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Steve and Erica

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Teacher meets former student on a Mexican beach.
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"Here you are, sir. Is there anything else I can get for you?" The waiter had just set down one of the foo foo drinks, you know, one of those ones with an umbrella in it.

Steve pushed his sunglasses onto his forehead and looked at the waiter. "No, I'm good right at the moment. Thank you though."

"As you wish." The waiter left leaving Steve to lounge on the beach undisturbed. Steven Halbert, or Steve as he preferred, had just graduated college with a MBA. It was a long hard road to complete the BS degree and then the MBA. He decided to treat himself to a break and decided to spend it on a quiet beach in Mexico. The resort was not one that was commonly visited by tourists as it was off the beaten track. But it was highly rated as an idyllic getaway. And he needed time. Between school and his recent breakup with his girlfriend, he was exhausted.

Tina Lassiter was a girl that he met while still in high school. They were inseparable, or so he thought. But as they progressed through college, their interests and especially their career choices began to diverge. It was obvious that they were going to go their separate ways. They stayed together until graduation and then mutually agreed that it was time to part ways. Steve had accepted a job offer back in his home town. Tina's career choice led her to New York City and the world of high finance. He hoped that they would remain friends. But time will tell.

Steve took a sip of his Piña Colada and proceeded to stick the umbrella in his nose. 'Stupid damn thing. Why do they insist on using these' he thought to himself as he tossed it on the table next to him. He gazed out over the ocean that was stretched out before him. Life was good. It was his plan to spend a week at the resort, recovering and enjoying himself, before returning home and starting the new job.

The resort was small and the beach was rather expansive. So it was easy to find places to stretch out without bumping into people every two feet. Though there were a number of women that enhanced the scenery quiet well. The resort was advertised as an adult only destination. So that meant that there weren't any kids running around making noise. But it also meant that some of the adults dressed a little skimpier than a typical family resort. In fact, he had seen a few women wearing Wicked Weasel bathing suits. He had heard about them and seen their web site. And, to his amazement, the web site was true to their word. He could see that the sheerness of the material left nothing to the imagination. More than once Steve's penis reacted to the view.

Steve had closed his eyes and was enjoying the warm weather when he heard someone shuffle the lounge chair that was a few feet away. Looking over, he saw that a woman wearing a black bikini was draping a towel over the chair. He watched as she rubbed some suntan lotion onto her arms, then her stomach and finally her legs. Her face was obscured by a pair of sunglasses with large round lenses and a floppy hat that covered the top of her head. As she sat down and reclined in the chair, Steve was able to see that she had a very fine figure. The top of her bikini covered what appeared to him to be 'C' or maybe small 'D' breasts. Perfect size, Steve thought, a hand would nicely cup each one. Not too small and not too big. Her briefs were more like panties and covered her mid-section in a more conservative manner.

He watched as her abdomen rose and fell as she breathed. He judged her to be in her late twenties or maybe early thirties. He saw that her wedding ring finger was bare. Steve turned his head back and thought that the woman next to him was indeed very attractive. But he was here to recharge before heading back into the real world.

After about another half hour, Steve figured it was time to head back to his room and get ready for some dinner. The woman near him apparently had similar thoughts as she stood up. Facing Steve, she removed her hat and sunglasses. She was beginning to bend over to reach for the towel when Steve thought he recognized the woman.

"Miss Sanders? Is that you?"

The woman stood up and looked directly at Steve. There was a momentary pause until the woman recognized the man that had called out her name. "Steve? Steve Halbert? My god, it's been years."

Steve stood up and approached her. "Miss Sanders, I am surprised to run into you here. How are you doing?"

Steve remembered Miss Sanders. She was a World History teacher at the high school he attended. He remembered that the only reason he was able to get through her class was to look at her and imagine her naked. She always dressed in mid-calf length skirts or slacks. Her blouses were always buttoned to the top and she kept her hair tied up in a bun or a pony tail. He thought that she was a beautiful woman and imagined that she was hiding a gorgeous body underneath all the clothes. Now, here she was, standing just a few feet away in a bikini that allowed him to confirm that she does have a very nice body.

"I'm doing well, Steve. And you?"

"I'm good. I finished my MBA a couple of weeks ago. Tina and I have parted ways and I figured this would be a great place to be for a week before heading back to town and starting work. How about you?"

"I'm sorry to hear about you and Tina. She's a fantastic girl and I figured that you two would eventually be married."

Steve smiled at the thought of Tina and him as a couple. They had given their virginities to each other. Their sex lives expanded while they were in college and became quite adventurous.

"Yeah, well" Steve replied "she wanted what New York City offered her for her career and I wanted to return home. So it was mutual and hopefully we'll be able to remain friends. Are you still teaching?"

Erica smiled and replied "Oh yes. Classes ended last week. And, I still have students who don't pay attention and all but fall asleep in class. Kind of like you." A knowing grin broke out on her face.

Steve's cheeks turned a light shade of pink. He figured that Miss Sanders never knew that he wasn't totally paying attention. "Umm, well. Yeah. Sorry."

Erica laughed. "Don't worry. It was my first year of teaching out of college. So I thought it was something I was doing or not doing. Turns out it wasn't all my fault. It's just a dry topic. That's all. Since then, I've found some creative ways to teach the class. I think you'd like it now and wouldn't be so inclined to want to nap."

Steve could feel his stomach growl and grumble. Not wanting this conversation to end, "Miss Sanders,"

"Please, call me Erica."

"Erica, I was going to go up to my room and shower then see about some find some food. Would you like to join me for dinner? I'd love to catch up with you."

Erica beamed at the idea. She had come down to Mexico for rest and relaxation as well as to recover a little. She broke off her engagement to a man that was nice enough to her, but put her second to his career. She needed more from a relationship.

"Steve, I would like that very much."

Steve could feel his heart skip a beat. Here was a woman that he lusted after in high school and she was going to be his dinner date. He looked forward to the opportunity to talk with her as an adult to an adult rather than student to teacher.

"Great! I'm in room 512. How about if I meet you in the lobby in, say, an hour?"

"Funny, I'm in room 505. Just down the hall. An hour sounds good." Erica replied feeling a joy inside her. She had always thought that Steve was actually a smart student who just didn't apply himself all the time. He always came across to her as personable and not arrogant or belligerent like a lot of his class mates were.

They each gathered their belongings and headed for the hotel entrance. They chatted a little about high school as they made their way to the elevators, eventually stepping out on the 5th floor.

Steve turned to Erica, "I am so glad that I ran into you. I'm really looking forward to dinner."

Erica stood before Steve, thinking that standing before her was a former student that she hadn't seen since he left high school and had become successful in college. She could feel her pulse quicken as she felt a slight yearning for this man.

"I am too, Steve. I am too."

"See you in an hour then."

"Yep. I'll meet you in the lobby as you suggested."

Steve's room was on one side of the elevators and Erica's on the other. They parted and went to their respective rooms.

Erica closed the door behind her and leaned on it, looking up at the ceiling. 'Erica, get these thoughts out of your head. He's younger than you. He's your former student for christ's sake.' With a sigh, she went into the bathroom, stripped off her bikini and stepped into the shower.

Steve was letting the hot water of the shower run over his head and down his back. 'Buddy, she's older than you and wouldn't have the least bit interest in you. Get a grip.'

An hour later Steve stepped out of the elevator and looked for Erica. She had beat him there and was standing off to the side. Steve stopped dead in his tracks as he took in the gorgeous woman standing there. Erica was wearing a light blue dress that stopped just above her knees. The top consisted of two straps going over her shoulder and the top of her dress revealing just a glimpse of her cleavage. Her hair was freshly washed and shined in the light. Standing there with her hands in front of her holding her handbag, she looked much more beautiful than he could have ever imagined.

Approaching her, wanting to be complimentary but wary of being too forward, "You looked beautiful Miss Sanders."

"Steve," Erica started to admonish him, "you are no longer my student and I'm no longer your teacher. Please, call me 'Erica'".

Steve smiled and offered his arm, "Erica, shall we go to dinner?"

Erica returned the smile and hooked her arm into his "Let's."

The couple started for the lobby doors when Steve suggested "I saw this little cantina about a block from here. According to a couple of waiters I talked to, it's a place that is frequented by the locals and has some terrific food. Shall we try it?"

"Sounds perfect to me. Lead the way, sir"

The cantina was right where the waiters said it would be. Stepping in the door, they were greeted by the wonderful aromas coming from the kitchen. It wasn't a very large place, perhaps a dozen tables in the main room and they could see that there was a patio out back with maybe another three or four tables. A woman appeared from the kitchen.

"Si, Senor?"

"Mesa para dos" Steve stated with confidence. While a lot of the employee's at the hotel were bi-lingual and English was accepted, he figured that he would need to pick up a few key phrases in Spanish should he decide to wander around the little town.

Erica looked at Steve in surprise "Ooh, I didn't know I was with a 'worldly' man."

Steve laughed and replied "Well, I only know a couple of phrases I thought I'd need while I was here."

She tugged on his arm "I'm impressed. Definitely not the student that I had in class."

The waitress, Steve assumed that was what she was interrupted their conversation "Americanos'?"

Steve turned to the waitress "Si."

The waitress smiled at the two of them "Welcome, we don't often have tourists here. Come this way. I'll show you to a nice private table."

Steve and Erica looked at each other in surprise and followed the waitress to a table in the corner of the main room that was away from the rest of the tables just enough to give them some privacy.

Taking a seat, Steve asked the waitress "You speak English and quite well actually."

"Si, a lot of us do. It's not as uncommon as you might think. My name is Maria and I'll take your orders when you are ready. Can I get you anything to drink?"

Looking at Erica, raising his eyebrows to inquire if she wanted anything, she responded "Whatever you're having."

Returning to Maria "Any suggestions?"

"A lot of people like our Agua Frescas."

"I've heard of those. Well each have one."

Maria smiled at the couple and walked away. Steve looked at Erica, not believing that here he was in an out of the way Mexican haven with his former high school teacher. A teacher that gave the appearance of being a prude while in front of the classroom, but was here and looking quite different and very beautiful.

"So, Erica, what brings you to this place?"

Erica smiled and said "You did."

Recognizing her sense of humor, looked at the table for a second and smiled, then back to her. "Good point. I mean to Mexico and this location."

She crossed her arms on the table in front of her and let out a small sigh. "Well, it's been a long school year. The principal decided to have me teach a new class that I hadn't done before and in a topic I hadn't seen since college. It was difficult for me, but I got through it."

Maria returned and set two glasses down in front of them and put her hands on her hips. It was obvious to Steve that she was waiting for their reaction to the Agua Frescas. Taking a sip, Steve savored the flavors as it hit his taste buds. "Hmm, this is good." Looking at Erica, "Try it, it has a wonderful taste."

Looking back at Maria "This was an excellent suggestion. But I thought Agua Frescas didn't have alcohol in them."

"They don't usually. We just had a splash of tequila to liven it up a little."

"Well, it's perfect. Thank you."

Maria smiled. "It looks like you need more time to order. I'll be back." With that she turned and walked away.

Steve plucked two menus from the holder on the table and handed one to Erica. "I guess we should probably she what they have."

Erica opted to stay safe and went with a tostado with chicken, beans and cheese. Steve was a little more daring and decided to try a Pozole with pork.

Their orders placed with Maria, Steve helped resume the conversation "So you're here to wind down from the school year."

Erica stirred her drink a little and without looking back up "That and I was engaged to be married and he suddenly decided that he was in love with someone else. He was married a month ago."

He could hear the cracking in her voice "I am so sorry, Erica."

Looking back at Steve "It's okay. Really it is. I learned that he had been seeing her since shortly after he proposed to me. So it's better to learn now than later. What about you?" Wanting to change the topic, "What brings you here?"

"Well, I finished up school just a couple of weeks ago. I'm supposed to start work at the Grandall main office in a month as a business process analyst. And I also had a recent break-up."

"Yes, you mentioned that you and Tina parted ways. I'm sorry."

"Don't be. As I told you, I think that we'll continue to be friends and I look forward to that."

Maria reappeared with two plates and set them down on the table. "Please enjoy."

"Gracias." Steve replied.

The two dug into their respective meals and little conversation ensued while they ate. Maria was quick to clear their plates as soon as they were finished. Declining a dessert, Steve paid the bill and the two left the cantina the way they came in - arm in arm.

With Erica's arm through his, Steve placed his hand on hers "It's early yet. Care for a walk on the beach?"

"That sounds good" she replied looking at him.

Walking at a slow pace, they made their way to the beach. The sand was semi-course and loose. Erica had difficulty walking in it with her sandals.

"Hold up a minute. I want to take these off." Letting go of Steve's arm, she reached down to remove a sandal. Nearly falling over due to poor footing, she grabbed one of his hands for balance. Without letting go she removed both sandals and held them in her other hand. They continued to hold hands as the made their way closer to the water.

The sun was just below the horizon and the full moon was rising over the water, creating a river of light across the waves. The pair stopped and gazed at the moon as it rose.

"This is so peaceful here." Erica offered, squeezing Steve's hand just a little.

"Yes, it is." Steve was unsure of what to do. He had always had a 'thing' for his teacher. And here he was on a Mexican beach holding her hand and looking at the moon. If he didn't know better, he would think that this was just a romantic scene written for a movie. He didn't know what was going through her mind but he wasn't about to break the ambiance.

Without looking at him, "I've always thought that you were a good student and I'm glad to see that you've become successful. It makes me very happy that I've run into you here. We are away from the city, the school and all the 'stuff' that goes with it. I can just be me."

Glancing at Erica and then back out to the ocean, "You were always my favorite teacher. I honestly did look forward to your classes. Even though I didn't do so well in them."

"No, you didn't do so well. You did enough to pass the class and you could have done better. If you spent a little less time undressing me with your eyes and focusing on the subject, you might have done better" Erica said. Never once looking away from the moon. She knew that he was ogling her during class. At the time, she found it bothersome and at the same time nice. She wasn't sure how he would react knowing that she was on to him.

"Um, well, um" was all that he could muster. He thought that no one knew what he was thinking while he was eyeing her during class. Apparently it was a little more obvious than he thought.

Erica laughed and decided to let him off the hook. "It's okay. There was a part of me that was angry that you were looking at me like that. But at the same time, I thought it was cute that you must have thought I was good enough looking. Lord knows I tried to dress demurely."

"Erica, unless you stuffed a bunch of pillows under your clothes, there was no way that you weren't going to look beautiful to me. And you are just as beautiful now. If not more." Steve could feel his heart quicken its beat.

He could feel her shudder just a little bit. "Steve, it's getting a little chilly out here. Would it be okay if we went back to the hotel?"

"Of course." Still holding hands, they made their way back to the hotel. Waiting for the elevator to take them to their floor, Erica told him "I'm so glad that we were able to spend some time today. It's made me feel a whole lot better."

Erica continued to hold Steve's hand as they entered the hotel, went up the elevator and stepped out onto the 5th floor. She turned to face him and held both of his hands. Part of her wanted to take him to bed. But, she was unsure. After all, he was younger than her and she used to be his teacher. She wasn't sure she was ready to get involved with someone.

"Steve, thank you for such a wonderful day. I really enjoyed being with you. How long are you here for?"

Steve looked at Erica. He could feel his insides roiling with desire. She was right in that he undressed her in his head more times that he can count while sitting in her class. He would love to be able to slowly remove her clothes and see her naked in real life.

"I'm here until Saturday. So another couple of days. You?"

"I'm here until Sunday. Then I'm flying to visit my family in Oregon for a week. Then I'll be home."

"Well we have a few more days. Can I see you tomorrow?" Steve asked with a hopeful tone in his voice. He really liked the woman that he got to know today and wanted to know more.

"I would like that."

Erica needed to let go and go to her room before she dragged the boy, rather man, whose hands she was holding into her room for the night. To that end, she leaned in to give him a kiss. Steve leaned in as well. They gave each other a chaste kiss on the cheek. Dropping her hands, "Well, goodnight then, Steve. Till tomorrow."

"Till tomorrow."

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