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Sisters Ch. 01

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My lover's sister ran away from her boyfriend sisters.
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There was a knock on the door. It wasn't the one time and wait for an answer. It was persistent - The 'open right now!'

I put on my pants and a shirt, and rushed to the door. It was Sally. The older sister of my girlfriend. Her hair was wet and she was sweaty. She was shivering and looked frightened. I let her in, took her coat, and asked, "Before talking, do you want something hot to drink, or a shower?"

"Pleease, hot teeea."

"Give me 2 minutes."

There was no way I'd get her story before she warmed up and felt safer. Once she started sipping the tea, I gazed at her quizzically.

She finished the hot drink, sighed, and looked me in the eye, "Joe, I am sorry to barge unannounced like this, but I had no choice."

"Sally, that's OK. You are sweaty and your clothes are wet. Go, shower, and I'll bring you a soft towel. We can talk later."

"Thank you. It won't take long, I promise."

"Take as much as you want. You can enjoy the jets in our large tub. Elena will be back in about an hour, so relax and take your time."

"Thank you. And, please, if Harry comes here, don't let him in."

"I won't."

She went to the bathroom and I sat on the sofa thinking - Sally and Harry were going steady for almost a year. Sally seemed in love with him. Something serious must have happened to cause her to run away, not wanting to talk to him. I wondered what it could be. Well, when Elena returned, we'd hear the whole story.

I opened the TV and watched the news. The same old war in Ukraine, illegal immigrants crossing the border with Mexico, Trump's legal troubles... I changed the channel to an NBA game.

Elena arrived half an hour early. She noticed the wet floor and the signs of steps to the bathroom and stared at me.

"Honey, your sister is in the bathroom. She'll come out soon and tell us what happened."

Elena didn't bother with me. She opened the bathroom door and closed it behind her.

I heard them talking. It began with a low tone and later turned into loud voices. I heard half sentences, "... what the hell!... And you didn't know?... What a jerk!... Don't worry, I'll talk to Joe..."

I continued watching the screen, but my mind was somewhere else. I waited for the girls to show up and tell me what was going on.

Fifteen minutes later, Elena exited and started making dinner. Luckily, some of the stuff was already prepared. My girl heated the chicken wings and boiled the potatoes, and I helped cut the salad. I found a bottle of Chablis in the bar and put it on the table.

A short time after the table was ready, Sally came out. Her face was reddish but she looked much more calm than before.

I couldn't resist, "Sally, what is going on?"

"I told Elena already. I just found out the bastard is married with 2 children. He played me the whole time. We saw each other twice a week, and he rarely slept at my place, telling me he had 2 jobs - A night guard in a bad neighborhood, and a secret agent for the government. I was never invited to his house because it could have exposed me to unnecessary danger. Earlier today, a woman of about 30 showed up at my apartment and asked me where Harry, her husband, was. I said he was at work. She started crying, saying one of their children was sick. She needed to rush to work and wanted him to skip his visit to his mistress and take the child to the doctor. I joined her, and together we went to see a pediatrician. She said it looked like a virus, gave the child syrup, waited until the fever decreased, and sent us back with a prescription. The wife brought the toddler to the nanny, thanked me, and drove to her work.

After that, I felt awful. I left everything and rushed here. I know Harry. He'll come here and try to convince me to take him back. I do not want to talk to him. Ever!"

I Caressed her shoulder, "Sally, we can go to your apartment, bring everything you need, and you'll stay with in the guest room for as long as you want."

"I am not going there. He is short tempered and can even be violent. He won't let me leave..."

I didn't want to push her but she needed certain things, so I told her to write everything she needed and where to find it. I'd drive there and bring everything with me."

Ten minutes later I was on my way. Harry wasn't there and I found everything Sally wanted. After twenty minutes in her place, I drove back.

Elena arranged the bed for her sister in our guest room. Sally apologized she was tired, and went to sleep shortly after.

Elena and I wanted her to sleep, so we skipped watching our usual TV night in the living room, and went to bed too.

We whispered, still shocked by the unexpected revelation. The 'secret agent' story was used by many scoundrels before, but we didn't suspect Harry. On the surface, he appeared nice and a smooth-talker, yet apparently, he was a liar and a cheater.

We went to sleep early, knowing that the next day was Saturday, and it was supposed to be a beautiful day.


The following morning, as I was finishing shaving, the doorbell rang. I opened the door to Harry. He smiled at me, "I know Sally is here. I need to talk to her."

"She is not interested. Go home, and don't show your face here again."

He stared at my eyes, "I am not afraid of you."

I giggled. Harry was 5'10", 165 pounds. I was 6'3", 200 pounds, and my hobbies included weight lifting and amateur wrestling in the local club...

He said, "Joe, you are stronger, but I can bring 2 of my friends, and together, we'll do whatever we want."

I stopped laughing and hugged his shoulder, "Have you heard about The Marinos?"

"You mean the worst gang in town? Who hasn't?... I have nothing to do with them."

"I thought so. The other day, Tony Marino came to me after the fight and said he loved to see me wrestle. He asked for 6 tickets to my next 2 fights. I gave him the tickets for free, and he said he owed me, so if I needed help, he'd be there for me. I smiled and thought I'd never use his services, but what do you know, I might just do it..."

Harry's face changed in a hurry, "I didn't mean..."

I squeezed his shoulder and whispered, "Now listen to me, and listen well. If I EVER hear you try to talk, approach, or even be seen within a mile of Sally or anybody else she knows, I'll ask Tony to help me. Knowing his reputation, before you even think about it, be sure you have good life insurance. On second thought, his gang may take pleasure torturing your family too..."

"Joe, I am leaving. I swear I won't try to talk to her, but, please..."

"Fuck off, jerk, and I do not want to see your ugly face again!" He was gone in a hurry.

When he left, Sally's door opened. She glanced at me with a worried face, "Joe, thank you for sending Harry away. However, don't you think having a connection with the Marinos may pose a risk?"

I laughed, "Sally, I've never met any of the Marinos. Last week I watched on TV a program about the most dangerous gangs, and the Marinos, with Tony running the show, were mentioned..."

She smiled, "I didn't know you could outconnive the master conniver..."

"Sally, I practice every day on your sister - I come home in the evening and pretend to be tired, so she feels sorry for me and does the dishes herself. Whenever Elena asks me to take the garbage out, I fake backaches, etc."

As I was talking, Elena came out of the bathroom. She hugged her sister, and said, "Don't believe a word he says. He is embarrassed to admit he is a big Teddy bear. He does dishes, takes the garbage, does laundry, and everything I ask him. He knows he better be nice to me, otherwise I'll beat him up. I am not one of his wimpy wrestlers, who give up after 2 seconds!"

I raised my hands in the air, "Honey, I am sorry. You are right. Always right!..."

Sally looked at her 5'6", 130 pounds sister and chuckled, "So Elena is the boss around here..."

I whispered, "Sally, in most loving relationships women are in control. We, men, just pretend we are. It is difficult to admit it. Even to ourselves!"

Sally laughed, "I am jealous. Obviously, you two love each other."

Elena smiled, "I am not sure how I feel about him yet. I test him every day! But he loves me, don't you, darling?"

"I plead the fifth..."

Sally stopped our silly blubbering with a question, "It's such a nice day. Would you like to stroll in the park? I bet the waterfall looks fantastic, and we can take pictures with it in the background."

"Good idea."


An hour later, we were on the trail leading to the waterfall. The trail was too narrow for 3 people in parallel, so the 2 ladies walked in front, and I was behind. I enjoyed watching their backside: Elena was taller and skinnier, while Sally was shorter and curvier. Neither one was strolling - Elena was gliding, and Sally was sashaying...

My dirty mind began comparing their assets. I knew Elena's breasts were B/C cups. Sally was 2" shorter and had much bigger tits, probably D cups. The 2 girls, with their summery dresses and tempting walk, had an arousing effect, and all of a sudden, my penis started growing. WTF?...

We arrived at the waterfall. A large crowd gathered in front of it. Everybody was taking photos, especially from the angle that showed also a beautiful rainbow.

I hinted to the girls to pose for me. Elena faced her sister. They leaned toward each other, and their lips connected exactly at the level of the waterfall. It was a terrific picture, but my cock, which was already halfway up, kept climbing, creating a tent in my pants.

It didn't take long for Elena to notice my situation. She pointed her finger at my bulge and muttered to Sally, "Look at him; He sees 2 girls kissing innocently, and his pervert mind is already fantasizing..."

Sally looked at me and giggled. I blushed, but there was nothing I could do. Eventually, my stiffy went down.

We shot several additional pictures and then returned home.


Late evening, we said good night to Sally, and went to our bedroom. Sally stayed in the living room and watched a soap opera.

In our room, Elena gave me 'the look,' and said, "Honey, today, in the park, you were so cute. To see you blushing when you got caught with your penis hardening was heartwarming. Actually, noticing your reaction aroused me too. Would you be nice and give it to me the way only you know how?..."

"Excellent idea. Looking at your cute butts in the park, and how lovey-dovey you behaved for the camera, reminded me that we hadn't had sex for too long..."

We undressed in a hurry and lay facing each other. I started foreplay - Kissing her softly and tweaking her perky tit, but she blurted, "Joe, skip the appetizer. I am wet already. I want the main course!"

I grabbed both her arms in my hand, lifted them above her head, and whispered, "Not yet, honey. You embarrassed me before, so now you pay for it. I intend to play with your body for as long as I want, and then, if you are extra nice to me, I'll consider putting it in you for a grand finale. Understood?"

"Honey, you are not fair. You are stronger, and there is nothing I can do about it."

"So next time you learn to think before saying or doing things that are uncalled for."

She complained, "You are a terrible person... OK, do whatever you wish, but in the end, I hope you'll let me cum..."

I caressed gently her rubbery nipple, feeling it harden. She wiggled under me, arched her back, and pushed her breast toward my hand to rub it harder. I did not oblige. My hand moved down to her tummy, again, touching her softly, featherlike. She whimpered, trying hard to make me rough her body. I did not yield. Eventually, I reached her cunt. I inserted a finger into her vagina, massaged lightly, and then pulled out. She cried, "I hate you! Let me cum. Now!"

I whispered in her ear, "I love you, dear. But you have to be patient." Next, I moved between her thighs and started licking her soaked labia. I always liked her taste, but this time her juices tasted even better, and were abundant... I made sure to do it slowly, and my tongue didn't touch her clitoris.

Her hands were free now. One pushed my head deeper into her pussy, while her other pinched her nipple hard. I grabbed both her hands and pushed them onto the mattress. She began crying, "I hate you, HATE YOU!"

I raised my head, smiled at the frustrated expression on her face, and said, "Dear, it's time for a ride."

"Say what you want - you are a terrible person. That's it!"

I knelt between her legs, shoved my member inside her waiting cunt, and began pounding her fast and hard. Within seconds she started screaming her heart out. I didn't care. It was MY night, and I'd use her body the way I wanted.

As I was plowing her helpless body, I noticed the light that was always seen through the crack under the door, showed a moving shade. There was only one person outside that door. I continued ravaging Elena's pussy, and noted there were now 2 distinct shades, 3" apart, immobile, behind the door. Apparently, Sally stood by the door and listened...

Her presence served as an aphrodisiac. I intensified my strokes, hearing Elena alternating bursts of cries with incoherent sentences, "Oh, God! Yoou aare the beeest fuucker ever! I feeel your coock all the waaay to my throooat! I aam cuuumming like craaazy..."

All this time, the 2 small shades were still by the door, showing only a minor rhythmic movement. I could only guess what Sally was doing there...

I continued my assault on Elena's body, and told her in a loud voice, "Elena darling, imagine what would your sister say if she saw your slutty body being savagely fucked like that."

She continued screaming, and in between, she mumbled, "I don't caare. Juust fuck meee harder! Shee can watch as muuch as she waaant. I juust want yoour maaagic dick inside meee..."

"Honey, it's nice to know. Letting her watch us going at it may be very exciting. Who knows, perhaps one day she'll even want to join us!"

"Joe, Wheen yoou fuuuck mee like thaat, I'll acceeept anybody."

"It's so unfortunate. We can do whatever we want, and Sally is all alone outside. Your sister is very attractive. Don't you think we should let her in and be one big family?"

"Joe, let heer in if yoou want, but pleease, fuuck mee harder!"

With the corner of my eye, I saw the 2 shades moving away from the door.

"Elena, it's time for me to cum now. Take it!" Subsequently, I ejaculated deep in her pussy. She was screaming louder than before and continued until I gradually slowed down.

We lay down side by side for like 20 minutes and then we went to the bathroom to brush our teeth. Sally was nowhere to be seen. Her room door was closed.

We returned to bed, and Elena turned to me, "Pervert, did you really mean what you said about Sally?"

I smiled sweetly, "Honey, you are my girl and I would hate to upset you. However, think about your sister - She has nobody, and she hears you scream during your orgasm. Don't you think it is a torture for her? And if you ask me, yes, she is attractive!"

She said shyly, "I know she is sexy. I still remember the time we went to Victoria's Secret together to buy panties and bras. I helped her put on a nice soft bra. Her tits are fantastic... Her body is much more perfect than mine."

"Honey, that is not true. Both of you are feminine, attractive, and very sexy. But each has a different body."

She chuckled, "Nice way of giving me a compliment. Anyway, I know my sister, she'll never go for it. She is not shy or naive, but being in bed with us is not something her character would agree to."

"Elena, you may be right. Let's go to sleep and continue discussing this subject some other time." Fifteen minutes later we were in Lala land.


The following day, I made use of an opportunity. I was alone for 15 minutes in the house and placed a small mirror on one of the shelves in our bedroom. I aimed it in such a way that from the bed I could see part of the entrance to the room. Then I tied one side of a thin rope to the door handle, and the other side I left by the bed on my side.

For our dinner, I took from the bar a bottle of Elena's favorite wine and poured a large portion to each of us. The meal was tasty and everybody seemed to be in a good mood. I noticed Sally wore a dress that showed nice cleavage, and she looked at me differently, although I couldn't put my hand on it. Was it my imagination or related to the discussion she heard us talking during our sex?

Later, we sat on the sofa and put on a movie Elena wanted to watch for a long time - When Harry Met Sally. I thought the name of the movie was such an irony due to Sally's situation, but I said nothing. Elena sat by me with my hand around her shoulder, and Sally found comfort on the couch near Elena.

The movie started, and we concentrated on the screen for the first 15 minutes. I knew the plot before we began, so after that time I got bored with the film and leaned back while innocently caressing Elena's arm. Next, she came closer to me and leaned on my chest. Her change in position pushed my hand forward, and it was now resting on her boob. Both girls' eyes were focused on the TV, and I liked the way Elena's breast felt, so I left it there. For a while, neither lady seemed to notice, so I started gingerly trailing my fingers on the covered mammary.

Elena watched the screen intently, but I caught Sally peeking at my hand now and then. I found the situation funny and... erotic. I continued playing with her chest, gradually changing from soft touches to a light massage of the breast.

I could tell that the longer I tweaked Elena's orb, Sally's back stretched up, and her thighs, which initially were slightly apart, now clutched together. She pretended to be interested in the movie but I could tell my play with her sister's breast woke something in her. At one point, Elena placed her hand on mine, and although her eyes were still on the screen, now both our hands kneaded her tit.

Sally's eyes widened, and her focus shifted to stare at our game. I glanced at her, and our eyes met. I smiled while continuing my 'chest play'. She blushed but continued looking at my moving hand. As I was staring at Sally, I whispered in Elena's ear. "I love to feel your breast. It's so firm and responsive. I wish I could feel it under your clothes."

Elena gazed at me with a smile and then looked at Sally, catching her ogling my palm on her tit. The two sisters blushed...

Elena recovered first, and she whispered, "Yes, I'd like that. Let's go to our room and have fun. Sally can continue watching the movie."

Elena turned to her sister and giggled, "Joe and I are... hungry. We are going to our bedroom. Watch the movie and tell me how it ended."

We entered our room, and I pushed the door back but did not close it all the way. We undressed quickly and went to bed. Elena bent and started sucking me, while I pinched mildly her hard nipple. She moaned softly. I let her BJ me for a couple of minutes before disengaging, placing her legs on my shoulders, and penetrating her pussy in slow motion.

Elena wasn't aware the door was not shut completely and mumbled, "That's what I like. You are so big and hard... Sex with you is like temporarily being in heaven." She groaned loudly. I began pounding her cunt, occasionally glancing at the small mirror.

As I predicted, 10 minutes later, Sally moved toward the door. She noticed the door was not locked, but didn't dare open it further. She stayed behind the frame and listened. It was time to increase the stakes.

Next, I said loudly, "Elena, I love to have sex with you. It's so pleasurable and fun. Just imagine we could have Sally here with us. It would have been even better."

Elena was too aroused. She muttered, "Joe, as long as your dick is in my cunt, you can call her. I don't mind. I just want to feel you drilling me. It's wonderful!"

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