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Stephanie McMahon: Daddy's Little Slut

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WWE's busty heiress wants her job back.
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Author's note: This story is inspired by several friends who kept hoping to see such a tale written about their favorite wrestling diva. A special thanks to Dave for providing me with the pertinent details and character backstories from the wacky world of WWE.

--CH 1--

On the top floor at the headquarters of World Wrestling Entertainment, a relaxed Vince McMahon sat alone in his private office. It was a crisp Monday morning in Connecticut and Vince planned to spend a few hours enjoying one of his favorite past-times: firing his employees.

WWE's signature event, WrestleMania, had been an enormous success just a few months earlier. But no matter how much money was rolling in, it never felt like enough. More than one wrestler on his roster had stopped earning their keep, and it was time for Vince to look over his list of talent and cut the dead weight. Why continue paying them when he could put that money in his own pocket?

Once he decided who was getting let go, Vince would take them aside before that evening's show to tell them. He always enjoyed the look on a wrestler's face when he, or she, realized that their career was over. Sitting on Vince's desk were printed-out bios of his talent roster, complete with an analysis of how much merchandise they were selling and how their matches did in the television ratings.

Five firings sounded like a nice round number this time, and he began scanning through the pages with a close eye.

Just then, his intercom broke the silence in the room.

"Mr. McMahon?"

Vince leaned forward to hit the button on his phone.


"You have a... a visitor."

Just 'a visitor'? Someone not even important enough to be named? Vince gave it a split second's thought and conveyed his response.


He only needed to utter that one word to end the conversation. A man of Vince's stature was not to be bothered while he was working. But this time, the crackle of his secretary's voice answered back.

"Um, Mr. McMahon... it's Stephanie, sir."

Vince's ears perked up. A grin started to spread across his face.

"Oh, really?"

Once the apple of his eye, Vince's daughter Stephanie now found herself on the outs with her father. During the previous year, as Vince's critics remarked that his grip on sanity was becoming more and more tenuous, his attitude towards his only daughter had grown increasingly sour.

It had all started back at the beginning of 2003. Stephanie had been appointed by her father as the General Manager of WWE's Smackdown program, but he blamed her for several upsetting incidents. First was the signing of wrestling legend Hulk Hogan. Although Hogan first became famous under Vince's watchful eye, he had jumped to Ted Turner's WCW in the mid-1990's and nearly put Vince's company out of business.

Vince was extremely unhappy to see Hogan return. After a match between the two at WrestleMania, Vince came up with a way to get Hogan out of his hair once and for all. Unable to break the contract Stephanie had approved, he decided that he simply wouldn't use Hogan anymore on WWE television. Hogan would be paid to sit at home. But the Hulkster outsmarted Vince by creating a character called "Mr. America", which he shopped around between Raw and Smackdown, WWE's two rival programs.

Not wanting her show to lose a much-hyped new superstar, Stephanie signed Mr. America without meeting him. But when he made his first appearance, it was clear that Mr. America was simply Hulk Hogan under a red, white, and blue mask. Vince was furious. Although he was later able to prove Hogan's identity and fire him for good, he still blamed his daughter for the aggravation.

Next came the first true sign of Vince's failing mental health. Before his departure, Hogan had introduced the world to Zach Gowen, a courageous young man who'd lost a leg after a tough fight with cancer. Even despite his handicap, Zach followed through on his dreams and trained to become a professional wrestler.

All he wanted was a shot at getting a WWE contract, but Vince was disgusted. He didn't want a "crippled freak" wrestling for his promotion. When Zach persisted, Vince lost all self control and physically attacked him. Stephanie stuck up for Zach, which only upset her father more. Vince signed Zach to a contract, but only so he could have the pleasure of fighting the handicapped wrestler himself. Gowen battled for all he was worth, but he didn't have enough to overcome Vince's dirty tactics.

With those hurdles out of the way, Vince began to focus on his daughter and the problems she had caused him. Rather than fire Stephanie from her position as General Manager, Vince decided that he would embarrass her, humiliate her, and force her to quit. He made her wrestle male WWE superstars, some as large as 300 pounds. He made her watch as he flaunted his affair with one of the many WWE starlets he had on his arm. Stephanie was beaten physically and emotionally, but refused to give her father the satisfaction of seeing her quit.

Finally, with his sanity at an all-time low point, Vince decided to take matters into his own hands. With her position as GM at stake, he forced his daughter into a match against himself. Stephanie responded with an emotional interview, swearing to have nothing more to do with her dad if the match took place.

"I'm proud of who I am, and I don't want to be the same as him," she said tearfully. "I never thought in my wildest dreams that my father would ever put his hands on me. If this match goes through, if he thinks we'll ever have any kind of relationship again, then he's dead wrong."

But the match went on as planned. Vince proceeded to physically assault Stephanie, throwing her around, slamming her down, and eventually choking her lifeless until her mother Linda threw in the towel to save her. Afterwards, Vince pushed his wife to the mat and left arm-in-arm with his mistress.

That had been late in 2003, but Vince could still feel the high of having defeated his rebellious daughter. The notion that he'd driven her out of the family business, leaving her with nothing, never ceased to bring a smile to his face when he thought about it.

But, out of the blue, here she was paying a visit to his office. She could only be here for one thing, Vince knew. She'd had enough of trying to live an ordinary life. She wanted to get her job back.

"Send her in."

--CH 2--

Vince watched as his 25-year old daughter stepped slowly into his office. He couldn't help smirking as he noticed her outfit. Stephanie was dressed in a freshly pressed business suit, the kind of clothing she wore when she wanted to look grown up.

She may have been an adult now, but Vince wasn't fooled. He'd watched her during her time as the General Manager, the way she dressed so professionally and projected such confidence. Deep down, though, Vince knew that Stephanie was the same scared little girl she'd always been.

The usually proud young woman now seemed timid and nervous as she stepped inside and closed the office door behind her. Barely able to look her father in the eye, Stephanie pushed a strand of her long brown hair from her face as Vince rose up from his desk.

"Well, well, well! What do we have here?"

He made no attempt to hide his jovial mood. He was going to enjoy this.

"Stephanie McMahon, here to see ME? Why, I thought you never wanted to speak to me again!"

Stephanie shifted her feet and glanced at the floor, saying nothing in response.

"Please, have a seat. Tell me, to what do I owe the honor of this visit?"

He sat back down at his desk with a big, shit-eating grin on his face. Stephanie took a seat on one of the chairs in front of him.

"Daddy, I... I want to talk to you. I know I've made some mistakes, and..."

Her words trailed off as Vince began to chuckle. Rising out of his chair again, he walked to the other side of his desk and leaned against the edge, standing just a few feet from her.

"You know, Stephanie, I fully expected you to come back here at some point. Begging. Pleading. Telling me how wrong you were, admitting what a disappointment you've been. I just didn't expect it this soon!"

Stephanie hung her head low with shame as Vince continued his lecture.

"The things you said to me... the things you DID to me... I... I was hurt. I was truly hurt. You were Daddy's little girl! I did everything for you. And then you turned your back on me! Just like your mother! Just like Hogan! Just like all the rest of 'em!"

Glancing up with pleading eyes, Stephanie looked at her father.

"Daddy, I'm sorry! Can't we... can't we put this behind us?"

Vince looked down at her. She looked so weak, so pitiful. It made him feel physically ill. She was a McMahon! She had his genes! How could she be so pathetic?

"You know I like to pride myself on being a forgiving man, Stephanie. But to be quite frank... you make me SICK."

Surely feeling the sting of her father's cruel words, Stephanie's head sunk as she began to sob in her chair. Disgusted by the display, Vince had half a mind to pull her up and heave her out of the office like a worthless sack of garbage.

But before he could act on the thought, something pulled his gaze lower. His eyes moved away from her face and traveled down to the ample amount of cleavage that was visible just above the buttons on his daughter's blazer. He hadn't even noticed it before, but he stared openly, watching the way the swell of her large breasts lightly jiggled while she wept.

Like a lightbulb going off in his head, Vince suddenly had an idea. Possibly the most sick, depraved idea that his warped mind had ever come up with.

--CH 3--

"Stephanie, on second thought, maybe I've been a little harsh," he told her, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Maybe we can patch things up after all."

She looked up and wiped her eyes.

"Oh, thank you, Daddy. I'll do anything, I swear. I want to make things right between us."

Vince grinned smugly.

"I'm glad to hear you say that."

Resting back on the edge of his desk, he began to masterfully weave his evil plan.

"I've hired back a lot of people to this company, Stephanie. People I swore I'd never work with again. You know that."

She nodded.

"People assume that I do it for the good of the business, but that's not always true. Sometimes I do it for... well, for my own personal amusement. Just to see what depths they'd stoop to in order to come back to work here."

Vince watched her closely. Was that a nervous swallow he detected?

"There have been a lot of desperate people over the years, but you know who my favorite people are to hire back?"

"N... no, Daddy."

"Women. You know why?"

Stephanie's eyes widened slightly.

"Because women," he said as he lightly stroked his daughter's face, "will do whatever it takes."

Taking a step forward, Vince stood directly in front of Stephanie's chair. Without offering any further explanation, he took hold of his zipper and slowly pulled it down.

As she realized what he was suggesting, Stephanie recoiled from the shock she undoubtably felt. She began to stammer, trying to find the words that could make him change his mind.

"Daddy, I can't... n... no!"

"No? Stephanie, you just told me you'd do anything. You said you wanted to make things right!"

He peered into Stephanie's brown eyes, which looked full of shock and disbelief. Maybe even a little bit of fear.

"But I'm... God, I'm your daughter!"

Vince chuckled softly.

"Is that right? Tell me, Stephanie, wasn't it you who said on national television that you never wanted to see me again?"

Knowing that she had indeed said it, Stephanie had no response for him.

"In fact, I remember you saying that if I forced you to wrestle me, then I'd never see you again... I'd never be invited to your wedding... why, you said if you have ever children, I'd never even get to meet them! Is that right?"

Not bothering to wait for her to jump in, Vince kept on going, feeling his rage build.

"I remember you saying that if I put my hands on you in anger, then you wouldn't consider me your father anymore!"

"Daddy, I..."


Vince watched Stephanie flinch back in her chair, clearly frightened by his outburst. He knew she had witnessed his temper over the years, though it had rarely ever been directed at her. Before she could think of something to say, Vince grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the chair.

"Get up, come over here."

Vince dragged her towards the leather couch in his office and roughly shoved her down on the cushions.

"If I'm not your father anymore," he began as he removed his suit jacket, "then I guess that means that you're not my daughter! And if you're not my daughter, then it sounds like you're all out of excuses."

Stephanie stared up at him, her jaw hanging open. Vince casually undid the button on his slacks.

"Don't feel bad, Steph. You're hardly the first person who's done this to get their job back here. Hell, this has happened plenty of times."

"I... no, I can't do this. This is sick!"

"Don't give me that. The sooner you start, the sooner it'll all be over with."

"No, Daddy. No!"

Defiantly, Stephanie attempted to stand. But with one strong shove, Vince simply pushed her right back down onto the couch. He grabbed a tight handful of her hair with one hand and used the other to undo his belt. With nothing left to hold them up, his pants slid down his legs.

"You want my forgiveness, you little bitch? Huh? Then, by God, you're gonna EARN it!"

Feeling a powerful rush run through him, Vince jerked down his briefs. His big cock flopped out just inches from his daughter's face.

"Oh! Oh... my God!"

Almost instantly, Vince saw tears welling up in Stephanie's eyes. He could see the total disbelief she felt as she pleaded with him to re-think his twisted plan.

"Daddy... please, no!"

He simply stroked his cock, which was rapidly beginning to grow. Exposing himself to his own daughter this way had gotten him incredibly excited.

"Look at it, Stephanie. You ever seen one this big?"

He could tell by her face that she hadn't. Stephanie tried not to look at the pulsing cock in front of her, but there was no way she could avoid it. Vince's dick was immense, long and thick, like some sort of freakish salami. He bet that it was easily the largest one she'd ever seen.

Gripping her hair, Vince pulled his daughter's head closer to his body. With his other hand, he started to shake his throbbing column of meat.

"Yeah, you can't wait to get your lips around that, can you? Your mouth is watering just thinking about sucking this big dick!"

"N... no!" she whimpered pitifully, tears flowing. "Don't make me do this!"

Vince's lips curled with an arrogant smirk. Watching Stephanie beg and plead was even more fun than he thought it would be. Ignoring her, he aimed his cock at her mouth.

"Let's go, Steph..."

Stephanie pressed her lips shut and tried to shake free of his grasp. Vince tightened his grip on her hair, pulling it sharply.

"It'll all be okay, sweetheart. You'll have your job back, you'll have everything you want. Just be a good girl and open up."

He pushed the head of his cock right up against his daughter's lips. Stephanie twisted her head away and firmly planted her hands on the fronts of his legs, pushing and struggling, trying desperately to avoid her fate. Vince yanked on her hair to roughly twist her face back around to the front.

"Take it, Stephanie," he told her sternly. "Take it..."

Tears streamed down Stephanie's cheeks as she stared up at her father. They locked eyes and Vince felt another powerful, almost electric rush run through him. She had no way out, he knew. Christ, look how helpless and pathetic she was without him.

Vince knew perfectly well that he could force her to do it. Simply pinching her nose shut would cut off her air, meaning she'd have to open her mouth to breathe. But where was the fun in that? He wanted Stephanie to do it on her own, to make her own choice. Gripping his cock tightly, he smeared the head back and forth across her soft lips.

"I don't have all day! It's now or never, Stephanie. What's it gonna be?"

As she shook with sobs, Vince saw his daughter's fighting spirit slip away. He could see the defeat in her eyes. He knew he had her beaten.

Stephanie clamped her eyes shut and took a deep breath. A moment later, she parted her lips and let the mammoth cock slide past them.

--CH 4--

"Ohhhh, there we go! That's my girl!"

Holding Stephanie's hair in one hand and his dick in the other, Vince fed his thick cock into his daughter's mouth. A shiver ran up his spine as it passed over her warm tongue on the way to the back of her throat.

He could barely believe the sight in front of him. He'd actually gotten Stephanie's lips around his cock! This was easily one of the most brilliant ideas he'd ever come up with. Vince grabbed a second handful of her hair, keeping her head firmly in place as he began to fuck her face.

"Yeaaahh, that's good! Use your tongue on it."


A wet gurgling sound rose up as Vince's long dick kept threatening to slide down her gullet. It was all Stephanie could do to keep from gagging on it. Tears continued to roll down her cheeks as her father's cock pistoned in and out of her mouth.

"I said use your tongue!"

Vince picked up his pace and fucked her mouth faster, causing his heavy balls to bounce off her chin. Slowly but surely, he started to feel her wet tongue running along the bottom side of his dick.

Peering down at his daughter, Vince couldn't help grinning again. He couldn't get over the sight of her pretty red lips stretched so tightly around the girth of his meat. Her eyes, though, were closed as she no doubt tried to block out the fact that her own father's cock was in her mouth. Hoping to ignore that she'd become the kind of girl who has to suck dick to get somewhere in life.

Well, he wasn't going to let her ignore it. Vince pulled her head backwards and stared into Stephanie's tear-stained face as his cock fell out of her mouth.

"Tell me what a naughty little whore you are, Stephanie. Tell me how you're sucking my big cock."

With quivering lips, Stephanie answered her father. He had given her no choice.

"I'm... I'm a naughty little whore."


"And I... I'm...".

She couldn't finish. Vince knew that whatever was left of her pride was holding her back.

"Say it."


"SAY it."

Stephanie looked up at him as another tear ran down her cheek.

"I'm sucking your big cock, Daddy."

Vince beamed proudly. His gaze fell from her face and traveled back down towards the cleavage that had sparked his incredible idea in the first place.

"You know what? I wanna see these tits of yours."

Stephanie's breast implants were well known throughout WWE. Despite having a nice figure already, she had gone under the knife and came out with a drastically larger set. With a new, much larger chest, she had even been mocked on television by some of the wrestlers about her sudden change in appearance.

Vince pawed at her blazer, pulling at the buttons. Instinctively, Stephanie brought up her arms to try keeping her chest covered.

"I paid for these fuckin' things, I wanna see 'em!"

With a violent tug, he popped off the buttons and Stephanie's blazer flew open. The force caused her two big jugs to bounce as they strained against the confining black cups of her bra. Vince's eyes widened and he groaned wolfishly.

"Ooooh, yeah! I just love a good set of tits."

He dropped to a knee and grabbed her breasts with greedy hands, his eyes gleaming as he firmly took a squeeze of the spongy globes of flesh. Although her body was tense, Stephanie sat there passively, putting up no fight. She allowed her father to grope her.

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