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Somali Pet Ch. 03

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Pet is fucked in the shower by white dominant.
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Part 3 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 04/04/2023
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Summary: Pet is fucked in the shower by white dominant.

Note 1: Please note this story involves what some may consider rape (why it is in the non-consensual category). If that bothers you, please read no further. This story is also heavy on race play (as well as some religious meanderings) as a white woman dominates a Muslim college girl.

Note 2: This is part three of the series. Obviously, reading the previous chapters will help this all to make sense... but in case you want to dive ahead, or you just want a refresher if you read the previous chapters a while ago.

Chapter 1: Caaisho and her Somali family move into the house next door to lesbian seductress Danielle. Danielle, using a sly seduction technique, mixed with some aggressive behavior (including some very non-consensual aspects) seduces and dominates her eighteen-year-old big breasted, big bootied neighbor.

Chapter 2: Caaisho wakes up mortified by what she allowed to happen to her, and by all the sinful things she'd ended up willingly doing, but after a brief resistance, she ends up submitting completely to her white 'Mommy' all over again.

Note 3: Thanks to Tex Beethoven for editing this wicked story.

Somali Pet Ch. 03

Continuing immediately from where Ch. 02 ended....

Caaisho continued lying in bed for a few extra minutes, replaying the past dozen or so hours, as the remnants of her tumultuous orgasm faded away.

At first it was a slight glowing satisfied satiation, yet gradually, as she took some time to reflect, the emotion that filled her the most hit her hard: guilt.

She usually felt guilty for being unable to meet her Dad's unbelievably high expectations.

She often felt guilty for having such great opportunities here in the USA, while many of her equally deserving friends back home were still suffering. (Because of its gross political instability and military conflict, and its extremely high predominance of poverty... according to the United Nations, seven out of ten Somalis were living in poverty... Somalia didn't even qualify as high as a Third World Country. Fortunately for Caaisho her father was a doctor, and thus their family was wealthy enough to have a very nice house and furnishings, and they could even afford to emigrate to the United States, which she and her parents had done a little over three years ago, and her six older brothers had left Somalia even earlier.)

But now she felt guilty for her weakness. She'd allowed a woman... a white woman, no less... to take advantage of her.

To suck her tits.

And finger her.

Eat her.

Fuck her.

Cum in her mouth and vagina.

Then made her eat her.

Talk to her mother on the phone while she was actively sinning.

She'd become what she'd always been forbidden to become... a slutty American.

Caaisho got dressed, threw her various belongings back in her bag, and headed home. She desperately needed to get out of that house. Just to escape from the house where she'd been so utterly shamed.


Danielle, meanwhile, first stopped at a lingerie store, and bought an all-white outfit for tonight.


Caaisho was astonished by how cold her house still was, but with a few inches of snow on the ground... which she'd never seen before... and it wasn't melting... she guessed she shouldn't have been. But whatever. After piling a few extra blankets onto it, she crawled into her bed.

She opened her laptop and began researching sex... specifically, lesbian sex.

She discovered a lot. Some of it made sense to her, and some didn't.

For example...

-A woman can be straight, and still entertain lesbian fantasies. In fact in one survey, over half of the women surveyed said they were attracted to women.

-The most common porn search by women was for lesbian sex.

-A full third of the surveyed women had acted at least once on their lesbian fantasies, yet only seven percent of that third identified themselves as lesbians, or even bisexual.

As Caaisho encountered these stats, she felt slightly better about herself that women could have lesbian sex and still not consider themselves lesbians.

As she continued reading, she also learned:

-86% of women who had sex with women came every time, while only 65% of the women who had sex with men did.

Caaisho couldn't help recalling that she came twice last night, and twice again this morning, and each orgasm had been magnificent! But she then shook her head, castigating herself for having such a positive recollection of the twelve hours just passed.

Caaisho continued researching:

-Women innately understand a woman's body... duh, obvious much?... so they're far more likely to succeed in getting another woman off than a man.

-Women are able to orgasm in waves, since their orgasms aren't dependent on ejaculating.

-A woman's orgasm averages twenty seconds, a man's eight... all of Caaisho's so far had lasted longer than that... at least double.

-The known record for orgasms in an hour for a woman is 134, only 16 for a man.

Caaisho was fascinated. Yet she doubled her resolve. She couldn't allow those stats, or her own subjective feelings, to control her actions and lead her into sinning again. Therefore she needed to avoid Danielle at all costs!

Feeling very dirty and extremely sinful, she went to take a shower. Thank Allah her frigid home's water heater was still functional!


Meanwhile, Danielle returned home, and she wasn't surprised to discover Caaisho was gone.

So she simply gathered the pilot switch she'd purchased and the few tools she'd need, and headed next door. She typed in the house code Caaisho's mother had given her, and she went inside to see where her pet was.

She heard the shower going, so she hurried back downstairs with a plan. She turned off the hot water, and headed back upstairs.

Caaisho was enjoying the warm cleansing water, until she screamed! Her nice hot shower water had suddenly gone to icy cold!

Danielle knocked on the bathroom door and called out, "I'm sorry, Caaisho. I had to shut off the hot water for a few minutes so I can fix the furnace." Which of course was nonsense. The two appliances had nothing to do with each other, but it was unlikely Caaisho would know that. "Just stay in there, where hopefully it's warm. I'll have the heat running in a few minutes, and the hot water turned back on before you know it."

"Okay," Caaisho replied, hating that she had to rely on Danielle again. She hadn't lasted fifteen minutes in her new determination to avoid her, before somehow she'd gotten inside her house.

Caaisho wrapped herself in a towel, and doublechecked the bathroom door was locked.

Danielle went downstairs, quickly swapped out the old and new pilot switches, started the furnace, turned the hot water back on, and returned upstairs. She knocked on the door, and reported, "Your furnace is working again, and the hot water is turned back on."

"Thank you," Caaisho called back, silently praying Danielle would just leave.

"Okay, I'm out of here. If you need anything, just give me a call," Danielle lied, as she began getting undressed.

"Okay, thanks again," Caaisho said insincerely, thankful Danielle was leaving.

"Anytime," Danielle said.

Caaisho started the shower again, shivering big time, and she got back in as soon as the water was warm again.

Danielle, now naked, picked the lock (which was dead easy with a house's bathroom door... she just needed to poke an icepick or something similar into the centre of the doorknob), and she ever so slowly opened the door. She tiptoed into the bathroom and over to the shower.

Caaisho was enjoying the hot water washing over her, praying that her plethora of sins could be washed away (although she could easily understand how Lady Macbeth had felt when she couldn't wash away her guilt).

Danielle quietly got into the shower, and she was surprised to be standing directly in front of Caaisho and not be noticed. She admired the teen's charcoal-coloured body for a few long moments, the water running down her body, between her extraordinarily large tits, over her hairy pussy, and down her very dark legs. She needed to alert Caaisho of her presence, but not startle her so much that she might slip in the shower and take a tumble.

With her eyes closed, Caaisho just let the hot water warm her up, and also attempt to cleanse her of her ultimate guilt.

Danielle reached for the soap, lathered her hands ever so quietly, then reached forward and cupped her favourite part of the teen's body... her tits. (Her big ass was an incredibly close second favourite.)

"What the..." Caaisho gasped, as she opened her eyes to see a naked Danielle cupping her breasts.

"I needed a shower too, after our wild fuck sessions and fixing your furnace," Danielle explained, "and you already had the hot water running, so I figured I might as well join you."

"Please leave, this is my home," Caaisho requested, as her tits were washed and fondled (not necessarily in that order).

"And you're my devoted pet slut," Danielle reminded the teen, pinching both nipples.

"Oooooooh," Caaisho trembled, having learned just how sensitive her nipples were during the constant sexual onslaught she'd experienced ever since the previous evening. "Please, just go."

"This game is getting old, Caaisho," Danielle sighed, as she continued rubbing the teen's breasts with sudsy soap. "We rejoin each other after being apart very briefly, I make an overture or two, you pretend to think we're doing something sinful, but soon you're begging for more of it like a dirty porn star. And why? Because you feel guilty?"

"Yes! Extremely! And now it's even worse, because we're sinfully naked together in my own home! Where my parents live!"

Danielle astonished the girl by breaking into peals of merry laughter!

"It's not funny!" Caaisho bellowed.

It took Danielle about twenty seconds to regain control of herself and stop laughing. Then she finally said, "But it is funny, you silly goose. And what's laughable about it... yes, laughable... is that you know better. Which you know very well by now, but here's a refresher course...

"First of all," she began, in spite of her total nudity, now looking and sounding like the Psychology Professor Emeritus she was, "as we've already established in our conversations, all this guilt you enjoy heaping onto your head for your so-called 'sinning', is not only unnecessary, but it's actively harmful to your wellbeing.

"Second, all those so-called moral 'rules' you're breaking aren't worth following in the first place. Which is because they too are harmful to your wellbeing, since almost all of them are contrary to your deepest instincts.

"Third, basically the only reason for morality even to exist is because of traditions that have been carefully crafted by men over the centuries, in large part to enhance the dominance of the stronger over the weaker, the most glaring example of which is men's dominion over women."

'What do you mean by 'dominion' in this context?" the honour student asked.

"It's the idea that I own you, therefore I know what's in your best interests, because that's whatever is in my best interests. For instance, at some point in the future your father is going to tell you who he wants you to marry. True?"

"That's the Somali tradition, yes."

"So when he lays down that particular law, are you going to do what he says?"

"Ummm," Caaisho had to stop and think about that one. Then after a full minute of silence, she said, "No. That tradition is bullshit, especially here in America. If I want to marry who I want to... even if it's another woman, if that's what I eventually decide... if my Dad has a problem with it, it's just that: his problem."

"Exactly," Danielle said with a smirk.

"But wait a minute," Caaisho said after another pause. "All you're doing is bossing me around too! Why is that any different?"

"Interesting point," Danielle said thoughtfully. Then after a brief pause, "I admit that on the surface it looks pretty much the same, except in our case we're wearing less clothing, and I'll even admit that I get a rush out of telling you what to do. I think the main difference is the effect. With your Dad, you're constantly on edge because he makes you feel you aren't good enough. Whereas I make it very clear that I think you're gorgeous and sexy. And I also give you dynamite orgasms."

"True. Except you keep calling me a lesbian and a slut."

"Which most people would consider insulting."


"And I disagree with them. To me, the terms lesbian and slut are endearments."


"A slut is just someone who loves having sex. I think you love sex almost as much as I do, which means you're probably almost as big a slut as I am. In any case, it's certainly not something I'll ever criticize you for. On the other hand, even though I know that I'm a lesbian, I'm not absolutely certain that you are; I just know you're not 100% straight. You might be a lesbian, or you might be bisexual, or even one of those esoteric words, like pansexual; neither of us know you well enough to say for sure. But in any case those are just labels, and whatever category you fall into, it's all good."

"You just get me all confused," Caaisho said, her head swimming.

"And all hot and bothered," Danielle agreed, as she reached her right hand down to the teen's hairy pussy.

"Please, Danielle no," Caaisho protested again... by this point mostly out of habit. Danielle's longwinded explanation had been awfully convincing, and the woman did make her feel sexy and desirable.

"What?" Danielle queried, as she grabbed the soap and washed her pussyfooted region. "Cleanliness is next to godliness, is it not?"

"That's a Christian saying," Caaisho moaned, as her pussy being rubbed was getting her sexed up all over again.

"So Muslims don't approve of cleanliness?" Danielle asked, as she began rubbing the teen's pussy roughly.

"No, I didn't say that. It's very important," she admitted through a moan.

"So we're agreed. Now clean me up," Danielle ordered. "Fixing your sooty furnace got me all dirty."

"Then will you leave?" Caaisho asked, feeling a little frustrated that Danielle's hand had moved away from her pussy. Danielle had once again lit a fire inside her, and it was beginning to burn out of control. Again.

"Eventually," Danielle answered vaguely, as she handed her pet the soap.

"Fine," Caaisho sighed dramatically, as she accepted it.

"Start with my back and ass," Danielle ordered, as she turned around.

"Fine," Caaisho sighed again, but this time with less dramatic flare, and a little more contentment.

Caaisho felt humiliation burning through her as she washed the white woman's naked back and ass. Although this session was less overtly sexual than their earlier encounters, they were now in her home, and somehow that made it more demeaning. Plus, she was acting like the woman's personal maid.

Danielle ordered, after a couple minutes, "Now lick my asshole clean, my little slut."

"What? No!" Caaisho gasped.

"I'm not requesting, I'm ordering," Danielle said firmly. "I own your fat tits, your whore cunt, and your bimbo brain."

Caaisho was aghast! Not only at the task she was expected to perform, or the names she was being called that were meant to humiliate and dominate, but by her body's instant betrayal. Such as the intense pleasure centred in her pussy, which made her entire body tremble slightly. She also realised that her humiliation kinda felt good!

"Say it," Danielle ordered.

Once again Caaisho could feel her resistance fading while her lust took control. "You own me."

"You can do better than that," Danielle scolded. She turned around and reached for the showerhead.

"But I'm so ashamed," Caaisho admitted.

"For letting the real you come out to play?" Danielle asked. "And if you think about it, doesn't the shame actually feel good?" She pulled her pet up to her feet, and then tightened the shower spray into a narrow focus and aimed it at her pussy.

"Ooooooooh," Caaisho trembled with a sudden and surprising intensity of pleasure, having never remotely considered a showerhead being used for any purpose except showering. And yes, the shame did give her kind of a sexual thrill.

"It's better than any toy," Danielle grinned, as she watched her teen pet discovering the joy of a showerhead.

Caaisho couldn't speak, because of the constant intense pounding the water was subjecting her pussy to. It felt so good!

"Kneel," Danielle ordered.

Caaisho obeyed without hesitation, in part because the intensity of the pounding water pressure was making it difficult to remain standing.

Once her pet was on her knees, Danielle detached the spraying showerhead from the wall, set it on the floor directly beneath Caaisho, and positioned it so the water was spraying upwards and pounding on her pet's pussy again. She then stood up, turned back around, and ordered, "Now spread my ass cheeks and eat my asshole."

Caaisho was a complete mess! Shame coursed through her from being sexually dominated again, and it was beginning to feel better and better, and her entire body was on fire. Being humiliated inexplicably turned her on. She felt her own hands pulling the white woman's cheeks apart, and now she was congratulating herself for doing something so daring and naughty.

"Good bimbo," Danielle approved, as she looked back and watched the Somali girl behind her obeying her every instruction.

Caaisho sighed and trembled as she leaned forward, extended her tongue, and licked the tabooest hole ever... thankfully the water had washed away the scent and taste of what that region would likely smell like at any other time.

Danielle smiled, as she pushed her pet deeper and deeper into ultimate submission. This time inside her own home. This time notching her submission up to a new level. Danielle always got a rush when she succeeded in making someone who definitely didn't want to do something do it anyway. And having her asshole licked was also a big turn on. (As was... the rare few times she allowed it... a backdoor pounding.)

Caaisho licked the puckered backdoor, feeling the shame building inside her... and an orgasm, too. The contrasting feelings crashed against each other like polar opposites that suddenly discover they have something crucial in common.

Both licking a white woman's asshole and getting off from a showerhead were normally considered inappropriate, disgusting acts... yet Caaisho couldn't stop doing either of them, because now it truly felt like they weren't.

"Yes, you slutty ass eater," Danielle moaned. "Get that tongue inside my asshole."

Caaisho couldn't fathom even being physically able to get her tongue into such a tight hole... but she obeyed the best she could. Rolling her tongue around the hole, and then trying to poke inside it.

Danielle approved, "That's it, my bimbo ass-eating slave. Show me what a good pet you are."

Again, Caaisho knew those words were ridiculous. She wasn't a bimbo... she was a borderline genius. She wasn't an ass eater... or hadn't been before a couple minutes ago. She wasn't a slave, she came from a history of slavery before her time, and her family came to America partly to break free from totalitarian governments that perceived her people and even more so women as slaves. She wasn't a pet... yet she continued to obey her 'Mommy' like a puppy.

The reality was that her next orgasm was close by and closing in.

Danielle's was too, so she turned around, grabbed her pet's head, shoved it roughly into her pussy, and began grinding on it aggressively. "Eat Mommy, baby girl. Eat Mommy, and then you can come like the little slut you are," as she kicked away the showerhead so it was no longer on target.


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