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Before the valuable liquid could drain from my testicles, she had her mouth on them and was sucking the flavor. Adrienne pulled me on the bed alongside her and began searching with her tongue and lips for any missing Baileys. She was very effective in her search. The way she wrapped her mouth around my erection and lapped the alcohol with her tongue caused me to approach my own orgasm.

Before I could warn her of my impending release, she let my erection fall from her mouth, rolled over on the bed, turned around and tried to pull me on top of her. With my assistance, I ended on top of her, supporting my weight with my elbows on the bed and staring into her steely gray eyes. Her lips pursed and I kissed her. Her mouth opened and our tongues danced together. I could feel Adrienne's nipples against my chest and my erection probing between her swollen labia.

She lifted and spread her legs. I slid easily inside her and pushed slowly until I was in as far as I could go. We hung together, kissing and unmoving, until Adrienne shifted her hips upward. I took that as a signal to begin my own movements. I was reciprocating rapidly within her and I could feel her body stiffening and pushing back with each stroke. I interpreted her response as an impending orgasm. That was good since I was approaching an orgasm of my own.

Adrienne's orgasm was accompanied by a soundless howl and a compression of my erection inside her. When she relaxed, I exploded inside her. We lay alongside each other, breathing rapidly and recovering. I was idly running a finger around the edge of her right nipple.

"Adrienne," I asked, "are we alright?"

"What do you mean by alright?" she asked in return.

"You know. We've known each other casually for years. Distant friends with a common interest and we've suddenly shared something so intimate that I still don't understand why," I tried to explain.

"Dylan, we're more than alright. Where we are right now is perfect. It's just been too long in coming."

"Help me understand," I said.

"Last Wednesday, you were so comforting, so soothing even without knowing why I needed you to be. I was deeply wounded and you healed me. Without detail, I had just discovered someone I cared deeply about, someone I wanted to spend my life with, someone I had been saving myself for, for years, was a fraud. Not just a fraud, a person who, once he had what he wanted, disappeared as if he had never existed. I took me a week to figure out he was never coming back and it almost broke me, until Wednesday evening with you."

"I don't know what to say," I said.

"You don't have to say anything. Wednesday your touch said everything there was to say. You massaged me. You held me and I felt safe. Safer than I'd ever felt before. I wanted you to touch me, to caress me. I melted as you held my breast but when you touched my thigh, I stopped you. I didn't want to but I stopped you anyway. I couldn't understand why I stopped you, until this afternoon when I realized that Wednesday wasn't the right time or place and tonight was.

"So here we are and I was right. I know in my heart I was right. The last hour was the best, loving hour I've ever experienced and I know now that my life so far has been a learning experience and a prelude to the rest of my life. If I can find you, I can find my perfect love, my soul mate. Thank you for pulling me back from the edge."

"Now I really don't know what to say," I admitted.

"Don't say anything, just kiss me," suggested Adrienne.

One kiss led to another kiss and eventually to Adrienne kneeling astride me and welcoming me inside her a second time. She rode me. We rolled over, I lifted her legs and pushed inside her. We rolled over several times and ended as we had started, only Adrienne was howling, her eyes were tearing, her body tensing and her vagina clenching. I was holding her hips tightly, pushing into her and expelling pulse after pulse of semen inside her.

We collapsed on the bed, exhausted. Several minutes later, Adrienne slithered off the bed. "I have to pee," she said.

For balance and support, Adrienne held onto the bed, the dresser and then the doorway as she headed for the bathroom. She was gone longer than I thought necessary. She finally returned, looking refreshed and holding a huge glass of ice cubes in one hand and the bottle of Baileys in the other. She sat on the bed and wiggled in front of me, sitting cross-legged.

I watched as she poured Baileys over the ice in the glass. She handed me the glass and I took a sip of the smooth liquid. I handed the glass back to her and she took a healthy swallow. Laughing, she looked me in the eyes and asked, "Dylan, I love that I'm here with you right now. Do you think sex can be as much fun as it is healing?"

She didn't wait for a response. She fished an ice cube from the glass, leaned over the side of the bed to put the glass and the bottle on the floor and then sat upright in front of me again. She took the ice cube and began to rub it around her right nipple. I watch, fascinated, as the ice cube melted and her nipple bulged. She repeated the ice cube treatment on her left nipple until the ice cube completely melted and her nipples were symmetrical. As the cold water dripped from her nipples, I leaned in, intending to test the stiffness of her nipples with my tongue.

"Hold on soldier," she said. "I'm not finished.

Adrienne leaned over and retrieved the glass of ice. She fished out another cube and handed me the glass. "Hold this," she said.

She put the ice cube in her mouth, leaned over and took my relaxed penis in her mouth. She used her tongue to move the ice around my glans and, when the ice melted, she pushed her cold tongue into the opening at the tip of my erection. She brought her head up and removed two more ice cubes from the glass. One cube went into the mouth and her mouth surrounded my erection again. The other one went into her right hand and it began to hold and squeeze my testicles. The cold was stimulating and unexpectedly arousing.

After the ice melted, Adrienne sat up in front of me again, retrieved the glass and poured two cubes into my hand. "Your turn," she said as she lay back on the bed and spread her legs.

She had a devilish smile as she watched me put one cube in my mouth and leaned in to kiss her clitoris. She reacted audibly as I sucked her clitoris into my mouth and pressed the ice cube against it. I used the other cube in my hand to stroke and rub her labia. She reacted more strongly when the cube disappeared into her vagina.

"Shit, that's cold," she exclaimed.

"Hold on," I told her. "I'll get it out."

"No. No. Leave it there. It'll melt. It's already feeling better," she shared.

"You're nuts, you know," I told her.

"Maybe. Are you having fun?" she asked.

"Yeah, this is fun," I admitted.

"Then welcome to nuts," Adrienne said.

Ice, tits, pussy and nuts occupied us for the next twenty minutes. We were on our knees. I was behind her, buried inside her and there was one small ice cube left in the glass. I retrieved the wayward ice and pressed it against her rectum.

"Oooh," she said. "Push it inside."

I moved the ice around on her rectum until it was smooth, without edges and pushed it slowly into her ass. "Oooh," she repeated. "Is there more ice?" she asked.

"Nope," I told her. "That was the last piece."

"What else do we have?" she asked.

"For what?" I asked innocently.

"To put in my ass, silly," she informed me.

I wet my finger and put it against her sphincter. "Yeah. Do that," Adrienne said.

I pushed and my wet finger slid into Adrienne's wet rectum. "Damn, that feels good," she moaned. "Anything larger?" she asked.

"Not that I can see," I answered.

"That's because it's hidden inside me," Adrienne explained.

"Are you nuts? You want me to put my cock in your ass?" I asked.

"We've already agreed I'm nuts but I'm having fun. What about you? You're nuts too. Have some fun."

"You're sure?" I asked for confirmation.

"I wouldn't have suggested it if I wasn't," Adrienne said. "So?"

"I don't want to hurt you."

"If it hurts, I'll let you know and you can stop," she conceded.

I backed out of her vagina, placed the head of my erection against her rectum and slid it around for lubrication.

"Stop teasing," Adrienne complained.

"Okay," I agreed. "Just a little more lubrication."

I reentered her and then pressed my freshly greased cock against her rectum and pushed without much success. I pushed harder. I felt Adrienne take a deep breath, stiffen her spine and push back. Suddenly, the end of my erection was inside her.

"You okay?" I asked.

"I'm okay. I'm having fun. Go for it," she insisted.

I began a reciprocating motion in her ass. Adrienne matched my rhythm, pushing when I pushed, pulling when I pulled. I was inside her further than I'd ever been inside anyone. She seemed to have no end. Each stroke ended when my pubic hair pressed against the smooth skin of her cheeks and my balls swung forward to impact her labia. As different as the experience was, I could feel the beginnings of an orgasm. Adrienne's vocals and physical movements indicated she was approaching her own orgasm. I squeezed my pelvic muscles, hoping to prolong the feeling. I lost the battle when Adrienne lost hers. Together we launched into the orgasmic void and fell on our sides, exhausted, with me still inside her.

"Shit," said Adrienne.

"Everything but," I responded.

Adrienne laughed and I felt her body caressing my slowly softening erection. I moved, intending to pull my cock from her ass.

"What are you doing?" Adrienne asked.

"I have to pee," I told her.

"So, pee," she said.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Just pee," she repeated.

"I'm still inside your ass," I informed her.

"I know that. That's why I suggested it," Adrienne asserted.

"You're crazy, you know," I told her.

"Crazy in a nutty way," she replied. "Just let it go. I want to feel what it's like," she added.

I considered the ramifications for a moment. "I don't know if I can," I stated.

"What does that mean? You have to pee. I want you to pee. I'll bet you've never been unable to pee before. What's the problem?" she said.

"It doesn't seem sanitary," I told her.

"It doesn't seem sanitary!" Adrienne exclaimed. "Dylan you're talking about my ass. I guarantee you there's been a lot of things up there more unsanitary than your pee, including your fingers. Stop procrastinating. Pee already."

So, I did.

Hot liquid flowed from my cock. It flowed up deeper into her and down, bathing my cock in hot liquid like I'd never experienced before.

"Fuuuuccck," howled Adrienne.

Startled, I asked, "Are you alright?"

Recovering, Adrienne responded, "Yeah. I'm fine. It was hotter than I expected."

"Me too," I added.

"Damn," said Adrienne. "I felt boiling liquid up into my tits and my ovaries are still tingling."

Unassisted, my hot cock slipped from Adrienne's rectum.

Adrienne leapt off the bed. "Shit, I'm leaking everywhere," she said as she ran bowlegged toward the bathroom with urine dripping from both hands between her legs trying, unsuccessfully, to contain the flood.

Five minutes later I heard the toilet flush and the shower start.

I got off the bed and headed for the bathroom. Adrienne was standing outside the shower with one hand testing the water temperature. I headed for the toilet to wipe my cock and Adrienne climbed into the shower. I warmed up a washcloth in the sink, intending to clean up my cock and balls.

"Don't bother," called Adrienne from the shower. "Join me and we can help each other."

We focused more on cleaning than the possibility of sex in the shower. Adrienne cleaned up well. I especially enjoyed the silky feel of her soapy breasts and she seemed just as fascinated with spreading the soap around on my penis.

We dried each other with clean towels and headed back to the bedroom. Adrienne took one look at the bed and asked, "This won't do. Do you have another set of sheets?"

"Nope," I answered. "What you see is all I've got."

She began to strip the sheets off the bed. "I guess we'll just have to wash these then. Where's your washing machine?"

"In the basement," I said.

"In the basement?" she echoed. "You don't have your own washer and drier?"

"No. The tenets share them."

Adrienne tossed the bundle of sheets on the floor and started looking for her clothing. "I'll need to wear something if I'm taking the sheets to the basement," she said.

I grabbed a robe from my closet. "Here, wear this," I said.

She looked at me strangely. "You think that's enough to wear?"

"Sure, nobody's going to see you. It's late. No one does laundry at one in the morning."

"Okay, if you think so," she agreed and put on the robe.

"Do you have detergent and quarters?" she asked.

"I'll get the soap and you don't need quarters. The washers are included in the rent," I told her. "And I'm going with you," I added.

I put on a pair of shorts, grabbed my keys and we headed barefoot for the washers and driers in the basement.

We were back and hour and forty-five minutes later with clean, warm sheets. We had managed to find things to entertain us while we waited for the machine cycles to finish. Together we made the bed.

We toasted each other with more Baileys, ditched the robe and shorts and snuggled into the bed together. We slept, changing positions, spooning with each other and wrapped in each other's arms until after ten Saturday morning. "Shit," it was my weekend to work.

When I saw the time, I called my boss and told him I was suffering from an unexplained case of diarrhea. He told me to take whatever time I needed.

"Diarrhea?" asked Adrienne when I hung up.

"Yeah. If I was just not feeling good or had the sniffles or the flu, he would have told me to come to work. I knew diarrhea wasn't something he wanted to deal with in the office," I explained.

My cupboard was barren of anything wholesome to eat so we decided to go out to breakfast. I found an iron, unused since my mother gave it to me when I moved out and Adrienne gave her blouse and skirt a quick press on the kitchen table. She put on the blouse and skirt, no underwear. I put on a pair of jeans and a polo shirt, also without underwear. We found our shoes and we headed out.

"I'll drop you at your car at the arena after breakfast," I suggested.

"Why would you do that?" Adrienne asked. "Are you uncomfortable with me being here with you?" she added.

"Not at all," I told her. "I was just being polite," I said.

"You can be polite Sunday afternoon," she responded. "Meanwhile, where are we going for breakfast?"

I was thinking about two days and another night with Adrienne as I drove to a hole in the wall café that made incredible omelets and crepes, had the best coffee in town and a waitress named Betty with enormous tits, a half-buttoned shirt and a too short skirt.

Midway through breakfast, Adrienne asked, "Did you bring me here for the great food or just so you could admire the bouncing Bettys?"

"You got me," I said.

"What's wrong with my tits?" she asked.

"Nothing," I quickly answered. "Actually, I prefer your tits to hers."

"Why's that?" she asked just as quickly.

"I can touch yours," I said with a lusty grin.

"You're an idiot," she said with a huge smile.

"In a nutty way," I added.

I paid the bill, left my usual over large tip and we headed back to my apartment.

Back in the apartment, Adrienne quickly kissed me and headed for the bedroom. By the time I got there, her blouse and skirt were on the chair and she was in the bed waiting for me. I stripped and joined her. We started slowly, with hugs and kisses and had sex, the kind of sex you have after eating.

We added more physical activities as the day continued. We showered again, dressed in the same clothes again and went to dinner. I choose a small, intimate Italian restaurant. We were seated at a four-person table against the wall. Adrienne sat on my left, a deliberate choice of mine since I was right-handed and with her on my left, I could eat with one hand and massage the inside of her thigh with my left hand. It was humorous watching right-handed Adrienne trying to eat with her left hand while stroking me through my pants with her right hand.

Back in the apartment, we curled up on the sofa to watch the NHL Saber's game. Adrienne continued to stroke me through my pants which lead to both of us stripping off our clothing again. Free from clothing, Adrienne was more interested in the state of my penis than watching the game. Soon, she was leaning over my body with my cock sucked into her mouth. She was constantly adjusting her technique as my cock grew into an erection and I lost interest in the game as well.

Adrienne repeatedly tried to allow the entire length of my erection into her mouth. She repeatedly choked and gagged but she refused to quit. Each time she changed her angle, she was able to get her mouth further down on me. I was against the top of her throat when she pushed again and I slipped past the back of her mouth and into her throat. Surprised, she held the position for several seconds before she retreated to take a breath.

Knowing she could swallow the end of my cock, the next attempt Adrienne pushed until her nose was buried in my pubic hair and my cock well past the top of her throat. I imagined that I could see the bulge my cock created in her throat. Pleased with her new skill, she took a deep breath and swallowed my erection. She began to use her throat muscles as if she was swallowing and the ripples on my erection threatened to start an unstoppable process that was certain to lead to an orgasm.

I warned her about the possibility before her next plunge. She took a deeper breath and took another nosedive. Her muscle squeezing created the predicted result and I squeezed a dollop of semen deep into her throat. She swallowed my offering and set off another pulse. When my pulsing ceased, Adrienne sat up, laughing, gasping and choking all at the same time.

"Proud of yourself?" I asked.

"Damn straight," she said victorious while coughing. "It's a hell of a lot better than Bailey's."

I pushed her back onto the bed and began to kiss her breasts. I continued down her torso, past her navel and into her pubic hair.

"You think you can do better?" she asked.

"It's not a contest. I'm just looking for equal opportunity," I answered.

I tongue found the head of her clitoris already emerging from under its hood. "Oooh, this is going to be fun," Adrienne commented.

That was the last understandable words she uttered for the next twenty minutes. I focused on her clitoris with my tongue and lips until I was having difficulty keeping her body reasonably quiet. Almost reflexively, Adrienne's legs came up alongside my head and she squeezed her thighs against my ears. I pushed her thighs up and apart with my hands and refocused my tongue and lips between her labia and inside her vagina as deeply as I could manage.

I moved over her perineum and pushed my tongue against her rectum without success. I reversed course and pushed a finger into her ass and my tongue found the inside of her vagina again. My tongue continued upward back toward her clitoris and I added another finger in the space it abandoned. I captured her clitoris between my lips and added movement of my fingers in her vagina and rectum. Adrienne lost her composure within minutes. Her body shook, her toes curled, her legs shot straight out, her thighs squeezed my face and hand and her prolonged wail rose until it was beyond human hearing.

Exhausted, Adrienne pulled me up on top of her, kissed me with abandon and wrapped her arms tightly around me as her tense shaking receded. "Fuck, that was intense," she eventually said. She rolled up, over and settled down on my recovered erection. "Don't move. Just let me enjoy the feeling of you inside me," she whispered.

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