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Still Learning to Love the Hair

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Christopher must endure more hairy muff.
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Hello you naughty girls and boys.

This is a continuation of the story Learn to Love the Hair. I suggest reading that before you jump into this piece. Enza has decided to make a day of it at the salon and after a nice lunch she will once again be requiring Christopher's services. Lydia is all too happy to set this up, however this time she will need the aid of Helga to make sure everything runs smooth.


Lydia found Helga and made her aware of her plans before they approached Christopher. Helga listened closely to the accounts of what had happened and what was going to happen. She too seemed to smile at the idea, in at least as much as Helga ever smiled.

Helga was the de facto enforcer of the salon. She was not an ugly woman, but one could not deny her size and strength with nothing more than a glance in her direction. She looked like an old-world stern German governess. Or maybe a Russian athlete, the type that specialized in...weight lifting.

Helga herself seemed happy with the arrangement. She was naturally bossy and liked things to run smooth. She liked to see the work get done, especially when it was others doing the work. And she really liked throwing her weight around with the males, daring them to challenge her in any way.

So when Lydia and Helga went to find Christopher and inform him of his new misfortune, Helga was secretly hoping he would resist. It would also serve as an example to the others that she was not to be taken lightly.

Christopher had been in the bathroom a long time. He had lost track of how many times he had rinsed his mouth. Still, every time he felt he hadn't done enough, there were still hairs or pieces of hairs in his teeth and gums or stuck to his cheek. He had even tried gargling a few times to clear his throat as he knew he had swallowed more than a few hairs during his ordeal.

Full service massage. Ha! It was one thing when he was able to grab the tits of a beautiful girl, or run his hands over a fine young ass. He didn't even mind the older women as most of them were as hot, and in at least one case hotter, than the younger girls.

The job had begun as something of a dream. But now it had turned into a nightmare. Licking some hairy snatch? Phooey! This was too much. And the lady had practically attacked his face. He had found a few hairs in his eyebrows when he washed his face. Her hairs! In his eyebrows! This was just way too much to take.

It was over. He knew his situation wasn't good, but he just couldn't go through any more of this. He would leave. Not just walk out, but leave town. If he left town and never came back how would they catch him, really? None of their threats would matter if he was far away and they didn't know where to find him.

Yeah, that would work. It had to work. He was stepping out of the washroom, making a mental checklist of what he had to grab and how best to make his way out the back and to his car when he nearly ran into Lydia and Helga as they came into the back room.

"Christopher. I have some good and bad news for you."

He knew he had to wait. Had to let her say whatever she was going to say. Soon enough he would be out the door and it wouldn't matter. He just wished she would make this quick.

"The good news is that overall your guest was pleased with her service. I think you may have already secured her as a client. Also I think you're going to be the high earner for the day."

Whatever. Sure. Great. Of course the lady is happy. She had raped his face with her hairy muff and had at least three orgasms. What's not for her to love?

"The bad news is I know you wanted to leave and weren't interested in this service, but I'm afraid she has requested another massage...with you...as soon as she has finished eating."

Lydia paused a moment to let that sink in and Christopher took a moment to absorb what she had just said.

"No way. I mean I would but I just did two hours. And I'm not feeling well. Besides, I don't think I would be able to. My hands are cramping. You'll have to get somebody else."

"She wants you. And you don't have to worry about your hands. This time she wants you secured in the table."

Lydia was really enjoying throwing words at Christopher. If this were verbal boxing she had hit him hard; twice.

"I'm not even sure what that means exactly. But it won't matter."

Lydia could sense he had some fight in him and she decided to let him have a moment.

"Oh? And why is that?"

"Because I won't do it."

Lydia could see that he had clenched his jaw. He was really putting his foot down. She almost had pity for him. He really seemed to think he could win.


Lydia let that subtle threat hang in the air. He had made his move and she hadn't flinched. They both stared at each other for a few seconds. Then she saw him look past her. She never turned around as she had complete trust in Helga, but she felt something must have passed between them.

And she was right. She didn't see it but Christopher looked past Lydia at Helga, and then past Helga on the way to the back door. And Helga; well she looked at Christopher. And their eyes met for a moment. And while he may not have been able to understand her eyes, they spoke to him. And what they said was 'I dare you'.

Christopher knew this was a critical moment. He thought again about what he had endured; what they wanted him to endure again. He knew the odds were in Helga's favor in a fight between them. But he didn't have to fight her. He just had to get past her. And with her bulk she couldn't be that fast. He just needed to time his move and commit. One strong dash and he could be away from this place for good. Ready. Steady. Now!

It all happened in little more than a second, maybe a little less. Christopher made his move and Helga began to put out her leg. Christopher was simply jumping over her leg and past her when her arm came out much faster than he could have imagined. It almost connected with his jaw. He had to pull his head back to miss it and then he attempted to duck under her and through.

However she must have gotten a hold of his shirt because before he was beyond her he suddenly felt the fabric at his throat before he was pulled off his feet and fell back against her knee. And before he could assess what damage might have been done, his arm was behind his back and she was putting him against the wall. It was over.

Lydia didn't even know quite what had happened. What she did know was that Helga was holding him against the wall and he was caught. He was going somewhere alright. He was going to the massage room to be prepared for the second massage.

"Helga, let's take him to the room and get him ready."

A little brute force and a little pain and they had Christopher placed in the table. It was essentially a normal massage table, however one with many moving parts and adjustments for various positions. The current arrangement might still seem a little unusual.

Basically Christopher was on his knees under the table, hands behind his back, with his head sticking through a hole in the middle of the table. And he was naked.

They decided to strip him partially as a punishment, partially to make him easier to handle, and partially to amuse themselves and the guest. His hands were secured in leather and steel cuffs.

They knew he wasn't going anywhere, but due to his moment of rebellion they weren't sure he would behave for Enza. So Helga took his balls in hand and made a few painful demonstrations along with a couple of creative threats about what would happen if he failed to please her in any way.

And just to make sure, they hooked up a couple of electrodes to his balls. He wasn't even aware they had such equipment, but he was told Enza would have access to the controls and be able to shock him at any time for any reason. Then they gave him a small shock just to test it out. That certainly got his attention. If they were telling the truth he didn't want to find out what a higher setting would be like.

They had actually brought him to tears and before they left the room, Lydia wiped his face to make him presentable. Helga made a parting threat as they stepped outside and closed the door and Christopher was left to wait for Enza.

Enza was practically out of her robe the moment she stepped into the room. She saw Christopher's hands cuffed behind his back and his bare ass as he kneeled under the table, or rather 'in' the table. She could only imagine his trepidation and she lingered by the door for a few moments taking in the sight of his naked and bound body.

Then she noticed the shock treatment machine on the counter. Such a small little box really. She walked over to it, still off to Christopher's side.

"So Christopher, they tell me you were misbehaving in the back somewhere. I hope it had nothing to do with me."

Christopher didn't even know what to say. He couldn't afford to antagonize this woman. He simply had to focus and get through this current hell. Nothing else mattered right now except pleasing this woman, no matter how distasteful it may be.

"And they have told me about this shocking device which I find most curious. Let's make sure it is working properly before we begin, shall we?"

That certainly wasn't what he wanted to hear and he readied himself for the shock.


He wasn't ready. He figured afterward that he should have considered she would change the setting but before it hit him, he was thinking of the test shock he received earlier. This was certainly more. He really would have to please her. He couldn't take many more of those.

"So it seems it is working, but you must try to be quiet in the future. This is a massage and it's supposed to be relaxing."

It was a little taunt but again he couldn't argue with her. When he felt she was waiting for a response he tried his best to be calm.

"I'm sorry ma'am. I'll be quiet."

"That's good. I'm sure everything will be fine. I'm really looking forward to more of your service."

Her beautiful toned legs took a few steps to the head of the table. Christopher however could not appreciate them much as he could barely see the tops of her legs. From his viewpoint her body began at her well-formed ass and went up across her torso, and when she turned he could view those amazing breasts.

His gaze lingered there a moment remembering when he had been able to touch them earlier. It had been heaven. But such a hell had followed he had almost forgotten how lovely they were. And then depression washed over him as he realized he wouldn't be touching them at all during this massage. He may not even get much chance to look at them.

He then realized he had been staring and was lost in the moment. He looked up in to Enza's beautiful, if quite mischievous face. She was indeed quite attractive, but she had already been rather rough with him and he was sure this massage would be even less pleasant for him than the first.

Having his attention and some idea of what the poor boy must be thinking, Enza was eager to begin. She would have to be a bit more active this time around as Christopher could hardly move. But it would be well worth it.

She had plenty of time and his face was going to get a real workout. She decided to postpone the oil for now. She would begin dry; well, not entirely as she was already getting wet at the prospect of the next two hours. But he would have to spend more time in her full bush before she added the oil.

She sat on the side and swung her legs up and over his head. She place a foot near either side of his head and spread her legs a little, while leaning back somewhat, supporting herself with her arms.

"Now it looks like I'm going to have to be doing more of the work given your current position. I hope you will be patient with me. I'm sure together we can find many ways to please me."

She then tapped the side of his face with her foot. He seemed a little surprised by that and not all together happy. But that just made it all the sweeter. Seeing his reaction she decided to take it just a bit further before moving on.

"Now we didn't have a lot of time to work on my feet before. Would you like to spend some time with them now?

So saying that, she tapped his face with her other foot and then brought her foot directly into his face. The ball of her foot landed on his mouth and her toes wriggled and cupped his nose.

"What do you think?"

She hadn't really moved her foot from his lips, but clearly she wanted an answer. Christopher felt he was talking directly into her foot as he responded to her; still very much aware of his circumstance.

"Whatever you wish. I'm here to take care of your needs."

"Yes you are. Well I suppose I could rub my feet over you face but that seems like a lot of work on my part. I think maybe we should just skip that. However, maybe a few kisses for each foot, just so they don't feel left out."

He couldn't argue and so began to kiss the foot at his mouth. It wasn't great. Surely not as pleasant as her breasts, which he took a peek at over her toes, but not as bad as what was to come. He wished she would just get on with it. He wanted this whole thing behind him and until it was over, his life was out of his hands.

She let him continue for several kisses before switching feet. She noticed him looking at her breasts while trying not to be too obvious. Just a bit more teasing and she would be ready to begin.

"That was nice but I think what you really want is something else. Eager to put your tongue to work?"

"Yes ma'am."

She ran her hand between her legs a few times, her fingers running through her hair and spreading her lips, then closing them and retreating only to repeat the action. Then she inched herself just a little closer.

"Beautiful isn't it?"

"Yes ma'am. "

She inched forward again, her feet sliding back beyond his head. And then she moved again, her thighs coming close to his head, giving him a sort of tunnel vision. He was beginning to smell her particular scent as her fingers played in front of him.

"It's lovely. And it feels so good. And I think it's been missing your face."

He told himself he wanted to just get on with it, but with the pink and hairy maw approaching so closely he began to panic. It was going to happen again. He couldn't help but replay the events that happened only a short while ago. And it was going to happen again. How could he survive?

"I think we'll wait on the oil. Let's just start right here. I know you must be excited, but we have the time."

Another reminder. And this time he was about to have his head trapped between her legs. There was far less he could do about it and he wouldn't be spending time on her back and legs or anywhere else. He knew this was all about her hairy pussy. He wanted to scream. And that's when she closed the final distance and pushed her pussy into his face.

It was fantastic. The first massage had been a lot of fun and was quite satisfying but she was so glad now that she decided to try for a second one. This would be a day well spent.

She began sitting up. She let him work on his own for awhile, his lips and tongue becoming familiar once again with her wet lips. Then she began to run her fingers through his hair. She would grab a handful, sometimes two, and pull his head deep between her legs.

She would guide him where she wanted him and soon it was more than just his mouth. It was his nose, his chin, his entire face which rubbed and tickled her as she would grind against him. She hadn't used any oil yet, but his whole face was slick with her juices before she took her first break.

Enza sat back, only an inch from his face as he gasped and coughed. She looked at him with amusement. He was quite a sight. She also found a bit of pride as it seemed she had managed to get her juices as far back as his ears. His breathing was coming back to normal and he seemed to be more aware of his surroundings. That's when she had an idea of what to do next.

She scooted back and pulled her legs in, but if he thought he was to get any relief he was sadly mistaken. She rolled over onto her tummy, laying her legs down along either side of his head. Then she slid back down the table against his face.

"This should be a nice change. I'm a little tired from all that work and could use a little rest. No rest for you however, you just keep at it."

And so began the second phase of Christopher's ordeal. This was a bit different than before. Her thighs were still wrapped around his head but now the cheeks of her ass threatened to batter his eyes and forehead. His face felt even more trapped, but still there was something more sinister to consider.

When she first slid back it was rather unceremoniously and his mouth once again found her pussy, even if from another direction. But now he was close to something else as well. He knew his nose was practically at her asshole. He was thankful she hadn't done anything to spread her cheeks, and at the moment his nose was partially squished against her cheeks and only by small measure was it pushed between them.

Still he was quite aware of his predicament. And soon, as if confirmation was needed, he detected a slightly muskier odor in front of him. He must have inadvertently paused as he considered this for he felt a squeeze of her thighs against his head and her admonishment that he was to continue without stopping.

He resumed his efforts on her pussy, knowing that the dark eye of her asshole was right in front of him. He didn't know what she had planned and for now seemed happy with his attention, but he was fearful should that sphincter somehow come into play.

He didn't have to wait long to find out. She began squeezing his head between her legs as if she could make his tongue pop out of his head. She rocked and squeezed and pushed herself back against him; against his face.

In one such thrust he felt his head pushed back and was afraid she could break his neck. His neck survived, but the pressure forced his nose between her cheeks and in one quick moment he knew the tip of his nose had landed in the center of her dark rosebud.

She appeared to have sensed it too; for she made a couple more thrusts against his face and then reached back to spread her cheeks before pushing onto his face once more. Her ass crashed closed around his features and he was trapped once more. This time he felt more than trapped. He was buried in the private flesh of this woman.

And of course his nose was pressed mercilessly against her hot asshole. The hairs here were not as numerous, but as she was a natural girl it wasn't surprising to feel hairs tickling his nose and threatening to poke him in the eyes. More hair, and something worse than her hairy pussy.

Christopher was able to forget about the hairs for a moment and even about the asshole attacking his nose. He had a more urgent need. Pressed as he was against her, he realized he could barely breathe. What little breath he had came from around her pussy, and he had used it all up.

She squeezed his head again, as if anything more could be squeezed from him or the damp, hot prison his face was held within. A little wriggle and shake of the legs did nothing to provide him with much needed air. He began to panic. He tried moving his head but he could in no way match the strength of her legs.

He thought he might pass out when she relaxed just enough. He drew in a long full breath which seemed to come directly out of her ass. And surely she felt it because he was certain he heard her giggle, even if the sound seemed to come through her legs.

Unfortunately for poor Christopher, this wasn't the only time. Enza had just discovered a new game and she spent some time forcing his face into her ass and smothering him before letting him gasp the faintest breathes of air. When she had enough she fell motionless and just relaxed, while his face was still perilously wedged between her cheeks.


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