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Slut Wife - Katie in Charge Pt. 01

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A sexy young wife begins to explore her sexual powers.
12.1k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 02/28/2024
Created 10/31/2023
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Katherine (Katie or Kat) and Derek got married shortly after graduating university together.

Katie was pretty, pleasant and slightly plump. She was insecure about her weight and compensated for it with her cheery personality. Katie had led a relatively sheltered life with very little sexual experience. She had good grades and got a good job as a financial analyst with a major industrial company upon graduation.

Derek was a good-looking guy. He came across as confident which was true except when it came to women. He was the jealous type, insecure about his sexual prowess. He was only slightly more worldly than Kat. He was quite smart and got a lucrative job with a major financial company upon graduation.

Katie's insecurity fed into Derek's somewhat distorted impression of himself. Compared to her he was worldly and experienced and started to believe it to be true in the absolute sense. Due to her weight issues, she was very reserved around men, dressed down and was generally overlooked by men. As a result, Derek didn't come to grips with his own jealousy and sexual insecurity. He relied on the premise that other men weren't interested in her.

Katie's weight "issues" were psychological as much as anything else. She wasn't fat. She was maybe 20lbs overweight. But she was also very pretty and stacked so if she had been of a mind to own it, she would have been quite a stunner -- thick or a PAWG. But she was a typical white girl who idealized being skinny. As a result, she hid her body under baggy clothes, didn't wear make-up or pay much attention to her gorgeous curly blond hair. She just generally presented herself as a bit frumpy and plain because that is how she thought of herself.

Unfortunately, her low self-esteem was unintentionally exacerbated by Derek. Like a lot of insecure men, he wanted his wife to look pretty and sexy but only for him. When she dressed down -- most of the time -- he wanted her to dress up more. But when she did dress up more his jealousy kicked in. She could never seem to get it just right, so she took the safe route. Things were similar in their sex life. He wanted her to be more adventurous, but he wanted it to all be under his direction which was geared to his pleasure. If she tried new things that appealed to her, he would quickly become intimidated and sullen. Likewise, if he couldn't rock her world, he found some way to make it her fault.

During the fourth year of their marriage things started to change for Kat. She got a promotion at work which she felt necessitated a wardrobe upgrade to look more professional. The promotion was also a confidence boost. Kat took the opportunity to buy things that were a little more flattering and since it was all still very professional Derek couldn't say much about it. Her new role included a health club membership which she started to use. She also improved her diet. Kat shed the excess weight in a matter of months, and she looked fantastic. Derek sort of kept his jealousy in check. It was still there, but he was at least self-aware enough to see that if he wasn't somewhat supportive, he would come across like a total asshole.

What Katie didn't tell Derek was that around September of that year she had traded in her old baggy workout wear for a snug pair of yoga pants and tight sports bra to contain her more than ample DD tits. The first day she wore the outfit at the gym it was like she had suddenly stepped out from behind her invisibility cloak. Men were immediately stealing glances at her and hitting on her. Katie's naturally friendly and bubbly personality made her an expert flirt right away. She no longer felt like the chubby girl who compensated for her frumpy looks with a nice personality. The changes she saw in the mirror -- a flat tummy, no more cellulite in her thighs, leaner look that highlighted her exquisite cheek bones -- paled in comparison to her mental state. She now saw a confident beauty. Her 37-24-36 figure was gorgeous and seemed all the more voluptuously curvy on her petite 5'4" frame. Her curly blond hair fell across her shoulders in a beautiful, riotous, slightly chaotic way that seemed to reflect her burgeoning sense of her own sexuality.

It was as if the men around her could smell the pheromones coming off her. While she had no intention of cheating on Derek she was drinking in the attention. Perhaps it was vain. Perhaps it was narcissistic. But for the first time ever she was convinced of her own beauty and sexual desirability. She was under no illusions as to what they wanted. They wanted to fuck her. And she wanted them to want to fuck her because it was a pure and honest reflection of their true desires. They weren't patronizing relatives or boyfriends trying to boost her ego in a way that might be suspect. They were red-blooded males acting on their own desires in a way that removed all doubt about her own desirability.

It was during this period that Katie came to understand something new about the men around her. Because she was enjoying their attentions while intending to remain faithful, she made a conscious decision to set up clear boundaries. She would flirt and play but nothing more. She often needed to reinforce those boundaries in a forthright manner. It became clear that by doing so firmly she could keep them all in check. Katie came to understand that if they were pursuing her, and she was setting the boundaries, she was in control. This contrasted with her experience with Derek and previous boyfriends. With those men she had effectively allowed herself to be "caught", so to speak, after which they sought to control her. She much preferred being in control and started to internalize how that must be done.

Unfortunately, not much had changed in their sex life. Katie was disappointed that it wasn't more vibrant, but she was resigned to the fact that it probably wasn't going to happen. Derek, on the other hand, got increasingly frustrated and came to feel that he was missing out. Never one to look at his own behaviour he blamed Katie for the stagnation in the bedroom. Then one day in October, shortly after their fifth anniversary they had a big fight. He accused her of being sexually repressed and frigid. He had never seen anger flash in her eyes the way he did that day. He had pushed too far and tried to back track, but the damage was done.

Katie was both hurt and angry. Nevertheless, she tried harder in the bedroom. But it seemed like there was just no pleasing Derek. Whatever she did wasn't enough, or it was too much.


Derek's employer always held two Christmas parties. One early in December for his immediate department with spouses and another for the whole company closer to Christmas without spouses. Kat bought a new dress for the party with spouses, and it was stunner. It was a little black dress with a short hemline and an open back that clung to her body. One had to wear it without a bra, and she had the firm DD cups to get away with it. She also bought new 4" patent leather heels and a new black G-string. Derek's jaw dropped when he saw it. She looked stunning.... too stunning. He suggested that it was too revealing, but to his great surprise she stood him up and insisted on wearing it.

Katie's outfit was not inappropriate. It was elegant and stunning. But Derek's jealousy and insecurity had kicked into overdrive. The frumpy plain young woman whose insecurities made it easy to keep her under his thumb had been slipping away for a while now. But it seemed as though in that moment she had suddenly emerged from her cocoon -- gorgeous, way out of his league and intimidating. It is no exaggeration to say that she was the most beautiful woman at the party. She moved with almost feline grace and many pairs of eyes were glued to her the whole night. Ironically it was her irritation with Derek the drove her onward to own the moment and having done so she experienced a wave of confidence like what she had found in the gym.

Derek spent most of the night brooding then started a fight on the drive home. He accused her of flirting inappropriately with some of his colleagues. As he ranted a strangely sanguine feeling came over Katie. She had known even before they left the house that the night would likely end with a fight. Somewhere along the way it occurred to her that all these years he hadn't been fighting fair. She was always meticulously honest with herself and with Derek, never dismissive, always giving ground to make peace, always open to the possibility of being wrong. Meanwhile Derek's mind was closed. He twisted his interpretation of events to suit his purpose and put more stock in winning than in reconciliation. This night she turned the tables. Truth, is she had been flirting with his colleagues, not to an inappropriate degree but nonetheless with full knowledge that it would enrage his brittle ego. But when he raised it, she sloughed it off, denied it and said she was just being friendly. When he came back to criticizing her outfit, she did much the same thing -- she disagreed, told him he was wrong and refused to engage further.

By the time they got home Derek was apoplectic, but Katie was calm. In an odd way his behaviour was comforting. He was being such an asshole that she felt that the only rationale thing to do was ignore him. As she peeled of her sexy dress to reveal her new thong and her big firm tits Derek ranting waned. He was just about to try to make enough peace so that he could fuck his gorgeous wife when she told him she had taken enough shit from him that night and she would rather he slept in the spare room. Rage boiled up again and he stomped out of the room.

Lying in bed an hour later Derek couldn't get the images of his gorgeous wife out of his head. He masturbated to the same image of her flirting that had made him so mad earlier. And somewhere in his fevered brain he found a way to blame her rather than his own appalling behaviour for the fact that he wasn't in the master bedroom fucking her right then.

The fight remained unresolved, and Katie remained unrepentant. When he saw that image of her flirting with other men wearing a jaw droppingly sexy gown his jealousy flared, but so did his libido. She refused him sex for the next two weeks and he found himself jerking off a lot -- always with that image in his mind.

His big company Christmas party was on a Friday night. Kat was glad to have him out of the house and he was glad to go to a party where everyone let loose more than they do around their spouses. Early on one of the colleagues with whom Katie had been flirting made a point of telling Derek how stunning she was and how he hadn't noticed her in the past. The man meant it as a genuine complement, not a backhanded comment about his wife. But that streak of jealousy is always just below the surface with Derek. He started drinking more than he should have and started to get friendly with one of the secretaries. Pretty soon they were making out in a dark corner, and he was justifying his behaviour to himself based on Katie not fucking him enough. Ironically the other woman wouldn't let him get past 2nd base.

The next morning Derek couldn't believe what he had done. He confessed to Kat and begged her forgiveness. She forgave him, but she was oddly dispassionate. Even she didn't really know why. She was just tired of fighting and tired of not being able to be herself for fear of upsetting him. She had learned that disengaging was a better way to handle him.

Derek was contrite for the next few months and things seemed to be less contentious.


Then it all fell apart over dinner in a fancy restaurant.

"Derek, I want a divorce."

"What? Why? I thought we were doing better."

"Not really. You've done less complaining since you cheated on me, and the fights are less stressful when I stopped bending over backwards. But it isn't enough."

"I told you I was sorry for cheating it was a big mistake. And I didn't even have sex with her."

"You would have if she had let you."

"What? You don't know that. I....I."

"That isn't all. I have been cheating on you too."

"What, with who?"

"My boss. After you called me sexually repressed and frigid, I thought 'maybe it is me'. So I set out to get some experience. A month ago, when we went away on that conference. I sucked his dick. We have made out a few times since then."

"So why now? Why this moment?"

"I plan to go further with him. There is an out-of-town trip tomorrow. I am going with him, and I am going to fuck him. I don't like deceiving you so I decided that I should tell you before I go."

"Kat, don't do it. We can fix this. We can make it work. I know I have been a jerk. My jealousy gets the better of me."

"Derek, I am going to give this thing with Paul a try. I am going away with him tomorrow. What happens after that I don't know." Meanwhile in her mind Kat was thinking "Ya, I'm going to fuck him. How is that for repressed and frigid?"

Derek was stunned. All the anger and frustration drained away from him and was replaced by remorse. Oddly he had blamed Kat for so many things, but now he didn't blame her. His mind had been shocked open, and he realized his behaviour had led to this place. Even more surprising is that he was holding out hope that after she went away and fucked her boss that he might, just might, convince her to come back to him. A few months before he railed at her for flirting. Now with the real prospect of losing her, he was suddenly aware that he would take her back even if she fucked her boss.


Katie was feeling liberated, and it put her in a good mood. She tried not to show it too much because she knew that Derek was struggling with this new information. Any feelings of vindication or vindictiveness drained away now that she had made her move.

Caught in a weird cocktail of emotion they started making out in the kitchen when they got home. He ended up fucking her bent over the kitchen island. Then they went to bed where he fucked her again. She wasn't mad at him. Nor had her feelings for him diminished. She was just determined to explore her sexual horizons and she felt she had to leave him to do that.

It was sort of surreal, but with the weight of expectations removed Katie felt unfettered and empowered. She owed Derek nothing in the bedroom, but nor did she feel compelled to deny him. If he was smart, he would take what she allowed and be grateful for it. That is exactly how Derek felt. Suddenly instead of his wife she was a free agent and a woman who was out of his league.

The next morning Katie got up with a spring in her step. She packed her bag as Derek watched making no effort to hide the fact that she was packing his favourite red teddy with the lace panties or the matching stripper heels. She wasn't just going to fuck her boss. She was going to put on a show for him.

Derek's stomach was filled with butterflies and his cock was hard. He desperately wanted to beg her not to go. But watching her move he could see the joy in her and realized it was because she was free. There was a distinct lack of animosity between them. She wasn't anxious to be away from him at all, just from the confines of marriage. After she was all packed up Kat went to take a shower while Derek went to make himself a coffee. When she came downstairs with her bag in tow, she was wearing her favourite tight jeans that accentuate her ass, 4" heeled pumps and a snug v-neck, cableknit top. Obviously wearing no bra, her big beautiful tits bounced around and her pert nipples were clearly poking through. She looked ravishing.

Moments later a car pulled up outside. She gave Derek a peck on the cheek, said goodbye and hurried to greet her lover in the driveway. There she put her arms around him and gave him a very intimate kiss in front of the whole neighbourhood. Not that anybody was watching, but if they were her intent would have been obvious. All Derek could do was watch through the window. After she drove away, he jerked off and got ready for work.


She had referred to "this thing with Paul" as if there was some burgeoning relationship. That was partly to dissuade Derek from begging for a reconciliation. Truth is that she just wanted to fuck him. She had no intention of giving up her newfound sexual freedom for Paul or anybody else.

However, Paul was clearly smitten with Kat. And he was an older married man. The last thing she needed was him going all gaga over her and leaving his wife. He would need to be actively managed.

The trip was just for two nights. They were visiting one of the company's plants in New Jersey. It was mostly just an excuse to get away with Kat without his wife or colleagues suspecting anything. They would stay in mid-town Manhattan, cross the river for a few meetings and spend the rest of the time fucking and checking out NYC.

The plane landed around noon in New York. They took a car out to see the plant, take a tour and attended a couple meetings. Paul couldn't wait to get his hands on Katie, but she kind of enjoyed making him wait. She was basking in the power of her pussy, an experience that was completely new to her. When they finally got to the hotel around 5:30 p.m. they checked into two rooms, but she moved into his room.

They stood in the middle of the room kissing for a while. Then Paul paused and said he needed to call his wife so that she didn't interrupt them later. He was a little sheepish about it, but Kat was nonplussed. She wasn't an aspiring wife or even an aspiring mistress. She was using him for sex and fun and a trip to NYC. Frankly the fact that he was married made it easier to keep it all non-committal, so she wanted him to do whatever he needed to do to keep his wife happy. Katie was also surprisingly free of guilt for fucking another woman's husband. Something had changed in her since starting this affair and she wasn't going to let anyone, or anything stand in the way of her sexual actualization.

While Paul called his wife she wiggled out of her jeans and panties, peeled off her top and put her heels back on. Then she sat in the chair across the room from him and draped one leg over each arm of the chair so that she was fully spread out. When he hung up the phone, she beckoned him over to her.

"On your knees boss. Now I think I've sucked your cock what four times now? You have yet to taste my pussy. Now get in there."

Paul wasn't used to Kat calling the shots like this, but he was more than willing to oblige. He only licked her for a couple minutes before taking off his clothes to fuck her. Kat was a bit disappointed. Derek was slightly below average in size and frankly a bit disappointing in the cock department, but he almost always put in a solid effort in the cunnilingus department. Paul was a bit bigger than Derek, which made him the biggest Katie had ever had (she'd only been with two guys before Derek and both were underwhelming) so she hoped that would make up for up for the mediocre pussy eating effort. Having a new cock in her was very titillating and she could notice the extra size, but he was far from filling her up and had a bit of a hair trigger. Again, she was a little disappointed. At least he had the good graces not to ask her to tell him it was awesome, in fact he seemed to know that it wasn't.

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