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Speech and Debate Pt. 08

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The boys have some fun in a car...but are they alone?
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Part 8 of the 18 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 01/24/2015
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I hope you enjoy this chapter. Sorry it took me longer than usual to post this chapter. I had originally planned this to be ONE long chapter, but it proved too bulky. So now you get TWO chapters at once! Hope you enjoy it. This also means that now there will be a total of at least 14 chapters when the series is completed. Maybe more!

DISCLAIMER: The following fictional story deals with sex among males. If you are offended by such material, are too young, or reside in an area where it is not allowed, depart. Though not observed in this story, care enough about yourself and humankind to practice safe sex.

The author retains all rights. No reproductions or links to other sites are allowed without the author's consent.


A Nerd in Jock's Clothing: Go, Team, Go!

By D. A. Mackey

Because I am, first and foremost, a nerd of the highest degree, and because my mother is also an educator, I approached the task of learning baseball in the only way I found logical: I watched the sport on TV surrounded by reference books I'd checked out from the public library. My mother found me, legal pad on my knees, furiously scribbling every thing I could think of as I watched ESPN for the first time in my life. She stood in the doorway, laundry basket wedged skillfully to her hip in stunned silence at first, mouth working but unable to really articulate the millions of questions she must have had.

"Who are you, and what have you done with my son, David?" She asked, startling me from the game.

Despite what people may say about baseball being a slow paced sport where little actually happens, I was finding my attention to the game brought up countless and unending avenues of exploration. I entered the task knowing little more than that several people swung at a ball with a bat and made their way counter-clockwise across four bases, so everything aside from those most basic of basic facts was new to me.

"Very funny, Mamma," I shot back in my best teenager impersonation. "I might as well tell you now, since you're gonna have to sign the release form anyways: I'm the new Varsity Baseball Team Manager."

The laundry basket crashed to the floor and my mamma busied herself with repacking it to cover her shock.

"Well, honey, you know your father and I support you in anything you want to do. Even that."

I made some grunt of approval in her general direction and continued my note taking. She regathered the laundry and made her way to leave. I heard her footsteps quickened as she left until she was nearly running towards the stairs and second floor laundry room.

"Siiiissssyyyy...," she shouted as she took to the stairs in what had to be two by two leaps, calling for my sister in the family nickname. "Sissy, where are you!"

I rolled my eyes and waited for what I knew was going to follow.

Surely as the night follows the day, a harsh bark of laughter soon hit my ears, my little sister apparently taking my mother's new gossip with every ounce of grace that I'd come to expect from my darkly inclined sibling. For a full minute, I heard the laughter echo from upstairs, hushed by my mother's all-too-late reprimands, which were also fully audible.

Let them laugh. I wasn't going to let them get me down. The idea of being the new team manager was exciting. First because it offered a new opportunity to learn something I never thought I would want to learn, and second because it meant I would be spending more time with Daniel. My mother and sister could cackle till the cows came home, I was getting the better end of this bargain by far.

The first Home Game found me tucked into a team uniform emblazoned with my first initial and last name across the back, complete with a patch above the school crest and the embroidered title of "Manager" in royal blue thread beneath it. The Coach had given me a pair of baseball pants which I now wore along with baseball cleats and knee high blue cotton socks with white stripes down the sides.

I felt like I was wearing a ridiculous costume, but my new teammates assured me that I looked the part.

I had to silently thank Daniel for his attempts at upping my physical fitness game. Hauling the many mesh bags full of bats and balls and various assorted gear that I had to haul from the gym storage room out to the baseball field would have killed me just a few short weeks ago. I now rather enjoyed the slight ache in my shoulders when I'd finished setting up the equipment and organized the dugout as instructed.

The innings passed by quickly for me and I kept track of the few stats that Coach had told me to run for him, as well as maintained the video camera feeds from the dugout and the two remote cameras set up on the lights behind the home plate. I couldn't help but think that the Theater Department could have greatly used just ONE recording device, while the Baseball team had two wireless, permanent, and waterproof cameras installed just to re-watch games and form after the fact. But decrying the unequal nature of athletic and artistic funding in the private school industrial complex is a fool's errand in most cases.

In no time, my first home game was over and the players, satisfied with a 4-2 win over the visiting team, all headed back to the gym complex to clean up and shower. I had to stay late and collect the scattered equipment back into the mesh bags and haul them back to the storage room.

Daniel approached me as I stuffed a few metal bats into a carrying case.

"So, nerd," he started, keeping an eye on the retreating backs of our departing teammates. "How was it the first time out?"

"Not too horrible," I shrugged. "Once you get over the stench of you all..." I wrinkled up my nose in mock admiration for his post game funk and was rewarded with his booming chuckle.

He stepped closer to me and leaned his head to mine so that his face hovered a few inches in front of my nose. I stopped my cleaning, my grip reflexively tightening on the slender phallic bat in my hand, wishing it was Daniel I held between my fingers.

"The uniform is doing it for me," he groped at the front of his tight white baseball pants, "you should keep them on until everyone leaves."

His hand traveled the outline of his growing cock as it expanded across his hip bone, entirely visible beneath the elastic fabrics. He shouldered his duffle bag and swung it in front of his body to hide his arousal.

"See you in the showers, Nerd," he shouted back over his shoulder as he walked from me to join the team.

His sculpted ass in the pants and his implied arousal with visual proof worked like a charm, as I'm quite sure Daniel intended. In seconds, I had the dugout cleaned and the equipment stored in bags. I had taken the bags individually back and forth before the game. Now, I shouldered everything that had taken me three trips, loaded myself down like a pack mule and nearly sprinted after Daniel towards the gym. It is amazing what adrenaline and the prospect of sex with a gorgeous man who wants you as much as you want him will make you capable of.

The equipment storage room, with the plywood shelves and myriad assortment of balls was two doors past the Varsity showers. This meant that as I dragged each mesh bag from the pile at the entrance to the storage room, I got a full 5 second view of my baseball teammates as they showered and cleaned up after the game.

Daniel had once made casual mention of the fact that Jocks often showed off and messed around together without homoerotic intent, even jerking off together to the same porn video at times. Well, perhaps it is my gay liberal bias or some form of fantasy projection, but watching nine naked 18 year old men shower together is most assuredly homoerotic, no matter the original intentions of the participants. The guys themselves seemed unaware of this fact, but the steam filled shower room positively oozed pheromones, masculinity, and the basest most animalistic form of sex.

Daniel was the most stunning of them, at least to my eye. He was the shortest of the group, but his mounded chest muscles and tight abs all covered in a trimmed mat of black chest hair gave him a kind of masculine maturity that the other guys could do little to compete with. His uncut cock hung down his thighs, the water flowing down his semi-soft length and off his exposed cock head. His balls swung as he maneuvered and twisted in the flow of the hot water. His whole being screamed sexual dominance. His was the largest cock in the room, at least while mostly soft, the only uncut member, and the hairiest specimen with some of the most visible muscle mass in proportion to his size.

And he was mine.

On my second trip past the shower, Daniel caught my eye as I peaked. He made sure to jiggle his bits and flex his muscles for me with a lick of his lips. He was very much aware of what that would do to me, especially surrounded by so much naked man flesh and in the very same shower we shared and fucked in most mornings.

I succeeded in NOT looking towards my naked classmates as I went to retrieve the last bag of supplies. I had to steady myself and take a deep breath before I passed the opening to the showers this last time. As I did so, Daniel dropped a bombshell that, for his teammates, must have seemed innocuous, but to me was an undeniable body blow.

"Dude, I'm so horny," he began right as I stepped into view. "I'm getting boned up just thinking about my own hand. That's fuckin' pathetic of me."

My eyes raised from their intended study of the floor tiles and I was greeted by a profile view of Daniel as he gripped his fully hard cock and stroked himself slowly, his thumb making a small circle on his slit. I couldn't move from the spot, stooped over, the bag strapped to my shoulder like some kind of teenaged gay Santa Clause caught sneaking down the chimney.

"What about Amy?" Paul asked from Daniel's left.

He was the tallest of the team, standing at nearly six feet four inches. He was lanky with a broad swimmers chest that narrowed into well formed hips and legs. Despite his height, the blonde trimmed cock that hung between his thighs seemed to be mostly average, but not un-pretty. It seemed to be thickening as he looked to Daniel.

"What about her?" Daniel asked still stroking himself and not breaking eye contact with Paul.

I felt for the guy, having been on the receiving end of that stare more than once. The dude was a goner. Wave the white flag, Paul. It's all over from here, sorry to tell ya.

"She's more interested in prom and graduation than me recently," Daniel continued. "Man, fuck her."

"Is that an offer?" Ian joked from the right.

The other players all laughed. I mean, you laughed when Ian made a joke. That was just common survival sense. The man was a solid 225 lbs of nothing but rock hard muscle. He had won two teen bodybuilding competitions before our Junior year, and spent more time in the weight room than the classroom. He was smart and a decent student, but it was obvious that he enjoyed working out as more than just a mere hobby. His thighs were bigger around than my chest.

Ian jerked at his own cock, which I was surprised to see he kept completely shaved. His entire body was hairless now that I looked. His dark nipples stood out prominently on the biggest pecs I'd ever seen in real life, but there was no hair on his torso or even his legs. You could see every striation in his muscles, every ligament as it tensed beneath his sun tanned skin. Where Daniel looked like how I would picture Ares, the Greek God of War, Ian was Hercules, all brawn and overawing strength.

"Have at it," Daniel said and threw up his hands. "May she rest in peace," he joked.

Amy was a smallish woman, the difference in size between her and Ian could indeed make for some rather awkward sexual positions, not a few of which could lead to Amy being crushed to death beneath his mass.

Ian blushed a bit, but neither of them seemed to realize that there were now three ERECT men standing within five feet of each other; Daniel, Ian, and poor Tall Paul, who had finally risen to the occasion. Why were they not dropping to their knees and worshiping at the alter of cock options arrayed before them? My own dick was achingly hard, pressed down my thigh as I stayed stooped over. They really didn't seem to notice.

Except Daniel.

He looked at me, pinning me with that brown gaze as he stroked his wet cock slowly. That was all for me. I watched the muscles of his ass clench as he stroked himself and my mind began to wander.

"Listen up, Guys!" Coach B boomed from behind me.

I squeaked and jumped a full foot off the ground, the mesh bag falling from my back. Every eye in the shower turned to Coach and now saw me bent over a bag of supplies and flushed bright red. Thank god only Daniel assumed I was also leaking precum down my pants leg. Or, so I hoped.

I dragged the bag as quickly as I could towards the storage room, hiding my dick as I limped and struggled.

"Come on back, Newbie," Coach said, "this is for you too. Take a knee."

I dropped the bag into the storage closet, using the time my back was turned to reach down the front of my pants and pull my cock up towards my stomach, my fingers getting slick with my own precum as I gripped my shaft. Tucked uncomfortably in my waistband, I was able to hunch forward just enough that my shirt covered most of me as I slowly ambled back to the Coach and team.

he shower was still running, but the naked guys had all arranged themselves in a semi circle on the wet tile floor, each of them kneeling with their left legs up and right knees pressed to the tiles. Cocks pointed straight at me from every view point. Paul's stuck straight out, Daniel's thicker member bounced a little lower. Cocks everywhere. And nine sets of eyes locked on me.

"Take a knee, David," Coach B said again.

I didn't protest. I just sank to my knees and mirrored the positions of my teammates. The tiles were wet even this far from the shower heads, but the water soaking into the white elastic of my pants was the last thing on my mind.




"First away game is coming up midweek, gentlemen," Coach B, began. "We will be following the normal procedures to get to and from the game. Accommodations have already been arranged for each of you. Your school work has been collected from all of your classes so you won't fall behind...and I emphasize this for all of WILL NOT fall behind in your schoolwork, understood?"

"UNDERSTOOD!" they all repeated back to him in a unified shout. I jumped a bit again, unprepared for the group call and response vibe.

"Understood," I mumbled after the fact.

"Good. Come and grab the permission slips and liability forms as usual on your way out. And we will be having no funny business or rowdy antics on this trip, Gentlemen. You are representing this school and me and I will not tolerate that bull shit. I'm looking at you, Ian."

Ian lowered his eyes to the floor. It was off putting to see a guy built like Ian was built so easily cowed by a decently in shape middle aged man. I guess I had a lot more to learn about the relationship between a coach and athlete.

"Alright. Everyone remember to thank David, here," Coach B said as he clapped a firm grip on my shoulder while I knelt at his side. He nearly knocked me over, but he must have assumed I'd be unprepared and used his grip on my shoulder to hold me in place bodily so I could regain myself. Smart man. Know your team.

"He did a great job his first time out and he's gonna make sure this first away game goes off without a hitch as well. We couldn't win without him, so make him feel welcome on the team, boys."

It was my turn to gaze at the floor for a moment. I felt my face heat as I blushed bright red. I hadn't really done much, certainly nothing athletically gifted. I never have been one to take a compliment, especially in such strange surroundings. And I was still a little in awe of my misplaced misconceptions of what went on in a sports team. I was constantly having to adjust my stereotypes, usually from an expected negative to an actual positive.

"Dismissed," Coach B shouted and withdrew his support from my shoulder.

I wasn't sure if I was supposed to get up or if there was some rule about not rising from your kneel until the Coach was out of sight...I only read about kneeling in front of Tudor Royalty in the 17th century! How was I supposed to know the rules of the locker room on the first time out?

I didn't have any time to really wonder about the proper etiquette. Suddenly I found myself at eye level with Ian's shaved cock pointed right at my face.

Water still beaded on his smoothly shaved skin. His adonis plate and hard cock filled my vision and I just registered his strong grip on my shoulder as he walked past me.

"Thanks, Dude," came his rough-voiced grumble.

I was going to say something, but I was afraid to open my mouth in the presence of his cock, especially since it was replaced with another as he passed me.

God, if there is a god, must have felt it time to reward me for some cosmic good karma I had recently accrued.

John's long thin cock with the buzzed red pubes and the thick head was next. Alex's short and fat cock surrounded in dark unkept hair and paired with a tightly pulled sack. Paul's blonde hair and long slender cock that fit his lean frame perfectly, arching up so that the entire member seemed to be smiling at me. My hole twitched thinking about that curved tool sliding inside me. James, Ben, Blake. Each cock like a new work of art that I just wanted to sit in front of and gaze at until I could draw them from memory.


"Good Job."

"Keep it up."

All the platitudes they showered on me as they clasped my shoulder seemed to pass over my conscious mind. I was wrapped in their tools. My hands I kept in fists pressed to my sides. I figured that was the safest course of action.

Daniel's beautiful cock was the last to fill my vision. It held a special significance for me because I already knew every detail of it. The vein that throbbed underneath its length. The balls hanging loose beneath. The foreskin just letting the rim of his head be known under it. My mouth watered and my fingers un gripped and began to travel forward without thought.

"Good job, Nerd," he said. "You're part of the team now."

I raised my vision from his beautiful bouncing dick and traveled up his abs and across his chest and shoulders. He kept his hands on his hips, and pressed them ever slightly towards my face, still at perfect level to devour him. He was testing my resolve and if he wasn't careful he would soon find out just how weak I really was.

He gripped my shoulder finally and pulled me to my feet. I stumbled a bit in my stupor and looked down to meet his gaze, feeling as if he still stood high above me though I was a good three inches taller. I felt drunk when he looked at me like that.

"Keep the uniform on. Give me fifteen. My car?"

His hand grabbed at my crotch, cupping my balls and the base of my shaft, still hard and pointed up to my chin. He squeezed hard and I went to my toes, electricity rocketing through me. My cock pulsed out a drop of crystal lubricant that soaked through my shirt instantly.

I free fell through open air as he release me and exited the shower to join the rest of the team in the changing area. I had to count to 10 before I decided it was safe to move without the real threat of collapsing to the ground in a convulsing heap of orgasm.

One by one, my classmates dressed and left the locker room after collecting the required paperwork from Coach B's office. I busied myself cleaning whatever I could with a spare rag and spray bottle, glancing at Daniel as he dressed himself just out of my direct line of sight. I sighed reluctantly as I watched the globes of his muscled ass disappear inside a pair of tight blue jeans, but loved that he still wore nothing underneath them.

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