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Sister Incest /Multiple Personality Pt. 02

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Part Two of Sister Incest/ Multiple Personality.
2.5k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 11/22/2022
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This Chapter is from the point of View of Amy Alicia the sister. She has a multitude personality complex, Alicia is the more conservative personality and Amy is the more flamboyant one. But there is a twist, is there more personalities?


Alicia -

I am so frustrated with my life. I thought it would have turned so differently by now. A good college education, and a good Job. Yet I can not seem to stop Amy from coming around.

That is why I am divorced now, Amy keeps coming to the surface and getting sexually frustrated.

I was married to Daniel, he was such a good person. We met in college during an anatomy class. We had the same course as I was debating on if I wanted to study for a Doctor or just an RN.

He was fine, standing at 6 feet tall with dark hair. He was fit and muscular as he jogged two miles every morning before his classes. He also went to the gym two days a week. He was very careful about his diet also. It was all about being fit and trim for him.

Yet he was very conservative, when it came to sex it always had to be the missionary position. It was kind of dull for me at times. But that really did not bother me as I am very conservative also. As long as he was happy so was I.

We met in our first year of college, we were both sophomores. The first date we went he took me to a Mexican restaurant, the kind you know you will have chips and salsa brought to the table at no extra cost. But if you just get a drink you would have to pay for the chips and salsa. Then we went to the movies after he brought me directly to my dormitory.

He never even tried to kiss me on the first date. It went on with us for like two months, then he asked me to marry him. But it had to be a six month engagement, nothing less.

During the engagement he brought me to meet his parents, they were conservative also. Strictly Roman Catholic, nothing less, they told him if I was a Protestant he could not marry me. This is how it was and he followed suit. I told them I did not go to church. So they were happy, because they told me I could be confirmed into the Catholic Church.

I was happy to please Daniel because I loved him so much. He was just like me, conservative.

We were married after the 6 month engagement and nothing changed. It was school, study, and church.

Then Amy started coming to the surface when we would lay down at night. I would start to get a headache and my thoughts started to get cloudy, before I knew it I had no memory of the night when I would get up in the morning. Kind of like what would happen when I was home with my parents before I went to college. Except Amy dominated most of my time when I was at home.

I can remember some of my childhood but not much of it. I have blurry moments when I would sleep. I can remember my father coming in the room, then my memory is blank.

I was able to take control of Amy at times, when I was able to come to the surface and force Amy to the background. Amy would tease my brother Jack, then once in went too far. I forced Amy to the background then when I did my brother was on top of me. He was fucking me, his penis was in my vagina and it revolted me. It was my brother Jack, I was able to roll to get him off of me and I screamed for him to get off me. Then I screamed for him to get out. I demanded for him to leave and get away from me.

I really did not have the right to demand that he leave and get away from me. It was my parents home, what right did I have to tell him to leave. I had none, I was just so revolted by him being on top of me.

Jack immediately packed his things from his room. He gave me a frown and packed his car. It did not take him long, he was traveling in his car and I did not know where, he didn't bother to tell me. But I was happy, I was able to control the situation and I forced Amy to the background.

But then Amy started coming to the surface after I was married to Daniel for around 6 months. I would wake up with no memory of the night. Daniel started to become distant with me, sometimes he would say good morning to me other times he would just look at me in a strange way. We were drifting apart, I seemed helpless to control the situation.

Amy -

Alicia is a bitch, she forced my brother away from me. She thinks that she was able to force me away, but I just let her have her way. I did so because she was causing me to have blurry thoughts when I would try to surface. It was just easier to let her have her way.

I could see what she was doing, so dull and drab. She thought she was so happy with Daniel but it was the same ole thing every day, day in and day out. I was sexually frustrated, and so so angry at Alicia for chasing my brother away from me. I had to have my revenge and get my brother back.

That first night I had been able to come back to the surface when she was with Daniel. I was coming back, I did not care what she thought. I concentrated so hard to come back. I know I gave her a headache.

Amy - "Oh Daniel you look so sexy tonight. I want to try something different tonight, you just lay right there and let me tack control."

Daniel - "What are you doing Alicia, you know how I like things. Just let me please you and then we can get some sleep for our classes."

Amy - "No Daniel, it is my turn tonight. This time it is my turn to please you. Your going to have a night you will never forget. Just relax there and let me take control."

This is what happened when Amy took control that night....

Amy moved up on her knees as Daniel stayed still in bed, his head on his pillow and his eyes bugging out. He had never seen his Alicia this way. He had never been with a woman that demanded to take control of sex at night. Daniel was bewildered and his eyes bugged out of his head.

Amy kissed Daniel on his lips and then kissed his neck. As her thoughts were of her brother Jack, she proceeded. She moved to Daniel's neck and to his torso as she kissed all the way. Daniel was already naked as he was ready to fuck Alicia and then get some sleep.

Amy came to his crotch and licked his cock. His member had gone soft when Amy came to the surface. This was something completely out of the norm for Alicia. He did not know what was going on, he could not understand what had gotten into Alicia.

Amy took Daniel's soft cock into her mouth and slid her tongue back and forth. Then she worked on his slit, Daniel let out an Ohhh. He cock began to harden from the stimulation. In no time he was hard.

Amy continued to work his cock with her magic tongue. She slid her tongue back and forth and rolled her tongue around his little helmet. He began to pulse his cock and started to get even harder than what he was when he first became hard in Amy's mouth.

Amy recognized his pulsing, he was about to explode with his seed. She raised up on her knees and lifted her right leg over his crotch. Then she grabbed his cock and guided it into her pussy.

Daniel's eyes were the size of a US quarter now as he watched his wife Alicia taking control. She plopped herself down on his cock and she started to bounce up and down.

Amy looked down at Alicia's husband Daniel and the only thing she could see was Jack. As she continued to work Daniel's cock with a tirelessly insistent approach. Amy stared into the eyes of what she thought was Jack.

Amy's orgasm was starting to approach, she began to moan. "Ohhh, ohhh, yesss, yesss, Jack. Oh Jack cum in me, hard Jack fill me with your cum. Make me pregnant Jack and fill with your seed!!!!"

Daniel's eyes did not blink once as he watched his wife Alicia having her orgasm on his cock. Then Amy was finished, she collapsed onto Daniel's chest. She was breathing heavy and she started to kiss Daniel's chest.

Daniel rolled out from under Amy, he looked at his wife Alicia, then he screamed.

"What the Hell was that Alicia."

Daniel was so disturbed he went to the couch in the living room, pulled the throw off the back of the couch and when to sleep.

In the morning Daniel awoke from his sleep. Alicia was not up yet. He fixed his coffee.

Alicia awoke in bed with a headache, she had no memory of last night. All her memories were blurry and Daniel was not in bed. He was gone, he never did that. What happened, is he still home. She thought to herself.

Alicia got dressed and went to the kitchen. Daniel was there drinking his coffee. He would not even look his wife Alicia in the eyes. He did not even say good morning.

Alicia fixed a cup of coffee, sat down across from her husband Daniel. Then she spoke, "Good morning Daniel."

Daniel - "What is so good about it. I have to get to class."

For the next two years Daniel never made a move on his wife Alicia. She had taken control of the relationship, he thought. She spoke her brother's name in her orgasm, he wanted nothing to do with her. The thought of Alicia having sex with her brother just repulsed him. This is the only thing he could imagine that happened. Why else would she call out her brother's name in her orgasm.

Daniel did not know that Alicia was not Alicia. He did not know that she had another personality that would take control.

Daniel with all his thought to hep people with medical problems. He did not even consider that a multiple personality could be real. After all, someone does not know if a person struggles with another personality, they would never know that they have changed. Unless they had been informed that it is the normal for their personality.

Even Amy's brother Jack did not know she had another personality that would come to the surface. Maybe it was because of a childhood trauma that she had endured, or maybe it was just because.

Alicia did not really know what was going on, and Amy just felt like she was being suppressed. Amy felt that Alicia was too conservative and that she would not like Amy if they ever met.

Amy and Daniel continue in their lack luster marriage. Daniel did not trust Alicia, and Alicia was too afraid that Amy would come to the surface and take control.

After they had been married and they were in they're second year of college, Daniel filed for a divorce, then told her he would not renew the rental agreement with her.

Amy could not afford the rent by herself, she was still in college. So Amy went to the only place she could think of that would work. Back to her parents home, then she looked for a community college in the area.

The day Alicia had the papers served on her, Amy was able to take control. Alicia had another headache, then Alicia knew she had lost.

Amy was in control now, she had her revenge. Now her goal was to get her brother back. But would he even take her back.


Jack pulls up into his parents driveway, gets up from the driver's seat and walks to the front door.

Amy opens the door, "Jack! I'm so glad to see you! I have missed you so much! We have to talk I know you have questions!"

Jack - "Your so confused Amy, the last time I saw you it was a crazy time! I can not understand why you even wanted me to come here and see you here at our parent's home. Are Mom and Dad home right now?"

Amy - "Mom and Dad have taken a long three day weekend to the beach. They asked me if I wanted to come but I told them I wanted to wait for you to arrive here at the house."

Jack - "Why do you even want me here?"

Amy put her arms around Jack and pressed her lips to his. She pushed her tongue into his lips and then she pushed her crotch into his penis. Jack was bewildered by her sudden friendliness. It was not like the last time they were together. Jack was expecting at any moment she would turn and scream at him to get out.

Amy took his hand and led him into her bedroom. She unbuckled his belt and unzipped his fly. She then hooked her thumbs into his underwater and his pants. In one swoosh Jack was naked from the pants down.

Amy took his cock in between his lips and started to slide her tongue back and forth along the front of his cock. Amy was looking up at Jack into his eyes. Then Jack took off his shirt and his t-shirt so he could see her better. Now Jack was completely naked, but Amy was still dressed.

Amy stopped and stood to face Jack and kissed him. "Remember how I told you to never call me Alicia again? Well that is the problem that took place between us the first time. I want you to fuck me and I want you to whisper Amy in my ear the whole time. I want you to suck on my ear lobe also while you are fucking me. Then I want you to cum in me so hard I can not contain all your cum."

Amy said all this as she was stripping her clothes off. Then she laid on the bed and spread her legs.

Jack - "This is a dream come true Amy, but after I fuck your brains out. After I dump my cum in you so hard that you'll see stars for the next three weeks. We have to go for Counseling, I want to get the real issues to the surface so that we do not have the same problems as before."

Amy - "OK Jack, anything you say. I have missed you so much that I will do anything you say."

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Carnivale42069Carnivale42069over 1 year ago

So, I love the premise, very hot, loads of potential, and ffs, it’s smut! Please don’t take it too seriously. That said, the writing and grammar were horrendous. Please run it through grammarly. A little planning and you’re golden!

DarkkBrothaOneDarkkBrothaOneabout 2 years ago

I gotta tell ya...not really all that great. But, I give you credit; dealing with a subject like multiple personalities is very a very difficult ask for most anyone. However it can be done. Might I suggest you read the book "Addicted" by Zane. Then attempt this story again. To be done well, I also suggest taking your time. Try to hard to get to the "sizzle" will ruin the "steak." I do hope you try this again. I have faith that you could pen a great one.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I think you confused Amy and Alicia. He had sex with Alicia in the first chapter. How does that make her conservative?

ScottishTexanScottishTexanover 2 years ago

The writing style for this installment was every bit as bad as the first one. BOTH need to be totally rewritten with a huge amount of PLANNING taken before you write the first word. You need to decide from the beginning whether or not you're going to several first person narratives from each character or a third person perspective and STICK TO THAT ONE METHOD FOR THE ENTIRE STORY. The flipping back and forth is annoying in the extreme. 🙄

Also, because of your poor writing skills, the whole thing with the parents being conveniently out of town for three days felt like it was information thrown in afterwards. It was totally contrived.

Find yourself someone who is willing to be a ghost writer for you and feed your information to them. Let them write this because you’re slaughtering what could be an interesting tale. 🤔 1/5

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