between two guys? When I said go crazy I didn't think you would go spontaneous too." Said Jenna standing a couple feet away, though the smile on her face showed that she couldn't care less as long as Lyra was enjoying herself.

Lyra blushed. "It's okay." Said Jenna. "Go with them and go crazy." She said, smiling knowingly. Then walked away.

"I like your friend. Leaving you to us." Whispered Pallo in her ear. "Me too." Whispered Siden in her other ear. She shuddered. He took her hand and guided her outside to a Camaro where he opened the door and she climbed in, but before he could climb into the backseat with her Pallo beat him to it. When he got back there he laid her down on the seat, and laid on top of her, careful not to put his full weight on her. His legs slipped between hers and pushed her legs apart as he pressed his hard on against her, lifting her legs up and putting them on either side of him on his hips. He rocked against her panty soaked pussy, taking her mouth in his and playing with her tongue.

"Guess I'm driving then." Said Siden. In response, car keys flew at his face. All the way to the house their tongues dueled with each other. His hands moved down from cupping her neck to cupping her breasts and rubbing them through her thin dress. She moaned in his mouth, rolling her hips against his causing him to groan and reward her with a nip on the lip, chin or neck. By the time the car finally stopped they were both panting. He thrust against her. She gasped loudly. Siden grinned, looking at them in the rearview mirror. Pallo smiled devilishly. He helped her out of the car and when she saw the house her mouth dropped open. It was a two story mansion with plenty of windows and a vineyard in the backyard! On the side facing her were big bushes trimmed to look like a minotaur, a centaur, a satyr, a nymph, and even Cerberus. And she only came up to the centaur's knee. That's how tall they were. In the front was a giant pool and Lyra could smell the sea salt of it from over here. Siden and Pallo looked back at her grinning. Lyra inhaled the sea salt smell and her eyes flashed iridescent sea green for a moment before she closed them and they turned normal. Siden and Pallo stopped. They blinked and shook their heads. They thought they just saw Lyra's . . . but never mind that because they were probably just seeing things. Pallo smiled. "Welcome to our home."

Siden walked over to her and gripped her waist, pulling her against him. "I think we should go inside to continue this and this time with my brother. What do you say brother" he said, his mouth against her ear.

"It's fine by me brother. I that okay Lyra?" asked Pallo. Lyra gasped because one of Siden's hands had drifted too far down and it brushed her clit. Siden, noticing where his hand had drifted , smiled devilishly and brushed a little harder. Lyra sucked in a breath and moaned "Ooh yes! Yes!" Pallo smiled and congratulated Siden for wooing their girl, in greek. Siden smiled and answered in English so Lyra could understand.

"It's nothing. I only want to please Lyra in ANY way that I can." He whispered against her ear causing her to moan again and arch her back outwards, pushing her luscious breasts out. The brothers groaned. They were getting very turned on by this small, skinny, beautiful creature that was in Siden's arms. Pallo scooped Lyra up in his arms causing her to shriek and giggle as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Walking to the house, with Siden in tow, he stopped when he saw her quiet for minute and inhale the sea salt scent of the pool, and for the second time that night, her eyes flashed iridescent sea green before quickly returning to hazel eyes. He looked at his brother, who had seen it too, and they both thought the same thing, who is the girl. They knew her name, but not where she lived, what her last name was, or even her if she was italian. Pallo shook his head and Siden nodded, agreeing that they would ask her about it later. Siden started walking but he paused when he thought of something. Tomorrow, he would take her out to the pool. She obviously liked it.

"Siden?" asked Lyra.

He smiled immediately and growled "I love it when you say my name." She smiled but it didn't seem as bright as before. She seemed uncertain now. Lyra was a little uncertain. Her other form had tried to gain control to run towards the water and dive in twice now. It had reminded her of why she had never had serious relationships before. She looked at them hesitantly as they looked at her curiously.

"What's wrong Lyra?" asked Siden curiously.

"Oh it's nothing." She said sighing. A screw. That's what Jenna said she could do with a guy and then never see him again if it would make her happy. Not everything was about finding the one, but. . . But she had been so lonely for so long and being here she felt good.

"Lyra." Asked Pallo, lifting her chin up to his where she could see concern starting to edge in the corners of his eyes. "What's wrong? Tell us what's bothering you."

She was lost in the sincerity of his eyes. He meant it, but didn't she only mean sex to him. She was contemplating this when he kissed her lightly and then deepening it. She felt another pair of lips kiss her neck and she moaned a little. Pallo and Siden smiled. Happy that they had distracted her from whatever had troubled her. Pallo carried her inside to a curved chaise where he laid her down. He kneeled to one side of her and Siden on the other. Pallo took her into a deep kiss, his hands kneading one breast while Siden kneaded the other. They're free hands roamed down and Pallo followed the example that he saw Siden do when they were outside and brushed his hand against her clit. She gasped in his mouth. Siden started to rub her pussy through her dress.

"Oh god, oh YES OH GOD YES!" she screamed when Siden bit into the little hollow in her neck. She arched her back up, pushing her pussy and breasts harder against the massaging hands. She moaned loudly. Pallo and Siden grinned. Her voice moaning grew higher in tone, almost as if she was singing her excitement.


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