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Slave for The Summer Ch. 08

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Tensions rise as Josh and Vicky's relationship is tested.
9.4k words

Part 8 of the 8 part series

Updated 03/23/2024
Created 10/24/2023
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Since Josh agreed to be Vicky's slave even after the summer, their dynamic shifted drastically. He could no longer pretend that he only followed her requests due to the blackmail hanging over him. The humiliation and embarrassment he felt had a new sting to it.

Still, he was more than happy with how things were turning out. After Vicky showed him her more gentle and caring side, he loved her even more than before, even though she swiftly reverted to her usual assertive and demanding self.

He happily endured her requests with a smile. Although she didn't love him back, at least not in the way that he adored her, it was enough for him to know that she cared for him, in her own way. Or so he told himself.

True to her word, Vicky and Josh sat down together and established some basic boundaries and limits together, each conceding some control. Vicky allowed him some guaranteed time for himself, even if he was being punished so that he could keep up with his studies and get some rest if need be.

In return he had to promise her that he would eventually allow her to tattoo him, branding him as hers. Josh dreaded the day they would go over to the tattoo parlor, his fear of needles would be tested to its limits.

They went over a couple more things, with Vicky agreeing that there wouldn't be any cutting or other permanent harm done to him. She didn't want to hurt him, that bad. She even pledged to offer more frequent opportunities for release, albeit without any schedule beyond the weekend unlocking, just if she felt like it. However, she had one major demand.

As previously explained by her, leaving her after committing to this permanent servitude wouldn't be a simple matter. To underscore this point and ensure his unwavering dedication and obedience, Josh had to give her all his passwords, email, social media, and more, to Vicky's control. He even granted her access to his bank account, not that he had much saved up though.

Now, leaving would really mean that he would have to disappear and start over somewhere else. The only way out with his life intact would be on Vicky's terms, with no room for negotiation. While this should have scared him and made him think twice, Josh felt oddly unfazed. His commitment to Vicky felt honest and overshadowed any apprehension he might have otherwise had.

The rest of the girls playfully teased him about him being essentially a willing participant now. He had the opportunity to walk away but chose to stay, so he couldn't argue with them. Sure, it was his love for Vicky and the danger of losing her that kept him there, ready to endure all of it. But wasn't that true in every relationship?

Despite his continued obedience, Vicky still found reasons to punish him. And she wasn't running out of ideas on how to punish him any time soon.

His least favorite new punishment was definitely the enemas. While the sensation of warm water flushing through his insides wasn't unbearable, what followed was far from pleasant. She would continue filling him almost to bursting and then plug his ass with the large vibrating buttplug, leaving all of the water sloshing around inside of him.

But it didn't end there either. At first, she would just leave him in that state, writhing on the floor in some kind of bondage. However, soon that wasn't enough for her. He was forced to perform his daily chores while still plugged and filled up, a task at which he inevitably failed, much to the amusement of the girls, resulting in further punishment.

Josh would have much preferred returning to tasks like worshipping Vicky's feet or enduring embarrassing tasks. However, just as his relationship with Vicky evolved over time, so did his punishments.

When he came without permission during his last unlocking, he didn't just get a few spanks or get told to eat his cum off the floor. Well, he had to do those things too, but that wasn't all of it. The girls tied him up and attached vibrators to his cock. Leaving them all going, including his vibrating buttplug. They just left him there up in his room, trussed up like that for hours. Non-stop waves of pleasure quickly turned into waves of frustration as his muffled screams tried to beg for their forgiveness.

Safe to say that after that experience he was happy to be locked back into the safety of his chastity cage. He thought that he would rather never get unlocked again than go through that experience once more. It didn't take long, however, for his lust to overtake his thoughts again and look forward to the next Sunday.

As Josh settled into his new life, time started to fly on by. He never worked as hard before in his life before, but he was also never happier.

A knock on his bedroom door interrupted his study time. Before he could react the door opened.

Dottie stood awkwardly in his doorway, her eyes peeking out from behind the strands of hair covering her face. "Hey, I have to go. I'm to tell you that you are needed downstairs," she said softly and left without closing his door.

Josh nodded after her and closed his book as he got up. The music got louder as he descended the stairs. The party was in full swing.

The girls decided to have one last hoorah for the summer. In three days Ms. Edwards, Vicky's mother, would return from her vacation. The house would no longer belong just to them. Josh had already asked Vicky multiple times what they would do when she came back, but she always had the same answer. 'Don't worry, I'll figure something out.' If only he could share her carefree attitude.

He almost bumped into Becka as she went to refill her drink when he entered the living room.

"Whoa, careful there. Vicky wants you," she said and pointed behind her at Vicky sitting on the couch laughing along with Gemma.

Vicky's eyes glanced up at him as he approached. "Finally," she breathed out when he stopped in front of her. "Sit."

Josh kneeled down on the floor. Vicky staring down at him and Gemma looming over from his side, both of them smirking at each other. This can't be good.

"I want you to put these on." She showed him a pair of shoes. They looked fairly regular, only they were women's shoes and had at least a two-inch heel. Despite their frequent threats, he hoped they would never actually make him wear heels.

"Yes Miss," Josh responded and took the shoes from her. He shuffled onto his butt and started putting them on. They fit him perfectly, did they get them specifically for him?

They both watched him carefully as he finished. "Well, come on, get up," said Gemma.

His legs were a little wobbly but he managed to stand up without too much trouble.

"Now," Vicky said and reached out her hand with an empty glass. "I want some soda from the fridge." She looked at Gemma by her side and continued, "And I'm sure Gemma would like some too."

"Yes please," said Gemma with a smirk and also handed him her empty glass.

"Of course Miss." Josh took both of the glasses from them and slowly turned to face the kitchen. He took his first step. As he put his weight down on his left leg his foot twisted to the side and he fell down onto the hard floor.

The girls giggled behind him. "Be careful," said Becka as she walked by him to join Vicky on the couch and joined in with their laughter.

Josh got back up. Thankfully he didn't smash the glasses, that would certainly end up in him being punished. He looked at the refrigerator in the far corner of the kitchen. It wasn't a long way away, but it felt like miles.

He continued his careful approach. Giggles erupted from behind him again when he nearly fell down again. With just a few more steps he made it to the fridge, holding onto its door for balance.

He quickly opened the bottle of diet soda inside and filled both of the glasses. Turning back he saw the girls watching him in anticipation of his upcoming fall. He was determined to make it back intact though.

One step at a time he made his way back. The soda fizzled up out of the glass and leaked onto his hands as he swung it side to side.

Just a little further to go. A couple steps and it would be done-

His foot slipped and down he went. His knees hit the floor painfully, leaving a bruise, but he managed to stay kneeling. A little bit of the drinks spilled but they were mostly alright. Relieved he stretched his arms and handed them to Vicky and Gemma. "Here you go, Miss."

"Hmm, good job," said Vicky before taking a sip. "Hardly any bubbles left though."

"He'll need to work on his balance," commented Becka.

Vicky's smile widened. "Yeah, and I know just the thing for it."

Josh got out of her way as she got up and walked by him. After a moment of cowering in fear under Gemma's ominous stare, Vicky returned with a pair of tall leather boots. Josh tried to plead with his eyes but Vicky just chuckled and sat back down on the couch. "Give me your left foot," she said and patted her lap.

Josh sat down on the floor and stretched his left leg up to her. Vicky carefully took his shoe off and started pushing one of the leather boots on his foot. It was a tight fit but she managed to get it on. As the zipper went up just below his knee, the leather wrapped itself tightly around his calf.

Josh reflexively started pulling his leg back to offer up his other one but Vicky held his leg on her lap. "Not yet." She started messing with the zipper. Josh couldn't quite see from below what she was doing.

"Okay, give me your other foot."

Josh obliged and swapped his feet on her lap. As Vicky started repeating the process for his left leg, Josh could finally see what she was doing before. The leather boot was locked on his leg with a small padlock, not unlike the one on his chastity cage.

He gulped down as she finished and pushed his foot back down on the floor.

"You'll wear these for tonight, slave," said Vicky and leaned in closer to him, her hand caressing his cheek. "You'll hate it, I'm sure. But it'll make you so much more graceful, trust me."

Their eyes explored each others. Josh was beginning to lose himself under her gaze. Sitting there on the ground in nothing but the boots, a green lace corset, and a garter belt, his cage and buttplug exposed.

Vicky retreated her hand and sat up. Their moment was over. "Now get up. Go get a rag and clean up the soda off of the floor."

"Y-Yes Miss," responded Josh as he struggled up onto his feet. The heels on these boots must be at least four inches. He felt a little weird seeing the room from this high up.

At a snail's pace, he set out for the cleaning closer behind the kitchen. His feet were killing him. He wondered why would anyone wear this voluntarily. In a few minutes, he emerged back into the living room with a moist rag in his hands. The girls chuckled seeing him slowly pace back.

As he landed back on his knees in front of the spilled soda with a thump Vicky spoke out, "When you finish with that, go get me a blanket from my room."

"Yes, Miss."

Once the floor was clean he slowly stood up and started slowly walking towards the stairs.

"Faster, slave. I'm getting cold," Vicky called out.

Josh nodded as he finally turned the corner. Now without their eyes watching his every step, he could relax a little. He leaned against the wall for balance and continued walking.

The stairs looked like a tall mountain he'd have to climb. He had no time to spare though, he had to hurry. Clutching the bannister he started ascending. After just a couple of steps, his knees buckled and he fell down the stairs. The leather of the boots saved his leg from taking the brunt of the fall.

He continued up the stairs on all fours, safer like this than trying to stand up again. Up on the first floor, he rested, leaning his back on the banister. His feet were starting to go numb. He tried to massage them through the leather but it didn't help much. It felt as if the boots got tighter and tighter every moment.

Continuing on all fours he crawled into Vicky's room and pulled a blanket off of her bed. Crawling back to the stairs he heard Vicky call out from below. "I can't hear your heels click on the floor."

With a sigh, he stood back up and reached the stairs. Staring down he hugged the bannister, clutching the blanket under his arm, slowly stepping down step by step. He was like a pirate with two peg legs and the banister as his crutch.

About halfway down he slipped. His strength failed him and he didn't manage to hold onto the railing. This is the end, he thought as he tumbled down the stairs.

The fluffy blanket softened his fall a bit, but it still hurt like hell.

"What was that, slave?" asked Vicky from behind the wall.

"N-Nothing Miss." He stood back up and walked back into the living room.

"Nothing hmm?" said Vicky when he handed her the blanket. "You're all covered in bruises. Did you fall again?"

"Yes Miss."

"That's okay, slave. It's to be expected," she said throwing the blanket to her side. "You're only learning after all. I'm sure you won't fall after wearing them all week."

"Miss," he said but stopped midway.

She turned back to him, her smile gone. "What?"

"Please, can I take them off? My feet are killing me. Please, we can continue tomorrow I'll-"

Vicky shushed him. "If you're willing to take the punishment for wimping out, sure you can take them off." Gemma and Becka chuckled.

Josh didn't have to think twice. It felt as if his feet would fall off, he had to get them free ASAP. "Yes, Miss. Just please take them off now."

Vicky leaned over to Gemma and started whispering something to her. The smirk that appeared on Gemma's face told him he wouldn't like what was coming, but he was glad to take anything if they held up their end. Gemma nodded and got up, walking somewhere behind him.

Turning back to him Vicky patted her lap. Josh flopped down on his butt and raised both his legs. Vicky giggled and started undoing the boots. "It must really hurt."

"Oh-ho, thank you," he said as one of the shoes was removed, instant relief as his blood rushed into his nearly numb leg. He pulled his free leg back and started rubbing it. It felt as if he sat on it for hours.

He repeated his thanks as his other foot was released, happy with the deal so far. Even the sound of Gemma returning didn't phase him. She carried a bag to the couch and pulled out a bundle of leather. Some sort of bondage instrument no doubt.

"Seeing as you don't feel like training to be better anymore, we'll move on to the entertainment part of the night," said Vicky as Gemma approached him.

He didn't resist and let her put the leather harness on him. The familiar feel of the leather hugging his chest no longer felt uncomfortable, only welcoming.

Gemma got up and stepped away, revealing Vicky still sitting on the couch, the blanket he brought was stretched out on the floor in front of her. Next to her was standing Becka, her shorts were on the floor. A leather harness was covering her crotch, with a familiar silicone penis standing erect in the middle.

Vicky had pegged him many times since his first time. It was always just her though, never somebody else.

"Come here, slave," said Vicky, pointing with her hand in front of herself.

Josh crawled along the floor onto the blanket and stopped. As Vicky parted her thighs, he could see she wasn't wearing anything under her skirt. Maybe this wouldn't be such a bad punishment after all.

He looked up and their eyes met. "Go on, you know what to do."

Josh nodded and leaned in. His hands snaked under her skirt and took hold of her thighs, pulling her open even more as his head made its way under Vicky's skirt and stopped just in front of her glistening lips. Without a pause he opened his mouth and got to work, his trained tongue lapping between her lips. It didn't take long and he could feel Vicky writhe as she moaned in pleasure.

He felt a light kick to his back, then a hand pulled at his leg. He was pulled back so that he rested on his knees and calves, his upper body leaning forward into Vicky as he held onto her thighs.

Without any warning tug or slight pull, his buttplug was pulled out in one swift motion causing him to cry out at the sensation. He felt Vicky's hand rest on his head, softly combing through his hair with her fingers, calming him down.

He continued giving head to Vicky, trying his best to ignore the cold fingers applying lube to his backdoor. He knew what was coming and that there was no stopping it, not that he would want to exactly.

The fingers retreated. It would come any second now. He tried to ready himself as best he could.

The dildo attached to Becka plunged into him. He moaned into Vicky's loins as it continued through his insides and stopped at the hilt. Immediately the dildo retreated all the way back and slammed back into him.

He found it hard to keep his tongue going as Becka continued to pound his ass. The little shots of pleasure coursed through him as Becka's strap-on slid over his prostate. He found himself moving his hips against her, plunging the cock even deeper.

"What a slut," he heard Becka say behind him as he felt her slap his ass.

Vicky's hand gripped his hair and pulled his head closer to her slit, desperate for his tongue to bring her closer to climax. Josh tried to oblige and continued working his tongue, it was getting harder and harder though. His continuous moans were muffled by her pussy and thighs hugging his head.

Becka was showing no signs of stopping as she continued using her fit body to its maximum, pounding Josh's ass with a swift pace. Taking her cock out with each movement back and plunging it completely inside with every slam.

Josh felt precum start to drizzle through the opening of his cage. His mind was getting foggy as he began to drown in all his lust and the waves of pleasure going through him. He wished every 'punishment' could be like this one.

Vicky's thighs clenched down on his head. He could feel her body twitching. She was close.

The assault on his backdoor started ramping up. Becka's grunts turned into moans and cries. Her steady rhythm became more chaotic. He felt Becka's hands on his hips, pulling him to her as she gave more rapid thrusts and then slowly came to a stop. Her arms rested on his back to hold herself up. Even with Vicky's thighs over his ears, he could hear her loud exhales and inhales.

Shortly after it was Vicky's turn to come too. It felt as if his head would pop open from all the squeezing by her thighs. She nearly pulled out some of his hair with her fingers tightly clenched. With a deep moan, her juices exploded into Josh's mouth. He lapped at them obediently, enjoying the taste.

After a moment his head was released and his upper body fell to the floor. He started catching his breath. Hoping that this wasn't all of his 'punishment'.

"So good," he heard Becka say. He moaned once more as she pulled out of him with a pop.

"Yes," said Vicky in between breaths. "He's a good boy."

"Time for round two?" asked Gemma from somewhere in the room.

Josh looked up at her. His eyes widened as he saw she was also wearing a leather harness with a dildo. It wasn't the same one though. This one was longer but much thicker. Also, unlike the other dildo, it wasn't all smooth, instead it was ribbed and had false veins on the side. It was neon green with stripes of blue, making it look more like some alien appendage than a sex toy.

Gemma chuckled when she saw his shocked expression. He couldn't keep his eyes off of it. He wasn't scared though, even if he should have been. No. He was trying to imagine what it would feel like. He was looking forward to it. As much as he knew that it would hurt like hell too.

She walked behind him, switching places with Becka. Josh looked down at the floor, his head in between Vicky's bare feet.

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