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Click hereIt was only 4 pm when Stephanie heard her dad's truck pull up to the house, the revving of the engine waking her from her light afternoon slumber. She was enjoying the first week of summer break back home, after she had returned home from a busy semester with a number of exams towards the end. The weather was looking out for her though, it was wonderfully sunny and warm out and she appreciated their house's veranda out front and the peace and quiet that came when you didn't have any neighbors around for miles.
Stephanie's dad usually worked until 5 pm and then had to make the drive home which would take another 30 minutes, so she was surprised to hear him back so early. She stood up from the lounge chair and pulled down the skirt of her summer dress before walking through the screen doors into the living room.
"Hey Steph, can you help me get the groceries please." he called from the entryway. Stephanie went over to the car straight away, as her dad wasn't the most patient man when it came to household things like groceries or laundry. Those chores used to be done by her mother most of the time, but Stephanie's parents had gotten a divorce during her first year at college.
Stephanie still couldn't quite wrap her head around that, her parents had always seemed like they were happy together and there hadn't been any sign of an impending divorce when she moved out to her student dorm. They had gotten married right out of highschool after Stephenie's mom got pregnant with her, but both still achieved the careers they wanted, so Stephanie didn't think that was an issue. Her mom remained tight-lipped about the whole thing, when Stephanie asked about it during their weekly calls. Maybe she could find out what had happened during the weeks she would spend with her dad at home during the summer.
After they had carried in the massive amount of groceries her dad had bought, Stephanie started putting everything away while her father went to his office to set up his workspace there with everything he had brought from the office. The company had apparently decided to allow people to work from home when possible, so he'd be spending the summer working from his office here.
"Come on over to the bar, Steph. Let's have a drink to celebrate your coming home!" she heard her dad call from the living room.
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It was times like these when Derek really appreciated his large home further away from the city, even with the longer commute that it brought him. All the amenities that having this much space allowed, like his own bar station in the living room made for a very enjoyable time here, something he'd finally appreciate with taking most of his accumulated leave this summer.
Derek had spent the last 19 and a half years of his life stepping up, being a good father, a good husband and damn good at his job. He had provided for Stephanie and her mom and made sure they had a beautiful home and all the luxuries they wanted. And now look at where that had gotten him.
His wife had been a cheating cow right from the beginning, something she had only owned up to once their daughter had left for college, and it had turned out that Stephanie wasn't even his daughter at all. So now he was on his own again at 37, no wife and no kids with a large, beautiful but empty house.
But he had decided this time he'd go about life differently. No more stepping up for everyone else and working himself into the ground for nothing. This time he'd get what he wanted and enjoy all the nice things in life, starting with finally getting something in the bedroom again.
Derek had never been blind to what a beautiful young woman Stephanie had become. But ever since he had found out that she wasn't actually related to him, he had been free to think about her in whichever way he wanted. He was in great shape after all, and he had always been an attractive man at 6' 2'', even though his hairline was slowly but surely receding and there were more and more gray strands appearing now.
Stephanie was only 5' 3'' tall, but she had the perfect figure. Breasts that were more than a large handful but not droopy at all. A waist that nipped in just right from her wide hips and generous ass. And her reddish brown hair fell long and luscious in waves right to her waist.
And after all the money he had spent on her piano lessons, her teenage shopping obsessions, the mommy and me trips Steph and his ex-wife had left for every spring break and everything else - Derek felt he had a right to get something back for all of that, and so he would take what he wanted from the beautiful woman who was just now sitting down on one of his bar chairs.
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Her dad placed a large glass in front of her, filled with a pink fizzy drink that smelled of lemon and strawberries. In front of him was a tumbler with some ice and about an inch of brown liquid - maybe Whiskey? Stephanie wasn't all that familiar with the different alcoholic drinks that you could find in a bar. She could count the number of alcoholic drinks she had had on her two hands, and though many of her friends at college regularly went out to drink despite not being 21 yet, she rarely joined in. Many people on her degree of early childhood education weren't interested in partying either, quite a few already had children of their own or did this as their second degree.
But she didn't want to say no to the drink her dad was giving her now, it was so nice of him to be home early on her first full day back home and he must be going through a hard time with the divorce too. So she took first a small sip, and when it tasted wonderful and she couldn't taste all that much alcohol in it, she had one more large mouthful.
Maybe she could find out now what had happened with her parents' divorce. She was too curious not to ask, and this felt like a good moment, so she did.
"Dad... I tried to ask mom what happened, but she wouldn't tell me. But I really want to know why you decided to get a divorce, I just don't understand what happened." Stephanie heard how unsure she sounded asking and how nervous she felt, so she had another sip of her drink. She relaxed just a bit, when her father smiled at her before speaking.
"There's no nice way of saying this, and you deserve to know, so..." Now it was his turn to take a sip of his drink, even though he didn't look nervous as much as excited. "Your mom cheated on me, Stephanie. Not just once, but for years she did. She had a number of affairs and one night stands, and she only told me after you moved out."
Stephanie felt how her face fell into a frown, but she was sad to realize that this didn't surprise her as much as she felt it should. She had seen her mom flirting with friends, waiters, hotel staff when they were on holiday. When she was younger, Stephanie thought this was just normal, but as she got older she realized she never saw any of her friends' parents flirting with anyone else, only her mom.
She was lost in thought for a moment, her head felt like it was spinning with this new information. When she looked up again to take another sip of her drink, her father was standing next to her and she had to focus to grip her glass and lift it. Maybe she shouldn't have any more, but since she already had the glass raised to her lips, she didn't want to just set it down again. Just when she started taking a sip, her father leaned in across the table to grab his glass that was still there and accidentally tipped her glass up more with his other arm.
Suddenly, Stephanie was spluttering and swallowing a huge mouthful of the pink drink and her glass fell to the table empty. Derek was quick to apologize and clean up what had spilled out, and after a moment they were back to sitting and talking, even though Stephanie's head felt heavier and more drowsy with each passing second.
"And there is something else you need to know, Steph. Your mom started sleeping with other men even before we got married, and I got a DNA test for us - you aren't my daughter."
What her dad had just said hit Stephanie like a punch to the gut. She started tearing up and covered her face with her hands, but then her dad was there and pulled her into a hug. Stephanie felt so dizzy and confused that she just leaned into the contact, and she barely noticed when Derek lifted her into his arms and sat down on the big sofa island with her cradled on his lap.
"It's okay, baby." He was rocking her in his lap and speaking right into her ear, his hot breath on the sensitive skin of Stephanie's throat and shoulder making goosebumps appear. One of his hands was stroking her upper thigh, her dress bunched up around her hips from when he had sat down with her. Slowly, she stopped crying and tried to just breathe through the confused jumble of thoughts and emotions in her head. Stephanie had always loved her dad and had looked up to him. He had always treated her and her mother so well and even now that he found out that her mom had cheated on him and Stephanie wasn't actually his, he still took such good care of her. He had invited her to spent summer break here at his house and had paid for her flights like always. And even now that she was drunk and crying all over him, he comforted and held her.
"We'll still always be family, just in a different way, okay baby?" Stephanie nodded, that sounded good. She wouldn't lose him now, after thinking he was her dad for all of her life. He was such a good man and she loved him so much, this wouldn't change that.
Stephanie felt him grab onto one of her legs and turn her body so she was straddling him, but she was too emotional, exhausted and out of it to really care. There had to have been way more alcohol in that drink than Stephanie realized. But it was too late to change anything now, and maybe it was good to hear this kind of news with a proper buzz going. And it felt nice to be pressed against him so closely, he felt so warm, strong and protective.
"You've become such a beautiful woman, Stephie baby. And you are so sweet and always want to help everyone, don't you?" She nodded in agreement, she always did her best to make everyone happy and it was so nice to be called beautiful, she leaned in to lay her head down on her dad's - or now maybe just Derek's shoulder. He was so much bigger than her, and after a year living on her own it felt so good to be able to rely on someone else again. And she knew she could always trust him to take care of her.
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Derek couldn't believe how easy it had been to get his sweet naive daughter in this position. She was on his lap, straddling him with just a thin pair of panties and his pants keeping his already so damn hard cock from finally sliding into her sweet tight pussy. She didn't notice what he was doing, didn't realize that her dress was now bunched up around her waist and one strap had fallen down her arm so one of her nipples was perilously close to being exposed to him.
And with her head now on his shoulder, her eyes closed as she relaxed into his embrace, it was even easier to disguise his pulling down of the zipper on the back of her dress as stroking her back. Now it only took pushing down the second shoulder strap and Stephanie's marvelous breasts were completely bared to his gaze.
He didn't dare to touch them too much, knowing that if he fondled and groped them the way he wanted to she would catch on too quickly before he had her defenses broken down entirely. But Derek couldn't resist taking one of the sensual globes into his hand just to feel its weight in his hand. He saw how Steph's eyes opened as she felt something, but was quick to disguise what he was doing by pulling her higher on his chest while he moved to fully lay down on the sofa.
Stephanie was now lying down on him while straddling his lower stomach, the heat of her cunt farther away from Derek's throbbing cock but this allowed him to slowly open up his trousers and push them down his legs without her even noticing. His 7-inch cock was already weeping precum as it pointed right at Stephanie's still panty-covered hole. But Derek had planned this well, and now only needed to reach for the scissors waiting on the coffee table next to the sofa.
Stephanie didn't even shift as he lifted the sides of her panties one after the other to cut the thin fabric, sleepy and drowsy from the alcohol and emotions of the afternoon, even though it was still bright sunlight outside, which the blinds only kept half out. Derek felt for the crotch of her panties, happy to find that something between the alcohol and his light stroking of her body had gotten her at least a bit wet. As he started nuzzling her neck with his nose and stroking down her beautiful legs now, she got even wetter. Somewhere deep down a part of her knew that this was a good thing and that she needed a nice big cock inside her, and her body was preparing for that.
But Derek wanted to be balls deep inside Stephanie by the time she noticed what was happening, so he still reached down under the largest sofa pillow for the bottle of lube he had deposited there. Derek got his cock slippery enough that no matter whether Stephie still was a virgin or not, he'd be able to slide all the way in.
"See baby, we'll always be a family, you just won't be my daughter anymore."
While Stephanie struggled to understand what he meant in her drowsy and comfortable state, Derek utilized his strength to pull her down on his cock, right where he wanted her. He had to push quite a bit, as it took a moment for Stephanie's pussy to open up to him but he managed to get their crotches flush quickly enough, right as she started shrieking in surprise when she felt the intrusion into her body. Derek groaned in pleasure as he rocked Stephanie's hips over his cock, his firm grip giving him full control over the way she was moving, even as she struggled to get up from him.
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Suddenly being filled by a huge cock when you hadn't had anything inside you before but your fingers and a small vibrator was a startling experience, even when you weren't as drunk and out of it as poor Stephanie.
She wasn't really there yet in her mind, so the first thing she thought about when she realized the man who she had seen as her father all of her life had his thing up her pussy wasn't about how violating this was or how she had just lost her virginity. Instead she thought about how weird it was that something could feel so big like she was being split open without hurting at all. She was uncomfortably full and felt stretched to her limit, but that feeling was as delicious as it was disconcerting. Having an actual cock inside her felt so different to anything she had done with her fingers or a toy late at night, but the deep stimulation was at least as nice as that had been.
It was only when Derek started moving her body on top of him, rocking her until his cock felt even deeper before pulling out and thrusting in again, that Stephanie really thought about the fact that she was having sex - with him - without any preparation or discussion.
"What -", she let out an embarrassing little gasp moan as he hit somewhere really nice on the next thrust, "what are you doiiiiing?" The end of the word turned into a squeal as Derek flipped them without ever pulling out of her, so she was lying on the sofa while he started doing some really deep thrusts into her.
She tried to pull away from him, but he had a tight, almost punishing grip on her hips that stopped her, and she was still so dizzy that she didn't think she would get far even if she managed to pull away. Stephanie didn't even plan to run away, her body felt too good for her to really want that, but she wanted to get a moment to figure out what was happening before she was completely overwhelmed by the intensity of being fucked like this. And no matter how amazing it felt when Derek hit that really nice spot inside her - wasn't this still wrong? He had been her dad all her life after all, even though it turned out that that wasn't actually the case.
"It's obvious, isn't it?" He was grinning down at her, even as his voice came out in between groans and harsh breaths. "You're old enough to know what sex is, baby. And once I knew you weren't my daughter, I couldn't stop thinking about this. I always thought you were my child, well, now you will have my children instead."
Derek pulled her legs up on her chest until she was folded in half under him, unable to move even as he moved his hands to her boobs and began teasing and kneading them, his thrusts getting faster at the same time. But even in her drunk and overwhelmed state, Stephanie realized what his words meant and she let out a gasp as it hit her. No matter how close she was getting to a really great orgasm, she wasn't ready to get pregnant, especially not from the man she still thought of as dad half the time.
"Nooooo, you can't get me pregnant, please!" He didn't even react, just kept on fucking her and being forceful enough with her tits to make her whimper, even as she kept racing towards an unwanted climax. "Please, please don't, please."
Stephanie kept begging him not to cum in her, but it made no difference. Derek had an almost crazed look on his face as he fucked her into the couch, racing toward the point where he would get to finally pump her full of his cum while wanting to drag out the moment at the same time. He started playing with her clit as well, wanting her to come with him at the same time he filled her. Right before he felt his cum jetting out of him he thrust deep inside her and pinched her clit with his fingers.
"Here it is, baby, take it all!" Derek adored the startled look in Stephanie's eyes as she felt the hot ropes of his cum inside her, right before her own orgasm triggered and had her closing her eyes, arching her back and contracting down around him, pulling even more cum out of his cock.
"Just close your eyes and have a nap baby, it will all be okay." He told her as he pulled her back onto him to have a glorious post-orgasm nap. With how intensely he'd fucked her and how drunk and exhausted she'd been before, he knew that no matter how anxious she was about what had just happened, right now she couldn't help falling asleep. And while he already couldn't wait for his cock to get hard and him to have her again, he would take a nice rest with his spent cock still inside her for the moment.