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Steamy Gym Sauna Session Ch. 03

Story Info
Back at their apartment, Ariana tries to comfort Nora.
4.5k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 09/16/2023
Created 08/30/2023
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After the disturbing encounter with Matt at the cafe, Nora retreated to her room, feeling violated and disgusted. She refused to leave her bed for days, replaying the traumatic events in her mind over and over.

A week passed before her sister Ariana decided to check on her. "Nora? Can I come in?" Ariana asked softly through the closed door. Without waiting for a reply, she entered the dark room where Nora lay curled up in bed.

Nora lay in bed curled up in a ball, blankets pulled up around her. The room was dim, curtains drawn with only a sliver of light peeking through. Clothes and tissues were strewn across the floor haphazardly. The air held a distinct musky scent of bodily fluids and lingering aromas of uneaten food.

Nora's hair was disheveled and greasy from lack of washing. There were dark circles under her eyes from lack of sleep.

Ariana's heart ached seeing her sister in such a state. She sat down gently on the edge of the bed. "Oh Nora... what has he done to you?" she whispered. Nora just stared blankly ahead, unspeaking.

Ariana reached out and stroked Nora's hair comfortingly. "You can't keep lying here in the dark like this. You need to get up, take a nice shower, and eat something."

Nora didn't respond, continuing to stare blankly ahead.

Ariana sighed. "I know you're hurting. But you can't let Matt's actions destroy you. You need to be strong."

Nora finally spoke in a hoarse whisper. "I feel so dirty... so used. He violated me, Ariana."

"I know sweetie," Ariana replied sadly. "What he did was inexcusable. But you did nothing wrong. The fault lies entirely with him."

Nora's eyes filled with tears. "I didn't want it to happen. But that supplement he gave me... it made me lose control." She shuddered at the memory.

Ariana's expression hardened with anger. "That bastard drugged you. I'll make sure he pays for that." She squeezed Nora's hand supportively. "But first, let's get you cleaned up. I'll help you."

Ariana gently urged Nora out of bed and into the shower, washing her hair and body.

Nora closed her eyes as Ariana gently massaged shampoo into her hair, the sensation soothing after days of feeling soiled. As Ariana's fingers worked over her scalp, Nora felt the beginnings of a pleasant tingle starting to build. She tried to push the feeling away, not wanting to associate Ariana's caring touch with the unwanted arousal Matt had forced on her. But despite her resistance, the gentle intimacy of the moment brought a flush to Nora's cheeks. Her nipples hardened almost imperceptibly as Ariana's hands stroked lower, lathering up her shoulders.

"Is the water warm enough?" Ariana asked gently. Nora nodded, keeping her eyes closed against the stream. Ariana's hands glided over her skin with care, washing away the external grime to reveal the soft beauty underneath. Nora bit her lip, trying to restrain the growing heat low in her belly. This was her sister, she reminded herself. But the sweet torment of Ariana's fingers against her flesh overwhelmed any rational thought.

When Ariana's soapy palms cupped Nora's breasts, thumbs grazing lightly over her stiffened nipples, Nora couldn't hold back a soft gasp. Every nerve ending was alive with sensitivity after days of numbness.

"Are you okay?" Ariana asked with concern. "Did I hurt you?"

"N-no... I'm fine," Nora managed.

Ariana looked uncertain but continued gently washing Nora's body. As her hands moved lower, over Nora's taut stomach and between her legs, Nora felt herself growing slick with arousal. She squirmed involuntarily, pressing herself against Ariana's fingers.

"Nora..." Ariana said hesitantly. "Are you sure you're alright?"

Nora opened her eyes, meeting Ariana's worried gaze. "I think... the drug Matt gave me is still affecting me," she admitted. "I can't seem to control myself."

Ariana's eyes widened in understanding. "That bastard," she muttered. "It must still be in your system."

Nora flushed with shame. "I'm so sorry Ariana. I don't mean to feel this way... especially not with you."

Ariana caressed her cheek gently. "It's okay sweetie. This isn't your fault." She turned off the shower and wrapped Nora in a fluffy towel, tenderly drying her off.

Ariana led Nora back to the bedroom, trying to keep her own feelings in check. Seeing her sister so vulnerable and aroused had sparked an unexpected reaction in Ariana that she knew she shouldn't indulge.

She helped Nora into fresh pajamas and eased her into bed, pulling up the covers. "There, doesn't that feel better?" Ariana asked gently.

Nora nodded, but her cheeks were still flushed and her breaths came quick and shallow. Ariana could tell the drug was still affecting her.

"Try to rest," Ariana said. "I'll bring you some food."

But as Ariana turned to go, Nora grasped her hand. "Please... don't leave me alone like this," she pleaded, her eyes shining with building need.

Ariana hesitated, desire warring with morality. She had promised herself she would care for Nora, not take advantage of her. But the sight of her sister so desperate and willing was testing her willpower.

"Hold me," Nora begged softly. "I need to feel someone close... someone I trust."

Ariana's heart ached as she looked down at Nora's pleading eyes. She knew she shouldn't give in to the temptation, but her sister was clearly suffering.

"Okay sweetie, I'll stay," Ariana said gently as she slid into the bed beside Nora. She wrapped her arms around Nora's trembling body, pulling her close. Nora immediately nuzzled into the embrace, pressing herself against Ariana.

"Thank you," Nora whispered. "I just need to feel loved right now."

"Of course. I'll take care of you," Ariana murmured, stroking Nora's hair soothingly. She tried to keep her touch purely comforting, but having Nora's nearly naked body wrapped around her own was wreaking havoc on her self-control.

Nora nestled even closer, her head coming to rest on Ariana's chest. Ariana's breath caught as she felt Nora's lips brush over the sensitive skin above her breast. It seemed innocent, but the contact sent a jolt of electricity straight between Ariana's legs.

She shifted uncomfortably, acutely aware of how her nipples had tightened at Nora's nearness. Ariana knew she should extract herself from the situation, but she couldn't bring herself to leave Nora again. She would just have to maintain her composure.

But as they lay entwined, Nora's arousal was palpable. Her skin was flushed and hot, and Ariana could feel Nora's breaths coming quicker against her neck. When Nora's thigh slipped between Ariana's legs, the pressure made Ariana bite back a moan. She knew Nora needed relief, but not like this.

Ariana knew she had to be the responsible one and stop this before it went too far. As Nora's older sister, it was her duty to care for and protect her, not take advantage of her vulnerable state.

"Nora, honey, we should stop," Ariana said gently, trying to disentangle herself from the intimate embrace.

But Nora clung to her desperately. "Please Ariana, I need this," she begged, eyes glazed with lust. "I need to feel connected to someone I love. Help me overwrite what Matt did to me."

Ariana's heart broke hearing Nora's pleading. She looked down at Nora's beautiful face, so distraught and needy. Ariana swallowed hard, suppressing her own cravings. "I want to help you Nora, but not like this. We could never come back from something like this happening between us."

"I don't care!" Nora cried. "I just need you, Ariana." She pressed her lips urgently to Ariana's in a sudden passionate kiss.

Ariana's eyes widened in shock, Nora's mouth hot and demanding against her own. For a brief moment Ariana started to kiss back instinctively. But she quickly came to her senses and pushed Nora away, breaking off the kiss.

"No, Nora. You're not thinking clearly," Ariana said firmly, though her voice trembled with the effort.

Nora sat back, cheeks flaming with embarrassment over her impulsive actions. "I'm so sorry Ariana," she said wretchedly. "I don't know what came over me."

Nora sat back, her arousal momentarily dampened by the sting of rejection. What was she thinking, trying to seduce her own sister? The drug Matt gave her had destroyed her inhibitions.

"Maybe you're right," Nora said quietly. "I'm clearly not in control of myself right now."

Ariana looked relieved. "I'm glad you understand. I just want to take care of you, Nora." She gently stroked Nora's hair.

Nora nodded, but her mind was already racing ahead. She needed to feel that all-consuming arousal again. She craved the fire in her veins, the delirium of pure sensual indulgence. And she knew exactly how to get it.

"I'm feeling really tired now," Nora lied. "I think I'll try to get some more rest."

"Of course," Ariana replied. "I'll go start on some dinner. Call me if you need anything." She leaned down and placed a chaste kiss on Nora's forehead before leaving the room.

As soon as Ariana was gone, Nora leapt out of bed. She quickly threw on some clothes and shoes, grabbed her purse and slipped out the back door before Ariana noticed. She got in her car and drove away.


Matt arrived at the gym, his mind spinning with possibilities. He still had three doses left of the potent aphrodisiac supplement, but he wanted to find Mike to get more, just in case.

Approaching Mike's office, Matt saw that the door was closed. He waited outside for a couple minutes until the door suddenly swung open. To Matt's shock, Nora emerged looking flushed and disheveled, her hair a mess. She hurried past Matt without even noticing him, clearly preoccupied.

Matt watched Nora rush out of the gym in confusion. What was she doing in Mike's office? His eyes widened as a thought occurred to him - she must have fucked Mike to get more doses of the supplement.

The realization aroused Matt intensely. Nora was just as addicted to the drug as he was if she was willing to debase herself like that to get it. The power he had over her was intoxicating.

Matt entered Mike's office, closing the door behind him. Mike was sitting at his desk looking pleased with himself.

"Well, well, if it isn't my best customer," Mike said with a smirk. "Come for more of my special supplement?"

Matt nodded. "I see Nora already stopped by for some more," he said probingly.

Mike laughed. "Oh yes, that girl is entirely in my clutches now. All it took was a couple doses and now she'll do anything to get more."

He grinned wickedly. "She was just in here on her knees begging me for another vial. Practically choked herself on my cock trying to convince me. That slut is addicted for life."

Mike shook his head in amusement. "I knew the supplement would be powerful, but I didn't think it would turn sensible women into cock-hungry animals so easily."

Matt felt a heady rush of power hearing Mike describe Nora's degradation. She had seemed so ashamed and angry after their last encounter, but the potent formula had cracked her composure entirely. Now she was just a mindless addict willing to use her body in whatever ways Mike demanded in exchange for another fix.

Nora returned home, carefully sneaking back into her bedroom without Ariana noticing she had briefly left. She closed the door and leaned against it, catching her breath. In her hands she clutched a small bag of the potent aphrodisiac supplement she had degraded herself to obtain from Mike.

A part of her was deeply ashamed of the lengths she had gone to in her desperation. But a larger part was simply eager to experience the euphoric effects of the drug once more.

Nora quickly prepared the supplement mixture in a glass of juice, just as Mike had instructed. Her hands trembled slightly, partly from shame but mostly from anticipation. She knew she was sinking to new lows, but the lure of intensely gratifying pleasure overpowered any rational thought.

As she lifted the glass to her lips, ready to gulp down the entire contents, a sudden impulse struck her. The image of Ariana's caring face flashed in her mind. Nora realized that in her own desperate state, she had failed to consider how Ariana must be struggling too after their encounter with Matt.

Ariana had only wanted to help and comfort Nora, yet Nora had tried to manipulate her vulnerable emotional state. Nora knew that Ariana deserved to feel the same euphoric release from her worries, free from any inhibitions or restraints.

Mind made up, Nora poured another dose of the supplement mixture into a second glass. She would share this gift with her devoted sister. Nora snuck quietly to Ariana's room and entered without knocking.

Ariana was sitting in bed reading when Nora came in. "Oh, hi Nora. Are you feeling better?" she asked, smiling up at her sister.

"Much better, thanks to you," Nora replied. She handed Ariana one of the glasses. "I brought you something to help you relax too. You've been so stressed worrying about me lately."

"You're so thoughtful, but you didn't have to do that," Ariana said kindly. She accepted the glass anyway and took a sip. Nora watched eagerly as Ariana drank down the spiked orange juice.

"How's the juice? I made it fresh just for you," Nora said, forcing an innocent smile as she sat down on the bed next to Ariana, gulping down the whole of her own glass.

"It's delicious, thank you," Ariana replied after taking another sip. "You're so sweet to take care of me when I'm the one who's supposed to be looking after you."

Nora waved her hand dismissively. "Don't be silly. You've done so much for me already, this is the least I can do."

She tried to act casual, despite the anticipation building inside her as she waited for the drug to take effect on her unsuspecting sister.

Ariana drank more of the juice as they chatted idly about inconsequential things. After a few more minutes, she paused and shook her head slightly.

"Wow, is it hot in here? I'm suddenly feeling flushed," Ariana remarked. A light sheen of perspiration appeared on her skin as her body temperature rose.

"Really? I feel fine," Nora lied. On the inside, her heart was racing with excitement as the first signs of the supplement kicked in. She shifted closer under the pretense of feeling Ariana's forehead.

"Hmm, you do feel a little warm," Nora said, trying to keep her voice steady. "It's probably nothing, just let me know if you start feeling strange."

"Strange? What do you..." Ariana trailed off, a slight look of confusion on her face. She subtly pressed her thighs together as an unexpected swell of warmth bloomed between her legs.

"Here, why don't you lie down and let me give you a massage," Nora suggested. "It might help you feel better if you're not tense."

"Oh, that's sweet of you to offer, but you don't have to do that," Ariana demurred, even as her body seemed to grow warmer.

"I want to," Nora insisted. "You've done so much for me, just let me take care of you for once."

Despite her hesitation, the thought of Nora's hands gliding over her bare skin made Ariana's cheeks flush even more. The strange arousal swirling within her was impossible to ignore. "Well, alright then," Ariana conceded.

She lay down on her stomach and Nora began slowly massaging her shoulders and upper back. Even through Ariana's shirt, the feeling of Nora's fingers kneading her muscles sent little shivers of pleasure down Ariana's spine.

As Nora worked to release the tension in Ariana's shoulders, she could feel Ariana gradually relaxing beneath her hands. Small sighs of enjoyment escaped Ariana's lips as the massage soothed her.

"How does that feel? Am I helping at all?" Nora asked innocently after a few minutes.

"Mmm yes, it feels wonderful," Ariana breathed. "You have very skilled hands."

Nora smiled to herself. "Let me do your lower back too, I bet you have a lot of knots down there."

Without waiting for a reply, she moved her hands to Ariana's lower back, pushing up the fabric of her shirt slightly to access her bare skin. The intimacy of touching and exposing a sliver of Ariana's naked back sent a shiver of excitement through Nora.

As Nora's fingers pressed and kneaded at Ariana's hips and lower back, Ariana clearly reacted with greater sensitivity. Her breaths came faster and slight involuntary whimpers escaped her as Nora massaged spots that seemed to affect Ariana deeply.

"Does that feel good?" Nora asked with faux innocence. "Y-yes," Ariana stammered, her cheeks flushed.

Nora continued working her fingers over Ariana's most responsive areas. She could tell Ariana was struggling to hold back moans of pleasure, her body flushing with arousal from Nora's strategic touches combined with the effects of the drug.

"In fact, I think I'd be able to massage you better like this..." Without waiting for agreement, Nora unhooked Ariana's bra under her shirt so it fell away. She now had full access to Ariana's bare back and sides.

Ariana gasped as Nora's hands made contact with her naked skin. But the raw sensations were too delicious to protest. The drug had commandeered Ariana's ability to resist. She could only pant and squirm under Nora's roaming hands...

Ariana's breaths came in short, sharp gasps as Nora's hands glided over her naked back. Every nerve was alive and tingling, the feeling of Nora's fingers setting her skin aflame. Ariana's nipples ached where they pressed into the mattress, swollen and unbearably sensitive.

"Nora..." Ariana moaned, the word heavy with conflicted desire. This was so wrong, but the haze of arousal clouding her mind overpowered any hesitation.

"Shh, just let me make you feel good," Nora murmured, her hands purposefully dipping lower until her fingers slipped just under the waistband of Ariana's pants. Ariana shuddered at the intimacy of the touch, so close to where she needed it most.

Ariana's mind was at war with itself as Nora's hands continued their eager exploration of her nearly naked body. The gentle massage had turned into an intimate caress that set Ariana's skin aflame everywhere Nora touched.

Ariana knew this was wrong - Nora was her sister, and she was clearly not in a stable state of mind. But the undeniable pleasure coursing through her body overrode any rational thought.

Some small part of Ariana's mind clung to the certainty that she should stop this. But her willpower felt drained, her resistance melting away by the second under the influence of Nora's skilful seduction.

Ariana's thoughts drifted back to the sauna at the gym days earlier, when she had been unable to resist joining Matt and Nora in a passionate tryst, fueled by her uncontrollable desire. She was perplexed why such intense, unwarranted arousal was overtaking her again now.

Yet despite her lingering doubts, Ariana made no move to halt Nora's caresses. The sweet torment was too exquisite to give up. She felt herself slipping further into hedonistic abandon with each passing moment.

"That's it, just let me make you feel good," Nora whispered. Ariana could only moan in response, arching into Nora's touch.

She was too far gone now to overthink the implications of what they were doing. The drug had finally succeeded in stripping away the last of her inhibitions, leaving only skin-deep desire in their wake.

Ariana surrendered herself fully to the sensations, mind empty of anything but euphoric pleasure. Nora's hands on her naked flesh felt too good to ever give up. If this was wrong, Ariana no longer cared. She only wanted more.

"Please Nora..." Ariana finally begged, her voice throaty and dripping with lust. She was past the point of no return, willing to let Nora do whatever she wished to her vulnerable, pliant body.

Nora felt a heady rush of power hearing her sister beg for more. Just hours ago, Ariana had resisted Nora's advances so nobly. But now she was putty in Nora's hands, any pretense of morality stripped away by the drug coursing through her system.


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