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Slutty Aunt Elaine Fucks her Nephew


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'A jagger? I was expecting a row of them ready and waiting to be slammed back.' Once again, the inner slut was making sure Elaine reverted to being nicely pissed to make sure she got the cock inside her that she craved.

They slammed the shots and took a sip of their gin and lager respectively.

'One more?' Said Elaine, not even waiting for her nephew to answer and grabbing the bottle and pouring another round.

'Go on then' said Nathan. 'what are we going to do about getting in to town?' he continued.

'No idea, but I do know that I need to eat. By the time these shots and this gin hit me, I'll be anybody's.' This time the words that escaped her lips were no accident and were accompanied with a raised eyebrow that was obvious. Nathan's cock had only just reached semi erect when his aunt's obvious statement made him spring fully to life. Unfortunately for him his member was no longer tucked upwards and was now straining at the material of his jeans. Hoping Elaine hadn't been paying attention he turned towards the kitchen side as if to grab his shot glass and passed Elaine hers. 'Cheers' they said, clinking glasses and keeping each others gaze. Back went the shots and turning his head back towards Elaine, for the first time he saw her tits causing the material to gape and his eyes stayed glued to the skin showing through the space between buttons. He wasn't subtle and Elaine noticed immediately where his gaze sat. Already feeling the affects of the Jagger's, she pushed her tits out, subtly she hoped, showing even more of her mounds beneath the thin material. 'Lets just order a kebab and carry on having a drink here' Elaine suggested. Then, from nowhere 'KNICKERS' blurted from her mouth.

'Sorry?' Nathan replied.

'I actually forgot to put my thong on' said Elaine blushing at both forgetting and that Nathan now knew that she was naked all except the flimsy black dress she was wearing.

'For fucks sake. How am I supposed to forget certain things when you tell me stuff like that!?' He couldn't believe he just said that but it was greeted with a knowing smile from his aunt.

'I imagine those pictures are burned in to your memory' she said giggling and turned on her heels and walked to the bottom of the stairs. Turning to her nephew she said 'I'll have a chicken donner and cheesy chips' and started to climb the steps. Following her out and standing at the bottom hoping to catch a glimpse up her dress as before, Nathan asked 'Salad, sauce?'

''Always garlic mayo. Don't you know your favourite aunty well enough to know that? Oh and Nathan' she said turning her back to him, 'See!?' and with that she flipped the back of her dress up to flash her arse to her nephew confirming that she really had forgot to put her panties on.

'You're not the only one commando' Nathan let out. 'You know I haven't worn pants except for work in years.'

'I'm not sure why I know that but I do remember that yeah. Your dad doesn't either I seem to remember.' For the second time that day, Elaine caught herself having indirect thoughts of her brothers dick. 'One perverted act at a time, Elaine, eh?' she thought to herself , followed by 'at a time? No, not at a time. You're not going there with Mark!' she snapped herself back to the present with an involuntary 'Well, you can't be the only one going commando can you? I'll just have to sit like a lady'.

'Pah, a lady. Who do you think you're kidding? You're forgetting I've seen the evidence saying otherwise.' For the second time in short succession, Elaine was made aware that her slutty, revealing pictures were right at the thought of her nephews mind. With a shrug of her shoulders she started to make her way back down the stairs, the bottom button that was undone of her dress making a deliciously tempting split as her right leg went forward each time. Knowing what he knew, Nathan's eyes never left her legs until she reached half way down the stairs to be replaced in his eye line by her tits straining at the buttons, daring him to touch them.

Nathan, turned his back and took out his phone, unlocking it with his thumb. What he'd forgotten was that he hadn't closed the email attachment he'd been looking at and as his phone came to life, clear as day on the screen was his favourite picture of his aunt. Legs wide open, panties pulled to the side, inviting him to run his tongue alone her wet hole. Closing the email app urgently, he hoped that Elaine was either looking the other way or had her view blocked by his shoulder. From her point of view, Elaine saw everything and now knew for sure that the feeling was mutual and her nephew wanted to fuck her just as much as she wanted to know what his cock would feel like inside her.

'Well that changes things', Elaine thought. 'Do I just ask him out right to fuck or do I still seduce him and make him think it was all spur of the moment? She was shaken from her thoughts by Nathan's deep voice ordering the food delivery and sauntered past him back in to the kitchen where she reached up on her tip toes to grab wine glasses from the top shelf, fully knowing that her dress would rise up, barely covering the arse that she wanted Nathan to be seeing while he fucked her with abandon from behind. As Nathan finished the call, Elaine turned around to catch him staring at her legs, not knowing that by reaching up she had caused the third button down to slip open and as she turned round her full left breast was on show. Nathan couldn't help but stare causing Elaine to notice her wardrobe malfunction and with a chuckle and absolutely no urgency placed the glasses on the kitchen work surface and redid her button, recovering her modesty at least partially.

'Spoil sport', Nathan commented with a new flirtiness in his tone.

'Haven't you seen those plenty enough?' Elaine was enjoying this now. It had become a game to see who was going to admit they wanted the other first and she knew she was an expert at making men want her. She decided to really ramp up the tension and make him desperate to fuck her. She poured two glasses of white wine and went and sat at the dining table. She removed her stash box and pulled out a bag of sticky sweet cannabis and placed a bud in her grinder and proceeded to roll herself a joint.

'Joining me?' said Elaine, strolling in to the garden. Her fuck me heels still making that sexy clip clop as she walked and the height of the heel making her arse sway with each step

'I can't, we still get tested every now and again when we get back to barracks so I'll stick to my beer thanks, Bo'

'Fair enough' she said, stepping outside. The cool, late spring air hit Elaine as she stepped out and if possible made her already hard nipples even more prominent and obvious.

'Chilly?' said Nathan. All pretence that he was looking at anything but her tits and covering up his intent to fuck her had now all but disappeared.

'A gentleman would at least offer to keep me warm. My nipples could cut glass over here.' Taking a step towards her, Nathan reached out his strong arm and wrapped it around his petite aunt's shoulders, pulling her in a bit closer until their bodies were touching. Elaine reached round his waist in response, snuggling in until she could feel the warmth of his body. She took a deep breath in and felt a surge of sexual excitement as her body started to react to the pheromones of the horny 25 year old in her grasp. They stayed this way, in silent realisation that their relationship was going to change course over the next few hours, with Nathan trying desperately to keep control of his hardening cock that was no more than a few inches from brushing against his aunty if he turned the wrong way.

'I've missed you being around, you know?' Said Elaine and looked up and straight in to the eyes of her nephew in their most intimate moment yet. In her heels, Elaine's 5'4 frame was a nice height next to Nathan's 6ft and she put her hands on his shoulders and kissed him. Not a full, French kiss and there was certainly no tongues or roaming hands. But a kiss of closeness, on the lips, with closed eyes relaxing in to each other for more than a fleeting moment, with softening lips and way past the line of any physical contact they had had before now.

Breaking the kiss, Elaine opened the door to the house just in time to see the lights of the delivery car turn up with their dinner for the evening. Nathan took delivery of the food and swiped his card, returning to the kitchen where Elaine was getting plates and cutlery ready. Dinner went past with regular chat and the general catch up that the evening had been set up on the pretence of. Talk of their family and Nathan's on/off girlfriends and fuck buddy's and their nights out from the past almost drove thoughts of the taboo line that they both wanted to cross from their minds until after finishing the meal Nathan walked in to the kitchen to find Elaine bent over at the cupboard under the sink, retrieving dishwasher tablets. Her dress had ridden up and her arse was clearly on display, as her nephew approached it was clear to him that her pussy lips were also showing. Without thought or care, Nathan slapped his aunt's arse in a playful way that passed yet another boundary. 'And you were saying about us both having the same surname?', Elaine commented, turning to him.

Nathan was feeling bold now. Reaching out he seemed to undo her third button down with the click of a finger, leaving his aunt's dress clinging on for dear life with only her hard nipples preventing it opening fully. 'As you said, nothing I haven't seen before. Plus, it's only looking'

'Looking...if you say so' said Elaine, pouring her next glass of wine. 'Another beer?' It looks like there's at least one part of you that seems to want to do more than look' she teased her nephew pointing at his crotch. 'Impressive, by the way.' Elaine made sure her hips and arse swayed in the way that she knew made men want to grab them and take her there and then as she made her way to the living room. She sat at the dining table as Nathan made himself comfortable on the sofa, openly arranging his dick inside his jeans so it was at least bearable to sit with. He watched his aunty as she sat cross legged at the table, rolling her second joint and once she had finished she set it to one side for later and turned to face her nephew. The motion of her turning and the way that she sat really did show everything her nephew could have asked to see. Her cross legged sitting position providing a sexy of view of her shapely thighs and also the most deliciously tempting but tiniest hint of pussy, peeking out in the shadow of her dress and almost obscured by her angle, but it was there and Nathan was happy to look hard to see it. Above the waist line, Elaine's dress bunched as she sat, causing the material to loosen it's grip from her solid nipples and expose both breasts fully. Their sheer size caught Nathan by surprise along with the perfect shaped nipples that he had admired so many times during dozens of wanks that he no longer felt guilty about.

'So', started Elaine. This had escalated a lot quicker than she'd expected at the start of the night and she hadn't really thought she'd have to make the decision so early. 'All of this seems a little unfair. You've seen all of me...many, many times I'm guessing. You can't deny it, I saw my picture on your phone when you went to order dinner...but I haven't seen any of you. Even now you're looking at my tits. I think it might be time to even things up a little!'

'What do you want me to do? Take my cock out now for you!?' Nathan was joking when he threw that out there. He finished with a chuckle which was cut short by his aunty. Her eyes had changed and her breathing was quickened.

'Pretty much.' Elaine's voice was different. Now full of intent she was going to get what her dreams had been filled with for months. 'Lets be honest. You have been wanking over me for nearly two years nit and if I'm honest, I've been doing the same. You probably know every inch of my pussy from the amount of times you have cum while looking at it. And yet me, every time I have cum imagining you fucking me has had to be a guess at what the cock using me looks like. If you don't want to take it out, you could always bring it over her and I'll take a look for myself.' With that, Elaine uncrossed her legs, placing both feet flat on the floor, smoothing her dress down making herself look almost conservative. She did up the lowest of the open buttons, followed by the next one up. Leaving nothing on show, other than the hard nipples that still poked through her dress material for all they were worth

'No more until we have evened things up.'

'You're serious aren't you? I was just enjoying getting something new in my wank bank and now you want me to stand in front of you while you take my cock out for me?'

'Only of you're too shy to take it out and show it to your favourite aunty', Elaine teased him.

Nathan wasn't used to being teased about being shy. He was a squaddie, one of the lads and a man's man and he didn't really enjoy ring ribbed about being shy sexually. He stood and took the three short strides across the room until he stood directly in front of his aunt. His cock desperate to be released from his jeans and even more desperate to be in the hands of his aunt. Elaine shuffled forward to the edge of her seat, spreading her legs wide, hitching her dress up to just below the point where her pussy would have been clearly on view and reached around and pulled her nephew in closer between her legs, her face level with what appeared to be a bigger than average dick. The outline it caused in the denim showed his member clearly and even better showed thati it ended with a large bulbous helmet. The type that she loved brushing against her g-spot while she was on top. She reached out with her right hand, undoing the belt, looking up from the top of her eyes, waiting for her nephew to stop her, the message she sent was one of submission as she looked with puppy dog eyes, desperate for the treat that was about to come her way. Elaine reached out with the other hand and undid the top button of his jeans, then the next until she could start to see his trimmed pubic hair, then the next and for the first time, the very base of her nephews cock came in to view. Impressive as she had thought from the outline in his jeans, but way thicker than she had first imagined. Elaine enjoyed a long cock, what girl doesn't, but what she really enjoyed was girth. She got off hardest when she was stretched. She popped the next button and then the last. Still his cock didn't come free. Still straining to get to stand exactly where it wanted to but held down by his jeans, Elaine took hold of the material, looked up in to Nathan's eyes one last time and opened his flied fully, his cock springing free and across Elaine's line of vision and barley missing her face. Standing there as bold as brass and with the confidence of a squaddie, he knew that his cock was an impressive sight. He'd been told enough by plenty of his conquests.

'There, happy?' Nathan asked, but Elaine wanted more. Her inner slut was demanding it.

'Not really. You've seen me fucking myself with a dildo, you've seen what my face looks like when I'm cumming, you have even seen how much I cum, haven't you? Like I said, I want to even things up! I want to see all those things too. Wank for aunty Bo, Nathan.' With that she moved her face just a few inches forward and planted a gentle kiss on the underside of his cock, letting her tongue flick delicately on his cock as she moved away.

'You're even more slutty than I thought,' Nathan said, taking hold of his cock in his right hand. With his left he reached down and undid the dress buttons that Elaine had done up in protest. First her cleavage came in to view and then as he undid the next one with urgency both juicy tits popped out and his now free hand grasping with the desperation he'd been feeling for so long. 'Fuck, this might not take long', he warned his aunt. She barely registered as her eyes stayed transfixed on Nathan working his enormous member directly in front of her eyes. The urgent grasps of her nephews hands on her tits and the way he concentrated on her sensitive nipples was sending waves right through her body and directly to her clit. Involuntary moans left Elaine's mouth and her hands reached to the hem of her dress, pulling it up higher finally exposing her cunt fully. It was already wide open and as Elaine reached her ready and waiting hole with one hand, rushing straight in with three fingers, fucking herself hard and fast with no thought of building up slowly. Her free hand went to her clit and parting her legs wider rubbed her fully exposed button, her moans growing louder and louder as she lost herself in the view of pre-cum forming around the fist sized bell-end of her nephews member. Within seconds of her first sliding three fingers inside herself, Elaine was cumming and she knew it was going to be strong.

'That's it, Nathan, watch me cum. Wank your cock right in front of me. How many times have you used my pictures Nathan? Mmm, tell me how many times you've used me!'

'I don't know. Most nights for about six months when I could. I've even thought of fucking you when I've been fucking Demi,' he admitted. Demi was Nathan's girlfriend. She was away on a girls trip when Nathan got back from his tour so he had a couple of days to kill before she was back. He was starting to hope most of it would be spent fucking Elaine.

'Won't she be expecting a full load for herself when she gets home?' Elaine enquired. 'Not that I care, I want that cum all over me while I fuck myself...oh fuck, I'm going to cum. Fuck this is going to be strong, yes. Fuck me, yes, fuck, fuck!'

Nathan had stopped wanking. He was totally engrossed by the sight of his Aunty Bo fucking herself in to a frenzy directly in front of him. Somebody he knew for as long as he could remember, playing with her as a young child, sneaking peeks of her as a horny late teen and now finally, this. Her rubbing her clit so fast and so hard that her hand was a blur, her wet pussy making the most delicious noise as her fingers plunged in and out. And then it happened... removing the fingers inside her and somehow increasing the pace of the fingers on her clit, Elaine exploded. 'Fuck, yes, yes!!' Her whole body shook, her legs uncontrollably, and a tidal wave of sex juice left her as she gushed and cum over and over again, soaking the floor below her and also Nathan's jeans.

'Keep going' she told him. 'One of my filthy dreams was squirting over you while you came all over me. Cum for me, Nathan.'

On shaky legs, Elaine stood up, slowly making her way to the sofa, untying the belt of her dress and pulling the remaining buttons undone and opening her dress. Now wearing nothing but her knee high, fuck me boots, she laid back and went back to work on her pussy, this time only working her clit, more slowly and deliberately than before as her eyes stayed glued on Nathan's cock. Her moans were quieter now but took on a new level of filthiness and even she didn't recognise some of the noises she was making. Removing his jeans and making his way across to where Elaine laid naked, presenting herself to him he restarted wanking, matching Elaine's slow and deliberate pace.

'You can't fuck me, just wank over me. I'm not ready to cross that line yet' said Elaine between grunts. 'Get between my legs and watch me cum. Wank over me while I fuck myself and imagine your dick inside me.'

Not needing a second invitation, Nathan moved between her thighs and took his cock in his hand and began pumping no more than 2 inches from her opening and on a few occasions, Elaine jumped with ecstasy and let out new levels of groans as Nathan bumped the edge of his fist against her wet hole during his wanking motion. Knowing the tip of his cock was so close to her pussy was too much for Elaine to hold back. As before, one hand started to pound her willing cunt while she rubbed mercilessly at her engorged clit. Moments later she once again removed the fingers she'd had been fucking herself with and sent forth another wave of cum, coating Nathan from thigh to waist including his cock and the fist pumping it. Losing control of her body, slutty aunt Elaine thrust her hips up and forward, and for the first time made direct contact with her nephews cock. She came hard once more, her hole gaping and opening wide as if to beg for cock. One further thrust and she was now welcoming the end of Nathan's cock just between her parted lips.

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