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Stealing My Heart Ch. 07

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Meeting the pack.
9.5k words

Part 7 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/28/2011
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A/N: So sorry. Once again life got in the way. Thanks for hanging in there with me. Much love to all my fans without you I wouldn't know how to go on. Enjoy all comment welcome.


"You had one job! To watch and report back. How did you manage to fuck that up?" Marco watched the vein in Simon's head throb angrily and tried not to cringe. "How could you fuck up again?" He screamed before lashing out claws extended. Marco fell back with a groan clutching his face, blood running between his fingers.

"Stop whining and get off the floor," Simon growled turning to Case, "next time I send you out keep him on a leash," he spat. Case covered his snort of derision with a cough and left Marco to pick himself up. Marco was no more than a spoiled boy with dreams of being Alpha. He also liked causing others pain, especially females. Case may have been an outcast but he had some moral fiber. Marco wasn't worth his time or energy.

As Simon stalked into Dean Terrance's office two of his men pushed past him dragging a struggling omega between them. Dean was draped across his chair as though it were a throne his feet kicked up on the heavy mahogany desk.

"Chuck, why are you bringing that trash in here?" he drawled.

"We found him trying to sneak in to the holding cells," Chuck tossed the shifter to the floor before collapsing into a chair before his Alpha.

"Please Alpha, my mate is in there. She's pregnant, she needs me," the shifter pleaded on his knees.

"Are all of your wolves so pathetic?" Simon sneered.

"Unfortunately. But we will be getting new pack members soon."

"Alpha," the omega begged, "please I can feel her through our bond."

"She broke pack law," Dean snarled jumping to his feet.

"No . . . no . . . she wasn't trying to flee. I swear."

"She was caught trying to pass into another pack's territory. No one leaves. No one!" His face turned purple with rage and he slammed his fists into the desktop. Theo struggled not to show is hate and contempt for the unworthy Alpha's fury. It was only the feeling of his mate trying to suppress her suffering through their bond that kept him from speaking his mind. Most of the pack stayed only because Dean had locked up a loved one and fleeing would be a death sentence for those held in the cramped shifter proof cells. There were some quiet whispers about uniting to overthrow Dean's leadership but with the betas firmly in Dean's pocket and submission so ingrained in the lower ranking shifters it was an impossible hope.

"Alpha if you just . . ."

"You know what Theo," Dean interrupted with mock sincerity, "You're right, you should be with your mate. Archie, Chuck, put him into the cell with the others," Dean flopped back into his chair with a flippant wave of his hand. Theo was so shocked he gave no resistance when Chuck and Archie, cackling, took a bruising grip on his arms and dragged him back out.

"You keep this up you're going to run out of wolves,"

"I don't need any advice from you. You're not even a real alpha." Dean sneered.

"When I signed on you promised me more. But since then all we've done is scare a few wolves and keep yours from leaving. What good is that?" Simon snarled.

"We'll do this on my time! Don't push me. I'm going to destroy Xavier Cambridge. I'm going to take his mate, his pack, and his land. And when I have all that I'm going to crush him body and soul."

"Yeah, yeah. That's all good but how?" Delia complained sauntering into the offices and perching daintily on the edge of Dean's desk.

"Good question," Simon added sarcastically, "I don't think our Alpha's thought of that just yet."

"The girl is the key. We get the girl we control Cambridge," Dean answered haughtily.

"Good luck with that. Xavier's moving her to the compound. He's never gonna let her out of his sight or covered by his most trusted and lethal betas," Delia complained.

"So we have to find a way to separate the two of them," Dean started to pace around his office. "He has to be far enough that he can't get back quickly. But how?" Dean looked up and saw Simon lounging against the wall and bared his teeth in a grim smile, "How do you feel about cats?"


The kitchen was a whirlwind of activity. Pans were flying in and out of the large ovens, piles of vegetables were being washed, chopped and diced, and enormous amounts of meat were baked, grilled, and fried. Though Mina clearly wanted time to chat with Jordan she had to get up every few minutes to help in the prep work and direct her helpers.

During one of Mina's trips around the kitchen Jordan had had enough. Mina had insisted she sit and relax but Jordan was never one to sit around when there was work to be done. Taking a spare apron off the rack by the door she joined a girl peeling potatoes.

It was a few minutes before the girl realized she was there. Wide eyed, she dropped her knife and just stared.

"Um . . . am I doing it wrong?" Jordan asked self consciously.

"No," the girl stammered. "But you're the Alpha's mate. This is omega work."

"Okay," Jordan said confused, "I'm not sure what that means." The girl just continued to stare.

"It means that you're supposed to be above these sort of menial tasks," another woman said joining them at the table. This woman smiled lighting up her entire face. Her nose and cheeks were peppered with freckles and her tousled light brown hair was cropped short. Her blue eyes sparkled as Jordan took in her long legs in envy. "Don't mind Erin, she's just likes rules. I'm Taryn and I say the more the merrier!"

Jordan smiled at the newcomer. "I'm Jordan and I'm happy to help."

"But you're the Alpha's mate," Erin exclaimed clearly still in shock.

"Well if that means I'm not supposed to cook I should warn you, not only do I cook, I also clean dishes," Erin's eyes practically popped from her head. "Yes," Jordan said seriously leaning in with a mock whisper. "Don't tell anyone but sometimes I even clean bathrooms!"

Erin shrieked nearly falling from her seat. Jordan was surprised when Taryn and a few others burst into laughter. They quickly introduced themselves as they moved whatever they were working on to join Jordan and Erin at their table.

"I'm so glad," one of the shifters said, "we were worried you'd be scared or uptight."

"At least she's not a cat. I heard there was a wolf in another pack whose mate was some sort of cat." The woman named Clara shivered.

"I don't know," Taryn said. "Cats are cuddlers. I hope my mate likes to cuddle," she said dreamily.

"Not me. I want a nice strong wolf."

"Are there many other kinds of shifter," Jordan asked curious.

"Well," Taryn said. "The cat shifters include tigers, lions, and panthers. Then there are bears, hawks, and obviously the wolves."

"Wolves are the best," Clara declared.

"I'm guessing there is some kind of rivalry going on?" Jordan asked.

"Hah!," Taryn laughed. "Rivalry? We're all but at war. We're lucky there are only wolf packs in this area. A few hours north of us is cat territory. Three different prides."

"Prides ... War?"

"Prides are groups of cats. Like packs of wolves. And were not at really war. It's just extreme dislike I guess," Taryn said offhandedly.

"More like hate, abhorrence, detestation!" said a girl named Emma who bounced and smiled cheerfully with every word. Jordan couldn't help but smile at her demeanor.

"Why?" she asked.

"It's just bad blood," Taryn said. "We argue about who are the goddess's favorite, who's stronger, etc.

"The hawks are just weird!" Jessica exclaimed.

"Weird? You're one to talk Jess. You passed weird and slammed straight into psycho a long time ago. Have you even met a hawk shifter?," Taryn scoffed. Jessica stuck her tongue out at her while the rest of the women laughed.


Xavier had left his mate with trepidation. He knew his mate was safe but he still hadn't claimed her yet. Any one could try to steal his mate away. So caught up in his thoughts, Xavier didn't sense Zach until he was right next to him.

"The beta's are ready to hear from you regarding the changes whenever you're ready and the Felix of one the prides called for you earlier. He sounded pissed. Good luck with that." Zach grinned.

"Let's go talk to the betas. I'll call the Felix later." Xavier sighed, "Cats," he said shaking his head.


The barbeque was in full swing. Shifters filled the clearing eating, talking, laughing. Children ran wild weaving between the adults as they played.

Xavier was still meeting with his betas but Eva had been released early to find Jordan and begin her unofficial introduction to the pack. Jordan was shocked by how warmly she was received. A few were wary and some greeted her with hostile stares but the majority, like Mina, were falling over themselves to meet her. Jordan was worried when she realized many avoided eye contact but was slightly reassured when Eva told her it was a sign of respect. Respect wasn't something she was used to from anyone, let alone complete strangers.

As they were leaving one group Eva called to a plump older woman with snow white hair and sparkling blue eyes.

"I'm Ella," she said gathering her in a tight hug, "I'm so pleased to meet you."

A gruff voice came from behind them, "So this is the human Xavier brought to us."

"Don't mind Jonas," Ella told her reassuringly, "he's just old and cranky."

The elder huffed, "I'm worried about the state of this pack. Bringing in humans and thieves at that. It's probably trying to steal from us."

Eva saw hurt flash across Jordan's face before it disappeared behind a sunny smile.

"Damn, you caught me," Jordan sighed in mock defeat. "This whole mating thing was a charade. I've actually been casing the place, because stealing from a pack of werewolves was a the top of my to do list. But since you discovered my nefarious plans I guess I'll just go through with this whole mating thing," Jordan shrugged innocently.

Deep roaring laughter erupted behind her making Jordan turn to find Derek and Tomas grinning at her.

"Ah Goon 1 and 2 where's your triplet?" Jordan grinned back.

"Oh he's around here somewhere. Probably with his family. I'm goon 1 right?" Derek asked.

"Right," Jordan said seriously before shaking her head and adding in a mock whisper to Tomas, "You're the real number 1." Derek put his hand over his heart a pained look on his face.The group laughed merrily.

"Ouch, I'll go lick my wounds later in private."

"You've never need privacy before to lick yourself," Eva snorted.

Derek shoved her playfully. "I see you've met my mom," Derek gave the smiling woman an affectionate squeeze.

"We were just getting to know each other," Ella said happily as Jonas stormed off with an angry snort while the rest of the small group settled down to eat and enjoy each others company.

She hadn't noticed until her muscles began to cramp from sitting on the ground just how comfortable she had come to feel with this group of shifters. Sitting there with Eva, the goons and a few others who came and drifted away she found herself a little overwhelmed. It was amazing how she had never known just how alone she was until she was surrounded by these people. It felt so good to be part of a group . . . a pack.

Offering to refill drinks gave her a chance to stretch her legs and a few moments to ruminate on her new discovery. She wasn't alone anymore, she had a pack! Jordan grabbed a few sodas from a large cooler and began to make her way back to the group. Smiling she drifted around tables and people, sidestepped around kids, enjoying the warm sunlight.

A flock of children ran past her and as she quickly hopped out of the way a hand reached out and grabbed her bruised arm tightly. Instinct flared through her. Before the pain even registered she was dropping the sodas, spinning back, and kicking her attacker just above his kneecap before following up with another swift kick to his unprotected groin. I won't be a victim again, she snarled to herself setting up her body for defense against another attack. But instead of the assault she expected she was met with the sight of her attacker on his knees clutching his groin and howling in pain.

"You bitch!" the shifter snarled into the stunned silence of the crowd. "You filthy . . ." the unknown shifter was snatched up by his throat and twisting in the air before the last syllable could drop from his snarling lips. Jordan had barely registered the breeze of his passing before Xavier stood before her choking the dangling shifter with one hand. His eyes snapped with glowing fury, a fuzz of black fur started crawling up his arms. Glancing around she found herself flanked by all 3 of the goons.

"You dare touch my mate," Xavier growled his voice deeper than usual while shaking the shifter by his throat. A choked whimper barely left the man, his eyes bulging, trying to breath while simultaneously trying to convey submission to his Alpha.

Jordan could practically see Xavier's wolf shining in his eyes reveling in the moment and contemplating the most efficient way to kill the fool. At once she felt both cherished and fearful of her mate. Something about this fierce animal side of her mate thrilled her, arousal burned low in her stomach. No one had ever protected her before. But she also felt fear, hoping that anger would never be turned on her. She hated that she had been attacked but she couldn't let Xavier kill one of his pack for her. Gathering her courage she took a step forward and laid a gentle hand on her mate's forearm.

"Jordan don't . . . ," she heard behind her, but she went ahead anyway. A short growl was cut off when Xavier felt the faint pressure on his arm and looked down to see his tiny mate by his side.

"Let him go," she whispered but the wolf in him only tightened his grip. He wanted his prey to suffer. Xavier felt his mate's fingers twisting into his sleeve. "Let him go," she repeated more forcefully. This time he smelled the flash of fear she was trying to hide from him. Xavier struggled with his wolf. They both wanted to kill the insolent half grown pup for hurting their mate but he didn't like the fear. The same fear he smelled when she described her attacker in the alley.

"Please," she said reaching up to stroke his clenched jaw. That was all the wolf needed. Dropping his prey he turned, picked up his mate, and kissed her soundly. Ignoring the pup who wheezed in gulps of air and crawled away as fast as he could. Jordan felt so right in his arms. With every second she softened and warmed, her curves molding to his body. Xavier inhaled deeply allowing himself to drown in her fresh scent, to assure himself that no scent of fear lingered and focusing on enhancing the addicting aroma of her arousal.

The silence surrounding the couple was pierced with a shout "by the will of the goddess." The blessing was echoed through the crowd followed by a cacophony of cheering and howls of joy.

"The Goddess has brought me a great gift," Xavier announced as the cheering died down. "I have found my mate," the cheering and howls rose up again and Xavier couldn't stop the broad grin from stretching across his face as he beamed down at her and she gazed up adoringly at him. "She is amazing and she is mine!" he rumbled happily. "We will celebrate our mating at the next full moon in two weeks as is our custom. So eat and later we will run as pack. My last as an unpaired wolf."

With his last words the pack returned to their food and each other. Xavier smiled proudly at his pack and was about to take his mate away when something small flew out of the crowd and latched onto his leg. Looking down he saw a mass of shiny black curls surrounding the sweet cherubic face of Zach's daughter Terra. Clearly he wasn't going to get any alone time with his mate anytime soon.

"Uncle Alpha," she cried happily, "your mate is pretty," she glanced at Jordan who, Xavier realized, he was holding tightly to his side. Apart of him wanted to rush her up to his rooms and hide her away so he wouldn't have to share her. But as Alpha he couldn't keep her to himself especially since she would be their future Alpha Queen. He could practically feel his pack's eyes boring holes in his mate.

"And who is this," Jordan asked crouching down next to Terra who was now hiding bashfully behind his legs.

"Who this?" Xavier joked "This is my dinner," he growled quietly, snapping her up and pretending to take a bite out of the giggling pup. Jordan experienced an unexpected flash of joy as she thought about Xavier as the father of their future children. She had never even considered having children before. Shaking the thought from her mind she turned her attention back to the pup Xavier was tickling.

"I'm not food," she cried happily, "I'm Terra!"

"It's nice to meet you Terra. I'm Jordan," Terra launched herself into Jordan's arms and took a tentative sniff.

"You smell pretty. Like sunshine. Much better than my brother, he smells like skunk!" she rattled off happily.

"Your brother does not smell like skunk," a tall lean woman sighed as she came up to the small group holding a boy a few years younger than Terra. All three shared similar black curls. Lowering her eyes and nodding her head respectfully the woman warmly introduced herself. "I'm Lenora, Zach's mate, and this terror," she said with a gesture towards the bundle wrapped in Jordan's arms, "is our daughter." Terra laughed brightly, she had clearly been introduced this way many times before. "And this is Scott. Don't you want to say hi to our Alphas?" Lenora coaxed.

Scott turned away from his mother's shoulder where he had been hiding behind her glossy curls. His large blue eyes widened as he saw Jordan and blinked his impossibly long lashes. Shuffling Terra to one arm Jordan gave Scott a small wave. "Hi there."

Scott reached out his chubby arm and grabbed Jordan's hand, brought it to his mouth and gave her a sloppy, wet, toddler kiss. Scott grinned happily but when Jordan grinned back he nervously poofed into a small wolf pup. Surprising Jordan into a bright laugh.

"I think Scott has his first crush," Xavier smirked.

"He still smells," Terra muttered causing the adults to laugh even more.

"It's so nice to finally meet you. Unfortunately, it's time to get these little one's corralled before the pack run. But I can't wait to get to know you. I usually work with the other trackers if you need anything or have any free time." The women shared a warm smile before Lenora dragged Terra grumbling off, pausing briefly to share a chaste kiss with her mate.

"Nice kick," Taryn said bouncing up to the Alphas with a grin causing many to burst into laughter.

"It was pretty amazing," Derek added with a grimace, "but did you have to kick him in the nuts? I almost felt that."

"There is no such thing as a low blow when you're trying to defend yourself," Jordan said with a wicked grin. She'd learned that the hard way.

"Note to self: Always wear a cup when surprising our Alpha," Tomas winked.

"That's my girl!" Xavier said with an amused laugh and triumphant grin. Xavier hauled Jordan up against his hard body to kiss her soundly. He couldn't get enough of her lips. Obligation to his pack, the only thing keeping him from taking her away and having her all to himself.


As the sun began to set a sense of anticipation washed through the pack. Children were gathered and taken to the main house rec room. Mina and the kitchen staff began cleaning up the clearing.

Xavier finally managed to pull Jordan away into the quiet of his office.

"Did you eat," Jordan asked. "Let me go get you a plate before Mina puts it all away."

"No, I'm okay. I just wanted to talk to you before the pack run." Xavier leaned back on his desk and pulled Jordan to stand between his legs to rest comfortingly against his chest. "Are you happy?," he asked nervously.

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