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Spread That Ass, For Science?🤔

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He's double-blinded into an anal medical “trial”.
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Spread That Ass, Mister. For Science?🤔

He's double-blinded into an anal medical "trial"

I always appreciate your constructive opinions and suggestions. Just so you know, every character portrayed here significantly exceeds the minimum age of 18.

Why, oh why had he been talked into this?! Jim, 41 y/o Caucasian, jet black hair, just short of 6 feet tall, average build, average cock, sat anxiously in an uncomfortable chair in a typical medical office waiting room. He was the unwitting participant in an all-male anal research study. He had no idea why. Was it because he was mesmerized by his gorgeous buxom blonde bimbette primary care physician? How had she somehow convinced him to enroll? That's what happens when you make decisions with the lower brain! News Flash: it's a lot smaller, stupid!

So there he was - twiddling his thumbs on his own time as he impatiently awaited to be called in. Then, bursting through the door leading to the "lab" came a crimson haired goddess of small stature, proudly carrying her big boobs. She was trailed closely by a dirty blonde Amazon sporting a dirty smirk. She was a long tall Sally, for sure. Those legs were toned and long enough to go into next week. The two beauties approached Jim. He stared at them slack jawed, eyes riveted to their sleek sexy slinky bodies. The clinicians gave him exaggerated smiles as they closed the distance.

The busty redhead in the lead spoke first, while looking down at her clipboard, "Mr. Johnson, isn't it?," she asked him.

Jim barely managed to eke out a response, "uh... yeah."

"You can call me 'Doc Janel.'" Okay?," she said, apparently mused by his hypnotic state at the sight of her beauty, "And this is my assistant, Nurse Tami. You can just say 'DJ' when addressing me, and just 'Tams' for my nurse" (It was their plan that they'd be UNdressing him soon enough!)

To say Jim was enraptured would be understating his reaction. He lowered his gaze intently to the Doc's hypnotizing stethoscope. It had been swinging like a pendulum after each sentence she spoke. The tool highlighted her ample chest as it swayed to and fro across her impressive, deep cleavage. His intent gaze did not escape notice by the nurse. He swore she deliberately puffed out her chest, so as not to be overlooked. Jim tacitly turned towards her for a momentary ogle.

Jim's attention was then snapped back towards Doc J when she cleared her throat to say, "Mr. Johnson," she repeated to re-grab his attention, "Do you know why you're here?"

He dumbly shook his head, "no."

"Well, as it turns out, your PCP had recommended you to me for our study," DJ relayed with air quotes, "the 'Recto-Uro Research Experiment,' to be exact," again with an overly gratuitous grin.

A small wave of panic ran through Jim's mind. He's been around enough to know to conjecture that when they smile at you brightly, as she was doing then, pain will be involved.

His worried feeling was only magnified by the nurse's morbid sounding description of the procedure.

She attempted to allay his reticence, "not to worry, Mr. JOHNSON...," mysteriously exaggerating his last name," nothing we will do to you... I mean for you... will have any permanent consequences... unless you want it to," Nurse Tami said with a suspicious sneer that confused him.

DJ stepped in with a comforting pat on his lap, but a bit too close to his crotch to affect any mollification, "that's right. Nothing lasting beyond when you leave... IF that is your choice," she issued the same suggestive smile as her nurse did, "and, you should know, 'whatever happens here, stays here."

At this point, Jim is in total straits. DJ further attempted to assuage him. She put both hands on his lap, but this time, even closer to his growing package. Not only that, but her thumbs began to rub his cock head in circles. Jimmy opened his mouth slightly to let out a soft moan. He closed his eyes to enjoy her handsy manipulations. So smitten was he that they could draw and quarter him without his notice. The nurse then bent at her waist to a 45° angle to better see what her doc was doing to him. After she licked her lips corner to corner, extended approving hum from her escaped between those same lips. Between the stunning view of these two and Doc's sensual touch, his cock sprung to life. The ladies were sporting rather predatory smirks, and... something protruding from their laps!

"Mr. J, if I can call you that, why don't you stand up for us."

Jim arose from his chair tentatively. He straightened up, and stared at the anatomical color chart pinned to the wall opposite him. Suddenly, he snapped out of his daze. 'That poster... it looked like a cut-away schematic... of a naked woman... with a prominent, and hard, penis!, he said to himself. The poster beside it displayed on one side a man on his knees with his mouth wide open. The man faced the poster of the unclad... woman?, almost as if he was about to receive her cock. Yet another display panel depicted a different man facing away from the well-endowed women, bent at the waist. His butt cheeks were being spread by his own fingers, revealing his pink asshole stretched lewdly apart. His balls were dangled low, like a sagging water balloon being held from the top.

Jim felt his pants dropping to the floor. Before he had a chance to fully comprehend the situation, his boxers joined it. Buck naked he was! He was in a state of shock, then looked down at his exposed bottom half. He felt em-barr-assed being so bare-assed. And, he had sported a full erection! Was he actually turned on from this? He then saw the genuine broad grins on the clinicians' faces. Both were slowly licking their lips.

"Very nice, Mr. J" complimented DJ, while her nurse nodded with her eyes widened in a hungry stare.

Both women were apparently impressed. Nurse T took two quick steps towards Jim. Doctor J then stood up, adjacent to the nurse, and donned a set of nitrile gloves. Snap, snap!, clapped each glove as they rudely met her wrist. It was surely a show of authority. Much more quietly did the nurse do the same. She then twirled him around to face away from her. He jumped a bit. Then came a modest swat on each of Jim's cheeks, and was followed by not so modest gropes and soothing caresses.

"Mmm," moaned the Doc and nurse in tandem, "doesn't that pink bottom look just tasty, T?"

"Ohhh yesss!," ushered T in an elongated cadence, "he is a fine specimen. We will have to compliment his primary for the fine referral... in our own special way!," to which they both chuckled at the inside innuendo.

Meanwhile, Jim's boner hardened even more from the treatment. He was next asked to bend forward. The Doc sat down on her stool. This put her face within a breath's distance from his blush-colored cheeks. Her hands approached his rear and contacted the downy haired cleft. Jim froze in place from the titillating pleasure. Nurse Tami grabbed the bottom hem of his shirt, and sans ceremony, pulled it roughly over his yanked up arms. The cool air enveloping his entirely exposed skin stiffened his nipples, which Tami softly tweaked. After a few twists, she then looked down at Jim's goose bumpy derrière. It was her turn to stiffen. Such a beautiful site, she mused.

At that moment, Janel ran her fingers slowly up and down his crack. When she heard him moan again, her fingers crawled inside it, and pulled it further apart. This accentuated his schism and revealed his anus. Doc froze in place from its salacious exposure. It was pink, coin slot shaped and compulsory to ogle. J couldn't stop herself from enveloping the glorious globes. They were transformed from mere flesh to objects of desire.

The doctor's hands dropped to the inside of his thighs. She slid upwards slowly, until reaching his warm and stiffened balls. She gave them a loving caress. Jim shivered from nirvana. He was well beyond the point of yielding complete control to them. Nurse Tami placed his bent knees on a stool. She leaned his upper torso upon the examination table. It appeared that he was anchored on top of an obstetrician's birthing table, with leather leg stirrup restraints. Both ladies scurried to his sides before he'd gotten a chance to bolt. They clamped Jim's arms to the stirrups. He was now tethered in a "Ben Dover" position and held fast. Curiously, he had not resisted being anchored in this predicament. If anything, it only added to the thrill of his helplessness. He was complicit in his own submission to these two medical femme fatales.

Jim could tell by the sound of the harried ruffling of garments that his captors had shirked their uniforms completely off. Both women took positions in front of him, and proudly presented their goddess-like forms. He picked up his head and stared at them in a catatonic stupor. His mouth became ajar, and his eyes popped cartoonishly off his face.

"You like?," chided Tami, to which he had no retort, "we'll take that as a 'yes'."

He realized that he was privy to a miraculous vision - a shapely statuesque blonde with a moderate yet firm set of tatas, and a short, svelte, but curvy redhead sporting DD's. Lest we not mention the pièce de résistance - the smooth as silk lady cocks standing at attention, just waiting to pounce. He suddenly realized the real endgame of this laboratory charade to which he was a willing participant. Janel stealthily shuttled behind him and escaped his notice. He suspected what would be coming, but not exactly how or when!

Jim then felt a fleshy pointed object tracing his butt cleft up and down repeatedly. A shadow was cast upon him by Nurse Tami as she leaned over him. He could smell her heady aroma and perspiration about her crotch. To his aft, his ass crack was being manually split open, to his fore, Tami's staff pressing into his face.

Jim then instinctively opened his mouth to receive Tami's offering, "Oh yeah! This is my favorite part of the 'experiment'," cooed Doc J.

"Mine, too," concurred her nurse.

The beautiful fire-brand redhead bent her knees slightly as she searched out her target with her periscope. She gently slid her cock forward, honed in on his port, and docked it home. At first, her big cock had some trouble entering his little tunnel-funnel, so she again rubbed her cock head up and down his crack to increase its hardness. She spit a glob of mucus on the tip of her schlong. Janel's torpedo was now diamond hard, and she again placed it at Jim's entrance, and slowly pushed her hips forward, propelling her mast past Jim's ring of resistance. Sliding in a little more each time, she ultimately achieved her goal of being bush-to-butt against Jim. The feel of his warm buttocks flush with her groin was so good that she couldn't stop herself from pressing her entire upper body onto Jim's back. The invading chick-stick made his rectum feel full, which he found that despite the unfamiliar sensation, it gave him a glowing feeling of belonging to his mistress. Yes, that's what she was to him, now. The icing on the cake was when her breasts squishing against his back, her nipples turgid and sharp.

"You like that, boy? Does my girl cock feel good?," when she doesn't get a quick enough response, she demanded, "Speak to me, boy! It's vital that we get proper feedback to document our study."

"I love it! I want more..."

She chides him with this rhetorical question, "what is it that you like about it? Tell me," Tami issues a stifled giggle at doc's teasing line of inquiry.

"I like...," he puffs out between groans and quickened breaths.

She pummels him hard, hard enough to make her balls slap against his ass with a loud clap. The physical prompt was doing the trick, "YES... WHAT... IS... IT, TELL... ME... NOW!," she emphasized each word with a forceful thrust.

"YES! Doctor," while tilting his head back to see if she heard him, "your cock in my ass feels sooo good. Give it to me."

"That's the answer we want to hear. Say it again," panted Tami.

Tami wiggles her fleshy rod in Jim's face, batting his nose several times. He summoned the wherewithal to take hold of her cock and place it in his mouth. Jim reached behind Tami's cheeks, copping a squeeze while pushing her closer. With her forward jabs, and Doc shoving him from behind, Jim's mug was mercilessly compressed into the nurse's pubic mound. Yes, Subject 1, aka Jim, enjoyed being plugged from both ends. As Tami's cock moved back and forth within Jim's oral cavity, he ran his tongue along the cap of the ultra excited underside of her frenum. He marveled at how good it felt to trace the triangular region formed by the engorged ridges, merging at the mushroom cap.

With full body contact with Jim, Janel's head tilted upwards as she smiled wholeheartedly at the ceiling. Bliss washed all over her body in a wave of electric titillation. Both parties sensed a want, no, a need..., no, a compulsion, to progress. This caused Jim to push his rear towards Janel. He made love to her embedded cock by squeezing it with the ring of muscle at his portal doorway. She slid into him repeatedly, but at first, only enough to keep that ring hugging her glans. Jim then felt her shaft gliding effortlessly within his warm chute. Her inflamed tip seemed about to vacate his ass on her backstroke. This prompted him to clamp down to keep her missile of shame within him.

With each deeper stroke he felt her cock just touching, then relentlessly battering, his p-spot. Janel began to quicken her pace. Her harried pumps yielded growing ecstasy for both. It would be too soon, had she marched at this pace, to reach the cresting of euphoria. It took all her will to delay orgasm, but the louder Jim and Tami moaned louder, the closer she would approach it. The tip of her bloated cock started to tingle, and she tried to retard her thrusts. But, that teasing only heightened a climax-inducing sensation.

If he hadn't been for a mouthful of cock, and being pinned down by Tami's heavy torso, Jim would have been baying at the roof. It was then that he took full notice of his oral invasion. Tami's cock was sweaty and sweet, and he began lavishing her length with his tongue. As her meat popped past his oral entrance ever faster, he tried to hold it still with his lips. Tami deeply cooed from above. Clearly, she had enjoyed his attention.

After several dozen pumps at both his ends, the party suddenly paused,but the good doctor was still implanted within his snug rectum. Nurse Tami stood straight and released his shackles. It was hard for him to imagine any better than this, yet there would be...

Doc J spoke through belabored breaths, "okay... , let's switch to phase 2 of the experiment," and reluctantly disengaged from Jim's delightful canal, precum dripping from her piss slit.

Janel took a last, admiring look at his globes. She took in the sight of Jim's sheen of sweat and leaking natural precum-lubed hole. Her abundant tits and pencil point nips pressed against his back as he pulled them both away from Tami, She grunted her disappointment at having lost connection with Jim's suckling lips and dancing tongue. Janel then perched her head on his left shoulder, looking to find his dick. She began to stroke him in earnest while stealthy docking between the warmth of his taut, but malleable pillows.

"Ahhh, that's better, isn't it, my statuesque Assistant? Can't wait for you to fuck my ass with that whopper blonde cock of yours," said Janel, her words dripped with lust.

Tami retorted, "Mmm! That gets my hot just picturing it. Me, towering over your sweating body as you lie face up, legs divided high in the air as I ram your tiny ass for my pleasure. Makes me want this specimen to take his cock to MY asshole at the same time. A serious ass fucking chain!"

Jim realized that Tami had positioned herself between him and the table, and turned away from him. She crossed her legs to tighten her ass cheeks. It was the first time he laid eyes directly on it. Saliva oozed from the corner of his mouth at the glimpse of her tall, expansive heart shaped horse azz. She looked behind her shoulder to see if he was looking at her lady cock pressed between her legs, and pointing right at him. She was just waiting for his touch. He unconsciously dropped to his knees, and voraciously licked her smooth balls and cock. Jim proceeded to consume her entire package in a single gulp. Tami rested her head on the table to enjoy her backwards blowjob to the fullest. He had then rapidly swirled his tongue around her gifts. Jim also sucked in his cheeks with just enough pressure for Tami to desperately pine for more forceful handling. She finally couldn't take any more and pulled away from him.

Tami reached her arms back and grabbed her ass cheeks and gaped them wide apart. Jim wasted ne'er a second to exact lingual assault upon her crinkled pucker. She looked back and saw Jim's head bobbing to and from her asshole. His pointed tongue continued to spear it. Janel lowered herself onto the floor, resting on her knees, still behind him. Doc shuffled up closer to him and reinserted her staff within his asshole. Tami heard him sigh with content when Janel again made intimate contact with his plump behind.

Nurse T directed Jim to, "come on J-man, fuck my tush like she's doing to you!." Being less of a request than a demand, he was only too eager to comply. Tami leaned further over and pushed her ass back to meet Jim, as he was held still by Janel's tight grip on his love handles. Nursey guided his missile inside her. She closed her eyes while gyrating her ass on his cock. Tami issued an approving sigh at being stuffed full of man cock for a change. It was a stark contrast to, though not necessarily better or worse than, Doctor J's soft feminine penile epidermis, bereft of pubic hair, and slapping against her ass crack.

Janel placed her head back on his shoulder as she rocked in and out of his bunghole. Jim finally got brave and reached for Tami's cock. She mewled appreciatively while he stroked her with his left hand, and tweaked her nipples with his right. She stood up straight and tilted her head back to rest on the shoulder unoccupied by Janel. She cradled his head with her arm, making her breast more available to Jim's manipulations.

After a time, Jim started to do some of his own pumping. It took a few tries until they all were a synchronized train of assholes, cocks, and tits. Jim laughed to himself at mentally drawing a comparison of this to a string of old rail cars, each "humping" the car in front. But, instead of the squeal of metal on metal, they were vocally squealing. The sounds of flesh meeting flesh made for a loud drum beat of claps. It was almost musical.

Soon came the inevitable communal cumming. The first to fire was Jim from the dual pleasures of fucking and being fucked simultaneously. His fire house eventually halted inside Tami's fat ass. Gallons of come were ejected inside her. When finished, Tami giggled from the tickles of Jim's cum dribbling out of her asshole and trickling down her inner thighs.

Next, the good doctor gave another order, "for the last phase of the study, Jim, you will kneel down before us."

With residual cum leaking from his tip, Jim did as she ordered as he looked up at the two hung ladies who were rapidly jerking off above him. They rubbed themselves to a blur. Moments later, they erupted, one right after the other. Jim instinctively opened his mouth wide to catch their tandem offerings. Sharpshooters the women were not, and when done, he became the picture of a painter's overalls after a job. He was spattered from head to toe in girl cum.


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