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Stuart's Perfectly Aligned Stars

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Security guard makes jewel thief his property.
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The stars must be aligned perfectly tonight. I smile to myself as I fold up today's newspaper under my arm and walk out of my apartment whistling. It's the Museum's own fault, tempting me with a recently uncovered artifact as beautiful and valuable as that. The "Serpent's Eye", is what they called it. It's an ancient Chinese treasure with a solid gold setting in the shape of an eye, and this glorious emerald, which was a bit smaller than the Hope Diamond and almost as expensive. Of course, I, being the less-than-typical cat burglar, had to have it.

The unveiling was earlier in the afternoon, and by midnight tonight, it should be in a comfy little Plexiglas box with a thousand and one lasers protecting it. Oh, how I loved a challenge. The museum assumes the first 24 hours are the most crucial. There will be twice as many guards roaming the floors than usual tonight, which added to the thrill. I walk into my bedroom and check over my equipment yet again. As if something could have been sabotaged in the three minutes it took me to make a sandwich and come back.

Perhaps I was being overly paranoid about this job. Granted, it was going to be easy, but I couldn't fool myself. It had been a while since my last robbery. Or should I say…robbery attempt. In all my years as a thief, I have never been caught. Not even close. My last job was a farce at best. I had gotten too cocky and some young armed security guard caught me red-handed. I was lucky I escaped with my life. That was a little over a year ago. I was so distraught over that incident that it took me a while to muster the courage to pull off something new. I couldn't help but think I was getting myself in over my head with this one, but maybe that was the whole point. Shouldn't a thief of my caliber have a comeback this spectacular?

I walk over to the mirror and take a good look at myself, squinting my blue eyes at and messing up my own short, spiky dirty-blond hair. "You…" I point at myself with a stern look. "You had better get your act in gear, Stuart, or you might not come home tonight." I nervously glance over at my equipment and sigh. "No, shut up. Don't you remember having a good feeling about tonight? You can do this." My equipment stares back at me with contempt for ever doubting them or myself. What was I so afraid of? _

Twenty-three hundred hours, and time to head out. When I arrive outside the museum, I peel off my trenchcoat to reveal a skin-tight black full-body suit over my lithe form. From there, I tighten my boots, slip on my ski mask and goggles, belt, supplies, gloves and side satchel to put my beautiful new treasure in. Then, I feel this need to check over my equipment yet again. Why was I doing this? It's almost midnight and here I am worrying about my equipment failing like an amateur. "C'mon, Stuart, pull yourself together, old boy." I reassure myself. "This is a nothing job. You'd be more challenged by breaking into an airport locker."

I crouch down on a rooftop overlooking the floor my treasure is on. I look through my night-vision binoculars and I see some guards roaming around, but not as many as I expected. I can't see the treasure itself, but I know it's in there. I had memorized the floor plans and I knew every possible escape route. I even guesstimated how much damage I'd take if I leaped from the seven-story window. I went overboard with the planning on this, just to make sure I was safe.

I leap onto one of the landings and crawl through the hallway window. Right where I knew a blind spot would be. I wire into the camera and place a small chip inside. The camera's image skips quite nicely, masking my stealthy intrusion. I hug the walls and turn corners tightly. I hear the distant chuckling of the night guards, but my life-finder doesn't pick up any heat signatures for at least a hundred feet. Sound must really carry through these cavernous halls. I make the left turn into the ancient China exhibit and immediately under another camera. I wait a few moments while it turns away from me before inserting my special chip. I check the life-finder once more before proceeding. The signatures are moving closer, and it was too late to turn back now, so I had to get this over with on the double.

Moving to the edge of the exhibit, my precious treasure was in sight. A quick spray from one of my specially made aerosols reveals the criss-crossing of the thin red lasers. I move up against the wall to approximate the height of the lasers, slip the cat claws on and begin scaling the wall sideways. It would take a while, but once I was at the Plexiglas box, I could quickly hide while the guards pass and be out the door with my treasure long before the next patrol.

When I get inside the maze of lasers, I leap down from the wall and turn to face my precious jewel. It was more beautiful than anything I'd ever seen. I suddenly remember myself and quickly glance at the life-finder again and duck down behind the stone base of the Plexiglas box. The guard is _right_ there. I hear his footsteps pass by, and then suddenly slow down noticeably. I can't even breathe. His footsteps stop altogether. I can feel my heart pounding in my throat. After a short while, the footsteps start up again, and I wait until they sound far enough away before slowly glancing up. He's gone. Whew.

I take out my wire cutters and de-alarm the last-resort tripwire they had lined around the box lest the lasers prove to be ineffective. I then use my mini torch to melt the hinges in the box's trap door. Then, I reach in and grab my beauty, shoving it into its new velvet drawstring bag and into my side satchel. And off I went, back over the lasers and I was home free. I was right, the stars really were aligned perfectly tonight. I muse to myself with a smile as I make that right turn back into the hallway where I came in.

"Well, hello there." A male voice accompanied the berretta barrel that was aimed at my head the moment I turned the corner. I gasp aloud and almost drop my bag. "Smooth operation, I must say. You almost got away with it." I glance up at the man's grinning face, half obscured by shadow and a blanket of short brown stubble.

"How...did you…" I stammer, not understanding what I could have possibly done wrong.

"How did I know you were here?" He retorts playfully, and his facial features reflect how sure and cocky he is that he has me dead to rights. I nod and he gestures with his head toward the inside of the room. "That spray you used lingered. I'm not supposed to be able to see the lasers." The sharp realization in my eyes, which is pretty much all he could see of my face, must be utterly priceless, because he begins to laugh.

"Holy fucking shit…" I shut my eyes tight and lower my head. I can't believe I've been caught. My mind is on overdrive, trying to come up with a way to get out of this.

"Yeah, you aren't very bright for a thief, but you're pretty brave for trying it tonight of all nights. So I guess I'll give you brownie points for effort. Now take off the mask and get on your knees." He cocks the hammer back and I reluctantly follow his orders. "Good, now get those hands where I can see 'em. Above the head, that's it."

I could kick him in the balls, but he'll just shoot me. I could try to knock the gun out of his hands, but at this close range, it's a longshot, and I'm not exactly the ninja master of the apocalypse. I think that maybe I should try to appeal to his greed, maybe by offering him a cut of the profits, but if he's on the up and up, I didn't need attempted bribery on my rap sheet as well. Maybe I could appeal to his sensitivity, by pleading with him to let me go. It was about as good a shot as any.

"Look, man," I look up at him with the most pathetic look I could muster. I hadn't taken off my mask yet, so if this worked, I could still get out of this relatively unscathed. "You really don't want to do this. I wasn't here to hurt anybody, I swear. Here, I'll give you back the item and we'll call it a day, alright?"

His deep-set amber eyes halfway hidden behind a curtain of stringy dark sienna bangs narrow just that little bit. "Sure, I'll take the jewel back. But I'm not letting you go."

"Oh, c'mon, man. Please don't call the cops. I've never done anything like this in my life!" I lie, hoping to get some pity from him. "I can't get arrested for this, please!"

"Hand over the bag and take off the fucking mask." One of his hands reaches out for the bag, and I slowly and with contempt hand it over. "Good. Now we're making progress." He smiles wide, showing the straightest, whitest teeth I'd ever seen.

"C'mon, man. Don't make me do this…"

"It's up to you. I get praised whether I hand you in dead or alive."

"…Son of a bitch." I do it. I take off my mask. At first, I stare angrily at the floor, still not quite grasping how much shit I'm in because of my stupid mistake. I hear him chuckling lightly and I glance up at him.

"Hmm." He grins. "We'll see."

"We'll see about what?" I squint my eyes at him.

"If you do what I tell you to do, I won't call the police." I gasp excitedly but he puts his hand up to keep me quiet. "You'll get to walk out of here. Empty-handed. But you must do everything I tell you to do. If you don't, the cops will be all over you like white on rice. You got it?"

"Yes. Yes, anything. I'll do anything, just please, don't call the cops." I imagined him having a little fun watching me jump up and down on one foot and making me caw like a chicken for a while. The whole thing would be chocked up to a really embarrassing life lesson and I'd get to live to talk about it.

"Very good." He grins rather mischievously, tossing his bangs out of his eyes. He points the gun at me with a hand and puts his two-way radio to his mouth with the other. "All I have to do is press this button and tell the guys what's going on, and you're toast, so you'd better cooperate."

"No problem, man. What do you want me to do??" I fold my hands on my lap nervously.

"Come closer. Nuh-uh, stay on your knees. C'mon, I want you to reach over and unzip my pants."

"What?? Dude, are you crazy? No way!" I begin to shake noticeably, knowing exactly what's coming next.

"Come in, base, base, come in."

A fuzzy response comes in almost immediately. (bzzzt) "Talk to me, Briggs. Que' Pasa?'

"Alright, alright, Jesus fucking Christ…alright…" I swallow hard, reaching over to grab the zipper to his uniform pants with both hands.

Briggs just smiles cockily. "Everything's cool in my wing, base. Just checking in." He glances down at me as I slowly drag the zipper down to reveal a pair of white briefs.

(bzzzt) "Cool beans, Briggs. Be sure to buzz in if you find anything."

"No problem, base. Over and out." Briggs clips the radio to the back of his belt and runs his hands through my messed up hair. "You're real cute, you know that?" I blink at him a few times, not knowing how to respond. "You know what to do. Take out my cock and suck it. If I feel teeth, you'll feel lead."

"Please, Briggs…I don't know how to…"

"Shut the fuck up and stuff it in your mouth, pretty boy." He grabs a fistful of hair from the back of my head and uses it to guide his rock-solid prick past my trembling lips. I give a muffled groan of protest and he responds by pushing his aching member deeper into my mouth. "Oh yeah, that's it. Suck it, bitch." He yanks my hair back to make me withdraw, then pushes it in again, deeper still this time. He repeats this process over and over until I almost gag on the sheer length of it. He thrusts that huge cock in and out of my mouth about halfway on a steady basis.

I keep my hands on either side of its base to keep him from pushing it in too deep. He goes to push it in deeper, and I push against him with my hands. "Oh fuck no, bitch. You do what I want, remember?" He pulls out of my mouth completely and grabs his handcuffs from his belt, tossing them to me. "Cuff yourself to the handrail, bitch. Do it!" He presses the barrel of his gun into the side of my head. Shaking like a leaf, I handcuff one of my wrists to the hallway handrail. Warm tears begin flowing down my cheeks, compounding to my humiliation.

"That's it. Now get the fuck back to work on my dick." He yanks me by my hair violently back to his crotch and I waste no time getting his wet, hard member back into my mouth. "Yeah, bitch. That's the enthusiasm I wanna see. Now suck on it hard." I do my best, grabbing onto the railing with my bound hand and onto his one hip to keep myself steady while he uses my hair to pound his meat deep into me rapidly. I suck on it, sobbing and whimpering against it until I can't seem to keep good friction with my lips anymore. At this point, he begins slowing down and finally, he slides it out and I gasp for breath, panting and sobbing uncontrollably.

"What the fuck are you, some kind of little pussy?" He backhands me across the face, hard. I collapse into a trembling ball against the wall with my arm hanging limply from his cuffs. I close my eyes tight, forcing the rest of the tears out and onto my cheeks. I hear him struggle with his belt and then his pants. Then, I feel his grab me by my hair once again, lifting me into a standing position by it. He isn't holding his gun anymore. He feels up and down my lean body, as though looking for something. "How the fuck do you get this shit off??" He grunts rudely, grabbing a fistful of my ass with one of his huge hands and cupping my semi-hard cock with the other.

"Th-there's a…z-z-zipper in the back…" I stammer out, trying not to sob too loudly. Without another word, he finds it and unzips it, pulling my suit down past my bare shoulders, off my arms and down to my trembling knees. He then drags my boxer-briefs down as well, exposing my bare ass.

"You know what's coming next, bitch, don't you?" It was more of a degrading comment than a question. He loved knowing how scared and humiliated I was, and I was plenty of both. He pushes my chest into the wall and hunches me over just a little bit, squeezing my ass cheeks with both hands, grabbing them and twisting them until they hurt. I yelp out in pain and it seems to get him going. He grinds his steely rod in between my ass cheeks, groping my naked hips urgently. "Oh god, I can't fucking take this anymore. I'm gonna bend you over and fuck you now, bitch. I'm gonna fuck you so god dammed hard, you're gonna taste my jizz when I pump a load full of it up that tight ass of yours!"

"Briggs…please, don't do this!" I cry out vainly in my last, pathetic attempt at protest.

He just grunts at me and pushes my face up against the wall. "That's it, bitch, beg. Beg me not to violate that tight, virgin hole. C'mon, louder. Beg me louder, bitch!"

"Please!" I say it a little louder, sobbing terribly. "Please don't fuck me, Briggs, I beg you…have some pity on me…please!" I suddenly feel him rubbing the tip of his cock against the opening of my hole and then this rush of warm drool coating my ass, his cock and dripping down my thighs.

"Keep on begging me, bitch. Louder!" His labored breath beats against my shoulders and the back of my neck. I feel him rubbing his crown into the drool, working it into my virgin pucker. On instinct, my free hand grips onto my own fully erect cock, working it dry-handed to keep my mind from the unbearable pain I know is coming.

"Ohhhh god, Briggs, no! No, please don't take me like this! Don't hurt me, please, Briggs! I can't take it!" Before I know it, the entire head of his dick is buried deep inside me, and I feel it burn and twitch as it continues to thrust forward deeper still into me. Another stream of hot saliva hits the base of his cock, splashing onto my ass as he slowly works that into me. The more he drools, the less his member burns, and the harder my own member gets.

"Yeah, bitch, keep talking! Keep begging me as I spear my cock into your tight, hot hole! Tell me how much it's hurting you, you little fucking pussy! C'mon, cry like the little whimpy slut you are!" He finishes those words by pushing the rest of it into me in one smooth thrust, burying it all the way to its hilt. I whimper out loudly, my cuffed hand gripping onto the railing to keep from screaming.

"Ahh! Oh my god, it hurts so bad! Please stop, Briggs, it's killing me!" The more I cry and beg, the more passionate his pumping becomes. "Please, stop! Please!" I lean my head against the wall for balance. My free hand jerking away at my own cock, the piss slit overflowing with pearl-white precum. It feels as though I'm about to pass out. His thrusts become smoother as I feel his own hot precum leaking out into me, slicking up my canal. He grabs my ass cheeks with both hands and pulls them apart, working his cock not as deep, but a lot faster. The more he works it like that, the more precum is released from both of our pricks, and the more I was beginning to enjoy this.

He reaches over and grabs a firm hold of my balls with a hand. It hurts a little, and I groan out loudly. "You gonna cum from this, bitch? Huh? You gonna cum from me fucking you up your ass like this?" He spears into me deeper, and I cry out frantically each time he does it, pumping my throbbing shaft more vigorously than before. "What the hell kind of ass slut shoots his load off while getting his virgin ass raped??" He's not massaging my balls more than gripping them, which is getting me all the more close to orgasm. I slow down my thrusts, not wanting him to be right about me, but I was so aroused, I was afraid I might not even need to jerk off to ejaculate.

His pulsating cock was completely lubed now, and sliding in and out of my stretched hole effortlessly. His fingers massage and grope my raised balls, mercilessly trying to keep me aroused and at the brink of orgasm. My groans of protest have been completely replaced by moans of pleasure now, and I'm barely even trying to hide it. He uses his index finger and thumb to grip tightly around the base of my cock to keep me rock hard and to milk out whatever precum was left in my shaft. He's fucking me fast again, his bloated cockhead ramming violently in and out of my violated ass, and I'm just short of moaning and crying out for more. His fingers tickle up my tortured shaft, teasing the head, taunting it, trying to urge the cum out of it. "Please don't make me cum, Briggs! Oh god, please, I can't cum like this! I won't!"

"You can and you will, and you know why, bitch? Because you love this! Don't you?? You want more of this! You're gonna meet me here tomorrow night right here so I can give you more of the same, right bitch??" Just as he says this, he uses my precum to rub right under my inflamed cockhead, using the other hand to massage my balls as he thrusts his crown rapidly in and out of me. Just then, whatever control I once had, I lose it. My balls rise up and I feel my hot overworked prick shoot tons of thick ropes of semen all over the walls. I groan out gutterally as I grip onto the railing, thrusting my ass back onto his thick shaft, pumping him with my ass as I ride out what has to be the most amazing orgasm I've ever had in my entire life.

"YES! Ohhhh god, YES!!" I cry out as I pump my ass back onto his dick. "Fuck me, Briggs, FUCK ME!"

"Oh yeah, bitch! Look what kind of ass whore you've become! Mmmm, oh god. You keep that up and I'll dump my hot load deep inside your tight ass!"

"Give it to me, please, Briggs, I need it!" At this point, I'm holding one of my ass cheeks open for him, reveling in the feeling of his thick rod disappearing inside my sore ass.

"Oh my god, keep working me, here I cum, in your tight, virgin ass!" He grabs both of my hips and thrusts his cock deeper inside me than it's ever been, and I cry out in a mix of pain and pleasure as he grunts out loud, spilling white hot cum inside me, and spilling more and more into me with each passionate thrust. After he finishes, he keeps it in me for a few moments before slowly pulling out.


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