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Spell, Crook and Handle Pt. 04

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A shadow falls across Louis and his family.
19k words

Part 4 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 07/03/2015
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All characters are 18 years or older. Someone suggested I introduce a strong villain into the storyline and so I have. I hope you enjoy. Feel free to vote, comment and offer suggestions.


I looked out over the city of Miami from the balcony of the hotel room. The sun had long set and the innumerable lights shone brightly over the concrete skeleton of the city. Cars were moving along the strip, neon lights flashed in front of the clubs and businesses open late and the sprawl of foot traffic was heavier than it had been during the day. I had my towel wrapped around my waist since I had just stepped out of the shower. Gabrielle was lying sprawled on the bed panting and gasping. She was still recovering from our fierce little romp in said shower.

"I told you to leave the shampoo bottle where it fell," I said over my shoulder.

"Next time I will listen, I promise," she moaned weakly. "Did you have to pound me quite so energetically?"

"Yes, yes I did," I continued. "I lose all control when I see that fine ass of yours undefended."

"You mean naked," she fired back.

"That's what I said, undefended."

There was a knock at the door and I turned to answer it. Gabrielle waved me off and when I ignored her she scrambled to the bathroom to grab a towel or robe or something. I just smiled and opened the door. The young lady in the ugly brown uniform informed me that she had a priority delivery. I signed for it and lifted the heavy box from her dolly. She smiled, blushed and stammered as she left. My towel lay at my feet and I waved goodbye to the crimson faced delivery girl. I kicked the towel into the room and closed the door. I set the box on the queen-sized bed.

"Your order is here," I said and stepped well back from the bed.

"It's HERE... It's finally HERE," Gabrielle said as she appeared with her trusty silver dagger in hand.

She slashed the top of the box open with clinical precision. While her firearm skills were adequate, her skill with a blade frightened me. I watched as she opened the top flaps and dug through the mounds of packing peanuts for her prize, or in this case prizes. In the end she dumped the entire contents, peanuts and all, onto the bed. She found the packing slip and checked the contents with it and smiled. It was like Christmas in October.

"Care to share," I asked as she sorted the contents.

"Well," she said her voice an octave higher and sounding like she had just consumed a triple shot of expresso. "These are the new and improved grenades I suggested. They are smaller and like your gauss pistols they have a variety of ammunition, if you like."

"Are you telling me you can choose what kind of shrapnel it produces?"

"Heavens no, but that is a brilliant idea," Gabrielle said smiling. "No, they are color coded for each type of munition they carry. The blue ones are silver, the red are phosphorus and the green are high explosive. Ooh and I almost forgot the gold ones are flash bang."

"Now all you need is a utility belt and smoke pellets," I said and I saw the wheels turning. "I was joking!"

"I'm not, oh and they repaired your body armor," she said tossing me the light weight impact armor.

"They didn't repair it, they replaced it again. Just when I get used to how something fits, they up and change things. Oh, there's a note."

"Read it out loud, maybe there is something about the grenades in it." Gabrielle said as she began scooping up the packing peanuts.

'Your package should find you in Miami unless you change your itinerary, again. I find your partner's insights into explosives as discerning as ever. She does love blowing shit up. The grenades are color coded per her request and we added a little extra feature to the high explosives. There is a blue button on each of them which will magnetize them. It will make it easier to attach them to key targets. Now, about your new body armor, this is a prototype so try and keep it in one piece. The Nano carbon fiber construction will make it lighter and more flexible. There is an integrated 'light weave' array built in so give it a try and don't forget the mask this time. Once we get the data from this field test we will tweak it and begin manufacturing the first lot. Well good luck and god speed. Q.'

"What the hell is a light weave array," I asked and Gabrielle just shrugged.

"How is your birthday gift working out," she asked smiling.

"I am still getting used to it," I replied absently touching the base of my skull. "It is still a little tender."

"Show me," she said batting her eyes at me.

"Fine," I said and switched Feng on remotely. "...Feng?"

"Yes Louis," she replied as she manifested in the air between Gabrielle and me. "How can I be... you're naked again."

"Does it bother you," I asked and she blushed as she shook her head. "...Fibber."

"Okay, maybe a little," she said.

"Come here so we can see how well the new link works," I said.

She floated over and stood in front of me. I held out my hand palm out and she duplicated the gesture. Our hands touched and I could feel her. The old interface allowed me to touch her but it felt like I was running my fingers across cold hard glass. This new interface involved a tactile response protocol. In other words I could feel her as if she were flesh and blood. Her hand was warm to the touch and her skin was smooth and tender as any woman's.

"Nick's been busy," I said and Feng blushed again as she snatched her hand back. "Did you feel that?"

"I did indeed Louis," Feng replied and looked quite uncomfortable.

"How does it make you feel?"

"Feel, I guess I feel alive. I can touch you and it feels so different than what I am accustomed to. The engrams he acquired are quite intense. Please give me time to acclimate."

"Take all the time you want," I said and she vanished.

"I am going to have to ask your other love interest about those eye drops. I feel like a third wheel when you talk to Feng."

"Other love interest," I said and she pouted. "I will ask Kat about getting you some more toys, okay?"

Gabrielle let out a squeal of delight and I tried on the new armor for a test fit. The material had a kind of memory quality to it. It would and could fit anyone once it adapted to its wearer's measurements. The unforeseen benefit is that it could acclimate on the fly and change as I changed. I put it on and it reminded me of the pajamas I had as a kid that had the feet in them. Once it was on my body heat would automatically fire up the built in sensors and it would begin to adjust. Five minutes later the full diagnostics were finished and the suit was up and running. I pulled up the hood and Gabrielle tossed me the new face mask. I slipped the mask on and finished the last calibrations. I went through the internal check list and it was green lights all the way.

"It's all good," I said.

"So let's see this light weave array," Gabrielle said and I nodded.

"Bringing up the HUD and selecting light weave," I said and nothing. "It's a no go, nothing is happening."

"Holy fucking shit," Gabrielle said as she clapped her hands together and grinned. "It is like optical prism armor or something."

"What the hell does that even mean," I asked.

"You are invisible, sort of," Gabrielle said trying to describe the effect.

I walked to the bathroom and looked at my reflection in the mirror. A new dropdown option appeared, light weave calibration. I clicked on it and a light humming sound began and I watched my distorted outline crackle, distort and then over time fade completely. I brought my hand up and could not see it. I moved my hand and there was some lag for it to compensate. But if I stood completely still the light weave was flawless. Oh yes this could work quite well.

I walked into the bedroom and Gabrielle was on her knees gathering up the last of the packing peanuts. I snuck up behind her and gave her a healthy swat on the ass. She spun and looked around. She glared and placed her hands on her hips.

"Take it the fuck off right now," she snarled. "I want to try it on... please!"

"You are so fucking spoiled," I said as I switched off the camouflage and removed the armor.

"Yes I am," she said chucking her towel and slipped on the armor. "Yes I want to set up a new user, geez!"

"Wait, you can set up multiple users," I asked and Gabrielle nodded. "That will make certain things easier."

"That's why I asked them to install that feature," she said as the armor fitted itself to her body.

"You are brilliant," I said. "Maybe you should consult for them?"

"Who says I'm not," she replied as she placed the mask on and vanished from sight.

The carpet made hearing her move impossible. There was a slight distortion in the corner of my eye and I turned to look in that direction. She had moved behind me and grabbed both my ass cheeks. While I had surrendered the new toy swiftly Gabrielle was reluctant. She was having way too much fun. I stood with my back to the dresser and noticed the grenades were gone from the bed. Did the armor have hidden pockets as well? I was about to ask her to take the armor off for the sixth time when the door flew off its hinges and three very menacing individuals walked in. They stepped over the remnants of the door as they entered.

"Where is the Inquisitor?" The lone female of the group asked.

She was tall, with a pale complexion and noticeable fangs. I tried to fight the urge but I lost. I looked her over from head to toe and smiled. She didn't miss that little fact and neither did her two male companions. The closest male vampire charged me. He was reaching out with what appeared to be some seriously wicked claws. He was moving pretty fast but not fast enough. I didn't fight his forward momentum I took advantage of it. I grabbed his wrist and shifted my stance and weight propelling him towards the balcony and over it. He hit the pavement a few seconds later.

"Mother fucker," the second male roared and drew a pistol.

"NO," the female said and he didn't squeeze off a round at my head. "We take him with us and let her find us. Get some clothes on and be smart." The last bit was directed at me.

I got dressed and we walked out of my room. The female led the way while the male kept the gun, now hidden beneath a folded newspaper, aimed at me. I watched the hypnotic way the female's ass moved and I approved.

"Natural or practiced," I said.

"Shut up," the male snapped.

"Is what natural or practiced?" The female asked in a very sexy tone.

"Your ass, do you practice that walk or is it natural. Tell me it's natural."

"You are a bold one," she purred. "I see why she likes you."

"It's the cock," I said. "That's why she likes me. Hey, you might like me too."

"Shut the FUCK up," the male snarled. "You talk too goddamn much!"

"Oh," I said glancing down at his groin. "Sorry dude... but hey your immortal, that is so cool."

The gun was pressed against my head and he had cocked the hammer. The female spun and told him to chill the fuck out in a language I had never heard before. I understood her just fine and kept that my little secret for now. He returned the gun beneath the paper and we reached the elevator. The door opened and we stepped in. I noticed that the doors tried to close and paused before they finally shut. The song on the way to the lobby was 'Blood letting by Concrete Blonde'. I started laughing and the two vampires looked at me as if I had lost my mind.

"It's my superpower," I told them. "Elevator music is always appropriate to the mood. Oh come on, you don't know this song? What kind of vampires are you that don't know this?"

"We are Akhkharu," the male snarled. "I hate the V word."

"We all hate the V word," the female added.

"Sparkle... sparkle... sparkle... too soon?" I said and I swear the female rethought the decision to keep me alive.

"If he says another word shoot his dick off," she said.

I shut up. I am very partial to my man junk. We stopped at the front desk and the female actually left a note for Gabrielle. The clerk placed it in the slot for our room and we left the hotel. A limo with tinted windows pulled up and when the female bent over to get inside I let out a soft moan of appreciation. I was shoved into the back followed by the male vampire.

"You must have balls of brass to do that," she said once the limo was in motion.

I sat there silent with my hands over my crotch. She smiled and I hated to admit it, she was cute as hell. I began to wonder if she sucked blood while she sucked dick. I knew I was making my patented thoughtful expression and they picked up on it quickly.

"If you are thinking of escape or rescue, it's not going to happen," the female said. "You can speak if you choose."

"No I was not thinking about escape or rescue." I said and went silent again.

"Then what were you pondering," the male asked.

"You aren't going to like it," I said and he aimed the gun at my chest. "Okay... okay, I was just wondering if little miss sunshine sucked blood as she sucked dick is all."

The kick came out of nowhere and caught me on the side of my head. The female smiled and I kept my mouth shut for the rest of the drive. Luckily for me they didn't. The two vampires talked business and actually mentioned where the majority of them were nesting. They spoke in what I guessed was their native language. It was a gorgeous language with plenty of complexity, tonal qualities and sounded damn sexy coming from the female. I needed to feed soon my brain was locked on banging the shit out of this vampire chick.

The limo pulled up to a warehouse and the huge doors opened and we drove inside. There were nine figures standing in three groups of three. The limo stopped and we got out. I got out after the male and sadly before the female, pity. I heard the soft shot of a silenced weapon and figured our driver would not be joining this little party. The two vampires I had ridden along with dropped to their knees at some hidden signal. I stood and stared at the middle group of three and looked them over.

The man in the middle was tall, a little over six feet and dressed impeccably. His entire demeanor screamed well-bred and filthy fucking rich. He had the same pale pallor as the rest and I assumed he was the highest ranking Akhkharu. His suit alone must have cost him ten large. His features hinted at either Russian or some Slavic origins.

The woman to his left was fucking drop dead gorgeous and wore the dark pin striped suit very well indeed. Her hair was a red so dark it bordered on black. She was either Celtic or Scandinavian stock. Her emerald green eyes regarded me the way a hawk does a mouse. Oh, I liked her, a lot! She had one hand at her side and the other behind her back. She was a bodyguard no doubt about that. I bet she was wicked fast and a world class cocksucker, okay the cocksucking was just a bit of wish fulfillment.

The man to his left was handsome the way cowboys and wildcatters are sexy. He was rugged, thick of build and reminded me of a Russian mob boss. His eyes were black and dead. He looked at me as if I were already dead at his feet. The suit he wore was nice but it was also utilitarian. He wore it because he was a businessman not as a sign of prestige. I noticed his hands and they were rough and scarred. He was old and not above getting his hands dirty. I began to suspect he was the real leader of this little get together.

The other six were as remarkable and well dressed and deathly pale save one. There was the buxom blonde wearing the secretary's suit and mid-thigh skirt. Her skin was smooth, flawless and heavily tanned. One of these things is not like the other. Who are you sweetheart? And what is your role in all of this? I returned my attention the man center point and clearly unhappy.

"Where is the Inquisitor," he asked in English, for my benefit I am sure.

"She was not there," the female kneeling next to me replied.

"Why is this worm not kneeling," the green eyed bitch asked.

"You never asked," I said as I dropped to one knee.

The collective gasp was music to my ears. I figured my odds of walking away were 70/30 against. So why not be loud mouthed and indignant. The male struck me with the butt of the pistol and I went from kneeling to full prostrate. I spit blood and a few drops landed on someone's brand new shoes. Pity, they had been polished to a mirror bright quality. A second sound rose from the assembly and the female next to me moved to lick his shoes clean. His gesture stopped her.

"I know you," the leader said. "You were all over the news years ago."

"He is the archaeologist," the bodyguard added.

"That's it, there was a huge cover up regarding you," the leader continued. "Tell me about China."

"Speak worm," the female next to me demanded.

"I would love to, but several governments had ordered me to remain silent on that particular subject."

"Are you actually refusing me," the leader asked.

"Yep," I replied and waited for the pain.

"You must be insane," he said. "I can have you tortured and kept alive for decades as a hobby."

"Ah marriage," I said and a few of the elders actually giggled.

"SILENCE," he roared. "Secure him and tie him to a chair as we await the arrival of the Inquisitor."

I was bound by the ankles and wrists and duck taped to a chair. The elders spoke about some sort of plan or offering they were going to make. Hm... maybe they weren't going to kill Gabrielle after all. I couldn't wait until she made her entrance. It was going to be epic! I changed the spells I had hanging to fit my current situation. I had just finished when a little green light appeared in my vision, I had a text message. Thanks to eye drops from a certain young lady I was able to access not only Feng remotely but also internet, phone lines and even satellite feeds. I got the dot into the center of my vision and blinked.

'You look awful perty all tied up like that.' G

'You say the nicest things,' I fired back using a drop down keyboard.

'What's the sitrep,' she asked, Sitrep meaning situation report.

'There are at least eight elders maybe nine. The rough looking guy in the middle group is most likely the actual leader. The redhead is a bodyguard and the tanned blonde has got me stumped.'

'Waiting on dawn, keep your head down when shit hits the fan. Xxxooo.'

I decided to see how long until we had some sunlight on our side. I asked Feng and she replied, one hour. They were already getting restless. I decided to stir things up a little to help pass the time. I looked at the bodyguard and imagined her naked. I undressed her with my eyes and did some nice guestimating about her figure. She caught me looking and I winked at her. The effect was instantaneous and predictable. She stormed in my direction and I smiled. Once she was in range I fired off the dark magic at her.

We made eye contact and she stalled in her tracks. The look on her face was fucking priceless. I felt the connection and took full advantage. I imagined my cock sliding between her legs and rubbing against her clit and labia. Her eyes widened and she bit her lip to keep from moaning. I saw her fist ball up and I maintained the visual of a hard cock teasing her soaked cunt. I saw her legs quivering and I knew she was losing the battle. I waited for a few minutes and no one seemed to take notice of her plight.

I smiled serenely as I changed the visual. The cock slid inside of her in one long slow motion. I saw blood dripping from her fist where her nails dug into her palm. Her eyes narrowed and she stiffened at the phantom erection moved inside of her.

'How?' she mouthed and I shrugged.

I moved the cock faster and harder now. The bodyguard bit her lip now and chewed on it. I could feel her getting close to climaxing and poured on the steam. I felt the wave rise up and crash over her. She collapsed and fell to the concrete floor. That drew some attention and I had taken a healthy chunk of her life force to boot that would keep her quiet for a while. The two that had brought me here rushed to her side and the elders turned to see their fallen comrade.

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