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Sister Incest /Multiple Personality

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Amy Alicia, sister and incest, she has multiple personality.
2.1k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 11/22/2022
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It has been 5 years since I left home, I have been living on my own since it all started. I was a coward at the time unable to deal with my emotions, I let my pecker control me at the time. When it all started my sister had just turned 18 years of age. She used to walk around the house in just a sweat shirt and no panties. I am ten years older than her, she has always had a crush on me.

She would sit on the couch when I was in the recliner, the two faced each other in the living room. She would sit on the couch with just that sweat shirt on and spread her legs. Then she would lift the shirt up the her belly button and just wait for me to catch a glimpse. Then she would close her legs and pull the shirt back down as she looked at me and smiled.


Five years earlier....

My sister's name is Amy Alicia she has just turned 18, we were having up dinner at the kitchen table. She is sitting across from me and bringing her bare foot up and rubbing it up and down my bare leg. I am just wearing short gym shorts. My dick is getting hard as she rubs my leg and my penis is poking it's head out through the bottom of my shorts.

Amy is wearing her purple sweat shirt at the table and Mom has fixed some London Broil for dinner. It is just Mom to my right, Dad to my left, and my sister directly across from me. They are oblivious to the fact that something is going on between us. Although Mom has noticed that Amy is a little more happier than normal. Mom's eyes keep looking up at Amy as she seems to have a smile on her face all the time now.

Mom, "So Amy now that you have graduated High School your college admission will be next. How long will that be? Are you still looking at going to that school in Worcester, Massachusetts. Or have you decided to go on the one in Cleveland, Ohio?"

Amy just looked up at her Mom, her question broke her attention from rubbing my leg. She looked up at me and then to her Mom. "Everything is happening so fast, I really do not want to think about it right now. I really just want to enjoy this moment with family right now."

Amy's Mom looked over at me, then to her husband across the table. "OK dear whatever you say."

Amy, "I feel a little off I need to go up stairs to my bedroom for a minute, I be right back."

Mom, "OK dear."

Dad just smiled at me and to Mom as we all watched her get up from the table. Amy went to her bedroom to change into a pair of slacks and a silk top. The clothing was modest to the sight and it did not reveal much skin. Even the sleeves were buttoned tight around the wrist. Amy approached the table and took a seat and started to eat her dinner. She did not attempt to put her foot on her brother's leg, she even had slippers on. She was no longer barefoot.

I watched her eat a little, Mom looked at Dad and spoke. "Another moody day I see, why could you not finish eating your meal with out changing your clothes. Your meal must be cold by now, here let me take it and put in in the microwave."

I admired the top she had on and spoke, "That is a lovely top you have on Amy."

Amy immediately grimaced looked at me and stuck her tongue at me. I was thrown back a little, she was not flirty with me anymore, even had animosity toward me. Just to look at me she would look away. I really could not understand what was going on. "I really did like the Purple Sweat Shirt you were wearing before though."

Amy, "Damn you I will wear what I want. Also by the way Mom I have decided to go to Cleveland, Ohio. They have a nice school there. I will be leaving out at the end of the month. I have a lot of things to do for the preparation of the trip there. Everything is lined up though, all the I's are dotted and all the T's are crossed."

Mom put her meal down in front of her daughter Amy so she could finish her meal. "That's nice dear, we will be here to help you as much as we can."

After the meal I went to the couch and scrolled down through the channels to find a movie. Amy went back up to her bedroom and changed into her purple sweat shirt. She came back into the living room and sat down next to me. She had brought a light blanket with her. She laid her head down on my lap, then she covered herself with the blanket. She was sprawled out over the couch. Mom and Dad are doing the dishes as we sat and relaxed watched some television.

Amy reached up under the blanket and unzipped the fly on my jeans. Then she unbuckled my belt, and fumbled to open the top of my jeans. I just had on a pair of boxers so my cock popped right up as it immediately started to get rock hard. Amy then started to lick the head of my cock. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the sensation of my sister licking the tip.

Mom noticed Amy was laying on my lap with a blanket and I had my eyes closed. I opened my eyes shortly after Amy started to lick the tip of my cock. I looked toward the kitchen and I noticed that Mom was looking directly at me while she was drying the dishes. I considered that she was just wondering why I was not helping them do the dishes. Either way I was not about to get up after Amy had my fly down and the tops of my jeans wide open. I just looked away and closed my eyes again.

Amy then took my cock completely into her mouth and was circling her tongue around the head of my cock. I suppose all those years of teasing me had finally got to her.

Then Mom and Dad walked by and said, "We are headed out to see a movie. We will see you later when we get back."

I looked at them as they walked by and smiled, then managed to get out a word. "OK, see you later. Amy has fallen asleep so I will let her know."

As they left Amy looked up at me, "Let's go to my bedroom."

We immediately went to her bedroom, Amy took off her top and in that instant she was completely naked. I had held my jeans together as we walked to her bedroom, when I arrived in her bedroom she immediately stripped my jeans and my boxers off. Then she pealed my top off, we were both naked now as she stared at my cock.

Amy, "Fuck me now, we might not get another chance."

I immediately went to her pussy, I stuck my tongue into her pussy and started to flick my tongue back and forth. I could feel her clit had begun to swell and sucked it in between my lips. I then ran my tongue back and forth across her clit as she began to moan. It was not long and she gushed her girl cum into my mouth. I think she probably had two orgasms before I had even had one.

I moved up her belly kissing her belly button and then her breasts. She tasted great. I was in heaven running my tongue and my lips across her skin.

Then my penis started to enter her Pussy. "Careful," she said, "I am a virgin, go easy."

I held back for a moment, I did not realize she was a virgin. It was the furthest thing from my mind with all the flirting she did with me. I started to move from being on top of my sister. I did not want to be the one to take her virginity.

Amy, "No stop, do not leave. Enter me, I need you in me!"

So I stayed, I put my cock at her entrance. I could feel the warmth of her pussy, as I pushed I could feel the resistance of her hymen. Amy spoke, "Push!"

I pushed into her as my cock plunged into her pussy. Then Amy spoke,"Stop stay still for a moment."

I stayed still for a while, just feeling the warmth of her pussy as it surrounded my cock.

Amy, "OK move slow, but call me Alicia."

"OK Amy." I started to move slow and then Alicia spoke, I am Alicia not Amy. Call me by my name or get off of me. I want your baby so make it deep and make it spurt deep and thick."

I tried to ignore what was said thinking it was her moodiness again. I moved slow, then took her earlobe in between my lips. I sucked on her lobe and it made me feel like I had her clit between my lips. I ground my penis into her cervix, it felt so good. In about 5 minutes of grinding my penis into her cervix, and me whispering Alicia into her ear. She began to climax, then my orgasm began to erupt. I spurted my cum deep into her pussy.

All of a sudden Amy pushes me off of her, "Get off of me she demanded."

I was so confused I could not understand what was going on. First she heads to her room to change during dinner, then while eating her meal she completely changed her mood and stuck her tongue out at me. Then she tells me she wants my baby and then screams at me after I exploded my jism to get off her. My head was spinning I just didn't comprehend the situation at all.

Amy immediately went into the shower and took the spray nozzle to her pussy. She stuck it in deep and sprayed the cum from her brother completely out of her pussy. At least she tried to work it all out. I just laid there in her bed. Totally confused and not wanting to interact with her at all.

After she was done spraying her pussy she dressed herself in jeans and a top that didn't reveal much skin at all. She came and laid down next to me. I was totally naked, she spoke. "Just hold me close. Do not try to take my clothes off. I just want to feel you close."

We stayed there for about another hour then I dressed and we headed back to the living room. Amy spoke, "I will be headed to college soon. We have to stop this relationship." I was bewildered by the wild swings she was having. It just didn't make any sense to me.

She looked at me, "We have to find other people to love, someone we can have a long term relationship with."

I mentioned to her, "we could have a relationship as a threesome, or maybe a foursome. Then we could still have each other."

Amy, "No I want a man all to myself. I do not want to share him with anybody. I want to be able to do what I want with him and go anywhere with him. I can not do that with you, we are brother and sister. We will always be running away from the fact that we are siblings. We can not avoid it though, we are blood related."

I looked at her, "Well you should have thought about that before you started to tease me all the time. Showing me your pussy and running around the house in skimpy clothes!"

Amy, "Get out! Get away from me. I do not want you around me anymore!"

About that time Mom and Dad pulled into the driveway, they walked into the house and immediately went straight to their bedroom. I packed my clothes from the dresser I had in the spare bedroom. Then I left, I left for Indiana. I figured it was a good enough place to restart. I knew some friends there. I had some cousins near and they would probably help me find a job there.


Flip back to present day. Amy just called me and asked me to come over and stay for a while. She just had a split with her husband. But she told me that she wanted to be called Alicia when I arrived. She said do not ever call her Amy again.

So here I go, I just pulled into the driveway of our parents home. I guess will see how this goes.

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ScottishTexanScottishTexanover 2 years ago

So the very first person to comment chose to do so anonymously. That's a crying shame because what he or she said was entirely correct and accurate:

Interesting premise, but truly flawed execution of the idea.

I don't really believe that you have enough exposure to people who truly have a multiple personality disorder to accurately portray someone suffering from the illness. It just didn't feel right. 😕

Then add to that the writing skills that didn't surpass the Intermediate School Level and you get a recipe for disaster. Is the narrator a step sibling, a half sibling, or a full blooded sibling? From your writing there's no clear answer to this question. I started reading this under the impression that they were full siblings. But then later on the narrator says "Amy's Mom" instead of "Our Mom" causing confusion.

Your "world building" also has problems. He's ten years older than the sister and she just turned 18. What loser is still living at home full time at 28 years of age with no girlfriend or significant other? Most men have started a family and have their first kid by 25 years of age.

You have a great concept for some kind of a story. But there's not much more than that. 1/5

Gym52Gym52over 2 years ago

You are endeavouring to enter the psyche of a multi personality psychiatric problem. This female needs professional medical treatment prior to any meaningful relationship.

jlc123jlc123over 2 years agoAuthor

I have had a lot of people put this story into their favorites, so I will do another chapter. But I want to do a good job on the emotions of the sister in the next chapter. If their are any reading this and would like to comment on how she may feel. Please comment so I can learn a little about how to proceed.

DarkkBrothaOneDarkkBrothaOneover 2 years ago

I don't feel the need to roast as badly as previous readers, but you should definitely try this one again. My suggestion, flesh this one out a heck of a lot better. It's fresh and innovative plot line. But you rushed it. There's build up. No origin or cause of the psychosis. Take your time, research the subject matter, flesh out the characters and perhaps let another trusted person read your story before you upload it. This COULD be great, but it needs a lot of work.

KrazyKumbucketKrazyKumbucketover 2 years ago

Dude. Dont quit your day job.. Please quit writing, you suck at it

sp9983sp9983over 2 years ago

Flood back and forth, no background, hard to follows.

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