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Click hereIt was half-way into my 35th year that the longing in my loins reached its pinnacle. As my friends settled down and had children, I was still living the bachelor life, but no longer enjoying it. The aching in my cock wasn't satisfied by one-night stands and flings anymore. I wanted something solid, a relationship, a pretty wife to call my own. Really, though, what I wanted more than anything, what I desperately craved, what I thought about night and day and nearly drove me insane.... was to breed her....
Yup, it's true. My main motive for wanting a wife was so I could stick my dick in her, knock that sweet bitch up, and watch her grow. Nothing gets me going like seeing a woman's face as my sperm travels up her tubes and into her yearning eggs. Feeling her take my hot spunk and absorbing it, knowing she can't stop her body from accepting me and growing our child makes me nearly rabid.
Unfortunately, the ephemeral nature of my relationships didn't lend themselves to pregnancy, nor even bareback sex, for that matter. My conquests were constantly hampered by condoms and birth control, devices which were anathema to me in my drive to breed.
So you might ask, "why don't you just marry someone and knock her up if you want to so badly?"
Well, the issue there is another thing: my obsession with young women. Darling little 19 and 20-year-olds. Giggly and sweet, with pert asses and perky tits that make my dick drool. Old enough to know what they want, but naïve enough to let me take what I need. When I was in my 20s I could still get away with dating a college cutie, but now at 35 I'm viewed as "creepy" or "predatory" when I try to get some young tail. Can you believe it!
Well I got tired of listening to my mates and their wives. I was done being set up on dates with their friends who were perfectly charming, but in whom I had no sexual interest. I was over it! So I decided to take my fate into my own hands. I was going to breed the wife I wanted, and no one was going to stop me. Not even her.
My plan was set in motion due to a stroke of serendipity. Prior to my luck, I was at a loss for how to lure in my mate. I was uncomfortable going to the young bars as an older guy, and I avoided dating apps like the plague. Most of the women I matched with were just looking for a quick fuck, which is not what I had in mind. But when I saw Sadie, none of that mattered anymore. I knew she would be my wife.
Sadie is the 19-year-old, brunette beauty who recently moved in with her parents next door. An only child, she was prone to shyness and kept to herself. When I first said hello, she practically hid behind her folks. Her Father and Mother seemed a stern duo, which surely added to Sadie's skittish demeanor. Nonetheless, her petite body in her short skirt made me salivate. I'd never had much of a preference for size, but something about how tiny she was, how controllable, made me want to fold her in half and keep her there. I wanted to spread her legs out whether she chose to or not, break that tight pussy open, and fill it to the brim. Make her grow with my son.
It wasn't easy to talk to Sadie at first. She went to community college, but outside of that her parents kept her very sheltered. She was always helping out around the house, and through my spying I learned she was deft at her domestic duties. Her Mother even offered me some baked goods that Sadie had made, and as I ate them, I thought about how nice it would be to come home to her warm meals. My barefoot and pregnant little Sadie in the kitchen making something just for me.
Finally, after a few weeks of tracking my prey, I decided to act. At this point I was quite infatuated, and my constant watching made me privy to her schedule. I knew she would take an evening walk alone around 8PM, so I put on a nicely-fitted white polo, tucked it into my jeans, and threw on some boots to make me even taller.
I guess I should probably describe myself now. Luckily for me, I'm a tall, strong guy. I'm not the most handsome, but I've learned that a nice frame, a beard, a manly affect, and some muscles can get you pretty far. I'm also aware that I have an intimidating visage, which some girls shy away from. Others cling onto me, though, and beg me to fuck them harder, so I walk with a bit of a swagger. I checked out my bulging arms in my tight sleeves, fluffed up my dark chest hair, sprayed some Bleu de Chanel, then headed out to say hello.
We live on a cul-de-sac with a garden in the middle, which is exactly where I found my little fawn. She was sitting peacefully on a bench under the trees, away from street lamps and other prying eyes. I walked over to her and tried to crunch some leaves to make myself known.
"Hey there, Sadie. Mind telling me what a pretty lady like you is doing all alone out here in the dark?"
"Oh, Mr. Peterson, you scared me!"
She nearly jumped off the bench when I arrived and her perfect little tits bounced. After calming down, she looked to the floor and blushed, realizing that I'd called her pretty. God, I love shy girls. My dick was growing just looking at her smooth legs in her white skirt. I wanted to spread them right there and ravish her, but that wouldn't bode well for the long run, so I quickly sat down before my meat became too prominent.
"It's okay, Sadie, you're safe with me. I just wanted to say 'hey' since I haven't gotten the chance to, yet."
I gave her slim thigh a quick squeeze while telling her she needn't worry. This made her recoil and scooch away, but I spread my legs wider to maintain contact.
"Oh... sorry about that, Mr. Peterson. My parents are really strict and barely even let me out of the house. That's why I cherish these little walks I have at night. Finally, a moment to get away."
"That's too bad, Sadie." I turned to her and placed my hand on her leg again. "A gorgeous girl like you shouldn't be stuck hanging out with her parents all day."
Her face stained red. I gave her thigh another squeeze before letting go, but stayed turned towards her then laid one of my arms over the back of the bench. It was innocuous enough that I could have been doing it for comfort, but really I just wanted to be close to her. The tantalizing rose scent of her long hair was drawing me in, and I dreamed about nuzzling into it when we spooned in the future.
"Thank you, Mr. Peterson... But yes, they don't let me do anything. I haven't even made any friends yet."
"I'm so sorry, Sadie." I offered another sympathetic thigh squeeze. This time, though, my hand remained, cupping her silky smooth leg as I continued. "How about any boyfriends? Hmm? I bet all the college guys are chasing after you."
I sensed she was uncomfortable with my hand there since she was slowly sliding away, but I just followed her until she was trapped between me and the bar at the end.
"Ummm... no, Mr. Peterson. I don't have a boyfriend, nor do the boys chase me. They think I'm weird because I'm quiet and my parents are really religious and strict. I'm sort of an outcast..."
Oh boy, she's religious, too?? That just about guaranteed that she's virgin! Which meant I could make her mine and mine alone. This girl was getting better by the second, and my thick cock responded accordingly. I didn't think she could see it growing, so I just kept staring tenderly at her. She still couldn't meet my eyes.
"Awww, Sadie," I consoled. "Well I'd be chasing after you, that's for sure. You wouldn't be able to keep me away from you."
I pulsed her thigh again and she looked up at me and smiled demurely.
"Mr. Peterson..." she whispered before finally giggling. It was melodious.
We talked for a few more minutes about silly things and I stayed firmly planted on her warm thigh the whole time. With my other arm now over her shoulder, she was trapped. When my curious hand slid too high up her leg she put both hers on mine and eyed me nervously. She seemed too petrified to speak, so I gave her a look that said, 'it's okay' and left it there. Her shuddering ceased after a moment and she lay her hands down daintily, as if accepting my advances. My cock was now throbbing, and I was sure precum had coated my briefs ten times over.
I didn't want to take Sadie any further tonight, even though I could have if I'd pleased, so finally I stood up then reached my hand down to lift her. She blushed while smoothing her trim skirt over her surprisingly plump behind, then put her hands behind her back and looked down. I loved how quickly she took to waiting for my lead, like a good wife should.
I pulled her in for a quick hug then stepped back and told her, "Sadie, I want to see you here again tomorrow at the same time."
I told her very sweetly, but make no mistake, I told her. This wasn't a question. Much to my delight, she responded with a meek, "yes, Mr. Peterson."
"Good girl."
We went our separate ways, and when I turned to check out her swishing skirt she was looking right back at me. She scurried away quickly; I left triumphant.
When I got home I masturbated three times, each to the thought of my perfect Sadie. I wanted to take her away from her parents and that school, keep her safe in my home. I wanted her ankles tied up to the headboard with her wrists above her head, splayed out spread eagle, pussy waiting to be filled over and over until pregnancy was inevitable. I wanted to watch her slim tummy bulge obscenely with child, and her small breasts grow heavy and full of nourishment. I knew if I was patient and firm I would succeed.
The next day was spent solely thinking about my Sadie. I couldn't focus on work and dipped out early to hit the gym, but not even the iron could distract me. My every thought was of her.
I got ready again around 7, this time wearing a long-sleeve button down to let even more chest hair out. I wanted to drown her in my masculinity. When walking over for my date, I picked out a striking red rose. I dethorned the stem, so she wouldn't prick her delicate fingers, and sauntered over to my maiden. I desperately hoped she wouldn't get cold feet, and to my utter joy, she was right where she should be when I arrived.
My sweet Sadie was standing under light streaks of waning moon, her pale skin glowing as I approached. Like a gentleman, I gave my lady a bow before handing her the rose. Her cheeks flushed scarlet, but she accepted it graciously with a little curtsy of her own. It felt like a true courtship, a pastime I sorely missed in the era of online dating, and the inherent power dynamic from our age gap made it all the more exquisite.
"Come, sweetheart, have a seat."
I stood and held her hand as she sat down, then followed suit. She seemed less afraid of me, and wasn't shying away as I spread my thighs to touch her crossed legs. I put my arm over her shoulder and she scooted towards me as if this was the natural way we should sit together.
"How was your day, sweetie?"
As she went on, my hand traveled back to its favorite spot: her svelte legs. Unfortunately she had crossed them, so my access was somewhat denied. But that wasn't going to stop me. As she continued, I nodded understandingly at the right times, but really I was focused on opening her up.
"Umm... Mr. Peterson..." she whispered while squirming to keep her legs closed.
She gripped my hairy forearm, which was exposed from my rolled up sleeves, and her tiny hands could barely wrap around it.
"It's okay, baby," I cooed.
I still hadn't moved my hand and wasn't planning to. She shuddered again but eventually lightened her grip. She put her hands in her lap in defeat.
"Can I tell you something, sweetheart?"
"You know I've been thinking about you all day. You haven't been off my mind for more than a second. I'm so glad you came tonight."
I was stroking her hair with my other hand and saw her stifle a moan. She slowly started unhooking her legs.
"Were you thinking about me, too, baby? Definitely not as much as I was about you, but I hope you did, at least for a minute."
I played the nervous schoolboy card to gain some sympathy points, and it clearly worked.
"Umm.. yes, Mr. Peterson. I couldn't really stop thinking about you either...."
As she spoke, she opened her legs and granted me permission to her delectable inner thighs. They were as warm and inviting as I'd expected, and tonight I wasted little time finding the source of that heat. I walked my fingers up while simultaneously pulling her into me with my other arm.
"Mr. Peterson...."
I continued my way up and she kept spreading, unaware if this was something she wanted or not. She couldn't decide, so I did, and just kept going.
"Mmmmm..." she shuddered when I found the uppermost area -- her little thigh gap.
I spread my middle and forefinger out in a V to feel her softest spots. She just sat there shivering and squirming, but never moved away.
"Oooo!" she squeaked when I finally brushed her cotton panties.
My slow build up had left her wanting, and her desire was evident when I encountered damp fabric.
"Mmmrrppph" I grunted hungrily when I felt her wetness. Her cunt was slickening itself for my entrance, and it was near impossible to not take her now.
"Sweetheart," I whispered, making her look me in the eyes. "Are you getting wet for me? Does my little girl like when her man touches her?"
"Mmhmm...." she nodded with much trepidation.
"Does that mean you like me? Because I like you a lot, baby girl. I really like you."
I was rubbing circles around her panties, letting her juices soak into the cotton and dampen my fingers. Her scent would hopefully remain so I could jerk off to it later.
"OooOooo... yes..." she groaned as my digits circumnavigated her uncharted territory.
I still hadn't dipped under to touch her bare pussy, but I figured I needed to take it slowly, at least for now. To be honest, I didn't really want to finger her. I wanted her cunt to be pristine -- untouched -- when I stretched it open for the first time.
I continued fondling her for a while and Sadie even seemed to get into it. She was terribly prude but did what came naturally to her, and was soon grinding her little pussy up against my hand. I stayed perfectly calm the whole time, even though an inferno was raging inside me. I needed her to understand I was in control.
When I felt she'd had enough pleasure for the night, I pulled my hand away and swore I heard her whimper. I didn't want her to have an orgasm, yet, though. Her first was going to be from my cock pounding her into oblivion. I reluctantly left her crotch and moved my hand up to brush aside her hair. She looked up at me pleadingly, so I did what we both needed.
I leaned in and kissed my little Sadie so sweetly. I kept it PG (maybe PG-13) and just let our lips dance. Dipping in a little tongue made her giggle, but I held back from completely dominating her mouth. The kiss lasted a while and afterwards we stayed there fondling each other (well me fondling her). She was still playing coy, probably on account of her religious upbringing, but I didn't mind. I didn't want my Sadie to be easy to get.
When my cock could no longer sit still I decided it was time to head home, so I stood my girl up and hugged her again. We kissed once more under the moonlight, then I pulled my phone out to get her info. I took her number then told her I'd contact her soon, then bid my girl adieu.
That night I jerked off before bed while smelling the remnants of her musk on my fingers. I texted her:
"Good night, sweetheart. Thinking of you <3"
"Good night Mr. Peterson :)"
Her still calling me 'Mr. Peterson' made me blow another load.
To keep her on her toes, I waited a long time to reach out the next day. I like knowing I'm in control, and I loved thinking about her daydreaming of me, desperately awaiting my text. I even saw the bubble icon pop up
on my iMessage as if she was about to send something, but my shy fawn couldn't get herself to, which was fine with me.
After a boring night of edging my cock, I finally texted her at 11PM:
"I want to see you tonight, sweetheart."
In milliseconds the bubble was there. She replied:
"I want to see you, too! But I can't :( It's too late and my parents won't let me go out."
"Awww but baby, I really want to see you. I'm so lonely on my couch..."
"Oh Mr. Peterson..."
"Why don't you sneak out? Come on, don't leave me alone. I need you here, baby girl."
"Ummm... but what if my parents find out! I'll be grounded for life!"
"They won't, they won't. Besides, your room is downstairs and right next to the door."
Shit, I didn't mean to let slip that I knew which room she lived in. She didn't seem to notice, though.
"I guess you're right... maybe I could come..."
"Not maybe, sweetheart, you're coming. I'll see you in 15 minutes."
I saw the typing bubble start and stop multiple times and began to lose patience. Finally she responded:
Just as expected, Sadie was punctual. I heard a faint knock at the door and opened it to a shivering girl with still-damp hair. She had on a pair of booty shorts, surely the one she was wearing to bed, and a short crop top that put her trim waist on display. I pulled her into my arms immediately and leaned down for a kiss.
"I'm so glad you came, baby. I really wanted to see you."
"I wanted to see you, too, Mr. Peterson... but I'm so scared my parents will catch me!"
"Shhh you'll be okay, sweetheart. I'll make sure you don't get in trouble."
I held her hand and led her over to the couch, not giving her any time to second guess her decision, even though her nerves were visible as she sat. I came up to her side and cuddled in much closer than on the bench. She was in my territory now.
"You miss me, baby?" I asked while going in for a kiss.
She nearly rebuffed and it annoyed me, so I tried another tactic. I picked her up and laid her on her back, with her head against the arm of the couch, then leaned over to encase her. I kissed her softly, then more passionately, and after a few seconds of mumbling and head dodging from Sadie, she finally joined me.
Playfully holding both her wrists in one hand, I snuck my other down to her shorts. Her face told me she was getting nervous, and her closing thighs made me think she didn't want it, but I knew what she needed better than she did. I kneeled up with my legs between hers and started spreading them til she opened. She tried to clamp together briefly but didn't stand a chance against me.
With her legs now slightly spread I could see her thong through the holes in her shorts. Unlike last night, she was wearing a G-string today, which made me moan. My little girl got dressed up for me. While still holding her wrists together, I moved my other hand to her shorts and started feeling through the hole. Instead of cotton, though, tonight my fingers were graced with the velvety skin of her smooth pink lips. My little bitch had even shaved for me!
"Mr. Peterson... wait...."
"Shhhhh...." I hushed while gliding my fingertips across her glistening kitty. "Don't you feel how wet you're getting for me, baby girl? That means you like me."
"Mmmmm...! But Mr. Peterson! No one's ever done this to me before...!"
"That's okay, sweetheart, I'll teach you. I'll make you feel good."
I kept rubbing all along her cunt and she writhed below me. My polo and jeans were still on but my cock was barking to be let out.
"No, Mr. Peterson!" Sadie cried when she heard my belt jiggle.
I whipped it off and threw it on the floor; her cries didn't mean shit to me. I unzipped my pants and shimmied down my jeans with my free hand. Sadie was whimpering and shaking under me but I kept her wrists held tight. I don't even think I needed to, though, she knew she wasn't going anywhere.
"I told you, baby, it's okay. I'm just gonna do something to make us both feel good. You're gonna love it, sweetheart."