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Storm of Shadows Ch. 09

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Revelations and Decisions.
7.1k words

Part 9 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 05/26/2015
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"What is it that you want to talk about, Annie?"

Caleb glanced over his shoulder as he poured a mocha for his mate, his expression curious. It had been hard holding back his questions as they had quickly scanned the high ranking members of the Armand-Hanlon pack for any signs of mental intrusion in Rafe's study. Thankfully, everyone they had checked had come back negative for any tampering so it had been a relatively speedy process, and they had been able to return home after only a couple of hours.

He had waited for Rhianna to say something further after her cryptic comment at Rafe's, but she had been especially silent on the journey home, and remained quiet while she sat at their dining table in the kitchen, watching him prepare their coffees. It was clear she wasn't going to voluntarily share the information without a nudge, so he decided to give her that little push needed. Now, he waited for her to speak, walking over to sit down across from her and placing the coffees on the table.


Rhianna sighed deeply and bought herself another moment by sipping at her coffee. She knew there was no avoiding the conversation they needed to have, but in truth, she was still reeling from the information she'd discovered in the second book Anakatrine had selected for them to read. Caleb had to know about it, and possibly some of the others too. She just wasn't sure how many people needed to know the highly confidential information relating not only to the vampire nation but also the shapeshifters too.

"You didn't read the other book, Masking Lavender," she finally said, lowering her mug and meeting his gaze. "I'd completely forgotten about it too what with everything that had happened with Reasa and the Praetorians, and then the attack on the pack. I couldn't sleep the other night. I was feeling a little unwell. So, I picked up the book and started to read it."

She paused and took another sip of coffee, aware that her mate was starting to show visible signs of concern. She had to pull herself together and just tell him. They would deal with whatever was to come together as they always did. Still, she was annoyed with Anakatrine for not being more direct with the information. The vampire Queen could have prepared them better for what was to come.

"Caleb, I couldn't believe what I'd read at first, though I'd had an inkling that something was wrong when we were apart after Anakatrine stripped Reasa of her immortality. I should have said something about that earlier, but I thought it was just a weird anomaly and didn't think it would come to anything."

"You were ill and you didn't tell me?"

Her mate's gaze was full of concern as well as disbelief, and it brought a half smile to her lips. It was typical that he would zero in on her health concerns, and be surprised that she could be ill, as vampires didn't suffer illness. "I a better word for it, love, though I was aware that even that was something unusual for our kind. I think to explain this; I need to go back to the book and the information contained within it. I need to give you an outline of the hidden history in Masking Lavender for you to understand the rest."

Caleb's eyebrow rose and he settled back with an expectant expression. It was clear that he was more relaxed and she'd managed to reassure him a bit that she wasn't sick. "What hidden history? You mean there is more contained within the book than what we already know of the Royal court and its demise?"

"Let me get the book so I can find the relevant section. I don't want to inadvertently miss anything out."

"In that case, we're as well as going up to the bedroom. If this is going to take a while we may as well be comfortable." Caleb rose and helped her up from her seat, holding her hand as they walked upstairs.

As Caleb rearranged the pillows on the bed so they could rest comfortably against the headboard, Rhianna grabbed the large tome from the bedside table and snuggled up beside him when he was settled in position. "Here's the section that I have to confess astounded me when I read it. I'm going to translate directly so it may come out sounding a little stilted."


We are the Genesis Society.

This is our story.

This is our demise.

During the evolution of the human species, there were a number of evolution divergents. Be they the various evolutions of homosapiens, to the monkey staying on the train of the monkey, to different species that have long since been forgotten - evolution thrived. When humankind began to take their first steps, a separate branch diverged entirely. Whether due to the natural radiation of the Earth, something in the water, or a miracle of genetics, the first Immortals were born.

We were far different from our mortal brothers; our minds were fully open, being able to use 100% of the human brain. We were in tune with each other, our environment, the creatures that inhabited the world, and also in the spirit realm. Humans stayed away from us, as we were different, and we stayed away from the humans for they were inferior.

Travelling far, we set up our own sanctuaries, areas where we could focus, explore and harness our abilities. This is where the first of the mind talents were identified, telepathy, followed by "dream walking" and "future sight", and a myriad of other talents developed. The first body talents, healing, and shape shifting also sprung into existence. And so thrived the Immortals and our emerging society.

As man began developing the culture of farming, we had already mastered it and were into the constructing of language and written histories. We were a largely peaceful group who valued knowledge and insight over power. We documented our evolution, the list of our abilities and potentials. We also documented from afar the evolution of our distant human cousins, and we recorded our futures as seen through the eyes of the Seers.

Like any great society, they rise and they fall. As we rose, we began to be known as the "Source", and later as "Genesis" beings by our de-evolved cousins. In the same breath, different evolutions within our society became pronounced. Two such evolutions began to override the others, and this was the beginning of our demise, though we knew it not at the time.

While always in touch with our bestial natures, some chose to embrace it. Shapeshifters, who had previously had the talent to shift into all animal forms, began to shift into individual animals. They chose specific creatures exclusively: the canines, the felines, and other creatures. This faction embraced the environment and nature, taking on the characteristics of their host animals in themselves and living with their dual nature. These beings stayed close to their brethren though and were respected in kind.

The second faction began to embrace the full side of their beast, surviving off the essence of the living, relishing in the blood of humanity. They became more feral, sacrificing their basic humanity. They became creatures of the dark, and dwelled on the fringes of our society, slowly distancing themselves from their brethren.

The Seers finally foresaw the collapse of the Genesis Society and prepared as such. As our numbers began to be eclipsed, our power, and influence began to diminish. The "Life drinkers" began to resent the Genesis beings, and slowly encroached onto our territories. The "Walkers" kept the others at bay as best they could, determined to protect their brethren.

The collapse was coming from within our ranks, and the Seers attempted to get ahead of it. Seeing that the "life drinkers" would likely seize control, they created a system that would protect our heritage and legacy. At the time, certain members of the soon to be lifeless class could still give birth, and were seen as the leaders of the society. These individuals were still sympathetic to the Genesis beings, so they allowed for a rite to be performed on their offspring.

With the birth of the first female offspring of each century they imprinted a key. They would have the ability to walk in both worlds, both walker and life drinker. They would possess the powers of their ancestors and be able to carry the gene until a union of the two species would come and our resurgence would arrive. They called these children the Vârcolac.

When the time came for our betrayal, at the hands of an overzealous being who desired power and control, our legacy was safe. He poisoned the ranks until all but a few Genesis beings remained, who survived by hiding within the ranks of the children civilizations. The histories were largely destroyed, all but a few which were stored with the Leader of the life drinkers civilization. A traitor then used his influence to have the life drinkers build over the site of the once great civilization, razing the world of any signs of its existence, and enslaving the remaining walkers as heretics to do their bidding.

On the blood of the old, would grow the new. With the fall of the Genesis Society rose the kingdom of the Vampires, under the rule of the Vampire Queen and the puppet strings of a traitor. The Seers had done as they had set out to, in the hopes that one day we would thrive once more. Our demise may have been only a question of time, but our legacy, our hidden Vârcolac secret, was saved.


" this book actually saying that Vampires and Weres were once the same race?" Caleb ground out, shock lacing every word. His arms had tightened around Rhianna as she'd translated the section of the book. "This hidden history is really saying that we were all part of some super race called the Genesis Society but we evolved in different directions?"

It did sound unbelievable when put into plain English but his summation of the text was correct. "I know it's astounding but that's exactly what our ancestors have passed down to the Vampire royalty over the millennia. We are all descendants of this Genesis Society, Caleb."

Rhianna sat up and turned around so she was facing him, the tome forgotten on the bed beside them for the moment. "Think about it, Caleb. This enmity between vampires and Weres appears to have been carefully succoured over many thousands of years to keep us divided so that we might never learn this knowledge. The assassination of the royal household was probably the last direct act against us by our unknown enemy to try to bury all knowledge of our past. If Ana hadn't sent Gard away with Rayne, if she hadn't carefully selected the histories for him to keep safe over the last three thousand years, whoever did this could very well have succeeded in their task."

His expression was pensive as their eyes met, and she could literally see his thoughts roiling in all directions. "That may be true, Annie, and it's certainly something we need to consider and work out what it means for us but I have other questions too. Like, why the hell didn't Anakatrine and Callain tell us this three decades ago? Why are we only discovering this now? You do realise how the Council are going to react to this news? The entire vampire nation is going to be in an uproar, not to mention the Weres though they will likely be less volatile over this knowledge as they're fully invested with the Vârcolac. "

Rhianna felt a subtle nudge at her subconscious mind, and she didn't fight the Vampire Queen as she rose to dominance. "Do not allow anger to cloud your judgement, Caleb," Anakatrine said, her tone soft but commanding, knowing that this proud vampire would always be wary of her presence within his mate. "Callain was pretty much kept in the dark for the most part too. It had to be that way to prevent our enemy from discovering just how powerful a Seer I was."

He continued to frown at her, though his expression was less irate. "Are we just puppets to your whims, Anakatrine? Was no one safe from your machinations?"

Her expression grew clouded, regret shining from lavender eyes that were so like Rhianna's but subtly different too. "I had to do what was necessary. Do you think I liked keeping my mate and my guardian in the dark about what was to come? Do you think it was easy knowing that I could only save one of them, and having to choose which one? Our history, the very existence of every vampire and every Were was mine to protect, Caleb. I had to do what was best in the short time that I had to guide events before I died. So, yes, my machinations were necessary, even as they broke my heart a thousand times over."

He had to be made to understand, though the recent revelations that someone had managed to infiltrate his inner defences would have put him more on edge than before. That was to be expected and she would have to concede to Rhianna's abilities to soothe her mate and help him reconcile with that fact. When his expression cleared a bit further, the Vampire Queen contained the relieved sigh that threatened to escape.

"I know I can't ever begin to understand what you, Callain and Gard went through, Anakatrine, especially the decisions you had to make personally, but this is our time now. This is my mate, my people, my family and friends that I am responsible for. We can't afford to be left in the dark any longer no matter how well intentioned you are. We need to know everything if we have any hope of combatting the threat to all we love."

She moved off the bed, and slowly paced the room. "Why do you think I gave you the histories to read? You asked Annie why I waited so long to tell you this information. I had to because I was waiting for you, Caleb."

His eyebrow rose, surprise dancing across his features. "Me?" It was evident this was the last thing he'd expected her to say.

Moving back to the bed the Vampire Queen sat at the bottom facing him. "Yes, you, silly vampire," she said in a tone laced with exasperation though she wore a fond smile. "Do you think I could have accomplished everything without having Callain 100% behind me, Caleb? A queen is nothing without an equally strong king at her side. Annie not only needed to show you how to embrace your humanity again, but she also had to have time to bring you closer to the Weres, to see the wonder of what we once were. That was never going to happen overnight."

Caleb could see her point and nodded his head for her to continue.

"You accepted Gard relatively easily but you fought hard against my presence and especially against Callain. We know now that you might have had somehelp with that, though both Callain and I are reasonably certain that our enemy is oblivious to the fact we've been reborn. Still, you needed to fully accept us before you would ever be ready for this additional knowledge. If it had come to you too soon then there was the risk that everything we fought and died for would have come to nothing. That risk was too high. One I just couldn't take a chance on."

"I would have followed Annie into fire," he growled, though it was clear he wasn't totally disagreeing with Anakatrine.

"Yes, you would have, but you needed to be prepared to follow the Weres, Annie, and the entire Genesis Society descendants into that very same fire. You always held a little part of yourself back, even when you fought for what was right. Annie needed 100% not 99.9% to complete her transformation."

Caleb stared at the woman before him, confusion warring with fear. What the hell was she talking about now? What other secrets was the Vampire Queen hiding. "Transformation? Anakatrine, what the hell do you mean? What's wrong with Annie?" If she'd done anything to hurt his mate he would move heaven and earth to excise her completely.

His vehemence appeared to amuse the Vampire Queen, as she gave a soft laugh, lavender eyes twinkling. "Oh, how I miss seeing that truly ferocious expression on my mate's face. Annie certainly chose well in you, dear Caleb. Be at ease, my friend, I haven't done anything to harm your sweet mate. If you think about it for a moment, taking into account the history of Genesis Society, you will work it out yourself."

If she thought to appease his concerns, she only served to increase his confusion. Caleb knew he was being ridiculous even considering that Anakatrine would harm his Annie in any way, and yet she spoke about transformations and giving didn't make any se...Caleb gasped out aloud, his golden brown eyes going round with shock.

"I see you've managed to work it out." The Vampire Queen smiled once again. "I think this is a conversation best had between you and your mate. Annie will know what to do for now. I will still be here to draw on when needed but this next part of the game lies with you two. I will leave one word of caution though. Time is beginning to run out. I feel that we are rushing towards the conclusion of this hidden war. There is much that I can no longer See, but be warned, there are some events to come that will crush the very life from your souls. Find my beautiful Guardian, Caleb, fore you will need him at the very end. Without him, we stand the very real chance of failing. Bring my brother home."

With that Anakatrine vanished, and with the slight change in posture Caleb could see his mate was once more back in dominance. She stared at him for a moment, as if reorienting herself, and then her eyes filled with tears and she threw herself into his arms. "Caleb...oh, Caleb!"

He held onto her, rocking her soothingly as she took in the full magnitude of what Anakatrine had laid open to them both. Stroking a hand gently through her riot of red curls, he kissed the top of her head, as overcome with emotions as she was.

"Do you think I could have accomplished everything without having Callain 100% behind me, Caleb? A queen is nothing without an equally strong king at her side..."

"...Annie needed 100% not 99.9% to complete her transformation..."

Anakatrine had uttered those words only a few short moments before.

"My Queen," he whispered in awe.

"I thought...I thought she was just a part of me, Caleb," Rhianna gulped out through her tears. "I had no idea...I never dreamed that I was changing...that I was becoming..."

"The next Vampire Queen." He finished the sentence for her, acknowledging that in saying the words, he had to concede that he would become the next Vampire King, that it wasn't just a concept others believed in but would become an actual fact.

Why had he just presumed that when all this was over things would just go back to the way they used to be for them? Was it because he hadn't wanted things to change or had their unseen enemy wanted to keep them isolated, separate, so that they couldn't come together in a strong enough unit to find them? Whatever the reason, it was now clear that they didn't just host the souls of the last Vampire Queen and her King...they were transforming into the next line of Vampire royalty.

"Now I understand what happened to me when we were apart," Rhianna finally said, pulling back so she could see his expression. "Caleb, uhm, I don't quite know how to say this without it being a complete shock to you, so I am just going to come right out with it. I had a monthly cycle when I was in Toronto with Gard." His puzzled expression almost made her laugh but she managed to contain it.

"Monthly cycle?" he repeated, trying to fathom what she meant by that. The only thing he could think of that happened monthly was that some wolf packs liked to shift and run on the first night of the full moon. However, his mate wasn't a wolf so she couldn't mean that.

"You know...a woman's monthly cycle? The one they get when they hit puberty."

Caleb didn't think anything could have shocked him more than finding out his mate was the next Vampire Queen...but if he was now understanding her correctly...then she'd just told him that her reproductive cycle had restarted out of the blue.

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