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Sister Cities Ch. 06

Story Info
A young man makes a decision to change his life.
3.8k words

Part 6 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 11/18/2019
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Chapter Six - Milo Tells His Parents the News

On his eighteenth birthday, Milo had the party to beat all parties. His parents let him invite girls and, while he hadn't been very into them so far, they were fun to have around. The music was loud and obnoxious; they played video games and yelled and screamed as loud as they wanted. His mom had actually listened to him when he requested all his favorite foods, and she didn't even complain and say they were unhealthy—she just provided the goods. It was the best day ever. So far.

But Milo had one more thing to do before it all ended. After the last kid left, he jumped in and helped with cleanup. Well, he really only straightened the den where they had played games, and his room which his friends had totally wrecked. But he did take out the trash without being asked. When all was done, he sat with his parents at the kitchen table with one last piece of cake and a tall glass of cold milk. This was it: now was the time.

Licking his lips, Milo took a deep breath and announced, "I'm going to apply to Prime University."

His mother just sat blinking at him.

His dad dropped a bite of cake from his fork; it fell to the table with a soft plop. "You what?"

Milo nodded. "I'm going to apply to Prime University."

His mother's fork dropped this time, hitting her plate with a loud clatter.

His dad carefully set down his fork and clasped his hands in front of him. "May I ask the reason for this decision?"

"I want to go to Prime University so I can apply to the space program. I'd like to get into the program with the head start that the University can give me. I'm thinking of officer school."

"Fuck no!" his mother erupted. " are not...NOT going to be trained"

Milo ate a bite of cake and watched his parents. He'd expected this very reaction. "That's your only concern? That I'll be trained in sex. You would deny me the opportunity to go to the space program? To be set for life financially? To be able to set you guys up financially so you have no worries about retirement?"

When his mother gave another stuttering attempt to speak, his father interrupted: "Rayna, please calm down and let's talk about this."

"Fuck you Reeve." She stomped from the room.

Milo scraped the last of the frosting from his plate and licked his fork clean. "Most I've ever heard mom cuss."

"Milo." Reeve stopped and cleared his throat, taking a moment to consider what he wanted to say. "I know we can't stop you from applying but you are a bit young to make such a huge decision about your future—"

"And if I want to get into the space program then I have to start now. You know that dad." Milo leveled a look at his dad. It was true that, by law, they couldn't stop him from applying. But there was nothing to say that they couldn't and wouldn't make his life miserable for the next four months, until understudy school ended and the Universtiy term started.

Reeve leaned back in his chair and used his napkin to wipe up the dropped cake. "I know. I'm actually proud of you for making that decision. The space program is a very worthy future for you." He gave Milo a weak smile. "But your mother will only be able to focus on how you'll be getting there."

Polishing off his milk, Milo wiped the back of his hand over his mouth like the kid he still mostly was. He sighed, "I really don't see what the big deal is. So they teach me about sex. So I actually have sex for the first time with a woman they pick out. And? So? Would you prefer to take the chance of me fucking around with girls in a regular college and risk knocking one up and then be totally fucked for the rest of my life?"

Reeve rubbed his hands over his face. "Wow, don't hold back son."

"You know I could have just done it. Packed up and left without telling you."

"I know son, I know. I'll talk to your mother but I can't promise anything."

"Why is she like that anyway? Every time anyone even says Prime University she freaks out. What's the deal?"

Picking up his fork, Reeve used it to draw aimless patterns through the cake crumbs on his plate. "Since you're old enough to apply to that school I guess you're old enough to hear this. Her best friend was born with the mark. The only one born with one for...pssshhh...a hundred years, I don't know. When girls with the mark turn eighteen, they are taken over to Prime Manor and the mark is explained to them. Rayna really honestly thought that Vada would choose to ignore the mark and just live her life and be her best friend forever."

"I take it she didn't?"

Shaking his head, Reeve continued, "No she didn't. In fact, she made the choice early, just about the time you were born. She decided not to get married, not to have kids, to just enjoy life Then she decided to go ahead and move to Prime. She left when you were about five I think. Your mom hasn't heard from her since."

Milo kicked back in his chair and pursed his lips out. "So I could actually end up fucking mom's best friend."

"Oh god son! Just don't even...just no. Don't...don't say that again. Ever." Reeve jumped up, gathered up the plates and rinsed them for the dishwasher.

Milo giggled, "So if I come home on school breaks is she going to have a fit every time?"

Leaning back against the counter, Reeve shrugged. "I don't know Milo." He studied the blond mop-headed man-child in front of him; watched him rub a finger over the chip embedded in the back of his wrist. "You're going to keep it in? Keep on being...drugged to keep know."

Milo stared back. "Just say it dad, they drug us so we don't want know. At least until just before our big day. Going to come cheer me on? Give me some of your personal pointers, tips, and tricks?" He grinned, showing the dimples that he hated.

"Geez kid." Shoving away from the counter, Reeve took the steps to Milo and ruffled his already unruly blond hair. "I think the women at that University will be teaching you more than I'll ever know."

"See how I'm already making good decisions? Just think about how I'll excel in space officer school." Milo smirked.

Reeve lightly tapped his son on the back of the head. "Go to bed. I'll probably be up all night dealing with your mother."

Milo stood from the table. "Just slip her the bone and make her moan and she'll forget all about it."

Reeve's mouth dropped open at the raunchy words coming from his son; he decided the kid most definitely needed to remain drugged against sex for a while. After another moment of reflection on their only child—how Reeve really was proud of him for making such a huge decision and commitment—he began to go through the house, shutting down for the night.

He walked into the bedroom to find Rayna sitting at her vanity table, angrily brushing her hair. Taking a moment, he admired his wife, still slim and trim after nearly twenty years of marriage. Her hair was still naturally blonde—or if she was making adjustments, he'd never found out about it. Reeve loved his wife, he knew she loved him and their son, and he suspected he knew why she was hung up over the University.

Moving past her, he went into the adjoining bath and quickly showered. After drying off, he wrapped his towel around his hips and stepped back into the bedroom. Karen was propped up on her pillows reading a book, or at least pretending to; Reeve didn't think she was actually seeing the words on the page. He went to the foot of the bed so that he was in her line of sight.


"I don't want to talk about it."

Reeve put his hands on his hips. His body may not have been in its former teen-football-player shape, but he hadn't gone completely to fat either. "Rayna," he whispered.

Rayna pressed her lips together and took a breath, not raising her eyes from her book. "I'm not having sex with you."

Reeve dropped his towel to the floor. "Rayyynnnaaa," he crooned softly.

Slamming her book shut, she finally looked at him, anger clear in her eyes. "I can't believe you'd even think you'd get lucky after that conversation with our son."

Lifting a hand, Reeve played with his flat male nipple until it was a tiny, hard nub. "You know you want this." He attempted to sound sexy but worried that he actually sounded a bit creepy.

"Reeve! Seriously no!" Rayna slapped her book on the nightstand and crossed her arms under her breasts.

Holding his hands out to his sides, Reeve began to sway his hips back and forth, his still soft cock swinging like a pendulum. He gave her a saucy wink. "Rayna. Look at it. He misses you."

"Ugh!" she yelled, clamping her hands over her eyes. But Reeve could see the tiny smile at the corners of her mouth.

"Hey pretty lady, watch this. "He waited until he saw her peek through her fingers, then started swiveling his hips hard, causing his dick to slap against his thighs. They both could clearly hear the slap-slap-slap, and within moments they had dissolved into giggles.

Dropping her hands, Rayna tried appealing to him: "Reeve—please don't push this."

Reeve began to crawl up the bed from the foot, slowly straddling her legs as he moved closer. When he reached her waist, he nuzzled her nightgown aside as far as he could and dropped little kisses on her chest. "You know he hates it when you wear modest nightgowns," he whisper-growled.

Rayna grabbed his head and pulled him off her chest. "And you know I want to be covered in case Milo needs me in the night."

Giving her a light kiss, he pulled back a bit to see her eyes. "Milo? Our eighteen-year-old son? The very one that just told me to 'bone you and make you moan'? That Milo?"

Color flooded her face and her mouth dropped open. "What? No he didn't."

Nodding, Reeve gave her another quick kiss. "Yes he did. Our son is light-years older than we were at his age. I know I couldn't wait to get the chip out of me and find out what an erection felt like. I was ready for sex. But Milo? He's always been different. Way more relaxed and easy. Girls and sex just hasn't been something he's interested in. Hell I was starting to wonder if the kid was gay. But instead, he's been thinking, planning. He has made a decision to commit to space school. Space school!"

Dropping down beside her, he pulled up his own pillows to prop up on. "Do you personally know another kid around his age that is thinking of his future as Milo has? He'll have to go through a university somewhere that we'll have to pay for, the space academy that we'll have to pay for, and then officer school. That we won't have to pay for as long as he passes everything else and makes it in the space program itself. We're talking at least ten years of schooling ahead of him. And a hell of a lot of money for us." He frowned hard as he said that last part.

Rayna's mouth opened and closed a few times with no words coming out. Finally she slumped down in the bed. "But Prime University? Really? Why does he have to do THAT?"

Facing his wife, Reeve stroked her silky soft cheek. "The University will have him at the top of his class, give him a head start for the space academy, and guarantee him a seat in officer school. All. For. Free. Unless he completely tosses it all and just wastes what he'll be given and I honestly don't see Milo being that type. Tell me why or what is it that has you so freaked out about our son having sex. When he's a man no less."

The mutinous look slowly crept back into Rayna's eyes. She shook her head and looked away but not before Reeve caught her chin and pulled her back. He kissed all around her lips until they softened for him. "I just don't want that life for him," she whispered.

Confusion filled Reeve. "That life? What life? Space school? Living in outer space? Traveling to new worlds? Being financially solvent for life? What life?"

"The sex life!" The words burst out of her unwillingly.

Reese spoke slowly and carefully. "Honey, when Milo has that chip removed he's going to have sex." He grinned wryly, "probably a lot of it if he's a space officer. But for the purposes of this discussion concerning the University, he'll have sex once. Geez woman he'll be a fucking virgin until he's twenty years old! Then he'll put the sausage to one woman, one time, and he's set. He can do whatever the fuck he wants after that. So what sex life? Doesn't sound like he'll have much of one to me until after school."

"But those women—"

"Can't touch him! It's all very ceremonial." Reeve flopped back in the bed. "You know, I thought about doing it for like a minute. But I didn't want to commit to being a virgin until I was twenty." He shot her a sly look. "You know we were banging graduation night after I got that chip out. And there were plenty of kids who started just as soon as they could too. I don't get it sweetie, help me understand."

"They don't touch him?" Her voice was small and quiet.

"No." His hands gestured in the air as he spoke: "We get the chip when we're born, right, but when boys turn twelve, they pull us into a special class. They explain...well pretty much everything. The students at the University are treated like gold. Those women know they need virgins. NEED THEM as a VIRGIN. It is completely forbidden for anyone to touch a boy before he completes all his schooling AND is twenty years old. Not eighteen, not nineteen, twenty. They want the boys completely done with all academic school, mature, and ready for their future." He looked over to gauge how well she was listening, and found her frowning in concentration.

"Now, I will say that as boys, we talked outside of class. There were ones with older brothers, dads, uncles; everyone knew someone it seemed who had gone there. It is possible for a man to stick around the Manor for a while after school. Just take the education and the money payout and settle down over in Prime and live without working, servicing the women over there whenever they want..." At Rayna's huff he continued, "but think of Milo. He has plans, big ones. Honestly, think about our son and ask yourself: what's he going to do?"

He could see Rayna thinking things over, so he slowly reached out and began to trace lazy designs on her chest, dipping lower and lower. "I didn't know they did that; took the boys aside like that." She turned to him. "Milo really wants to go to space?"

"He really does. Officer school even. The boy has mapped a successful future." Reeve leaned down and licked Rayna's nipple through her gown, watching it get hard.

She grabbed a handful of his hair and pulled his head away from her breast. "You're still not getting lucky tonight."

He knew at that point he had her. A slow evil grin crept over his face. "That's it baby. Hurt me. Make me beg."

"Oh god!" she jerked her hand away and tried to push him back. "You're so gross."

With a nearly maniacal laugh, Reeve pounced on his wife. Without giving her time to think, he dove under the blankets and dragged up her gown. She began to fight as he started to pull down her panties. When her kicking legs prevented him from succeeding, he simply gave a hard jerk and tore them free.

"Reeve!" Rayna whisper-screamed in complete shock.

With open access, he grabbed her thighs and lifted them up, burying his face in her cunt. The little sneak was damp—not wet; he'd take care of that—but she had to have been feeling at least a little bit of a buzz to have the beginnings of a wet snatch. He had been licking this woman's pussy for nearly twenty years and knew just what to do to turn her protest into accepting moans. Lifting her legs higher, he dragged his tongue over the tight rosebud down below.

Rayna shrieked and slapped a hand over her mouth. With her free hand she grabbed Reeve's hair again and gave a hard yank. He never deviated from his mission.

Shoving his tongue as far as he could inside her pussy, he began to suck and almost instantly had his mouth flooded with her pussy juice. Oh yes, he knew what she liked. Using a finger to gently massage her clit, he kept on sucking until her hips were bucking on the bed and he had to hold her down. When he felt her thighs tighten, he stopped all movement until he heard her cursing.

He counted to ten and she began to relax. Immediately he went back to work. She hated it when he did that: took her right to the edge and stopped. Hated it but loved it. So when he did it again, sucked her hard until he felt her tighten up, and then stopped, she gave another shriek and this time threatened to relieve him of his manhood with scissors if he let her cum.

Unable to keep from chuckling, he trailed kisses all the way up her body. Poking his head out from under the blanket, he found furious eyes glaring at him. Shoving her gown up the rest of the way, he latched onto her nipple and sucked it deep into his mouth causing her to gasp and writhe under him.

"Fuck you Reeve. "Her voice was raspy.

"Oh no baby. I'm going to fuck you. Now turn over."

Her snapping eyes met his. In a sudden move, she leaned up and grabbed his face and kissed him deeply. Taking the lead, she swept her tongue into his mouth, lapping up her taste on his lips. Breaking the kiss, she continued to glare at him. "I don't like you right now."

"I know. You love me. Now turn over."

With a frustrated growl, Rayna flipped in his arms and presented him with her back. She yanked her nightgown off completely and shoved her hips up under him. She had pussy juice dripping down her thighs, her breathing fast and ragged.

Reeve grasped her hips in his hands. Damn but he loved her ass. Plump and soft, it rippled when he dropped a soft slap onto her cheek. At her muffled cry, he smiled and stroked her pussy, smearing the thick wetness everywhere.

Taking his now rock-hard and throbbing cock in hand, he slowly pushed inside her. Hissing in a breath, he marveled at how tight she still was after all these years. Once he was seated deep inside her, she gave a twitch of her hips and then clenched her inner muscles down on him. "Fuck woman!" The pleasure and pinch of pain that movement brought him caused the spunk in his balls to jump. He gave her another, slightly harder slap on the ass in punishment but she didn't let up.

With her squeezing his cock tight, he began to pound into her. The wet slapping sounds filled the air, along with their grunts and moans. "Touch yourself," he demanded.

Rayna obeyed and reached down between her legs. She didn't just touch herself; she positioned her fingers on either side of his cock so that he felt the rub with each stroke. His balls drew up tight, ready to spew, but he had to wait—wait for her. His strokes went a bit wild—harder and out of rhythm—as he ground his teeth together, holding it back.

Finally, he heard the gasp, the one she always gave just before...there it was. Her hips bucked hard and her inner walls tightened incredibly, gripping him and pulling him in even deeper. Reeve let go and let it take him, euphoria pouring through his body as his release poured into her. He continued to pump, slow and deep, emptying it all out.

When the combination of all the juices started to weep out between them, he gave her ass a final slap and eased out. Dropping back to sit on his heels, he watched as Rayna collapsed on the bed. Knowing she'd be pissed if she leaked on the sheets, he dragged himself up and to the bathroom. He gave himself a quick swipe with a towel, wetted a cloth with warm water, and went back out to her. Taking the time to clean her himself, he figured, was the least he could do.

"You are a menace." Her voice was still raspy as her breathing had yet to level out.

He laid down beside her and pulled her over onto his chest. "And you're one sexy hot momma."


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