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Sisters Ch. 01


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I continued ramming my cock into her body, hearing her moans increase, while Sally at the door squeezed her tits, mesmerized by our activity and having no clue I watched every move she made.

At one point I realized Sally closed her eyes while playing with herself. I pulled the rope, and the door opened. Sally's eyes opened several seconds later, and she discovered I was looking at her. She was ready to run away, but I motioned to her to come. She nodded her head 'no.' I whispered, "Please, Sally, come sit on the chair, and you can see everything you want without being embarrassed."

She stared into my eyes, trying to guess if I was serious.

"Sally, dear. Come sit down. I mean it."

She moved slowly, looking frightened like a deer caught in a headlight. I thought she preferred to go back to her room, but her arousal was too intense to give up...

I turned Elena sideways on the bed, to face Sally. Her eyes were shut. I straightened her leg under me and pounded her this way while inserting my thumb in her mouth. Her lips began sucking it. I tweaked her tit, giving Sally a close up view of our sexual bliss. The closer Elena was to climaxing, Sally's face reddened and her chest heaved. She was very horny too.

I signaled to Sally to come closer. She nodded 'no.' I didn't insist.

I looked at Elena, and said, "Elena, honey, I love to fuck you and play with your gorgeous tits. Wouldn't you love the same - Being filled with a cock in your cunt, and at the same time play with fantastic tits? Or even better - Replace my thumb with a tasty hard nipple?"

"Joe, what are you doing to me?! I would do anything you want."

"I want to see your luscious lips latch to Sally's terrific tit."

She whined, "Joe, your dick is perfect. Yes, I'll do it but she is not here, and she won't agree..."

I slowed my fucking and whispered loudly, "Honey, if you ask her nicely, I think she will."

I increased the rate and power of my strokes as Elena opened her eyes and saw her sister facing her. Elena's orgasm was too close to talk or fight. She closed her eyes again, and a few seconds later, she began screaming. I moved my palm from her breast to her clitoris and rubbed it. Her body started shivering uncontrollably. I continued my ministrations for at least 10 more minutes before erupting inside her.

When it was over I rolled on my back. Sally took the opportunity and disappeared. I didn't doubt she went to masturbate in her room or the bathroom.

Elena started moving several minutes later. She gave me an amused look, "Mr. Pervert, what did you do to convince Sally to sit and watch us?"

"I caught her listening to our sounds, and decided to let her in. Why be outside trying to hear, if you can actually enjoy the sight with your own eyes?"

She thought for a moment, "I wonder what she'll say to us when we sit together in the living room."

"Honey, you can be gracious and say that seeing her there made it even better. Now, the 3 of us can feel good about everything and she won't feel like a third wheel."

She smiled, "I think you are right. The funny thing - There are moments during our sex I do not recall, but the time you asked me to suck her tits, I was ready to do it..."

"Elena, I think initially Sally will be ashamed to have been caught red handed, but once you tell her about your readiness and wish to suck her nipple, she'll feel better. Don't you think we should keep our door open and let her join?"

"I still can't get my mind around having a threesome with my sister but I get what you are saying. If she agrees to that, we should probably be under the influence..."

I kissed her lips, "I agree. It would be better to relax the first time. I bet that the second time we would feel more relaxed."

She sat up, "Let's go to the living room and see how Sally feels about what happened. I wouldn't be surprised if she chose to leave us and go back to her apartment..."


Sally sat on the couch and watched TV, pretending she didn't notice us walking in her direction. Elena sat by her sister and hugged her. Sally had a little smile but continued staring at the screen. Elena said, "Sis, everything is fine. We are not angry or upset. In retrospect, it was fun. Unexpected, but still fun."

Sally, red-faced, gazed at Elena without saying a word. Elena winked at her. Sally's eyes turned to me. I said, "Elena is right. There is no reason to feel uncomfortable. When a young adult does not have sex in a while, and is suddenly confronted with a noisy couple who does it in front of him or her, it is natural to be curious and get aroused. I think I would have reacted the same if I was in a similar situation."

She mumbled, "Thank you guys for being nice, but I still feel awful. I shouldn't have done it. I behaved stupidly."

"Girls, I have an idea. The other day I got a nice bonus for a job well done. tomorrow evening, let's drink to my success and go to a movie of my choice."


The following evening, I grabbed a bottle of Chardonnay and filled 3 large glasses with the wine. As we drank, Elena chuckled, "Sally, I know my man. Be prepared to see an action movie with blood from here to China or a Star Wars chapter named 'Conquering Andromeda..."

I waited until the ladies finished their wine and added the remaining to the empty glasses. I blurted, "Girls, I am offended you do not trust me to select an appropriate movie. I'll give you a clue - We go to Landmark Theater."

Sally smiled, "They have old movies. In my experience, these films are better than the newest ones."

"Good. So we agree then. Get dressed, the movie starts in 45 minutes,"

I changed to a nicer shirt and pants, and waited for them. They appeared 20 minutes later, smiley, both with elegant long dresses, showing generous cleavage...

I whistled appreciatively. They looked at each other and giggled. Elena said, "I told you. He is a titman. A nice cleavage is like a red flag to a bull - He simply cannot resist."

"Ladies, I am sorry, but if you want me to ignore your beautiful chests, just tell me, and tomorrow I'll start taking estrogens..."

Sally blushed and Elena muttered, "That'll be the day..."

We drove to the theater and arrived seconds before the room darkened. I chose a couple's-seat, and we cramped in it together. I sat in the middle with both girls to my sides. To make it more comfortable, I rested my arms around their shoulders. The commercials took 10 minutes and then the name of the movie showed on the large screen: Blue Is The Warmest Colour.

Sally remarked, "I remember reading about the movie, but I don't recall the details."

I chortled, "You'll see in a moment, but believe me, it's not about war or sci-fi. It's a French movie."

I was surprised neither Elena nor Sally had seen it before. I guess I was lucky... As they started watching, My hands began caressing their shoulders and upper arms slowly. Four eyes concentrated on the film. I saw the movie years ago, and my eyes wandered from one girl's breasts to the other. Elena's chest was nice yet smaller and more familiar, so naturally, I focused longer on Sally's.

Elena's body shifted forward, and my palm rested on her shoulder. Sally moved back, leaning her head on my shoulder. As a result, my hand slid forward, landing on her side boob. She gasped but continued staring at the screen. I left my arm in place and pretended to watch the movie too. I felt her breathing increased, yet her body didn't move. I waited a couple of minutes and then gingerly caressed her side boob. Sally's torso stayed as if planted in her seat, but I heard a soft moan.

I didn't know if that was the result of the alcohol, the erotic stares between the 2 girls in the film, or her need for love, but Sally did not resist my wandering hand. I slowly cupped her voluptuous covered breast and lightly massaged it. Her breathing stopped and she peeked at Elena. Her sister was leaning forward with her eyes hypnotized by the feature movie. Sally's pulse shot up. Her head leaned on my upper chest and she closed her eyes. The message was clear - No objection...

Next, I began tweaking her tit, feeling her nipple hardening. I moved my palm up and inserted 2 fingers inside her cleavage. Her creamy skin felt amazing. My penis also loved it and began engorging, creating a noticeable tent.

Seconds later I met her stiff nipple. She gasped again, opened her eyes, and looked at me pleadingly.

I gazed at her, and whispered, "Your breast feels terrific."

She whispered back, "What are you doing to me?"

"Your dress emphasizes your gorgeous tits. I had an urge to touch them."

"Joe, you are not fair. I cannot leave and go to my room..."

"Sally, Do you suffer so much that you want to leave?"

She whispered desperately, "It's the opposite. It makes me horny..."

I smiled at her, "In that case, you can play too," and then I grabbed her closest hand, placed it on the bulge in my pants, and helped her palm move on it.

Her face came closer and I heard her say, "You are crazy. What's got into you?"

"You dear!" I leaned and gently kissed her lips. She didn't budge, and her eyes concentrated on mine, "What would you tell Elena if she caught you kissing me?"

I smiled, "I'll say I like you. She knows it. We talked about you last night. I told her that I wanted us to be together. You were curious and likely interested. Elena loved your tits from the time you girls measured bras in Victoria's Secret. And I find you irresistible..."

She smiled, "Joe you are nuts!"

"You may be right," I bent over and kissed her lips again. This time her lips caved in to me and let my tongue invade her warm mouth. I explored her accepting oral cavity, dancing with her tongue, and then disengaged.

She gave me another stare before sighing, turning her back to me, and leaning on the middle of my chest. Sally glanced at the screen, exactly when the 2 actresses kissed each other. My arm was now free to roam all over her chest.

With my palm under her dress, my fingers kneaded her round mammary, enjoying the freedom. I felt her pulse increase gradually, as her small palm returned to my groin and rubbed it up and down.

All this time Elena was focused on the screen, concentrating on the intimate interaction between the 2 actresses.

The longer I massaged Sally's breast and she worked on my covered pecker, the more aroused I became. Based on the acceleration of her respiration and heart rate, Sally felt the same. I couldn't resist - I removed my other hand from Elena's shoulder, unzipped my fly, and exposed my erect cock to the free air.

Sally looked at me quizzingly. I gazed at her. She peeked at her sister, sighed, nodded NO, and her small palm began bobbing my prick. She closed her eyes and licked her lips.

I whispered in her ear, "That's OK. You'll have another chance later at home."

"Joe, I am very aroused, but giving you head in the theater, with my sister and others around, is not an option."

I chortled, "Agreed. However, I can offer an alternative. Lift your butt slightly."

She raised herself somewhat, and I hurriedly moved the hem of her dress up toward her waist. She was stunned. Her eyes checked on her sister again. When she saw Elena was still absorbed in the movie, and in the dark nobody could see anything, she calmed down.

My hand found its way to her cunt, and started massaging her labia. She shut her eyes, spread her thighs, and my fingers bypassed her panties into her drenched snatch. I began finger fucking her vagina, hearing her moan. I accelerated my ministrations, and her groans turned louder.

At one point I saw Elena turn her head toward us. She watched what we were doing for a moment, then smiled, winked at me, and her eyes shifted back to the screen.

Sally's body trembled mildly as she underwent a minor climax. She put her thumb in her mouth to muffle the noise. About a minute later, she gradually relaxed and leaned back in her seat. Ten minutes later she opened her eyes and watched the famous scene when the 2 girls had sex with each other. I watched it, again, with my stiffy still aching. Tough luck, but hopefully later...

When the movie ended, both Sally and I were covered, as if nothing happened between us. If Elena wouldn't have caught us, she wouldn't know what we did.

On the way back, I drove, and both girls sat in the back.

I heard Elena asking Sally, "How did you like the erotic movie?"

Sally answered, "The 2 girls were sexy, and it was amazing to see such an overt lesbian scene in an American public theater."

Elena laughed, "I was thinking the same. By the way, remind me later, and I'll tell you the long part you missed when you and Joe played together."

Sally gasped, and then mumbled, "Oh Jesus, I screwed up again..."

Elena giggled, "No, you didn't. I could have stopped you two if I wanted. I think after the 2 'episodes,' it may be easier to feel intimate together at home. Joe and I want you to be part of 'us3' rather than being '2 and 1."

Sally alternated her gaze between Elena's face and mine in the mirror, "Are you saying you and Joe decided to trap and seduce me?"

"Not exactly, but when we noticed you got aroused by our vocal sex, Joe came up with the idea to have you join us. Frankly, I didn't think you'd agree, but now my impression has changed. So we want you to know that you are invited to our bedroom if you feel like it."

Sally was quiet, now and then looking at us, as if if not believing her ears. After a long pause, she said, "Everything happened so fast. I am ashamed, embarrassed, feel guilty... I don't know what to do. Let me think it over, please."

I said, "Sally, no pressure. We both love you and think we can be a great team. You can always stay in your room, or return to your apartment. However, we'd like you to be here with us and give the 3 of us a chance."

We arrived home. I parked the car. Sally rushed to the door, entered the bathroom, and came out 10 minutes later. She blurted, "Good night," and disappeared into her room.


Elena was next in the bathroom, and when she was done, I went in. As I opened our bedroom door, I saw Elena posing naked on the bed. She said in a seductive voice, "Honey, your game with Sally made me horny. I didn't want to interrupt your act because I was afraid she'd get cold feet and run away, but now it's my turn. And if I am not wrong, you were nice to my sister, but you didn't cum, did you?"

"Elena, you are too smart for your own good. Yes, I did not climax."

She laughed, "That's perfect! Watching a sexy lesbian movie, and having a live show up close, I am ready. You probably got blue balls since the middle of the movie... So Joe, why are you still not in bed fucking the hell out of me?!..."

I smiled, "I was asking myself the same question." I removed my underwear, exposing my saluting pole to her exploring eyes.

I said, "Honey, I am too aroused. If I insert my cock in your pussy, I'll ejaculate in 20 seconds. Let my dong relax a bit as I pleasure you orally. Later, I promise to make him useful..."

"Sounds great. This way I'll cum at least twice."

Elena liked being licked. What I meant was - SHE LOVED IT! Any oral, whether giving or receiving was nice, but feeling my rough tongue on her clit was second only to savage fucking.

My tongue began making circles around her genitals, purposely avoiding her sensitive parts. I closed in on her labia and milked her tasty juices. The tip of my tongue slipped gingerly into her opening, exploring the entrance. Next, I sucked on her inner folds, kept my tongue as deep as I could inside her vagina, and started humming.

Her body jolted in the air and I heard her whimper. Once her orgasm began, I added my thumb to the party, massaging her clitty. The whimpers turned to a cry and her palm pushed my head into her moist cunt.

I lifted my face off her pussy, and inserted 2 fingers into her pussy, roughing her G spot. Elena's cry changed to loud screams.

From the corner of my eye, I noticed new shades behind our door. Sally was there again. This time I did not have a rope to pull the door handle and expose her. I wondered what she would do next.

The answer came earlier than expected - Seconds later, the door handle moved quietly down, and the door slowly opened. I was kneeling between Elena's legs with my thumb on her love nub and 2 fingers rubbing the anterior wall of her vagina, staring straight at Sally's eyes. She watched my expression, and when she saw my inviting smile, she moved gingerly in. She had on a sheer nighty. Watching her against the light in the living room, I could easily see her beautifully protruding tits, the flat tummy, and the shade of her scant bush hair.

Elena kept screaming as Sally approached us. I signaled Sally to sit on the bed, on Elena's side. She did as told with her eyes still focused on mine. While manipulating Elena's genitals with the fingers of one hand, I grabbed Sally's hand using my other one, and placed it on Elena's breast. Sally continued gazing into my eyes, leaving her palm on her sister's tit. Sally seemed hypnotized by my eyes, and her arm didn't move.

I whispered to Sally, "Massage her breast!". She hesitated and then slowly tweaked Elena's orb lightly. By now Elena was deep into her orgasmic bliss, and I doubt she felt Sally's hand or even was aware of her presence in the room.

I let Sally play with the perky tit for a minute or two, while my prick reminded me it wanted to join the action. I removed Sally's palm from Elena's breast and slowly pushed it toward my cock. With her eyes still on my face, she realized my intention once she touched my hard member. She gasped and looked down at it. Then she began caressing it lightly from the spongy head down to the base of my shaft and then my large sack.

I said, "Sally dear, Elena loved to be filled with my stiffy inside her pussy. Please, help me put it in."

She tried a couple of times, but her hands shook, and she succeeded only on her third try. I began pounding Elena's cunt using slow strokes, and noticed Sally's breathing increased, like her sister's.

I lifted Sally's chin to look at me and blurted, "Good girl. Now take off your nighty!"

She glanced at me for a short time before giving in and removing it. Her tits were absolutely the sexiest I've ever seen. I was lucky I didn't shoot right there and then, but I was very close...

I grabbed Elena's hand, and made her touch Sally's large tit. Instinctively, the palm squeezed the breast and began massaging it. Was Elena even aware that her sister was in the room? Did she know what part of the body she was playing with? I had to know.

I intensified my plowing her snatch, and asked Elena, "Honey, we like the way you caress Sally's breast, but I would like to cum watching your hot lips sucking her hard nipple!"

Sally stared at her sister's face. It took Elena, who by now stopped crying and was moaning regularly, a moment to register what I asked her to do. She tried to raise her head but wasn't able, and her head fell down on the mattress. I lifted her head slowly toward the marvelous tit until Elena's lips met the rubbery nipple. She spread her lips and began sucking in earnest.

Sally's hand moved to support Elena's head, as I increased my ramming pace. Elena's mouth and vagina were now both participating in our fun. I shifted gear and fucked harder while kneading Sally's tempting plump breast. Sally now started groaning too.

The sight of us 3 entangled in a three-way, for the first time, was too much and I erupted into Elena's pussy, filling her with billions of moving sperms. Sally's eyes alternated between my cock pounding Elena relentlessly, and her sister's face, which was latched to her boob. Sally was horny. I was sure of it but she didn't get the right opportunity to climax yet... I needed a short break and would be ready for round two - This time concentrating on the sister.

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