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Standing in for Dad Ch. 01

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John picks up more than his widowed mother's emotions.
9.1k words

Part 1 of the 44 part series

Updated 06/23/2024
Created 06/08/2022
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Well, I am finally at a point where I can share my story. So please be kind in your reviews, I will read them and will decide if I am to continue publishing my personal experiences.

It all started some years ago: I was an unmarried man of 20, half way through my studies in medicine from a major University, when I got the call that changed my life forever.


(Phone rings in my dorm room) "Hello?" I answered, "This is Mr. Walker speaking."

Mom is sobbing, barely able to speak. "Harry! (deep breaths and quiet sobbing) You need to come home son." Her voice cracks, "It's your father, he had a fatal accident coming home from work."

I...was speechless. My father was a 6 foot 4 inch behemoth of a man. Strong, emotionally and physically. Mom and I often described him as a gentle, wise Teddy Bear as he had a heart of gold and could so easily cut to the chase in a discussion or disagreement to get to the real heart of the matter. Something I did my best to emulate in my youth.

Dad was my best friend.

After a moment the tears came and I croaked, "No! Please, no."

Mom, Barbara, broke down and through her sobs she said, "Don't drive home tonight baby, I don't need to lose my boy in an accident tonight with you trying to get here. I will be OK. Come in tomorrow afternoon after you get some rest."

"Mom, there is no way I am getting much rest tonight. I'm getting in the car as soon as I hang up."

"No! Absolutely not! I don't often put my foot down with you son, but I need you to wait. I will die from worry if you try to drive home tonight."

I knew she was right: that I could do nothing about dad, that I was in no condition right now to drive safely, And it would ease her worry a bit if I waited, though it would bother me to do so...Mom needed me as much as I needed her right now. "OK, mom. I will wait. I will call when I leave so you will know when to expect me, okay?"

"Yes, thank you honey"

Thank goodness I was only a few hours away from home.

By 8:00 the next morning I was packed. I had called the Dean's office and explained I was taking a leave of absence due to a death in the family and would be in touch. I never saw the attraction to Frat life so I rented a room in an off-campus dorm where I also did security work on weekends. I called the dorm secretary and let them know what was going on as well before calling mom and leaving for home.

I had pretty much cried myself out during the night and, while I had little rest and a headache from hell, I was clear headed enough to make it home safely.

The next week was a real pain in the ass. I will skip the details of the funeral the company shenanigans with both dad's partnership and the business owners of the truck that killed him. What shut up everyone was Mom's willingness to sell Dad's interests in the company for fair market value in stock (which mom immediately sold because his partners were idiots) and the owners of the truck could not wipe away the blood toxicology report the driver failed.....miserably. All told, after a month of settlements (she got the best lawyers in the state--who happened to owe dad some huge favors), mom had well over 7 mill after taxes so she was set. House paid for. Yadda, yadda.

But we were both emotional wrecks.


Four weeks to the day I walked down the staircase and across the foyer into the kitchen where mom was sipping her morning coffee. She looked haggard.

"Mom, you really should try to take those depression meds the Doctor gave you for your insomnia, you have to get some sleep."

"Yes, I know I do, but I have slept in that bed every night with your father, the memories, I...I just cannot sleep alone in that bed."

Nodding, understanding, and having some of my father's influence I suggested, "Then come and sleep in my bed with me mother. You need rest and maybe just

being in bed with someone will help?"

I could see the indecision in her eyes, "I will consider it, thank you."

Now, a moment to describe by mother: At 45, she was in the shape of her life. A former champion swimmer, fitness was always important to her. She had deep auburn hair that was luxurious and wavy which she kept shoulder length. She had developed late, after college, and was a very slim, athletic woman with C cup breasts that stood high and proud; accentuated by her trim body. She had a nice swell to her hips, not dramatic....more sensual in nature.

Like any son with a hot mom, I had an Oedipus complex which developed around the age of 19. I kept it well under wraps, though I did have a healthy fantasy life. The only sexual thing I knew about mom, though, was that she had had all her body hair, except her head of course, permanently removed. I knew this from a conversation I had overheard them having about her hating to shave back when I was 18.

I mentioned mom was a swimmer. She spent at least an hour a day swimming in the Olympic sized pool in the private backyard...oftentimes nude. This was a daily ritual she kept after dad's death. I think it helped to calm her. I found this out one evening when I came home early from my part time job I had taken in town. I went up to pee and happened to look outside, down at the pool. Mother was just floating on her back, slowly moving her thighs open and closed, her hands out from her sides.

I could not help watching her from my bathroom window. Her nipples were standing taut from the coolness of the water. They looked to be at least a half inch long and were easily seen from my window. The areolas were in the shape of muffin tops, nice and puffy, almost inviting me to nibble on them. Her hair spread out around her head like a fiery halo, her tummy trim, not overtly muscular but with feminine curves.

But, what took my breath away and gave me an instant, throbbing hard-on? Her pussy. It was glorious! A soft mound rising up from the bottom of her pelvis with outer lips that hid all but the edges of her inner lips. A horny, pussy eating son's wet dream.

Now, I am not an idiot. I know sex with mom was really only a fantasy of mine. But there was no way I was not going to look, and there was no way I was not going to cream the bathroom wall. I came hard and long alternately imagining I was filling her mouth or buried deep in her hot, wet, inviting pussy and creaming her to the point it seeped out past my cock.

I have researched that the average male only climaxes a few teaspoons. Having measured it myself from a condom after a week of abstinence, I can tell you my volume is about 3 full tablespoons. I have to wear special condoms when I have sex with women because most would not suffice to hold it all without leaking. I politely warn my partners when getting blown so they know what to expect. Most roll their eyes and just smile....until they experience it firsthand.

So what exactly did I do? Heck, immediately after seeing her I went to my room, got the lube, the fleshlight with the wall suction cup, and my binoculars. I went to the bathroom, popped the fake pussy onto the tile wall, lubed it and my raging erection, and slowly fucked it while I got close ups of mom's gorgeous breasts and pussy lips...all the while, fantasizing I was sliding into her, taking her, helping her enjoy herself as much as I was.

So yeah, I came. Hard. And, it leaked past my cock and dripped onto the floor. I came so hard I had to hold onto the sill of the window to keep my knees from buckling. I couldn't be sure because I was seeing stars, but I swear I thought I saw mom looking up at the window at me for just a moment.

I ducked back into the bathroom and cleaned everything up. And just as I entered my bedroom I heard mom call me from downstairs asking if I was home. I hollered back that I was and that I would be down in a minute.

In clean shorts and a tight T-shirt, I met mom in the kitchen. She had put on a mid thigh summer dress, obviously without a bra. And was making some ham and cheese sandwiches. She made eye contact as I entered the kitchen and she motioned for me to sit at the table. Soon we were eating them with some sour cream and onion chips and a couple of glasses of water.


"Yes mom?"

"How long were you looking at me as I was swimming?"

I froze. I flushed so hard I literally could have fried an egg on my face. Swallowing hard, "Mom, I'm sorry I invaded your privacy. Yes I was watching you through the window of the bathroom. With us living together now, this is going to happen. We both know this. I will try to be as mature about it as possible, but you have to know, mom, you are the epitome of hotness."

Mom just smiled as she made direct eye contact. "You didn't answer my question, son. I could tell by the way your head was moving that you were masturbating. My question is, did you finish?"

My hands were shaking and I couldn't breath, but I didn't break eye contact with her. I nodded slowly and replied, "Yes ma-am."

She nodded, "Good. Your father used to come home early and I swear he left his cream on the wall of that bathroom just so I knew he was watching. It used to turn me on something fierce. I hope you were kind enough to clean up after yourself?"

I took a long, slow breath and settled down, obviously mom wasn't freaking out. But now I had questions. "Mom, can I ask you a question?"

Putting her elbows up on the table and placing her chin on her hands, she smiled,

"Sure honey, ask away."

"How long did you know I was watching?"

"I heard your car door shut."

"Um, mom, you didn't answer my question?"

"I knew you were watching from the very first moment honey. After our talk this morning, I thought long and hard about your offer to sleep in your bed with you tonight to help me get some rest. So, I decided to give you a test."

"So, did I pass or fail?"

Mom smiled, "It wasn't a pass or fail test honey. It was more, I needed to know before I accepted your offer, what might happen if I accepted and how I would feel about it. You remind me so much of your father that I cannot help but be conflicted with you.

"Close your mouth dear."

I was at a loss for a moment. "And, have you decided?"


And she smiled and cleaned up the kitchen...

When I stood up, there was no way I could hide my raging hard on. I am not an Adonis by any means, but at 7 inches with a 6 inch circumference: well, it's not something you are going to hide from your mother. ESPECIALLY when she is looking right at your crotch as you stand up.

"Mom. Thank you for making something to eat. I think I am going to go up to my room for a bit if that is OK?"

"No, it isn't. I want you to help dry these dishes, please."

Standing next to mom, in that braless summer dress. I couldn't help but watch the sway of her breasts as she washed the dishes. She knew of course, and she made sure to put on a show. As the fabric of the dress rubbed against her nipples they grew hard and elongated. I also noticed her breasts were moving rapidly with her breathing and, remembering what she said about breastfeeding, I mumbled, "I wish I was dad right now."

Mom handed me the last item and as I dried it she turned to face me. She put her hand behind my head and slowly lowered it to her breast as her other hand slipped the strap off her shoulder, "Baby, are you still hungry?"

Her fingers curled into my hair on the back of my head as my hot breath covered her nipple. Without a word, I gently, with a feather touch, sucked her nipple between my lips.

"Mom, if I continue, I will not be able to stop."

"Baby, I am already past that."

She inhaled sharply as I suckled, shaping my tongue around her nipple I slowly tongue fucked it. Her fingers grabbed my hair and she gave out a low, throaty growl. "Yes, baby. Take your mommie's breast. Feed your needs, make mommy cum for you!"

I reached for her other breast, having been exposed with our movements. I gently pulled on the long nipple, rubbing it with my thumb and cupping her large breast with my hand, softly massaging it as she moaned before me in wanton lust.

"Baby! Mommy is cumming! Play with my nipples and look deeply into my eyes as you make me cum for you!"

I let her nipple pull from my lips and tongue and I massaged my mother's nipples, in front of the sink, as her dress fell to the kitchen floor...she had no panties on. My cock was hard enough to pound a ten penny nail into concrete. I quickly dropped my shorts, lifted her up onto the counter, grabbed the base of my cock and found her slick, hot pussy with the head. I pressed, and slowly slipped it inside her as I looked deeply into her eyes; my hands grabbing her ass and pulling her to my cock.

Her mouth opened wide, her eyes looked into my soul, her forehead scrunched in a strange combination of realization and acceptance...

Mom came. Her whole body shook uncontrollably. She moaned, she cried, she gasped for air. And she came again. Her pussy was so wet that I slid to the hilt of my cock in one slow, agonizing thrust. Bottoming out with my balls against her ass cheeks, I held her there, moving the head of my cock up and down deep inside her as it was deeply embedded, reveling in her wet heat.

She came again. She had lost all control and I held her against my chest as I began to take her pussy in long, deep strokes. I lasted until the fourth one before I bathed her womb in hot spurts of cream. She jumped slightly with each spurt, feeling them hit her cervix and enjoying the warm heat of my jism.

Gasping for air, I whispered, "Mom, I can never go back."

Running her fingers through my hair she replied, "I know baby. I know. We can talk later. Right now I want to enjoy the afterglow, OK?"

I just held her to me, my semen dripping from her pussy onto the kitchen floor: enjoying the fantasy as her thighs continued to tremble against my hips.

After she calmed down she whispered, "My beautiful baby boy, I have wanted this ever since you turned 18.

My cock didn't shrink as it was still deep inside her cum soaked pussy. "Mom, I have fantasized about making love to you for a couple of years now. I love you so much. Thank you."

"Take me to the shower baby. We need to clean up before going to bed."

My cock still deep inside her, I lifted mom up, gripping her cheeks as she wrapped her legs and arms around me. I walked us up the stairs and into my shower, never pulling out of her.

Thank the gods for instant hot water.

I pulled out of her as I set her feet into the tub and my cum gushed down her leg. "Goodness baby! You cum a lot more than your father did! Is that normal for you?"

"Yes mom, though I confess, I usually last more than four strokes. In all fairness, the heat of the moment, realizing my fantasy, got to me."

Slapping me on the rump she giggled, "Baby, I came four times to your one, I have no complaints. My mother then washed me, making sure my balls and cock were clean. And even though I had another raging hard on she shooed me from the bathroom and to bed, saying she would be with me in a moment.

After drying off, I pulled down the comforter and sheets to my bed and lay on my back, my cock standing tall. Soon my mother walked in and lay beside me, her back to me as I spooned in behind her. We lay under the warm covers for a moment as we cuddled.

"Mom, can you help me with this? No way I am sleeping with my cock aching the way it is."

"I was planning on it baby, slip it between my cheeks till you feel the lube on the head of your cock. Then slowly and gently begin to stretch my ass as you take me. Go slow, enjoy yourself. I absolutely love a good ass fuck before going to sleep. I did a quick cleanse and lubed up just for you, baby."

Okay, I was hard before my mouth dropped, again. With her upper arm she parted her cheeks and I grabbed my cock and moved it to where she felt slick. "Mmmm, yes. That's it honey. Now, take your mother's hot, lubed ass and don't stop until you have creamed my bowels baby. Nothing is off limits, nothing is taboo, use me, take me, make me your devoted lover baby."

I gently pressed and felt her sphincter loosen and move around the tip of my cock. I let it sit there for a moment before pressing further, in slow, ultra short strokes, I began to take my mother's ass. She gasped as the ridge of my cock slipped past her muscle, her ass, slick, warm, and willing. Slow strokes, moving deeper and deeper by a centimeter a stroke, I slowly impaled her.

She turned her head and had a smile on her face, the first smile I had seen in over a month. "Play with my breasts as you fuck my ass baby and I will cum for you with your cock buried deep inside my ass. We will both love how it feels."

"Mom, I love how it feels already. Thank you again for this."

"Baby, thank you. I feel I can finally let go of your father. I am so happy you can take his place. Now, claim your mother's ass as you did my pussy. Make it yours to have and to hold and to fuck...whenever you need."

I pulled on her nipples, pinched them, scratched them, palmed them, and massaged them as my cock plundered her hot ass. The ridge of my cock was going into overdrive with the sensations and my balls were pulling into my body as my cock began to swell. But I held off as long as possible, making sure my mother came several times before I did. Each time she came I felt the ripples of her bowels deliciously massaging the ridge of my cock, driving me to madness.

"I am going to cum mommie, I am going to cream your ass. I claim it as mine."

"Yesssss, yours."

I came for the third time that night, right into the depths of my mothers bottom as she cried in ecstasy with her fourth orgasm since I entered her loving backside. Immediately, a soft, warm stillness descended over me and I fell asleep, still deep inside her, my hands resting on her bosom.

I partially awakened to feel my mother lovingly cleaning me before drying me off, putting lotion on my cock, and lying partially on my left side, her left breast laying on my chest and her left leg over mine. I stretched once, and slept the sleep of the truly satiated.


I awoke the next morning; alone in bed, with mother's scent on my sheets...so I didn't just dream last night. But now, it was time to talk about what happened, why it happened, and what the future held. Smelling bacon cooking and the aroma of fresh coffee motivated me to get dressed and as I went to pee I noticed the skin of my cock was smoother than I could recall. Guessing mom used some of her good skin cream on it when she cleaned me last night, I quickly finished my ablutions and dressed in baggy shorts and a colored Carhartt T-Shirt for breakfast.

Despite the impending, heavy discussion, I felt good. I was confident that whatever mom's and my needs were, we would find an amicable solution and I was prepared to accept with grace either extreme should it come to that. I had lived my life's fantasy, not many are ever able to do so. And, in this instance, the reality lived up to the fantasy: something even more rare in real life.

I walked into the kitchen as mom was finishing up the eggs (we both like them over easy with the whites just cooked) and she served them with thick smoked crispy bacon which she had purchased from the local meat shop, fresh squeezed orange juice, some V8 juice, yeast biscuits from the local baker, and some artisan strawberry marmalade.

I was famished and ate until I had to stop myself before I got sick.

We cleaned up the table and sat across from each other, drinking our 'just ground' Colombian coffee from thick stoneware mugs when mom began the discussion with a short confession and a question. "Son, I just want to say that last night was wonderful. I needed you to fill in the cavern in my soul your father had left with his passing and, when you proposed we sleep in bed together yesterday morning I knew you meant just for companionship."

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