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Stealing My Heart Ch. 08

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Becoming part of the pack.
12k words

Part 8 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/28/2011
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A/N: Sorry, once again my story diverted from my original plan taking more time. Please read, comment and enjoy!


Xavier looked down on his sleeping mate watching the rhythmic rise and fall of her chest. It seemed impossible that after all this time his mate was sleeping peacefully in his arms. The feel of her body against his in the morning was an amazing miracle.

He traced his finger reverently along the bite he had given her the night before. Pushing her hair out of the way for a better view he furrowed his brow in confusion. The bite had already begun to heal faster than he had expected for a human. If she were shifter the mating bite would leave a distinct permanent scar but the bite to a human would have healed at a much slower rate. He shook his head and put the thought aside for another time.

Jordan gave a soft snore and turned over, rubbing her smooth, sleep warmed skin along his body arousing him and readying him for another sensual round. He had taken her in so many ways before dawn broke before he finally allowed her to rest. So he held off promising himself he would have her again before the sun set.

"Hey, X" Derek said speaking directly into his mind. "Felix Jackson, he called last night, is on the line for you. He sounds pissed. You want me to put him off?"

Xavier cursed he'd completely forgotten about the Felix. "No," he groaned, "transfer the call up here in a few minutes." Xavier carefully extracted himself from the bed, tucking the sheets around his sleeping mate. He went to the bathroom, splashed water on his face to wake himself up, and pulled on a pair of sweats.

Picking up the phone in the sitting room, he resisted the urge to hang up and return to his mate. But ignoring the Felix any longer would be irresponsible. The relationship between the cats and wolves was shaky at best. Really all the shifter species were estranged but the wolves and cats had a more active rivalry.


"Wolf! I realize you dogs aren't very civilized but it is common courtesy to call back in a timely manner."

Xavier growled barely remembering to keep his voice down so as not to rouse Jordan, "I assume you have something important to tell me, pussy cat, otherwise I'm going to back to my mate." Jackson let out an unexpected laugh.

"Pussy cat?" Jackson stopped in surprise.

"You better start talking before I hang up," Xavier added gruffly.

Jackson huffed, "I spoke to Dean Terrance earlier about the rogue wolves terrorizing my pride. He seems to think they're yours."

Xavier clenched his fists trying not to let his wolf override his mind. "Asshole," Xavier ground out angrily.

"Excuse me?" Xavier could almost hear the cat hissing in anger.

"Not you, Terrence, he's a complete ass and a liar. I'm going to kill that arrogant son of a bitch one day," he vowed.

"I got that vibe from him too. I thought it was just cause he's a wolf."

"Terrence is just trying to start trouble. These aren't my wolves," Xavier growled ignoring the insult. "They attacked my pack and my mate. I want nothing more than to take them out."

"Prove it,"

"I have nothing to prove. Unless you're challenging my right as Alpha. Besides they are rogue you can smell it on them."

"This is wolf business. . ."

"Rogues are every shifters business. Don't try to pawn them off on me. How do you even know they are the same rogues that have been in our territory?"

"Come on. The council has cracked down on rogues. There aren't very many left."

Xavier sighed, "I'll send my lead tracker. He will be able to identify the scents that are . . ."

"Are you taking this seriously? I don't need a low level pup skulking around my pride."

"Zach is one of my top betas . . ." Xavier shot back angered at the insult to his pack member and friend.

"I need to know you are serious. They attacked the nursery," Jackson said angrily Xavier could hear his suppressed fury. "The children!" Xavier clenched his jaw. The different shifter species may not get along but children were always protected, off limits to all violence.

"I'll call the Alphas of this region. Get back to you this afternoon."

"Don't have me waiting all day butt sniffer."

"Yeah, yeah. Stay out of the catnip kit kat."


The sunlight streaming through the window warmed Jordan's skin. The silk sheet slid down below her naked, ripe breast as she stretched out wonderfully aching muscles. She frowned and opened her eyes when she realized she was alone in the massive bed. A sick feeling rolled through her stomach until she heard Xavier's voice coming from the sitting room.

Climbing out of the massive bed she pulled on Xavier's discarded t-shirt and padded out to the sitting room. Jordan watched him pace around the room yelling and arguing on his cell. When he saw her he stopped and stared appreciatively at her. Barking a few more orders into the phone he hung up, his eyes never leaving her.

"You look beautiful. I like you in my clothes," he breathed

Jordan blushed and shrugged self consciously. "For a moment I thought you'd left me."

"I'm sorry," he said going to her. He reached her in three swift strides that showed the grace of his inner wolf. Jordan tilted her face up as Xavier wrapped her in his strong arms. She gave a contented sigh when their lips met in a tender kiss. "I hate to tell you but it looks like I may have to leave you again."

Jordan looked up at him and smiled. "I'm sure it's important. Don't worry I can let you go for a little while."

"It might be a few days," he cringed.

"Is there something wrong?" Jordan asked suddenly worried.

"Those rogues we've been dealing with, it looks like they may have moved north to pride lands and attacked some kids." Jordan's eyes widen in alarm.

"What kind of monsters attack kids? Baby, don't worry about me I'm fine. Go take care of your people."

"The cats are not my concern. I should be here with my pack, with you."

Jordan shook her head, "They may be cats but they're still your people. You're all descended from the same family. They attacked children Xavier. Some things just shouldn't be allowed. Go Xavier. I will be fine."

Xavier stared down at his mate in awe, "And you say you don't have it in you to be Alpha."

"Let's not go there," Jordan said rolling her eyes. "Besides, I have to settle in here and I have a shift at Henry's shop this afternoon."

Jordan felt Xavier's body stiffen around her and looked up at him quizzically. "You don't think I'm going to let you go back into the city?"

Jordan raised a brow in question, "What?" she asked.

"You don't need to work anymore. Everything I have is yours now. I can't allow you . . ."

Jordan exploded out of his arms, "what gives you the right to allow or not allow me to do anything," she hissed.

"I'm protecting you . . ."

"There is a fine line between protect and control! I am not your child or a member of your pack. I'm your mate, which from what I understand makes me your partner, " Xavier tried to interrupt but snapped his jaw shut when she gave him a nasty glare. "I won't be coddled or commanded," she snapped pushing her tangled mass of hair out of her face. "I suggest you reevaluate what you expect out of this relationship because if you want a useless piece of arm candy I can direct you to some of your pack members who would willingly fit that bill." Jordan stomped angrily into the bedroom slamming the door behind her.

"I could have told you that was the wrong approach," Eva smirked strolling into the room. Xavier was still staring at his bedroom door trying to figure out what happened.

"I was just trying to protect her,"

"Maybe. But as we've all been trying to explain to her, Jordan is a natural born Alpha not to mention she's been on her own her whole life. Telling her what you want her to do won't fly," Eva explained.

"But she's my mate and she's human. I have to protect her,"

"Uh huh," Eva said with a sarcastic snort as Derek came through the door.

"Michaels still refuses to go as we knew he would and Terrence is a selfish bastard. So it looks like you and Carson will be taking care of buisness with the prides. Um . . . why do you look constipated?" Derek asked choking back a laugh.

Xavier loved Derek like a brother but his ability to always find amusement at Xavier's expense was going to get him strangled.

"X, was just telling his mate what she was and wasn't allowed to do," Eva informed him ignoring Xavier's pointed glare.

"Man, even I know that's a bad idea. The trick is to make them think it's their idea," Eva punched his arm her gaze never leaving her Alpha. "Ow, fuck," Derek tried to hide his wince.

Jordan opened the door and joined the group in the sitting room, pulling her hair back in a high ponytail. "I'm going to Henry's. He hired me to do a job and I won't leave him shorthanded just because some arrogant asshole is going on a major power trip."

"I won't let any of those rogues touch you," Xavier said vehemently.

"I was talking about you," Jordan snarled shooting daggers at her stunned mate. Eva and Derek were both shocked and amused at Jordan's nerve. No one would dare talk to their Alpha like that. Xavier was stunned into silence. "Eva would you please show me to the kitchen just in case I have a fainting spell and need assistance in my fragile state."

Jordan and Eva left the room their heads bent towards each other whispering conspiratorially.

"Dude," Derek said, "flowers. I suggest lots and lots of chocolate too and groveling. Groveling is good."

Xavier groaned miserably, "how am I supposed to protect her when she's so stubborn?"

"Females, they're not supposed to make sense."


"Xavier just wants to keep you safe. Ouch . . ." Eva exclaimed when Jordan hit her.

"You're supposed to be on my side," Jordan said glaring at her.

"I am. But the rogues targeted you. He has a right to worry. Rogues don't follow shifter law. They went after kids and attacked us for no reason. Until we catch these wolves the whole pack is on high alert."

Jordan sighed. "I have no problem with that. I get it. But it's the part where he thinks he has the right to command me to follow his every word that ticks me off. However, I do owe it to Henry to be there today. He gave me a job when no one else did. He was kind and that means more to me than you realize."

"Pack is all about loyalty. I understand, so lets compromise. I'll go with you," Eva put her hands up to stall Jordan's interruption, "Xavier will be appeased, you can keep your plans."

Jordan mulled it over but couldn't find any fault "Okay," she acquiesced.

"Also, you should think about giving up the job," Eva stalled her again. "Just until the rogue situation is taken care of. No one expects you to sit around doing nothing, but this is about safety not just for you but the entire pack. Every pack member is on alert. Anyone who could be made a target has been relocated to the compound. Like it or not Jordan, that includes you too now."

Jordan gave Eva a droll stare, "Okay, okay you're right."

Eva smirked, "That doesn't mean you should give X a break for his behavior,"

"Oh no of course not," the women laughed as the entered the kitchen where Mina bustled around making sure they were fed.


Xavier showered and got ready for his meeting all the while pondering how to deal with his mate. He wasn't used to having his orders questioned or flat out disobeyed. Jordan was right she was his partner but that didn't make it any easier to forego his Alpha tendencies.

He found Jordan chatting in the kitchen, a sight he was happily getting used to seeing.

"You better go talk to him," Mina told her gesturing to Xavier, "otherwise he's going to start whining like a lost puppy." Xavier, ignoring the well meaning jab, held out his hand. Jordan watched him over her shoulder with bright hazel eyes, her face framed by the morning sun glinting off the windows.

"Thanks for breakfast Mina," Jordan said raising elegantly from her seat and putting her small hand in Xavier's calloused palm. Xavier reveled in the warmth of their connection. He could practically feel her roiling emotion. Drawing her out of the house and into the shade of the forest he led her to a small creek running through his territory. The sunlight trickled through the tree tops and glittered on the water that tripped and flowed among the rocks and pebbles that made up the creek bed. It was one of his favorite places to think and now he was excited to share it with his mate.

"This place is magical," Jordan said wide eyes taking in the beauty of the natural setting. "I've never seen anything like it beyond what's on TV. I've always lived in cities."

"It's one of my favorite places. But it's not as beautiful as you," he said enjoying her sense of wonder.

Jordan rolled her eyes as she turned to face him, "Is this your way of making it up to me? Cuz, it's kinda cheesy," she snorted.

"It's true," Xavier insisted, "but you're right. I owe you an apology. I can't promise that I won't give you orders in the future but I promise that I will include you in the decision making process when the matter concerns you."

"Concerns us," she corrected.

Xavier bowed his head in agreement, "Us," he liked the way that sounded. "So about the whole job thing . . ."

"Eva came up with a compromise. She will escort me to my shift at Henry's shop. It's only a few hours and after I will tell him that I have to postpone any more shifts until the area is deemed safe."

Xavier wanted to argue she didn't need the job anymore but he had to check himself. He would tackle that mountain later, "Eva and Tomas." He held up his hand to stop her interruption, "Please, you mean more to me than you'll ever know. Compromise, remember."

Jordan was silent for a moment before nodding in agreement, "Fine."

"And," Jordan raised her eyebrows giving him a warning for caution. Xavier just smiled and went on, "You will take my credit card and go buy yourself everything you need."

"I'm good I have everything I need," Jordan said honestly.

"Come on, I'm not trying to be condescending," he defended himself, "but everything you have is in that backpack. If you're going to make this your home I want you to really make it . . . ours."

"I don't need much," Jordan protested, "I've lived my life knowing it was better not to become attached to things. Everything can be taken from you. So material things don't really matter to me," she said simply with a small shrug.

"Okay, then do it for me," Xavier countered sadden by the reality of her lonely life but hoping to wipe away her memory of those feelings. "I want to give you the world, this way it will be easiest to get the things you like. Besides," he said pulling her up against his body to whisper seductively in her ear, "you can buy more of those pretty lace underwear your were wearing last night. You know, just in case my wolf gets frisky and tears them off you." Jordan shivered at the promise of pleasure in his voice and Xavier could have sworn he felt it run through him as well. Jordan reluctantly agreed but he intended to tell Eva to make sure.

"Now," Xavier said with a mischievous glint in his eye, "don't you want to apologize for not listening and heeding my orders."

Jordan lifted on her toes to plant a firm kiss on his lips followed by a sharp nip. "I promise to question and disobey every order you give me," she said with a flippant smile before turning and flouncing back toward the house.

A slow grin spread across Xavier's face as he watched her go, "Cheeky Kitten, come back here."

Jordan's laugh filtered through the forest like a bird's song. "Well hurry up slowpoke."

Xavier caught up to her taking her hand. Arm in arm they slowly made their way back to the house discussing their plans for the day.


"Shopping spree!" Eva shouted excitedly grabbing Xavier's wallet out of his hand and pulling out cash and credit cards. "We're going to have so much fun. We'll get clothes, shoes, lots of shoes, and accessories. Every girl needs accessories."

Jordan hid behind Xavier in mock fear, "Xavier, what kind of monster have you created?" Xavier just shook his head.

"She'll calm down . . . eventually . . . maybe."

"Did I mention the shoes? I know the cutest little boutique that has the most amazing shoe collection," she rattled on. "And we don't even have to stick to the sale aisle cuz X is footing the bill! It's going to be great."

"I never pegged you for the girly fashionista type," Jordan laughed.

"I may be one of the top fighters in the pack and I'm not one of those girls that has to be covered in so many name brand that they become a walk advertisement but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate a nice pair of LV patent leather pumps."

"Wow, shopping with Eva. That's a scary thought," Tomas joked as he and the goons joined the three near the cars.

"Well now it will be your reality. Tomas, you're going with them." Xavier said opening the passenger side door for Jordan to climb in.

"Am I being punished?" Tomas asked his face contorted in pain while the Derek howled with laughter.

"Come on Tomas, I'll protect you," Jordan smiled. "But if she does anything embarrassing I'm denying I know the two of you."

"Ditto," Tomas said. "I'm driving," Tomas said taking the keys from the omega who'd pulled the car up.

Eva snorted and snatched the keys from his fingers, "You may be a genius when it comes to computers but I refuse to get in the car with you behind the wheel." She climbed into the car and turned to Jordan sitting beside her. "Trust me, don't ever let Tomas drive unless it's a life or death situation. He drives like a drunken blind race car driver."

"That is a gross exaggeration," Tomas insisted as he moodily got in the back seat.

"Be safe," Xavier said ignoring the riffraff and placed a chaste kiss on his mates sweet mouth. Silently he added to Eva and Tomas, "Keep your eyes open and call me the second anything happens."

The betas sent back their promise to protect his heart and took off down the drive.


"Now your shift doesn't start until 1 o'clock so we've got a few hours to cover the mall. After your shift we can hit the rest of Main Street for the smaller shops," Eva said pulling into the parking lot. Tomas and Eva surveilled the packed lot before letting Jordan out of the car and entering the loud 2 story building.

Jordan couldn't help but size up the crowd as Eva led her to the first shop. It was second nature for her to cast her gaze around the mall looking for easy marks. There was a group of rowdy teenager. A woman wearing expensive clothes had a loose grip on her shiny handbag, an easy grab. She could use the teenagers as a distraction. One of the kiosk vendors was too busy texting to keep an eye on her open register. Another would be easy pickings with a smile and a little flirting. On a good day in a mall she could make a small fortune without ever actually stepping into a store. Usually registers in stores were to closely watched to actually get away with stealing cash and anything else worth stealing had too many anti-theft devices to be worth the risk. Jordan almost resisted when Eva dragged her into the first store before she remembered she really was there to shop.

"Don't give me that look," Eva exclaimed misinterpreting Jordan's response, "I will make this as painless as possible."

Jordan hesitantly viewed the racks of clothes more used to the old comforting smell of thrift shops. She nearly choked when she looked at the price of a top that caught her eye.

"I'm sorry is that price considered reasonable?" she whispered to Tomas who hung back with her as Eva bounced around arms full of colorful lacy items.

Tomas shook his head, "I don't think it's supposed to make sense."

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