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Slave Training Pt. 02


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"He'll be trained for multiple cocks too soon," The Engineer went on to comment. "Size training is a big part of our facility and all that we encompass. We don't want anyone to be disappointed."

Except for the slaves. With their freedom stripped from them, they would always be disappointed.

"Or with a length like that, he could be used to fuck others slaves for a master's amusement. He could be whored out to a brothel. Why, I would be tempted to keep him for my displays - and you know what a pretty penny those bring in!"

The Engineer grinned and nodded and the investors nodded right along with him, a rat frowning as he stepped forward.

"But how will this investment be ready in time for the sale if you are punishing him?" He said, less than delicately. "Surely there has been a transgression worthy of the crime if this is going on?"

The Engineer half-shrugged and winked, though Shane did not catch that, gagging on a thick cock as the Komodo dragon brother's sped up.

"Oh... I have my ways. They always fight more strongly in the moments before they break. And this boy is ready to tuck his tail and fall to his knees, I'm sure of it."

With two Komodo dragons unleashing their loads into him from either end, Shane was less sure of it. In fact, he was more determined than ever to keep his head down, to make good his escape in any way possible.

It was all he could do.


The moment came when he was least expecting it, the investors sticking around for a few days to see what the boys could do. It was an all-male facility, of course, so pretty much everything was to their liking, the slaves for show lined up in a viewing hall where they all sank down onto dildos of varying sizes. Each time a slave managed to take one to the hilt, forced to do it of their own free will, a slaver swapped it out for a larger size, although there was certain encouragement on hand if any slave thought that they could delay the inevitable by not doing as was ordered of them.

Shane squeezed down on the toy, arms bound behind his back, although that had never stopped him before. It would have been so easy, so very easy, to lose himself in the passion of the moment, to let his bobbing cock and rampant sexuality lead the way. He'd even been oiled up before being sent out there, giving him the impression that he was gleaming with sweat, although his natural musk still rang through. Under the hot lights, however, he would soon be sweating and that would be an entirely different kink for the investors who'd come to see just what the newest intake could offer them and how much they were willing to put into The Engineer's company for a new year.

"Are you...ready?"

Drew grunted, huffing as he worked his way halfway down an oversized dildo, panting as his tongue lolled out. It was a wonder he still had his mind about him but it was the German Shepherd that had drawn Shane back again, day after day, as the drugs in his system worked away at his mind. Indoctrination was just as bad and the training made him want to be their image, something that they wouldn't abuse too much. But that was not what it was all about in the name of pleasure, in the name of serving.


Shane shook his head, tail hole tight, strained, broken. Could he even go through with what Drew was planning?

If he'd been more with his senses, of course, he would have known that such a plan was doomed from the very beginning. The only question in that manner of things was in what way it would fail, bring them down to their knees, maws obediently hanging open for cock, cum, always more to come.

"Come on."

That was one of the slavers as Drew and himself were taken to a private room set apart from the viewing areas to please some of the investors. Four of them were set up in there, ties loosened and trousers off, although they, comically, had left their jackets on. Shane chuckled throatily, managing to draw himself up tall and flex his muscles for them. He was on show, after all, he needed to show off what he had to offer. That part, at least, of everything that was going on, felt good.

Someone shifted behind him and he thought about snarling as the cock pressed up to his tail hole but, ultimately, did not respond. He knew that it was best to go along with whatever it was that they wanted him to do and Shane even managed to let out a groan as he was ploughed full of what he thought was lynx-cock, though any shaft was the same and different too those days. One fuck was all the investor wanted and, well, he was going to get it whether the slave in question was one-hundred-per-cent willing or not: to them, it was not something that would ever have made any difference at all.

Slamming in, pounding, driving him into the wall. The cat, if that's what he was, proved to be more studly than even Shane could have expected, losing himself in the moment as he was shoved forward and even driven into the wall, panting and grunting heavily. It was hard enough as it was to rake in breath after breath but he needed more too, so much more, squeezing down around that fat length as if he was not already tight enough, always trying to give the most pleasure.

Broken? No, no... Oh, no, not like that. He was doing it all so that he could get out of there, not have to deal with any of the slavers anymore, be a free dragon all over again. Yes, that was why, of course, that was why. But it was hard to keep to that narrative alone even in the privacy of his own mind, which was not even sacred anymore, when he was forced down to the ground, another cock fed into his mouth.

It didn't matter who was fucking him anymore as he was passed between them, his resistance futile, struggles manufactured as they did not really get him anywhere. It was as if his body was throwing up a pretence at it all, stiffening at all the right moments, but not wanting to go through with any of it.

"He's learning..."

"I'm impressed with The Engineer's results..."

"It happened so quickly."

"With a cock like that, no wonder his stock sells so well."

They may have been talking about him or any other slave: Shane simply was not aware of it as he was set up in bondage, pinned to an A-frame that had him standing with his arms and legs spread-eagled. The metal cuffs were locked into the frame itself, which led to him feeling pinned there, stiff and unyielding, as much as he squirmed and wriggled, arching his back. The tightness of his bondage had him grunting and growling, even snapping his jaws at those that dared get too close to him. Just how was he going to even think about escaping when he was bound like that? He had to make them think he needed something else - anything to get out!

"Oh, fix that, would you?"

It was one of the slavers, a mean-looking rhino, that slammed the dildo between his teeth, forcing it right up into the back of his maw and down his throat. Of course, it would not drive so deeply that it would cut off his ability to breathe but that alone was more than enough to trigger his gag reflex, a power play that had him twisting, hacking and gagging, straining for relief. And yet the only relief there, in the horror of it all, was in submission, letting it all happen to him without complaint, compliance being his weapon of choice.

Another slave was positioned before him on his knees, though that slave wore a tight jockstrap that left nothing at all, not even the tiniest little bit, to the imagination. A muscled hunk of an antelope with tall, elegant horns spiralling lightly along the length, he was clad in white and tan fur but Shane could not have said what species he was. All he knew was that the antelope's lips and tongue were simply exquisite caressing his cock, the other slave wearing a heavy metal collar with a gem set into the side of it: perhaps a mark of his rank? Did slaves even have a rank? Or was he owned by someone that liked their slaves to have pretty little things like that?

"Get him off as many times as possible. And maybe a good toy like you will get a reward..."

That was the beginning of the end for Shane and he rocked his hips helplessly as his cock was sucked, everyone staring at him, not knowing whether they wanted to be him, to do him or something else entirely. But that was the beauty of having a slave right there to perform for them in that they could use him for absolutely anything that they wanted or craved, his body but a toy to be broken. He could always be put together again and Shane thrashed and howled, balls aching as he spent his first load into the antelope's hungry maw.

Once again. And again. And again. He thought there was no way that he could go on as the males around him snickered and called him names: slut, boy, toy, whore, bitch-stock. Some of them were more creative than others but that would always be the way of it when the alcohol was flowing and The Engineer had made sure too that there was a roaming slave to top up their glasses whenever they seemed to be getting low.

And, so, he was forced through orgasm after orgasm as his muscles bulged and strained, head spinning, not even sure whether he was fighting or not. At times, it was even difficult to understand whether he was upright or not with sweat dripping and pouring off him, more than he'd even thought that his body was able to produce. But the investors seemed to like that even more, sweeping their paws over him as if he was a sculpture, something that they could even adore with so much more than their eyes. His sweat could not soak back into his scales but it could dampen the male hair under his arms and atop his head, curling and sticking to the back of his neck. The smell of him hung thick and heavy in the air but Shane groaned and arched weakly, not even caring one bit as the rather devoted antelope lapped sweat even from his balls.

Was that what it meant to be a slave? Shane's head spun, swimming, floating, pulsing softly. It...it...


No, he couldn't think like that.

The antelope drew his cock back into his mouth and Shane all but squealed, breathlessly gasping, trying to thrash. But he didn't even have the energy to do that anymore.

Was it so bad to be a slave if he got that pleasure too?

He couldn't think straight but the antelope succeeded in drawing his strongest orgasm yet from him as he howled and tried not to thrash, barely aware of his seed flowing forth, his restraints loosened, falling to the floor, the antelope moving fluidly with him. Despite his huge muscles, the sweaty, hard-working antelope had the grace of his species to hand and Shane leaned over him heavily, panting and heaving, tail twitching, spending as much of himself as he felt he had to give.

Until, that was, a paw grabbed him by the collar and threw him back to his feet, wobbling unsteadily and trying to fling his arms out for balance a moment too late. One of the investors sneered at him, a paw running down his pecs, teasing over his pert harness, which was almost a size too small for him with the amount of muscle mass he'd put on. Shane shivered. Seeing a guy like that make him feel so small... It was more than enough to make him weak at the knees.

"Fetch us some drinks, boy."

Shane grunted but he knew where the drinks table was. It wasn't something that was usually asked of from a slave like him but he had to do it, had to obey. It was all that he was there for. So wrapped up was he in everything, passing by a shocked Drew completely with a haze in his eyes, that he was at the drinks table, pouring out what they wanted, before he realised that there were no eyes on him.

His heart pounded, mouth dry, too dry. Could he do it? Would he do it? There was an escape but, oh! Drew! Where was he? The dog was near but he was bound and their eyes met across the crowded room, a glass in one of Shane's paws even as his heart leapt up somewhere into the vicinity of his mouth.

"Go," Drew mouthed, their tentative relationship, however frail and fraught it had been in the twisting of their minds, broken in that moment. "Go. Go."

He could only obey for he was only a slave.

Maybe that was what he'd tell himself so that he could sleep at night as he ducked and crawled, even holding a drink in one paw as if he was merely a slave on an errand. It helped him move through the room where slaves were being encouraged to deep-throat progressively larger cocks, one after the other, slavers showing off the different bondage types they had available to tickle the fancy of many a master and more.

He got out, all the way to what he thought was an entrance hall, for it was fronted with glass doors and had something that he thought looked like a reception on one side. Out, out, out: just like Drew had said. His heart twisted. Oh, Drew... He'd stuck with him through so much, so much change. And yet it was him that was heading for freedom, almost able to taste the cool of the night air on his muzzle even if there was still a collar around his neck.

The dragon didn't hear the footsteps.

"Oh... An escapee?"

The dragon, a larger, bulkier sort than him, smirked cruelly and dragged Shane up by his hair, ignorant or perhaps not even caring for the pain he caused the charge. And thus it was that he was hauled back, his moment of glory, of freedom, of escape, dashed before he had even had the change to breathe life into it. Shane hollered and snarled and clawed at him but there was little he could do to fight back as he was dragged along, his tail crushed under his body as he at least tried to roll so that he would not hurt himself too much along the way.

"This slave was trying to escape!"

The dramatics of it all drew a crowd, the deafening din of them hollering and cheering for his abuse and debasement. Of course, they thought it was all a show as bells rang between Shane's ears, whimpering and trying to curl away from it all. In the background, somewhere, was Drew, turning away, not wishing to see his friend's ultimate fall. It wasn't for his eyes. But the eyes of everyone else hungrily latched onto the dragon as he was hobbled, forced down onto all fours, bands around his thighs spreading them apart with a bar locked between. That was not even the end of it as a posture collar was locked around his neck too, forcing him to keep his head up at a certain angle - all the better for cock sucking as a water buffalo slaver jeered and crammed a fat length of meat into his mouth.

He could have fought back, but he didn't. He could have done something about it, but he didn't. It wasn't for him to rise up against the slavers anymore. Just... His mind fogged over, swirling and curling, dragging him down and down and down into the depths of a world that had chewed him up and spit him out time after time again.

Cock slurped over his tongue and he moaned, letting his jaws hang open all the more. Someone thrust into his tail hole but he was still sloppy from earlier and it was easier than it had any right to be, grinding back, trying to arch his back, an eager paw shoving his tail up over his back.

All eyes on him, everyone waiting, watching, hungry for his abuse. To them, it was just what he deserved but Shane wasn't so sure anymore what he deserved. To be a slave, to be more... A cock swapped for another in his muzzle, hammering in, double-teaming him like a pair of pros, a larger cock driving up under his tail. What did it even matter anymore? Ultimately, he was there to be used and his escape, well...just what had he been thinking planning to get out of there? He didn't even know where he was or where he was going!

No... No. Masters would keep him safe. His shoulders twisted, rounding and pulling as his arms were pulled behind him in a binder, just to make him look all the better for his admiring ground, the fuck-boy on show, groaning and growling under his breath. But the fight, for that moment, was gone, devoured up in a sea of lust, the perfect bitch-boy on show, doing what he did best.

His tail hole clenched down and it no longer felt like a punishment at all as a load of cum was shot down his throat, the dragon swallowing rapidly. No, no, no... Couldn't let a drop go to waste, that was wrong, very wrong. He had to be a good boy, do good for master, for all of his masters. That was all that he could do, would do, that and so much more. He could serve, do so much, working his throat, letting them even push into the back of his throat so that he could let them feel just how it pulsed around their hot lengths, so many thick cocks...

Shane groaned. Why wouldn't he want to take all of them? No... No, it was for him to do it, he had to do it. He was a good slave, a dragon that could take care of all of them, muscles flexed, everyone drooling.

Scales sweating, dripping, the musk of him hanging around... It was all too erotic, his cock hard and wanton, although it was only the paw of another slaver that had him shooting his load onto the floor, wasted and useless, though not like the seed of a master. No, that was something that had to be savoured, teased down one's throat or allowed to trickle from a stretched hole, something to be cherished. Not like his cum.

His orgasms were not important anymore.

Slowly, they tired of him, seeing him only as part of the show. A slaver casually stuffed a dildo up under his tail, which he still held up obediently, but he didn't see who. It didn't matter. They all blended into one another anyway.

Hind paws filled his vision, his forehead bowed down, chest heaving, gleaming with sweat. His mind pulled and twisted, drawing back in disgust, but he was there and he was a slave. Just what else was he supposed to do but to submit? The rebellion within him simply did not serve him well, he was sure of it...

Best to do what they wanted of him.

"Going somewhere?"

The Engineer smirked, his bare hind paw coming down on the dragon's muzzle, forcing him to the ground. He could not have picked something more humiliating for Shane at that moment, the dragon grunting, though...there was no resistance. The contraction in his muscles was merely to hold himself in position as resistance slipped away, curdling dismally in the pit of his stomach where it no longer held much meaning to him. Wasn't it better to be down on the ground, where he was supposed to be? Shane couldn't fathom any time that he may have needed to raise himself up from his knees when he thought that he had a master to serve. Why would a slave need that?

And The Engineer, or any slaver that was around in the facility, was his master right there and then.

Hooked a rattling, metal chain-leash to his collar, the hyena pulled him up and forced him along, the hobbles between Shane's hind paws forcing him to shuffle at a brisk, hasty pace. It was all the dragon could do to not fall over, flat on his muzzle, but he had to keep going, had to keep up, had to be a good slave-boy for his master. His mind twisted and warped, curling back and forth, though there was still resistance there - exactly what his bondage and hobbles were there for, everything designed to keep him in his place, learning what he was, who he was, everything that he would be. All to please a master, of course, when he was sold, for that was the very most important thing in a slave's life, day in and day out.

Shane did not recognise where he was taken but he did know a van when he saw one. The Engineer yanked on his leash and clicked his tongue urgently against the roof of his mouth, not even using verbal command with Shane as if he had no more intelligence than a dog. Such a creature, a feral, four-legged friend to so many, would be considered more intelligent than a slave, however, and most certainly hold more rights as Shane blinked in the cool, night air, shuffling and rolling himself awkwardly into the back of the van. The leash was tossed in after him, clanking against his chest, scales dripping with sweat, anxiety teasing up inside him, worry for what was next.

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