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Siren of Love Ch. 04

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The truth is out and trouble appears.
4.4k words

Part 4 of the 6 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 01/26/2012
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Lyra woke up snuggled between two sexy, handsome men. She smiled, then froze. At the foot of the bed stood Calypso. Lyra stared at her. How long had she been there? Slowly Calypso turned around and walked to the door, motioning for Lyra to follow. Lyra looked down at Siden and Pallo sleeping with her wrapped between them. She got lucky twice, but she doubted that they wouldn't stay asleep with her unwrapping their arms from around her again. Calypso flicked her wrist then motioned for Lyra to follow her. Lyra, knowing Calypso was an all-powerful god, knew she probably prevented them from being able to wake up for a while. She untangled herself, then hopped off the bed and followed her upstairs to the art room. Lyra took a deep breath and looked in Calypso's eyes, preparing to fight up a storm about being with Siden and Pallo, but Calypso spoke first.

"I know that dis must be confusing, dey seem so perfect but dey aren't what dey seem to be. I don't want to see you get hurt Lyra." Lyra was taken aback by the sincerity of Calypso. She really meant it. Calypso continued.

"You're like a daughter to me, Lyra, and I care about you."

Siden and Pallo woke up. Lyra was gone. They panicked. Could she have left them, thinking they could never love her now that they knew what she was? If she had left, they would look for her. They would never let her go. They cared about her.

"I'll check upstairs." Said Pallo.

"Then I'll check downstairs." Said Siden.

Lyra had never known her parents. She knew her mom had been a mermaid, which meant she should have been part mermaid, but she wasn't. She knew her dad was a human, which meant she should be part human, but she wasn't. Her mother and father died when their car crashed as they were driving along the beach, on a path that stopped a couple feet from the ocean. It flew off the road, flipping and crashing. She had been thrown out of the car and her parents were knocked unconscious so they couldn't get out before the car exploded. She was lying on the beach, only two. Calypso came and took her in. Tears filled her eyes at the memory she couldn't picture or remember but had been told about when she had turned ten. She remembered her parents, bits of them, like their faces and their smell.

"Really?" asked Lyra.

Calypso smiled and nodded her head. They didn't hug but they smiled at each other.

Pallo stopped short of the art room door. She was here and she was talking to Lyra. Siden walked up behind him, having checked downstairs. They looked at each other. What was Calypso's connection with their Lyra? They were getting answers. Now.

"Calypso, why do you want me to stay away from Siden and Pallo? They. . . I . . . being with them feels right."

Calypso looked at Lyra then looked over her shoulder, her eyes turning cold a little.

"Tell her or I will tell her myself." Lyra looked at her confused then froze. She was looking over her shoulder, talking as if to somebody else was there, and there were only two other people in this house besides them. Lyra swallowed. Slowly she turned around and looked at Siden and Pallo standing in the doorway. They looked at her then at Calypso, their eyes turning cold as they stared at her and likewise, she was looking at them with cold eyes. Lyra felt conflicted. Something she had never felt before with people. She wanted to stand besides Calypso and say "She's not bad, leave her alone." But she also wanted to run into Pallo and Siden's arms. Instinctively, she took a step towards them. But her hand stretched out to Calypso. She stopped. Calypso, Siden, and Pallo all saw how she was conflicted and felt a little guilty about unintentionally causing her to have to decide between them. Calypso grabbed Lyra's hand at the same time Siden and Pallo took a step towards her. Lyra froze. Which one? Siden and Pallo? Or Calypso?

"Lyra." They said at the same time. She looked back and forth between Calypso, the closest thing she ever had to a mother, and Siden and Pallo, the two people that it felt right to be with.

"Get out." Said Pallo stepping forward and taking a hold of Lyra's other hand. Siden just stood back and stared at Calypso with cold eyes. He was the brother that preferred peace and didn't fight when he could help it. Calypso's hold on Lyra's hand tightened. "Why should I." Pallo's grip on Lyra's other hand tightened.

"You are in our house, telling secrets that you have no right to tell." He said, staring at her with cold eyes. She stared back at him with cold eyes.

"She has a right to know." She said loudly, almost yelling.

"WE will tell her, not you. And we'll tell her when WE decide to. Get out." He yelled. Calypso held their stares, never looking away.

Siden, Pallo, and Calypso stared at each other with cold eyes, and Lyra shrank back, stuck right in the middle of it. Finally, Calypso disappeared, but not before saying one more thing.

"Dey will not stay when dey learn of de curse." She disappeared, leaving Lyra staring at where she had been standing.

Lyra yanked her hand out of Pallo's and burst into tears, backing up three steps before she bumped against the heavy duty easel. She covered her face with her hands, the horrible truth hitting home for the umpteenth time. She would never find love because no one could ever love a cursed . . . creature.

When Lyra yanked her hand out of Pallo's, he was hurt. When she burst into tears the brother's hearts were in pain and yearned to comfort their Lyra and hold her and soothe her and to heal her pain.

Suddenly, a pair of strong arms grabbed her and pulled her towards a strong, warm body. They wrapped around her and a second pair of strong arms wrapped around her from behind. Immediately the brothers were comforting her, caressing her, covering her with gentle kisses and whispering softly soothing words.

"Shhhh. It's okay."

"Your safe. It's okay."

"Shhhh. Don't cry. It's alright."

They held her and gently covered her in kisses, whispering softly into her ears that everything was okay, please don't cry, and she was safe. Their calm, soothing, words washed over her and soon she stopped crying, hiccupping lightly. The rubbed her back, her arms soothingly, still gently kissing her, and whispering soothingly. Pallo kissed her head, Siden kissed her shoulder. Pallo leaned his forehead against hers and looked at her intently. Lyra knew Pallo was looking at her but she refused to look back and find disgust or dislike or even the same cold eyes the greeted Calypso. She shivered and started to cry again, panicking. The strong arms tightened around her, and the brothers caressed her, kissed her gently, and whispered soothing words again until she calmed once more. Pallo's forehead still rested against hers and slowly two fingers lifted her chin up until her gaze was trapped in the golden fiery suns with pupils that were Pallo's eyes.

"We don't care what you are, where you're from, or what you have. We still love you." He kissed her deeply, all the while still staring into her eyes intensely. Lyra's heavy heart lifted and soared.

The brothers felt her body relax a little and mentally grinned, their hearts flying because they were able to comfort their Lyra. But she was still a little tense. Siden kissed her neck while Pallo continued to kiss her deeply. She slowly began to relax more. Pallo broke the kiss.

"I believe you had your turn yesterday brother." Said Pallo. Siden looked at him and Lyra smiling.

"Indeed. Now it is your turn to have her all to yourself. I am low on green, blue, and light purple acrylic paint. I'll just stop by the village to restock and maybe take a stroll. You two have fun now." Lyra smiled faintly. Siden kissed her deeply and whispered in her ear. "When it's my turn, I have some old tricks up my sleeve that I am dying to try." She shivered and he smiled before turning and walking out. Lyra barely had time to turn her head towards Pallo again before he kissed her deeply, deeper than before, moving the easel so it was flat like a table. Lifting her up on the easel, he continued to kiss her deeply, his hands rubbing her back and the heels of his hands brushing repeatedly against the sides of her breasts. Soon she was moaning a little into the kiss. Pallo's hand slid down her back, across her hips, up her belly, and slowly cupped her breasts. She moaned. Pallo broke the kiss smiling.

"My brother might have been a gentle lover, but I am not so gentle. I promise I won't hurt you though." He captured her mouth again and began to knead her breasts, his thumbs rubbing her nipples a little hard. His tongue slid over the roof of her mouth, around her tongue, on her lips and back again to the roof of her mouth several times. His hands momentarily left her breasts to tilt the easel down a little so that Lyra wrapped her legs around his waist comfortably. His hands went back to molding her breasts.

Lyra broke this kiss. Pallo looked at her curiously.

"I have got to get some clothes or you and your brother are going to keep taking me every time I stub my toe for goddess sake." Pallo threw his head back and laughed. When he calmed down he spoke.

"After we're done here, I have something to show you." Lyra's eyebrow arched.

"When we're done here?" he smiled devilishly. Slowly he lowered his head to one of her breasts as he pushed her back, down, until she was lying on the easel, all the while staring at her with those fiery golden eyes. He sucked her nipple into her mouth and started to lick, suck, and tug on it. And to nip around it. She moaned. One of his hands kneaded her other breasts while the other one snaked down to her pussy and slowly started to rub the little button out of its hiding. She moaned louder and gasped and moaned. Her thighs squeezed together to try and force his fingers to enter her. He chuckled around her nipple.

"Not yet my little kitten. I want you wet, very wet, and ready for me." He whispered huskily against her breast, loud enough for her to hear. He slowly lowered his fingers to trace around her slit, up and down it, and then slowly dipping into it. She moaned and squirmed. She didn't want the sex to be quick, rather long and wonderful. He seemed to guess that and was taking his merry time at pleasing her to the point where she almost changed her mind. Almost. Finally he entered her.

His fingers slid into her pussy slowly and then slowly pulled out. He could feel her inner muscles pulling his fingers and he grinned as he continued to pleasure her nipples with his mouth. He began to thrust his fingers in and out of her faster, sucking hard on her nipples. She moaned louder as he began thrusting his fingers in fast as a blur. She felt his thumb began rubbing her clit furiously and she screamed as she orgasamed violently. He smiled as he pulled his fingers out and licked them clean.

"Come with me." He said as he helped her down. Suddenly, he lifted her up, wrapping her legs around his waist. He pushed her up against the wall. She gasped as she felt his hard erection push against her moist pussy. He slowly slid it up and down against her core and she gasped and moaned, leaning her head back against the wall. He lowered his head and sucked on her neck, nipping and kissing.

"Surprise." He said smiling devilishly against her neck as she gasped and moaned. He thrust against her, his hard dick hitting her clit and making her moan loudly. He thrust hard again and again. He kept at it until she was screaming in orgasm in that beautiful sing song like way. He lowered her down and, holding her hand to steady her, led her to a special room that he knew she would love. He stopped in front of the door that shaped like half circle. It was made out of mahogany, leaves, vines, and dark purple flowers creating a border around it. The knob was made out of a smooth deep violet stone that seemed to radiate heat. He pulled out a golden key hanging on a silver chain from around his neck. It was as big as his palm. He put it into the key hole and turned twice. He pulled it out and then hung it back around his neck, all the while smiling at her. She was deeply interested in this door now. It seemed magical and mysterious. She felt an undying curiosity to see what was behind it. She felt drawn to it.

Pallo opened the door and motioned for her to go in first. She stepped in and the door closed behind them encasing them in darkness but she didn't mind. All the more better for her to explore what was behind the enchanting door using her special eyesight that could see in complete darkness. It was dark and then a purplish glow seemed to bloom from deep within the walls around her. She was in a thin tunnel. If she stretched her arms out on either side of her completely her fingertips would brush against the walls. If she stood straight up and reached a hand up all the way she could lie her hand against the cool smooth celling that radiated the same purplish glow as the smooth walls did. The ground was a deep blue color, like the color of a deep sea. It was smooth as well, and radiated a deep blue glow. Pallo stepped behind her smiling.

"Curioser and curioser." She said. Pallo chuckled.

The tunnel was rather long. She started walking down it and the tunnel grew smaller until she had to get on her hands and knees but she had courage and bravery and wasn't scared. She just kept crawling for a couple seconds before a small door that was oval shaped and seemed to be made out of rainbow colored stone appeared at the end of the tunnel. She reached for the smooth black knob made out of stone and found it locked. Pallo slid the key to the door he used to get into the tunnel to her. She picked it up and tried it. It only took one turn and then she hung it around her neck so as not to slow her down in case she got to another door. She opened it up and crawled through. She found herself in a room where the walls were embedded with red, blue, pink, green, black, purple and ordinary colored diamonds. There was also emeralds, rubies, and sapphires, among other types of rocks and they all glowed a bright warm glow, lighting up the cave with light. In the center there was a deep pool that looked like it's bottom hit the floor downstairs. It's bottom was smooth and black and the water was clear and made of sea water. There was a rock in the center big enough to sit on or to lay on. The only solid floor to stand on was as wide as five people standing side by side right in front of the entrance and it went ten feet into the room. The rest was all water, part of the deep pool.

"Directly below this room is nothing because of the pool. The tunnel was easy to make but the pool was challenging. And this is all in the house." Said Pallo. "And it's for you." Lyra turned around completely surprised. She had never been given a gift this magnificent. She could tell that the stone embedded in the walls were magic and that meant Calypso would need her permission to be able to come in here whenever she wanted. Magic stone could do that, even to a goddess or god. It was Lyra's own little safe haven. Tears filled her eyes. She was speechless. Pallo stood there grinning. Lyra rushed to him and nearly tackled, hugging him tightly. Strong arms wrapped around her immediately. He nuzzled his face in her hair, that silky soft hair that felt so soft.

"It's a gift from Siden and me. I hope you like it."

"I love it." She said. Pallo stroked her back softly. His hands ran over the curves of her butt and pulled her tight against him. She could feel his erection hardening.

"We still have some unfinished business to take care of." He whispered huskily into her ear. She shivered and he smiled lifting her chin up for a deep breathtaking kiss. He swept her up into his arms and carried her over to the edge.

"But first," he said as he lowered her down, feeling her tighten her grip. "I want to know both of you well."

When he started lowering her she tightened her arms around his neck. She didn't want to change because she was afraid if she did then she'd discover that she got the urge to drown them just like anyone else even though she felt in her heart that she loved them both. He wouldn't give in though. He started to lower her into the water and the second she was in up to mid thigh, she dove out of his arms into the water, her eyes glowing. The water was so clear he could see her skin turn scaley like before. Her legs grew slick and her skin becoming pale green, like the sea glass green color. Her feet became webbed between the toes and her hands between the fingers. Four thin slits appeared on either side of her neck. Her incisors became fanged and her bottom one's too. Her tongue became pointed and green as the stem of a flower. Her eyes went back to normal, the color of a deep violet. Her hair grew down to her waist. Her legs grew shiny iridescent scales on them up to mid thighs and her arms grew them up just underneath her shoulder. He felt his breath catch. She was beautiful. She swam up to the surface and glided through the water like a knife through butter. She swam in circles, shot out of the water and dove back in again like a dolphin, spinning and swirling and soaking in the light of the precious gemmed walls. Finally, she jumped out onto the rock in the center of the pool and started to braid her hair as she sang a new song. It was from the book "The Hunger Games". The author had found it while visiting a remote island of her friends. She found the song when the locals told her about how, on a full moon night, they would hear "mermaids" singing the song. She didn't believe them when they told her mermaids sang it but she decided to use it for her book.

Deep in the meadow

Under the meadow

A bed of grass

A soft green pillow

Lay down your head

And close your sleepy eyes

And when again you open them

The sun will rise

Here its safe

Here its warm

Here the daisies guard you from every harm

Here your dreams are sweet

And tomorrow brings them true

Here is the place where I love you

That last part had Pallo sucking in his breath quickly. Was she talking about Siden and him, and if she did, did she mean it? She finished braiding her hair and looked at him. They stared at each other for a while then she dove into the water and came up close to him. Slowly she swam over until she was a two feet away from him. He kneeled down to her. She floated all the way to the edge of the pool.

"Thank you." She said. Her voice was melodious and sweet. Clear and quiet, yet loud because of the echoing cavern they were in. He smiled.

"You're welcome." She jumped out of the water, landing next to him. Her scales melted off her body like before, the slits disappearing and her eyes returning to normal. The webbing between her toes and fingers shrank to nothing and her skin color faded to normal again. She began wringing out her hair shyly. He smiled. She was so cute. He grabbed her waist and pulled her into his lap, hugging her tightly. She hugged him back. She pulled back suddenly and got up, running to the door and wagging her finger at him to follow, winking. She bent over slowly and seductively before kneeling. She opened the door and, pausing to shake her butt at him, quickly crawled out giggling. His eyebrow arched up as he smiled deviously. Siden was right. They did have a little minx. He got up and walked over to the door deciding to wait a minute for her to run and hide. And when he found her he would enjoy his reward slowly.

She ran out of the door and looked around. Then she got an idea. She ran down the hall. She stopped at the top of the stairs and stopped. Her excitement suddenly died. Her skin prickled. Something didn't feel right. She paused, listening. Nothing. She shook it off. Probably nothing. She ran down the steps, though not quite as excitedly as before.


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