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Click here"Hello again, darling."
I swept her in and stood firmly as I awaited her next move. When she didn't immediately strip, I glared at her which jogged her memory. It pleased me when she peeped out an apology while getting bare. To show her I was happy, I gave her a kiss and a few butt touches. Then, again, I stood in front of her waiting. Again, nothing. Did she forget everything I taught her?
"And where should a bitch be when she enters her Man's home?"
I snapped and pointed to the floor.
"Yes, sorry, Mr. Peterson."
She scurried to her knees and looked up at me waiting for an order.
"Good bitch. That's the last time I'm going to tell you. Next time there will be consequences."
We went through the motions of the night before, with Sadie getting more skilled at pleasing me orally. She seemed a predestined cocksucker, someone whose mouth was made not to speak, but to be filled. I would speak for her.
"Do you feel my seed swimming in your little belly?" I asked cheerfully as we lay together after another round of breeding.
She didn't respond, probably because she was avoiding thinking about getting pregnant. I let her ruminate as we cuddled before I sent her out the door.
A week went by before I decided to text her again. I knew I held immense power over this girl, and that she had probably suffered greatly while waiting to hear from me. I pictured her sullen and doubtful, putting her entire worth into my affection. It made me feel like a God.
This message was even more brief than the last.
She looked as dejected as I expected when she arrived. I invited her in and waited patiently for her to strip. It took longer than I would have liked, but ultimately she denuded. I snapped my fingers and pointed to the floor when she was done, but to my dismay she didn't obey. I snapped again and my nostrils flared.
"Dammit, woman! Why aren't you on your knees!"
"I don't want to...."
"What was that?"
I got up close and gripped her thin arm.
"I don't wanna........"
"You little bitch..." I grumbled while pulling her over to the couch.
She squealed and wriggled as I threw her over my lap but I held her down.
"Didn't I tell you, girl! You're my bitch, so you follow my rules! Now I know I didn't text you, but I was busy. I have a lot to do, and sometimes you're just gonna have to wait. But that doesn't mean you get to be disobedient! Do you know what happens to disobedient little girls?"
She seemed slightly relieved at my explanation for lack of correspondence, but was still terrified when she replied, ".....they get punished...."
"Yes they do, baby, yes they do."
I was petting her ass and pussy and holding her hands with my other. She calmed a bit and nuzzled into me, probably trying to evade punishment. Like that was going to happen....
"I'm gonna give you a spanking now, girl, because you disrespected me. I told you, when you get in my house you get naked and kneel. And when your man -- your Master -- gives you a commandment, it's law. You can hold my hand while I spank you, but I don't want any kicking or screaming. Take it like a good bitch, and remember this the next time you think about acting out."
She whimpered fearfully as I brought my right hand up and crashed it down on her cheek.
"Aaaahhh! Mr. Peterson!!!"
"Silence! You lay there and take what you deserve."
I went back to smacking her cheeks with vigor. Each spank sent shockwaves down her jiggly bum and the pink hue forming made me lick my lips; I love a rosy bitch.
"Are you gonna respect me, girl?"
"Yes, yes!"
"Good. I don't like doing this to you" -- that's a lie -- "but I have to when you don't listen. To put you back in your place."
When the session finished I let my girl blubber into my hand while I played with her kitty. She responded well to spanking and was dripping down her thighs, soaking my pants. I thought about making her do my dry cleaning while sending a finger deep inside her begging pussy. She responded gutturally.
"Are you gonna get on your knees like a good bitch now? Or am I going to have to take off my belt?"
Sadie spasmed when she heard that and fell straight to her knees, hands behind her back, eyes to the floor. See, spankings do work!
"Such a sweet girl, Sadie. Come. Suck Daddy's dick."
I was feeling generous so I let her go at her own pace while I relaxed on the couch. I didn't think she needed double abuse, and I'm sure I still put the fear of Me into her.
"I'm going to give you another lesson now, okay?"
She spit out my cock and looked up at me.
"From now on, when I say 'present', you're going to stop whatever you're doing, turn around, put your head down on the ground, and push your ass up in the air. You're going to 'present' your little pussy for me. Okay? Let's try it. Present!"
Sadie cautiously turned and put her arms in front of her, then leaned forward until her cheek was to the carpet.
"Arch that back, bitch. And spread those legs a little more. Remember, you're presenting to me."
Together we worked to maneuver her until she was exactly as I wanted.
"Good. Don't you go forgetting this position, girl. You know what'll happen if you do."
I teased her with a light spank and she jolted, but remained in place.
"Get up now girl."
Finally, I hugged her and she melted into me. I tilted her head up and kissed my girl.
"You missed me, huh, baby? I know, I know you did." I rubbed her cheek and looked at her. "I wish you wouldn't make me spank you, but you understand why I had to."
I made her look back at me and acknowledge that the spanking was her fault. That she could've avoided it if she had just obeyed. She apologized.
"It's okay. Since you missed me so badly, how about you go on upstairs and present yourself on the bed. I'll be up in a minute, and I want to see you there."
I sent her up then hopped on my phone to shoot a few emails, waiting 5 minutes before I headed up so she dripped in anticipation. When I got in my room her propped up pussy twinkled like a guiding star for my cock; I dove right in. I fucked my bitch doggy and gloried at the hand prints that were still marking my territory. Afterwards I told her to stay put while I went and washed my dick. I laid back down in bed with my girl still in position, then told her to present. She turned her pussy in my direction, and for the next hour I watched sports center with Sadie's creampied cunt in full view.
The timing and activities of our sessions varied, but over the next month I fucked Sadie dozens of times. I trained her to take my dick, breeding her constantly, and when the month ended she HAD to be pregnant. So that's when I enacted the next part of the plan.
Instead of texting Sadie the next day, or the next week, or even the next month, I made my girl wait in agony. I didn't communicate with her for 3 months, and the next time I did... well, that's the fun part.
Exactly 18 weeks after I'd first planted my seed in Sadie, I heard a knock around midnight. This wasn't a weak knock, though, which piqued my interest.
When I opened the door I was greeted by a terse, "Mr. Peterson."
I had been waiting for this moment in the back of my mind, and couldn't believe that it was actually happening.
"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Locklear. And hello Sadie. For what do I have the pleasure of meeting you all in the middle of the night."
"You know damn well why we're here, Peterson."
Standing there was a stoic, but internally fuming Mr. Locklear, with his bawling wife clamped to his arm. Mrs. Locklear couldn't bear to look at anyone but her husband, and kept blubbering nonsense. Sadie stood alone in the back quietly rubbing her belly.
"Does this have something to do with your daughter, Mr. Locklear?"
"Of course it does!" Mrs. Locklear cried for him. "You know what you did! Oooohh...."
"What I did? Look, your daughter came onto me so I just did what any man would do. I bet you didn't know she snuck over to my house every night for a month, huh?"
"You WHAT!!" Sadie's father shouted at her.
"Please, Mom, Dad I'm so sorry!"
"Quiet, girl!" her Father spat.
"You.... you...." he returned to me. "You took my daughter's purity. Her innocence! You bastard! You took it from her and she'll never get it back! She's soiled now! And our family name disgraced!"
Mrs. Locklear just kept wailing while her husband reverted his ire back to Sadie.
"And you! You little harlot! Running around at night. Sleeping with older men. And getting pregnant! Before you're married! Oh, the agony...."
"Sir, if I may-"
"No. You're going to listen to me, Mr. Peterson, and you're going to listen well. It's time you took responsibility for your actions. From now on, Sadie isn't just going to be your little fuck piece." Sadie cringed at this and I smirked. "No, from now on, Sadie's going to be your wife."
"What!" Sadie cried.
"Quiet!! Yes girl, you're going to be this man's wife to save our family a SLIVER of honor. You're going to marry as soon as I can make it happen, and you're going to live lawfully wedded until your days end. Do you hear me?"
"Yes, Father...."
He turned to me.
"You hear me, too, Peterson? You got her into this mess and you're going to help get her out. She's your responsibility now, and by God you are going to father this child. Do you have anything to say for yourself?"
"I'm sorry it happened this way, but I would be honored to take your daughter. Come, Sadie, come to me."
Sadie shuffled up shyly to the door.
"Listen to me, girl. Obey your husband. He's the only one who can help you now, so you better respect him! You can't come running home a single mother."
"Yes, Father.... I'm so sorry...."
I pulled Sadie into my chest and gave her a big hug; she needed it. I shut the door when I got sick of her crying mom, and let them go on their way. In my mind, I wasn't the bad guy. This was the natural way of things. At some point they were going to give their daughter away, so why not now?
"Sadie, baby, you feel okay?"
I came up behind her and held her little body. She smelled incredibly feminine, like musk was seeping out of her pores. I put my hands on her belly and finally got to feel what I had been waiting for. My pregnant wife.
"Oh, sweetheart, it's so.... incredible...."
I nearly shed a tear while feeling up my beautiful woman. Her belly had softened slightly and now stuck out in a slight bulge. I held it from the bottom, my large hands cupping her womb, the womb that was full because of me. Me! I'm the one who made her pregnant. The only one. She's mine. I felt our bonds deepen with each breath.
"I'm so glad you're home now, baby, even if it had to be this way."
"Oh, Mr. Peterson...." She turned and cried into me so I protected her.
"Shhhhh... it's okay, baby... it's okay...." We stood like this for a while until I asked, "but, honey, aren't you forgetting something?"
I knew she'd had a hard day, but I'm a stickler for rules and thought it made sense to start our relationship off on the right foot. I waited patiently while she undressed, then stared in awe at her newly shaped body. Her once slim hips had widened, her ass and legs were more fleshy, and obviously she had her growing belly. But the best part of all was her breasts! They must have gone up 2 cup sizes since I'd last seen her! I rushed over to grab my girl and kiss her everywhere. We explored her changing body together, tracing our fingers over new surfaces.
"You're so lovely, baby. Now, you know what's next."
With a little more difficulty than a few months ago, she got down on her knees and looked up at me lovingly. Thin blue veins now crossed her plump tits and the view from up top was outstanding. I could definitely get used to this. And it was only going to get better! And when it's all over, I could do it again... and again... and again...
"Come my wife, give your husband a kiss...."
I just finished reading your story and I absolutely adored it! The way you wrote about Sadie's transformation and her relationship with Mr. Peterson was so captivating. As someone who is in a sugar baby/sugar daddy arrangement myself, I have to admit that I fantasize about being trained and cared for like Sadie. My biggest dream is to be made pregnant by my man, and your story made me feel like that's possible.
Like the commenter a few months back: if one were young and female, while a creepy older perv came onto you, politely say "good bye", turn around, and walk away quickly. Or run if necessary. Or maybe break out the pepper spray if they he doesn't get the message. Truth is, there is more going on today with this age gap than many realize. It can work if the respect and genuine affection are there, and you can tell by close attention to interaction. But the female needs to be educated and prepared to exercise the options, including recognizing when a prospective partner IS a danger. Probably the same for younger males too. This fictional older guy could easily slide into physical if not mental abuse. Regarding the story telling, it's well done here. But the male character is truly scary to me, both as an older guy who deals with young women all the time, and as a dad. My older daughter at 29 thinks I'm an out-of-touch old man at 68, but she has an even younger friend (23) who routinely dates 'older men', and too many seem like incels while some older ones are too 'pervy' for my tolerance. So development of judgement and perception are more critical today than they ever have been in our increasingly misogynistic or perhaps even misandric world. It's a scary time to be a parent of older children today.
CNC is okay. My wife and I used to play like that until into our 40s. But the guy (presumably) who wrote this comes across like an incel or something equally brutish as some commenters noted. Was waiting all the way to the end to read something that the guy said he loved her. Instead it came across like that twisted adage of a woman 'being a life support system for a c*nt'. So, yeah, enjoy the differences of the endocrine system, but love and respect the difference. Especially if the partners is naive. My wife and I married at 19 and 21, being young and ignorant, but we learned. This one begs a sequel 10 years out.
She should call Peterson by his first name.Then, arrange things like she wants them. She's the wife and mother to his baby. Respect her, she's your other half. When mommy nurses the baby, maybe she'll give daddy a drink, or give the boy down the road that put baby #2 in her belly, a drink...