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Stepmum Deserves to Be Blackmailed

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Stepson blackmails cheating stepmum.
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I hated her (Chloe). She treated me like a child referring to me as "The Computer Nerd" and was nearly 20 years younger than my dad. How could he not see that she was a cheating lying gold-digger? I could not see what he saw in her. Well that is not strictly true. She had the most fantastic body that any 18 year old, like me, could fantasize about.

Not long after they were married. Chloe introduced my dad and I to her brother (Jed). I didn't know straight away why it felt so wrong. It became very clear one day when I arrived back from school College and went up to my room. There were noises coming from my dad's room and it didn't take brain of Britain to work out what was going on. It was only then that I remembered that my dad was away and it was Jed's car that had been parked outside.

I decided I did not want to admit that I knew what was going on. I slipped quietly out of the house not returning until the time I usually got home. Jed and Chloe were being loud teasing each other and generally falling about. Chloe greeted me as usual asking me whether computer nerds ever managed to get girlfriends. If I had any doubt there was none now, I was going to expose my cheating stepmother. I also knew exactly how I was going to do it. Chloe had regularly asked me to sort out various issues with her laptop. She had it all password protected but had to share much of this with me to enable me to help her.

At the beginning I just accessed her emails and looked at what websites she was visiting. It didn't take much to recover emails that she clearly didn't want anyone to see. I was almost relieved to quickly establish that Jed was not her brother but a longstanding boyfriend. There was plenty to make it quite clear that she had married my dad so that they could slowly steal as much from him as they could. I decided that while this would greatly upset my dad I was not sure it was enough to put him in a legally strong position if he tried to divorce her.

The computer nerd in me (I do recognize that I am one) clicked into full out attack. I set up a permanent access from my computer so that I could not only see what was on her screen but also I could remotely control her computer. This control also meant that I could turn the camera on her computer on and watch what she was doing. The first time I did this I was treated to her changing her clothes. It wasn't the best view but I did see her change her bra and got a wonderful view of her perfect (if you can call them perfect after a boob job) boobs. I have to admit that I saw her changing, undressing and even once masturbating but I wanted to record something that would not only be sexually exciting but also an end to her marriage to my dad.

I was delighted when she left her computer on in the bedroom as she welcomed Jed. This would be exactly what I needed. I had to be careful because I was sitting in the park with earphones on. I had to ensure no one could look over my shoulder. I have to admit that I had an erection well before the two of them were naked. What surprised me a little was that Chloe took over complete control and when Jed did suggest something Chloe said that he should know by now that if he questioned her again she would kick him out. She said nobody tells me what to do in the bedroom, I am always the boss. I recorded the most amazing sexual encounter that I subsequently watched many times.

I knew I had all the evidence I needed to help my dad out but I did not stop there. I recorded three more times that the two of them had sex. She was always totally dominant. They did things that I thought were only done for the sake of porn. She did however make it very clear that no one not even Jed would ever take her anal cherry as she called it. These recordings were made over a number of weeks and I had not said anything to my dad. Things took a very different turn one day when Chloe got very annoyed with me and threatened to get me into trouble with my dad.

Everything fell into place in a flash. I picked up my laptop and found one of the recordings of her and Jed. From anger her face turned pale before she returned onto the attack. She threatened me with all sorts of things including smashing my computer so that I could not show anyone. I was quickly able to point out this was a stupid idea as everything was backed up, including onto her own computer. I told her where she could find the recordings on her computer and said I would come back in an hour to give her time to check them. I added that she was to contact nobody in that hour and when I returned I would expect her to be in her bedroom. As a sign that she understood the gravity of the situation she would be stripped to the waist and a little more humble than usual.

I did not know what to expect to find when I arrived back at the house and entered her room. She looked pale and completely drained of any fight. Her naked boobs seemed even more perfect than on any of the recordings. She asked me what I was going to do with the recordings but I said that it was time for her to do everything I told her to. If she questioned anything I said she would be in deep trouble. I had always known that she would be very silly to fight me but for some inexplicable reason I had not planned what I would do with my errant stepmother. I knew I wanted to humiliate and embarrass her. I knew that as much as I hated her I wanted to fuck her. It came to me in a flash. What could be more humiliating than being put over the knee of your nerd stepchild and given a spanking. Her fate was sealed.

When I told her that I was going to spank her naked bottom she looked at me with a questioning disbelief. When I made it clear that I was not joking she started to protest but backed down quickly. I only used hand gestures to tell her to strip off her remaining clothes. When she hesitated I pointed out that I had seen her naked many times and many others would if she didn't do as she was told. I may have seen her naked many times but being there as she slipped her skirt and then her panties was electric. When she was stretched across my lap I was in no hurry to start the spanking but reached through her legs and found a moist pussy that felt surprisingly hot.

I thought I heard an appreciative sigh as I played with her totally bald pussy and her clit. As I played with her clit it pushed through a very tight hood. By the time my leisurely exploration finished my fingers were coated in her thick juices. I coated the dark skin of her anus with the juices inserting one finger no more than an inch. This time the sigh was unmistakable. The view I now had was something I would remember forever. Her bottom was full without being big and very firm. The curve was perfect. The first spank was not hard but sound it made was like a piston being fired. I delivered a dozen or so without a break getting firmer with each spank.

Chloe had begun to complain with a quiet whimper after each strike. It was music to my ears as I was clearly getting to my stepmother. I investigated between her legs and was delighted to find that she was no longer moist, she was now soaking wet. Her clit was now much fuller. I wanted to really humiliate Chloe as much as possible.

"It seems like you are really sexually excited by being dominated. Maybe you should try it more often rather than insisting on being in charge? I am going to spank you much harder now. You will thank me after each one and ask me for more."

My step mum did fight back a little by not thanking me or asking me for more. I said nothing as I delivered another dozen harder than any previously.

"Those dozen do not count as you did not do as I told you. Now please do as I said or I will carry on until you do."

Again I played with her now very wet pussy and very erect clit with one hand while finding a hard nipple with my other hand. Even with my lack of experience of things sexual I had no doubt at all that my stepmother was now very aroused. Now she thanked me and asked me for more after every spank. I paused after delivering another group of 10 or 12. After these I informed a now very subdued Chloe that she had an option. I would stop the spanking if she asked me very nicely to fuck her. Her answer was very quick and very clear.

"There is no way I will ever asking you to fuck me you fucking nerd."

I hadn't expected her to capitulate but her attitude reminded me of what a real bitch she was. I therefore started the spanking again but now used all the strength I had. After maybe half a dozen she said

"Stop, stop that is enough."

"I will only stop if you ask nicely. Ask me to fuck you."

Clearly with great reluctance she asked me to please fuck her. I laid her, on her back, on the side of the bed and asked her to repeat her request. As pissed off as she was she did as I asked. I had only entered one pussy before. This was so different to that occasion. She was so wet and aroused my, not huge, cock slide into her with a lovely ease. The look on her face suggested that she had now accepted that even if she wanted to she could not fight her arousal. Her pussy and particularly her clit were supporting this. I pumped in and out of her and played with her clit with my thumb. If my one experience of sex was any help in judging things Chloe was close to orgasm. I wanted her to orgasm but also I wanted this to be on my terms. Pulling my very aroused cock out of her pussy I added a little spit that was quite unnecessary, to my very wet cock and offered it up to her anus. At this her eyes widened and she said

"Don't you even think about it."

"You have a choice accept my cock into your bum or my dad will find all of the recordings on his computer in the next five minutes."

As she said nothing I pushed forward missing the target the first time but breaking through a very tight sphincter at the second attempt. Her eyes were again alive with arousal. I had just found her clit again with my thumb when she exploded in an orgasm that rivaled any I had seen on porn, real or fake. I had wanted to fuck her bottom forever but her bottom milked my inexperienced cock to the most beautiful cum.

When we could both make sense of what had gone on Chloe suddenly realized that although she had done everything I had asked I still had the videos and had promised her nothing. For my part I could not now send the recordings to my father but I knew I still held all the keys.

I promised Chloe that I would do nothing with the recordings if she started to give me respect and also accept my total dominance once a week. If she didn't enjoy me dominating her at least once a week she didn't show it. I insisted that I never saw or heard anything about Jed. The last three months have been a teenagers dream. The sex has been extraordinary and my stepmother now treats me with respect, or at least apparent respect.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Blackmailing his stepmother is one thing, but throwing the word respect in this story is absurd. He doesn't have any respect for himself or his dad! He should've showed her the videos, then told her to ask for a divorce and voluntarily leave or he'd show his dad the videos. If he still wanted to fuck her after the divorce, go for it. But there wouldn't be any reason for her to allow it.

More than anything though, the writer needs an editor to correct his foreign english to American English.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

After 100 stories and still clueless.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

And yet, no actual respect for the father. So much for being worthy of respect.

Dr2StrictDr2Strictabout 2 years ago

Hot! Payback is a bitch, as they say.

Thanks for sharing.

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